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Geomorphic mapping in the upper Conejos River Valley of the San Juan Mountains has shown that three distinct periods of aggradation have occurred since the end of the last glacial maximum (LGM). The first occurred during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition (~ 12.5–9.5 ka) and is interpreted as paraglacial landscape response to deglaciation after the LGM. Evidence of the second period of aggradation is limited but indicates a small pulse of sedimentation at ~ 5.5 ka. A third, more broadly identifiable period of sedimentation occurred in the late Holocene (~ 2.2–1 ka). The latest two periods of aggradation are concurrent with increases in the frequency of climate change in the region suggesting that Holocene alpine and sub-alpine landscapes respond more to rapid changes in climate than to large singular climatic swings. Soil development and radiocarbon dating indicate that hillslopes were stable during the Holocene even while aggradation was occurring in valley bottoms. Thus, we can conclude that erosion does not occur equally throughout the landscape but is focused upslope of headwater streams, along tributary channels, or on ridge tops. This is in contrast to some models which assume equal erosion in headwater basins.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans and debris cones link two zones of the fluvial system (e.g. hillslope gully systems to stream channels; mountain catchment sediment source areas to main river systems or to sedimentary basins) and therefore have important coupling or buffering roles. These roles may be both functional and preservational. The functional role includes debris‐cone coupling, which controls sediment supply from hillslope gully systems to stream channels, influencing channel morphology. Coupling through larger alluvial fans, expressed by fanhead trenching, causes a distal shift in sedimentation zones, or when expressed by through‐fan trenching, causes complete sediment by‐pass. The preservational role stems from the fact that fans and cones are temporary sediment storage zones, and may preserve a record of source–area environmental change more sensitively than would sediments preserved further downsystem. Fan coupling mechanisms include distally‐induced coupling (basal scour, ‘toe cutting’, marginal incision) and proximally‐induced coupling (fanhead and midfan trenching). These mechanisms lead initially to partial coupling, either extending the immediate sediment source area to the stream system or shifting the focus of sedimentation distally. Complete coupling involves transmission of sediment from the feeder catchment through the fan environment into the downstream drainage or a sedimentary basin. The implications of coupling relate to downstream channel response, fan morphology, sedimentation patterns and vertical sedimentary sequences. Temporal and spatial scales of coupling are related, and with increasing scales the dominant controls shift from storm events to land cover to climatic and base‐level change and ultimately to the relationships between tectonics and accommodation space. Finally, future research challenges are identified. Modern dating techniques and sophisticated analysis of remotely sensed data can greatly improve our understanding of fan dynamics, and should lead to better cross‐scale integration between short‐term process‐based approaches and long‐term sedimentological applications, while maintaining high quality field‐based observations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
There are a number of techniques for estimating the amount of weathering a clast has undergone. These usually have the objective of establishing an ordinal chronology of geomorphological surfaces, or investigation of site-specific conditions affecting weathering rates. Three such techniques are applied to a dated sequence of alluvial fan segments in southern Tunisia. Two of these techniques depend on measuring surface roughness (the micro-roughness meter and a displacement approach) and one uses the structural weakening of the rock fabric (Schmidt hammer). The micro-roughness meter enables calculation of standard deviation of surface height variation, root mean square roughness and surface autocorrelation function. Of these techniques, Schmidt hammer rebound values, standard deviation, root mean square roughness and the displacement technique show systematic changes on the three fan segments which are statistically significant at the 0·05 level. However, the amount of variance in all datasets is very large, indicating the need for caution in application of these techniques for relative dating. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Aerial thermal imaging is used to study grain-size distributions and induration on a wide variety of alluvial fans in the desert southwest of the United States. High-resolution aerial thermal images reveal evidence of sedimentary processes that rework and build alluvial fans, as preserved in the grain-size distributions and surface induration those processes leave behind. A catalog of constituent sedimentary features that can be identified using aerial thermal and visible imaging is provided. These features include clast-rich and clast-poor debris flows, incised channel deposits, headward-eroding gullies, sheetflood, lag surfaces, active/inactive lobes, distal sand-skirts and basin-related salt pans. Ground-based field observations of surface grain-size distributions, as well as morphologic, cross-cutting and topographic relationships were used to confirm the identifications of these feature types in remotely acquired thermal and visible images. Thermal images can also reveal trends in grain sizes between neighboring alluvial fans on a regional scale. Although inferences can be made using thermal images alone, the results from this study demonstrate that a more thorough geological interpretation of sedimentary features on an alluvial fan can be made using a combination of thermal and visible images. The results of this study have potential applications for Mars, where orbital thermal imaging might be used as a tool for evaluating constituent sedimentary processes on proposed alluvial fans.  相似文献   
