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基于日常活动空间的社会空间分异研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
社会空间分异是城市社会学与城市地理学的经典研究议题,也是当前中国社会所面临的现实问题,在大量理论与实证研究的支撑下,形成了从居住空间出发的经典研究范式。而在人类移动性不断增强、居民活动日趋多样化的背景下,传统的研究范式显得静态和片面,难以反映社会空间分异与隔离问题的全貌,因此有必要从居民的日常活动空间出发探讨社会空间分异问题。国际学者们从不同视角出发对该议题进行了探索,本文对已有研究进行了梳理和述评,将已有研究总结为基于活动空间的群体分异与交往、个体活动空间的时空分异、社会空间分异的动态变化三种类型;并以时空间行为研究的理论和方法论为基础,从基于人的空间研究范式出发,构建“人群—活动空间—社会空间”基于活动空间的社会空间分异研究框架;尝试推进社会空间分异研究范式的多元化,从以人为本的立场出发理解城市空间和城市中的人。  相似文献   
“中国生态大讲堂”(China Ecological Forum, CEF)是一个中国生态学领域的综合学术论坛;它以“传播新知识,交流新思想,展示新成果”为宗旨,举办系列学术讲座、春冬季专题研讨会、高级研讨班以及焦点论坛等学术交流活动。自2005年创办以来,“中国生态大讲堂”已经组织了100期主题演讲和12次大型学术研讨会、6次专题研讨会、2次高级研讨班,成为广大科研人员进行学术交流的重要平台。迄今,已有300人次的知名科学家、中青年学者在大讲堂作了学术讲演,其中150人次是来自国外研究机构的知名学者。从近年来演讲的主题来看,“气候变化与生态系统适应性”、“生态系统评估和管理”和“生态系统服务”等是生态学研究的热点问题。自2009年以来,根据“中国生态大讲堂”研讨会整理出版的《中国生态大讲堂系列丛书》已经出版了5本,涵盖了当前生态学研究的主要领域及其关键科学问题,反映了当代生态学研究的科学前沿。本文通过对“中国生态大讲堂”讲座和研讨会主题的梳理,探讨了近年来生态学研究前沿领域和热点问题,希望能为中国生态系统研究者提供参考。  相似文献   
Community engagement curricula and course design can provide substantial experiences for both community members and participating students. Using a case study approach, this research focuses on four steps in this process: initial community relationship forming, engaging in community service, transitioning to civic engagement, and developing a community-based research program. Narrative examples from student course evaluations position these community-based experiences as transformative for multiple parties. Institutional structures are presented as helpful entrees to engagement for students, while noting that community relationships provide contextualized, powerful, and meaningful relationships, supporting recommendations for emerging and existing community engagement programs.  相似文献   
论文运用文献调研法与归纳推理法重点梳理社会—生态系统结构的类型、特征与发展趋向,并开展网络化建模的新探索,旨在归纳社会—生态系统研究热点。综述表明,社会—生态系统研究涵盖状态、过程和响应3个基本面,状态层面的结构研究揭示了社会—生态系统结构特征与要素间作用机理,并形成了“层次式”“综合交互式”“平衡式”“协同式”“点轴网络式”“开放空间式”6种基本结构类型,但仍需引入新的结构建模思想拓宽这一方向的研究路径。论文探索性地提出了社会—生态系统六边形循环网络结构,阐明社会—生态系统是由双链嵌套循环运转的网络结构,系统性地回答了“社会—生态系统由哪些要素构成、要素之间呈现怎样的关联特征,最终形成的系统结构运行原理如何”3个基本问题。六边形循环网络遵循“点—线—网格—网络”的建模过程以及要素流组网嵌套循环原理,启示实现可持续发展应协调好社会与生态子系统之间的平衡关系。面对人地关系问题更加综合化、复杂化以及不确定性增强等趋势,论文认为社会—生态系统结构研究未来应在理论、方法和应用3个方面突破,理论上增强多学科理论融合与支撑,方法上增强多类型建模互鉴与创新,应用上增强多领域服务拓展与推广。  相似文献   
Adaptive co-management and the paradox of learning   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
Much emphasis has been placed on the importance of learning to support collaborative environmental management and achieve sustainability under conditions of social–ecological change. Yet, on-going struggles to learn from experience and respond to complex social–ecological conditions reflect an emerging paradox. Despite widespread support of learning as a normative goal and process, core concepts, assumptions and approaches to learning have been applied in vague and sometimes uncritical ways. Greater specificity with respect to learning goals, approaches and outcomes is required. In response to this gap, we examine five dimensions of the learning paradox in the context of adaptive co-management, where the learning and linking functions of governance are stressed: (i) definitions of learning; (ii) learning goals and expectations; (iii) mechanisms by which learning takes place; (iv) questions regarding who is involved in the process of learning; and (v) the risks and ethical ambiguities faced by different actors expected to willingly participate in a learning process, whether formal or informal. Lessons from experience with a series of cases from the global North and South illustrate the implications of these dimensions. Resolving the dimensions of this learning paradox will require greater attention to capacity-building, recognition of the role of risk, and consideration of how incentives could be used to encourage learning. Further consideration of the role of power and marginality among groups participating in the learning process is also needed, as is more systematic evaluation to monitor and measure learning outcomes.  相似文献   
