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该文提出一种不受历史预报档案资料多少限制的集成预报方法。这个方法的基本思想是以各种不同预报的历史评分资料为基础,确定各个预报方法的权重。根据若干原则设计了16种预报方案。计算结果表明,这个方法具有较高的准确度和可行性,可以用于业务预报。  相似文献   
石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定土壤样品中痕量镉   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董丽  沈谷苗 《江苏地质》2004,28(1):42-44
研究了土壤样品中痕量镉的石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定最佳条件以及磷酸二氢铵与硝酸镁作基体改进剂对测定镉的基体改进效应,并比较了两种试样分解体系。方法检出限为0.01pg/L,精密度(RSD,n=8)为3.29%-7.69%,经国家一级标准物质分析验证,结果与标准值符合。  相似文献   
岩石锚杆基础抗拔承载力计算方法探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
岩石锚杆基础作为架空输电线路塔基中的一种特殊基础型式,可以充分发挥原状岩体的力学性能,具有良好的抗拔性能。根据目前岩石锚杆基础原型试验的结果,《架空送电线路基础设计技术规定》中所推荐的单锚基础抗拔承载力计算模型中,理想45?破坏模式与实际不符,按其设计计算值偏差较大,可能导致设计成果不安全。为此,依据极限平衡原理基于围岩强度建立了较为合理的抗拔承载力计算模型,力学推导得出了相关公式,并进行了简化。通过推导公式计算值与实测值、设计值对比验证可知,抗拔承载力极限值位于 ~ 区间内,与推荐公式 的计算值一致性较好,能满足工程应用精度,具有可行性。  相似文献   
除砷技术现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着除砷技术的发展,生物法和硫化法等除砷技术已应用于工业除砷,混凝法、离子交换法和直接沉淀法等除砷技术在废水除砷中也已广泛应用。在综述了近年来除砷技术在工业中和含砷废水处理上的应用后,对其中各种技术进行了分析,并对我国除砷技术的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
根据1957与1982年两个时期的地形图并结合1995与2008年的遥感卫星影像提取城镇建设用地专题信息,利用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区城镇建设用地数据库,采用分形维度的计算方法,对广佛都市区城市蔓延的情况进行测度和分析.结果表明广佛都市区三个发展阶段城镇建设用地面积增长速度并不均匀,具有加速发展的特点.四个测度年份的分形维数分别为1.6454,1.6285,1.5586和1.5270,均在1~2之间,分形维数呈递降趋势,总体下降了0.1184,城市发展模式由紧凑型逐渐向松散型演变,存在城市蔓延情况,而且城市发展模式以年均0.14%的速度从紧凑型向松散型演变.广佛都市区城市蔓延的地域分异较为明显,具有较强的空间集聚性和中心向心性,广州和佛山毗邻地区以及中心城区是城市蔓延的活跃区和集中区,1982-1995年间研究区内蔓延速度比1995-2008年间要快.通过深入分析发现,经济快速发展、城市人口的持续增长、交通道路网络的建设是广佛都市区快速扩张和城市蔓延的基本动力因素之一,开发区土地扩张,进一步加剧了无序扩张和城市蔓延.  相似文献   
The wind-induced responses of a large-scale membrane structure, Expo Boulevard, are evaluated in this study. To obtain the wind pressure distribution on the roof surface, a wind tunnel test is performed. A brief analysis of wind pressure on the membrane roof is conducted first and then an analysis of the wind-induced responses of the structure is carried out using a numerical integral method in the time domain. In the process of calculation, the geometrical nonlinearity is taken into account. Results indicate that mean, RSM and peak values of the structure responses increase nonlinearly while the approaching flow velocity increases. Strong nonlinear characteristics are observed in the displacement responses, whereas the responses of nodal stress and cable axial force show minimal nonlinear properties when the membrane structure is subjected to wind loads. Different values of the damping ratio only have a minimal impact on the RSM response of the structure because the background component is a dominant part of the total dynamic response and the resonant component is too small. As the damping ratio increases from 0.02 to 0.05, the RMS responses of vertical displacement, nodal stress and cable axial force decrease by 8.1%, 6.7% and 17.9%, respectively. Since the mean component plays a significant role in the wind-induced response, the values of the gust response factor are not high for Expo Boulevard.  相似文献   
王坤  关新平  丁喜峰  乔杰敏 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6859-6863
研究Duffing振子系统的周期解的唯一性与精确周期信号的获取方法. 应用定性分析方法,获得了一类Duffing振子系统具有唯一周期解的必要条件,同时也得到了一类更广泛的非线性周期系统的周期解的唯一性.在一定条件下,给出了Duffing振子系统精确周期信号的获取方法.  相似文献   
A transversely isotropic multi‐layered half‐space, with axis of material symmetry perpendicular to the free surface, supports a flexible either annular or solid circle foundation. The contact area of the foundation and the half‐space is considered to be both frictionless and tensionless. The foundation is assumed to be affected by a vertical static axisymmetric load. Detailed analysis of the interaction of these two systems with different thickness of layers is the target of this paper. With the use of ring load Green's functions for both the foundation and the continuum half‐space, an integral equation accompanied with some inequalities is introduced to model the complex BVP. With the incorporation of ring‐shape FEM, we are capable of capturing both regular and singular solution smoothly. The validity of the combination of the analytical and numerical method is proved with comparing the results of this paper with a number of benchmark cases of both linear and nonlinear interaction of circular and annular foundation with half‐space. Some new illustrations are presented to portray the aspect of the anisotropy and layering of the half‐space. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study,the detention rate of detention pond was defined to include both reduction and delay of peak flow.Flood routing experiments,with various combinations of inflow hydrographs and outlet devices in an in-site detention pond,were performed to examine the effectiveness of two analysis methods,namely the simplified method and the hydrological routing method;and to compare the detention rate of two types of outlet,namely the rectangular sharp-crested weir and the rectangular orifice.Comparison between...  相似文献   
针对导航星座自主运行期间因缺乏外部基准而导致自主定轨结果不能得到有效评估的问题,提出一种基于Bayes理论的自主定轨结果评估方法。一方面充分考虑定轨误差的先验统计特性,以提供先验位置基准;另一方面以卡尔曼滤波中定轨协方差的迹作为定轨URE的表征量,解决了自主定轨中对定轨误差没有观测信息的问题。利用自主定轨的仿真数据对该方法进行验证,结果表明,对于单颗卫星,在24 d内,由该方法得到的URE估计误差不超过±0.5 m,验证了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
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