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Abstract The high-grade metamorphic rocks of southern Brittany underwent a complex tectonic evolution under various P-T conditions (high-P, high-T), related to stacking of nappes during Palaeozoic continentcontinent collision. The east to west thrusting observed in the whole belt is strongly perturbed by vertical movements attributed to the ascent of anatectic granites in the high-T area. The field reconstruction of subvertical, closed elliptical structures in gneisses and migmatites, associated with the subhorizontal, doubly radial pattern of stretching lineation in the mica schists, suggests the existence of an elliptical diapiric body buried at depth beneath the present erosion level. Deformation is associated with a complex P-T evolution partly recorded in aluminous gneisses (kinzigites, e.g. morbihanites). A chronology of successive episodes of mineral growth at different compositions is established by detailed studies of the mineral-microstructure relationships in X-Z sections, using the deformation-partitioning concept (low- and high-strain zones). Several thermometric and barometric calibrations are applied to mineral pairs either in contact or not in contact but in equivalent microstructiiral positions with respect to the deformation history. This methodology provides a continuous microstructural control of P-T variations through time and leads to three P-T-t-d paths constructed from numerous successive P-T estimations. Path 1 is a clockwise retrograde path preserved in low-strain zones, which records general exhumation movements after crustal thickening. Paths 2 and 3 are clockwise prograde/retrograde paths from high-strain zones; they are interpreted and discussed in the light of models of crustal anatexis and upward movement of magma (diapirism). Deformation and P-T effects induced by diapirism can be distinguished from the general deformation-metamorphic history of a belt, and would seem to be produced during a late stage of its history. The present microstructural-petrological approach to defining successive mineral equilibria in relation to progressive deformation steps provides a far more accurate evaluation of the metamorphic evolution than is possible by ‘standard’thermobarometry.  相似文献   
Systematic mapping of a transect along the well-exposed shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario, combined with the preliminary results of structural analysis, geochronology and metamorphic petrology, places some constraints on the geological setting of high-grade metamorphism in this part of the Central Gneiss Belt. Correlations within and between map units (gneiss associations) have allowed us to recognize five tectonic units that differ in various aspects of their lithology, metamorphic and plutonic history, and structural style. The lowest unit, which forms the footwall to a regional decollement, locally preserves relic pre-Grenvillian granulite facies assemblages reworked under amphibolite facies conditions during the Grenvillian orogeny. Tectonic units above the decollement apparently lack the early granulite facies metamorphism; out-of-sequence thrusting in the south produced a duplex-like structure. Two distinct stages of Grenvillian metamorphism are apparent. The earlier stage (c. 1160–1120 Ma) produced granulite facies assemblages in the Parry Sound domain and upper amphibolite facies assemblages in the Parry Island thrust sheet. The later stage (c. 1040–1020 Ma) involved widespread, dominantly upper amphibolite facies metamorphism within and beneath the duplex. Deformation and metamorphism recently reported from south and east of the Parry Sound domain at c. 1100–1040 Ma have not yet been documented along the Georgian Bay transect. The data suggest that early convergence was followed by a period of crustal thickening in the orogenic core south-east of the transect area, with further advance to the north-west during and after the waning stages of this deformation.  相似文献   
西天山艾肯达坂组火山岩系同位素定年及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
西天山艾肯达坂地区较好发育了艾肯达坂纽红色陆相火山岩建造.它不整合在下石炭统大哈拉军山组之上,未经变形和变质,属于陆陆碰撞晚期的橄榄安粗岩系,其年龄确定是厘定从碰撞造山向陆内构造演化的关键。因此,通过16件新获得的钾氩年龄测值,确定艾肯达坂组火山岩系形成在260Ma~270Ma之间,属早二叠世,而不是过去认为的石炭纪;西天山的陆陆碰撞应在二叠纪末结束,此后进入陆内造山阶段。  相似文献   