The Bolokonu-Aqikekuduke fault zone(Bo-A Fault)is the plate convergence boundary between the middle and the northern Tianshan. Bo-A Fault is an inherited right-lateral strike-slip active fault and obliquely cuts the Tianshan Mountains to the northwest. Accurately constrained fault activity and slip rate is crucial for understanding the tectonic deformation mechanism, strain rate distribution and regional seismic hazard. Based on the interpretation of satellite remote sensing images and topographic surveys, this paper divides the alluvial fans in the southeast of Jinghe River into four phases, Fan1, Fan2, Fan3 and Fan4 by geomorphological elevation, water density, depth of cut, etc. This paper interprets gullies and terrace scarps by high-resolution LiDAR topographic data. Right-laterally offset gullies, fault scarps and terrace scarps are distributed in Fan1, Fan2b and Fan3. We have identified a total of 30 right-laterally offset gullies and terrace scarps. Minimum right-lateral displacement is about 6m and the maximum right-lateral displacements are(414±10)m, (91±5)m and(39±1)m on Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b. The landform scarp dividing Fan2b and Fan3a is offset right-laterally by (212±11)m. Combining the work done by the predecessors in the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains with Guliya ice core climate curve, this paper concludes that the undercut age of alluvial fan are 56~64ka, 35~41ka, 10~14ka in the Tianshan Mountains. The slip rate of Bo-A Fault since the formation of the Fan2b, Fan3a and Fan3b of the alluvial-proluvial fan is 3.3~3.7mm/a, 2.2~2.6mm/a and 2.7~3.9mm/a. The right-lateral strike-slip rate since the late Pleistocene is obtained to be 3.1±0.3mm/a based on high-resolution LiDAR topographic data and Monte Carlo analysis.  相似文献   
Alluvial fans are potential sites of potable groundwater in many parts of the world. Characteristics of alluvial fans sediments are changed radially from high energy coarse-grained deposition near the apex to low energy fine-grained deposition downstream so that patchy wedge-shaped aquifers with radial heterogeneity are formed. The hydraulic parameters of the aquifers (e.g. hydraulic conductivity and specific storage) change in the same fashion. Analytical or semi-analytical solutions of the flow in wedge-shaped aquifers are available for homogeneous cases. In this paper we derive semi-analytical solutions of groundwater flow to a well in multi-zone wedge-shaped aquifers. Solutions are provided for three wedge boundary configurations namely: constant head–constant head wedge, constant head–barrier wedge and barrier–barrier wedge. Derivation involves the use of integral transforms methods. The effect of heterogeneity ratios of zones on the response of the aquifer is examined. The results are presented in form of drawdown and drawdown derivative type curves. Heterogeneity has a significant effect on over all response of the pumped aquifer. Solutions help understanding the behavior of heterogeneous multi-zone aquifers for sustainable development of the groundwater resources in alluvial fans.  相似文献   
选择西安临潼-长安断裂带上韩峪乡范家村剖面的一个典型崩积楔样品进行测试.用3种不同的释光测试方法测出了9个不同的年龄数据.根据地层信息和矿物的释光生长曲线确定只有采用混合矿物简单多片再生法、纯石英矿物简单多片再生法以及纯石英矿物单片再生法的光释光测年法所得结果更接近于崩积楔的真实年龄.这些断层崩积楔年龄接近于围岩的形成...  相似文献   
In the periglacial unconsolidated sediment landscape of Zackenberg in High Arctic NE Greenland, perennial and seasonal snowpatches dominate the geomorphological development in large areas and control the distribution of the vegetation. The existence and distribution of snowpatches and their associated landforms are mainly controlled by the dominating winter wind direction and the amount of snow precipitation, with aspect exerting much less influence. This makes them an important source of information on past environmental change, and knowledge of the combination of geomorphological processes and forms that result from their existence is thus essential. The main nivation processes are backwall failure, sliding and flow, niveo-aeolian sediment transport, supra- and ennival sediment flows, niveo-fluvial erosion, development of pronival stone pavements, accumulation of alluvial fans and basins, and pronival solifluction. The importance of failure, sliding and flow in the continuous retrogressive extension of nivation hollows and niches is emphasized under the term backwall failure. A morphological assemblage of landforms clearly demonstrates the direct nival sediment transfer link between the eroded nivation hollows, their associated meltwater eroded channels and the pronival alluvial fans or basins. All landform elements and their formative processes are integrated into a comprehensive model. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Morphometric variables associated with 41 debris‐?ow and 18 ?uvial fans and their basins in the Southern Alps of New Zealand are examined. The results show statistically signi?cant differences in the area, maximum elevation, relief and ruggedness (Melton's R) of the basin and the area, gradient, and apex and toe elevations of the fan between debris‐?ow and ?uvial sites. Concavity of the fan longitudinal pro?le also differs between the two fan types, although this could not be tested statistically. Most of these morphometric differences re?ect differences in processes and environmental controls on them. Discriminant analysis indicates that basin area and fan gradient best differentiate the two fan types by process. Moderately strong correlations exist, on both debris‐?ow and ?uvial fans, between basin area or Melton's R and fan area. Correlations between basin area or Melton's R and fan gradient are generally weaker. The results of this study also indicate that on debris‐?ow‐prone fans the fan gradient and basin Melton's R have lower thresholds which overlap little with upper thresholds associated with basins where only stream?ow reaches the fan. These thresholds may therefore have value in preliminary morphometric assessments of debris‐?ow hazard on fans in the Southern Alps. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
五道梁-曲麻莱断裂系位于青藏高原中部,关于其晚第四纪活动性迄今鲜有介绍。由高分辨率卫星影像解译和野外地质考察可知,断裂系西段由五道梁南山北缘断裂和五道梁南山南缘断裂组成,二者分别断错了五道梁南山两侧的各级洪积扇。通过洪积扇上的断错地貌分析和光释光测年方法得到南缘断裂缩短速率为(0.25±0.11)mm/a,北缘断裂缩短速率为(0.50±0.05)mm/a。基于经验公式和最新洪积扇上陡坎高度,推测南、北缘断裂可能曾发生7.2~7.4级地震,大震复发周期长达8 000余年;如果陡坎高度由2次古地震事件叠加形成,则可能发生6.9~7.1级地震,全新世中期以来大震复发周期可能为2 000~3 000年。  相似文献   
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