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利用常规气象观测资料、区域自动气象站加密观测资料和GFS 0.25°×0.25°逐6 h的分析场数据以及多普勒雷达、风廓线等资料,通过背景形势场分析、物理量诊断分析和中尺度分析,对2018年3月4日发生在华东地区的强飑线天气过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明,这次过程具有发生时间(季节)早、移速快、范围广、致灾强等特点,是一次比较少见的早春(冬末)十分强烈的飑线天气过程,是在高空急流辐散区、低空西南急流轴前端、低涡南侧的暖区中发展起来的。飑线过程的地面要素变化十分剧烈,地面有强冷池,与飑线前暖空气之间构成了强的水平温度梯度,致使飑线强度更强;飑线经过时气压涌升所形成的雷暴高压、强气压梯度以及飑线的快速移动均有利于地面极端大风的出现。飑线发展过程中观测到弓形回波、超级单体等强天气系统。中高层动量下传和光滑湖面、喇叭口、狭管效应等特殊地形对于大风的增强效应比较显著,这些因素也加剧了地面极端大风的形成。   相似文献   
A spatial and temporal variation in physiochemical parameters in the southeastern Yellow Sea(YS) is investigated in the spring and summer of 2009 to 2011.Nutrient show a strong negative relationship with chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration in spring,and the subsurface chlorophyll a maxima(SCM) layer was associated with the nitracline in summer.In summer,the SCM was usually found within or above the pycnocline and at the depths of shoals from the open sea to the coastal sea due to tidal and/or topographical fronts in the southernmost study area.High Chl a concentrations were found in the central southern YS,where the YS cold water layer expanded under the pycnocline and encountered water masses during spring and summer.After a typhoon in the summer of 2011,Chl a concentration increased,especially in the central southern YS,where cold waters occurred below the pycnocline.The results suggest that the development of thermohaline fronts may play an important role in the growth and accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in the upper layer of the southeastern YS during spring and summer.  相似文献   
This work offers a methodology based on statistical tools and GIS applications in a study of the adaptability of Opuntia to the environment, applied on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Detailed surveys of habitats containing naturalized populations of Opuntia spp. were made in order to select study sites. The topographic, soil and climatic features of these are described. The local biotypes are ascribed mainly to the spineless Opuntia ficus–indica (L.) Mill. and to the spiny Opuntia amyclaea Ten. Although introduced at different times, for different uses, they have adapted to the Sardinian environment and established in the wild. The distributions of the two species differed. The FloraMap® modelling approach was used to simulate Opuntia distribution as a function of the island's climate and produced individual distribution maps using the accession points for the two species. Our analysis showed that environmental conditions at elevations above 800 m are the main limiting factors for the presence and abundance of Opuntia in Sardinia. Spatial representation developed by GIS software indicated temperatures below 2 °C as the threshold impairing the species naturalized distribution. The statistic results also show that variation in rainfall does not affect Opuntia spatial distribution in Sardinia.  相似文献   