We report U–Pb dates and Lu–Hf isotope data, obtained by LAM-ICPMS, for zircons from metamorphic rocks of the Setesdalen valley, situated in the Telemark block south of the classic Telemark region of southern Norway. The samples include infracrustal rocks from the metamorphic basement, metaigneous rocks and metasediments from the Byglandsfjorden supracrustal cover sequence, and metaigneous rocks which intruded the whole succession. The main crustal evolution took place from 1,550–1,020 Ma, beginning with the emplacement of juvenile tonalitic melts; the contribution of older crustal material increased with time. Around 1,320 Ma, further addition of juvenile material occurred, involving both mafic and felsic melts, metamorphism and deformation. Acid magmas with high FeO*/MgO were intruded at 1,215 Ma, coinciding with underplating elsewhere in South Norway. The period starting at 1,215 Ma is represented by supracrustal rocks, principally metarhyolites with minor mafic material and immature sediments of the Byglandsfjorden Group. The crust generation processes ended with the intrusion of diorites and granodiorites at 1,030 Ma, late in the Sveconorwegian orogeny. Regional processes of metamorphism and deformation (around 1,290 and 1,000 Ma) can be related to the assembly of Rodinia. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
松潘- 甘孜造山带巨厚的三叠系复理石沉积盖层给探讨其基底性质、俯冲- 碰撞过程和深部岩浆作用增添了难度,使得带内广泛出露的花岗质岩体和少量镁铁质岩体成为解开松潘- 甘孜造山带构造演化谜团的重要研究对象。锆石U- Pb定年结果表明道孚花岗闪长岩形成于223. 5~217. 4 Ma,炉霍二长岩结晶年龄为219. 4 Ma,辉长岩为218. 9 Ma,均属于晚三叠世岩浆活动的产物。化学成分研究结果表明,花岗质岩石都表现出I型花岗岩特征,其中炉霍二长岩具有较高的Ba、Sr含量,相对较高且均一的εHf(t)值(-3. 69~-1. 65),表明其可能来源于富集玄武质新生下地壳的熔融。道孚花岗闪长岩具有分散的εHf(t)值(-13. 51~0. 41),野外和地球化学特征指示其形成于幔源熔体与古老壳源熔体的混合。辉长岩在微量元素蜘蛛图上具有类似的模式,不同程度富集Ba、Sr、Pb、Th和U元素,出现Nb、Ta、Ti元素亏损,具有岛弧玄武岩的特征,来源于流/熔体交代的地幔楔部分熔融。综合区域已有资料,我们对甘孜- 理塘洋的演化历史提出新的认识,认为甘孜- 理塘洋不仅仅存在向南俯冲的可能性,同时也具有北向俯冲的历史,晚三叠世道孚- 炉霍岩浆岩的形成受控于甘孜- 理塘洋向北边松潘- 甘孜地块俯冲的背景之下。  相似文献   
The post-collisional late Hercynian Tanncherfi intrusive complex (TIC) is part of a widespread intrusive episode in the Moroccan Meseta. The complex contains a wide range of rock types, from monzogabbros to monzogranites. Two distinct magmatic series are recognized: (1) a potassic (shoshonitic) series consisting of monzogabbros, quartz monzonites and monzogranites; and (2) a sodic (granodioritic) series represented by quartz monzodiorites and granodiorites. All the Tanncherfi plutonic rocks display similar spider-diagram profiles, with LILE and LREE enrichment and Nb, Ta, Ti depletion, which are typical of subduction-related magmas. Combined major, trace element compositions and Sr, Nd isotopic results indicate that the two series have been derived from a LILE- and LREE-enriched continental lithospheric mantle source, under different partial melting and/or depth conditions. Intrusion of the Tanncherfi rocks was not temporally related to subduction and the enrichment of their source is likely to be linked to preceding subduction events. The two series evolved by fractional crystallization, of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, K-feldspar and accessories (Fe–Ti oxide minerals, titanite, apatite and zircon) for the potassic series while the sodic series combined fractional crystallization with assimilation of felsic magmas with lower Sr isotopic ratio than the more mafic term of the series, the quartz monzodiorite. The intrusion of the potassic magmas (344±6 Ma) marks a major change in the tectonic regime of eastern Meseta. These magmas intruded during post-thickening uplift and extension, both probably favored by convective thinning of the lithosphere. This model provides a reasonable mechanism for the genesis of other Hercynian intrusive complexes in Morocco.  相似文献   
晚三叠世—早侏罗世,基墨里大陆和泛华夏陆块与欧亚大陆的碰撞,形成了4000 km 长的基墨里造山带。位于三大陆之间、现今青藏高原北部的松潘 甘孜地体的造山属性的确定,对于探索松潘 甘孜锂矿链的成因有重要意义。松潘 甘孜地体西部和北部的早侏罗世陆相火山岩、底砾岩和煤系地层(~201 Ma)不整合在晚三叠世褶皱地层及花岗岩体之上,为晚三叠世—早侏罗世的基墨里造山时限提供了直接证据。松潘 甘孜地体中的甲基卡、可尔因、扎乌龙和白龙山 大红柳滩等稀有金属矿集区具有共同特征:赋存在由核部高分异S型花岗岩和幔部中晚三叠世浊积岩组成的片麻岩穹隆构造中、经历了巴罗 巴肯变质作用、含锂伟晶岩脉侵位在花岗岩体上部的伸展空间。通过对松潘 甘孜地体区域地质调查和对矿集区的变质、变形、岩浆和成矿作用及同位素年代学研究,提出该地体经历晚三叠世—早中侏罗世的基墨里造山过程:① 230~220 Ma:地壳缩短和加厚阶段,以盖层大规模强烈褶皱、逆冲带,盖层与基底之间向南的滑脱变形为特征,伴随深熔和巴罗式变质作用;② 220~190 Ma:地壳减压折返阶段,大量花岗岩侵位在中晚三叠世浊积岩中、形成片麻岩穹隆并伴随巴肯式变质作用。由于花岗质岩浆的高度分异及岩浆不混溶作用,导致侵位在片麻岩穹隆顶部伸展空间的伟晶岩稀有金属富集成矿。此外,伟晶岩型锂矿科学钻探(JSD)揭示了甲基卡矿集区多层次穹状花岗岩席控制含锂伟晶岩脉的成矿机制,推测大规模中下地壳基底深熔驱动岩浆上升,岩浆体沿上地壳中的构造面推叠形成岩席。  相似文献   