Pernille Schiellerup 《Area》2008,40(2):163-171
An account is given of a research project with particular attention to the place of data analysis and interpretation. It shines some light into what often remains the black box of qualitative research practice, the mysterious process of generating a research narrative based on the data. The paper provides other apprentice researchers with an insight into what the data analytical experience can be like, warts and all. It raises issues to do with qualitative data analysis, the use of CAQDAS, grounded theory, the relationship between the narratives of the researcher and the researched, and about the training of qualitative researchers.  相似文献   
This paper presents group research as a potentially powerful research tool for cultural geographers interested in the ways knowledge is produced at the interpersonal level. I argue that groups can create unique research spaces that incorporate 'sociality', the everyday social norms, logics and languages that guide ordinary conversations, into the research agenda. By concentrating on these discursive norms, insights can be obtained into the ways that knowledge is negotiated, produced and constrained in different places. To demonstrate the value of group research, a case study involving Australian environmentalists is analysed, to show how forests are constructed, contested and naturalised within this particular subculture. The article concludes by emphasising the importance of group research to critical geographers interested in social empowerment and change.  相似文献   
The public's willingness to engage in mitigation actions has not received as much attention as the level of belief in Global Warming (GW), especially on the international stage. Research in Western nations indicates that people systematically misunderstand GW and the actions required for mitigation. Important factors that influence judgments about mitigation actions include personal experiences, beliefs, knowledge, values, and worldviews. We present results of an international survey (25 samples from 24 countries) measuring general intentions to act and willingness to engage in specific actions. Our analysis reveals that endorsement of specific actions is (a) lower than general endorsement of mitigation, (b) accompanied by higher intra-individual variance, and (c) more strongly related to personal experiences with GW. This pattern can be attributed to the compatibility between the proximal construal of specific actions and the nature of the personal experience. Lastly we provide recommendations on how these findings can be used to encourage mitigation action.  相似文献   
西南低涡研究综述   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
何光碧 《气象》2012,38(2):155-163
西南低涡是影响我国降水的重要天气系统之一。最初对于西南低涡的研究可以追溯到20世纪40年代前后。文章主要回顾近半个世纪以来有关西南低涡活动及结构特征,西南低涡形成维持机制,西南低涡发展东移机制等方面的研究成果。在此基础上,指出研究存在的不足,如对西南低涡的云系特征和雷达回波特征的认识,不同尺度系统之间的相互作用对西南低涡发生发展的影响,大气边界层过程如何影响西南低涡发生发展,西南低涡活动异常机理的研究等,以便进一步深入开展西南低涡的研究,提高对此类天气影响系统的认识。  相似文献   
基于观测系统能力分析和审查工具(OSCAR)选取各气象应用领域对地面观测要素的需求指标,对遵义市地面自动气象观测站网现状进行评估分析,提出相应规划思路,旨在提高地面自动气象站网优化布局,推进气地面象观测业务的高质量发展。  相似文献   
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