Abstract: The Maoniuping REE deposit is the second largest light rare earth elements deposit in China, explored recently in the northern Jinpingshan Mountains, a Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic belt in southwestern China. It is a vein-type deposit hosted within, and genetically related to, carbonatite-alkalic complex. Field investigation and new geochemical data of the carbonatites from the carbonatite-alkalic complex support an igneous origin for the Maoniuping carbonatites and related REE mineralization. Carbonatite itself carries rare earth elements which were enriched by hydrothermal solution.
It is known that most of the REE deposits related to carbonatite-alkalic complexes were formed in relatively stable tectonic setting such as cratonic or rifting environment. The Maoniuping deposit, however, was formed during the processes of Cenozoic orogeny. Although the Maoniuping deposit is located in the north sector of the Panxi paleo-rift zone, the rift had been closed before early Cenozoic and evolved into an intracontinental orogenic belt, i.e., the Jinpingshan Orogen, which was formed since later Mesozoic to early Cenozoic. Geochronological and geochemical data also prove that the Maoniuping REE deposit was formed in an intracontinental orogenic belt instead of rift system or stationary block.
The Maoniuping REE deposit is similar to the Mountain Pass REE deposit in many respects such as the high contents of bastnaesite and barite, the low content of niobium, and the common occurrence of sulfides. The discovery of the Maoniuping deposit and other REE deposits during the past two decades suggest a good potential for prospecting REE deposits along the alkalic complex belt located on the eastern side of the Qinghai–Xizang–West Sichuan Plateau.  相似文献   
M. Santosh  K. Sajeev   《Lithos》2006,92(3-4):447-464
We report three new localities of corundum and sapphirine-bearing hyper aluminous Mg-rich and silica-poor ultrahigh-temperature granulites formed during Late Neoproterozoic-Cambrian times within the Palghat–Cauvery Shear Zone system in southern India. From petrologic characteristics, mineral chemistry and petrogenetic grid considerations, the peak metamorphic conditions of these rocks are inferred to lie around 950–1000 °C (as suggested by Al in orthopyroxene thermometer) at pressures above 10 kbar (as indicated by the equilibrium orthopyroxene–sillimanite–gedrite ± quartz assemblage). These rocks preserve several remarkable reaction textures, the most prominent among which is the triple corona of spinel–sapphirine–cordierite on corundum, with the whole textural assembly embedded within the matrix of gedrite, suggesting the reaction: Ged + Crn = Spl + Spr + Crd. The formation of sapphirine–sillimanite assemblage/symplectite associated with relict corundum and porphyroblasitc cordierite is explained by the reaction: Crd + Crn = Spr + Sil. The association of sapphirine cordierite symplectite with gedrite–sillimanite assemblage as well as with aluminosilicate boundaries indicates the gedrite consuming reaction: Ged + Sil = Spr + Crd. Extensive growth of sapphirine–cordierite observed on the rim of gedrite porphyroblasts with spinel occurring as relict inclusions within the sapphirine indicates the reaction: Ged + Spl = Spr + Crd. The pressure–temperature (PT) path defined from the observed mineral assemblages and reaction texture is characterized by anticlockwise trajectory, with a prograde segment of initial heating and subsequent deep burial, followed by retrograde near-isothermal decompression. Such an anticlockwise trajectory is being reported for the first time from southern India and has important tectonic implications since these rocks were developed at the leading edge of the crustal block that was involved in collisional orogeny and subsequent extension during the final phase of assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent. We propose that the rocks were subjected to deep subduction and rapid exhumation, and the extreme thermal conditions were attained either through input from underplated mantle-derived magmas, or convective thinning or detachment of the lithospheric thermal boundary layer during or after crustal thickening.  相似文献   
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