The development of the boundary layer during a cold air outbreak in the FramStrait is documented by aircraft measurements. The convection was organisedinto roll vortices with aspect ratios increasing from 2.9 near the ice edgeto more than 6 at 100 km further downstream. This increase coincides with anincrease of the latent heat release in the cloud layer. The stability parameter-zi/L varies from about zero at the ice edge to 30 at a distance of 200 kmdownstream over open water where the satellite picture still shows cloudstreets. The increase is mainly due to the deepening of the boundary layer.The turbulent vertical sensible and latent heat fluxes near the surface amountto 400 W m-2 within a 300 km off-ice zone. 25% of the upward heat fluxin the subcloud layer is carried out by organised roll motions. Experimentswith a 2-dimensional non-hydrostatic model show a similar roll aspect ratio inthe first 50 km, but further downstream where condensational heating is moreimportant the modelled roll wavelengths are distinctly smaller than the observedones.  相似文献   
利用FNL及常规资料,对比分析了2010年2月22—24日(过程Ⅰ)和2015年12月10—13日(过程Ⅱ)天山北坡2次暴雪过程。结果表明,暴雪区上空θse锋区陡立和条件性对称不稳定及次级环流是形成暴雪的主要机制。不同点是:过程Ⅰ暴雪产生在西西伯利亚低涡底部强锋区上,南北支短波槽汇合的区域,冷高压为西北路径;过程Ⅱ是乌拉尔山大槽东移北收,冷高压为偏西路径;2次过程在温压的时间演变上有显著的区别。在高低空配置上也有明显的区别:过程Ⅰ 500 hPa以下为暖平流,以上为冷平流,低层为暖湿结构;过程Ⅱ 700 hPa以下为冷平流,700—600 hPa为暖平流,低层有湿冷空气锲入。过程Ⅰ暴雪区位于θse锋区上,锋区低层强,中高层弱;过程Ⅱ暴雪区位于θse锋区中后部,锋区低层弱,中高层强。水汽输送和输入量及比湿过程Ⅰ大于过程Ⅱ。  相似文献   
The genesis of Lower Eocene calcite-cemented columns, “pisoid”-covered structures and horizontal interbeds, clustered in dispersed outcrops in the Pobiti Kamani area (Varna, Bulgaria) is related to fossil processes of hydrocarbon migration. Field observations, petrography and stable isotope geochemistry of the cemented structures and associated early-diagenetic veins, revealed that varying seepage rates of a single, warm hydrocarbon-bearing fluid, probably ascending along active faults, controlled the type of structure formed and its geochemical signature. Slow seepage allowed methane to oxidize within the sediment under ambient seafloor conditions (δ18O = − 1 ± 0.5‰ V-PDB), explaining columns' depleted δ13C ratios of − 43‰. Increasing seepage rates caused methane to emanate into the water column (δ13C = − 8‰) and raised precipitation temperatures (δ18O = − 8‰). Calcite-cemented conduits formed and upward migrating fluids also affected interbed cementation. Even higher-energy fluid flow and temperatures likely controlled the formation of “pisoids”, whereby sediment was whirled up and cemented.  相似文献   
基于雷达资料快速刷新四维变分同化(RR4DVar)初始化的三维数值云模式,利用京津冀6部新一代多普勒天气雷达和区域自动气象站观测资料,针对2013年7月4日出现在京津冀平原地区的中尺度对流系统(MCS),开展了数值临近预报试验。研究结果表明,充分考虑雷达观测信息的对流尺度数值临近预报具有很大的优势,但也存在不足:(1)模式能够较好地把握中尺度对流系统的组织发展和移动演变特征,对风暴回波带的走向和尺度特征有较好的预报,但对强回波的强度和位置预报存在一定偏差;(2)模式预报可以反映风暴系统的中小尺度扰动特征,对风暴冷池和出流边界(阵风锋)的发展变化均有较为合理的预报;(3)模式对强降水中心和雨带位置的预报有很大优势,能较好地预报弱降水雨带的分布形势和雨量,但对强降水落区的预报偏大;(4)模式对风暴造成的对流性强降水的预报准确率较高,对0.5—10 mm阈值的降水范围预报偏差比较合理,对10 mm以上降水范围的预报偏大,但是对弱降水风暴的弱回波较强回波的预报性能要好;(5)由于三维数值云模式对京津冀复杂地形的处理不够完善,对山前风场预报偏差较大,造成对山前风暴的发展演变和山前降水的预报偏差较大。  相似文献   
黄海冷水团演变过程及其与邻近水团关系的分析   总被引:43,自引:12,他引:43  
黄海冷水团是出现在黄海的一种独特的水文现象.文中利用覆盖整个黄海的GDEM三维水温资料,结合近期一些大型调查所获得的有关观测研究结果,首先较系统地分析了黄海冷水团的形成和演变过程,并对冷水团3个冷中心的季节演变提出了一些与前不同的认识.同时,通过对黄海冷水团形成、发展和消亡与该海域温跃层演变关系的分析,进一步揭示了黄海冷水团演变的机理.然后,探讨了黄海冷水团演变过程中与青岛和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水的关系.分析表明,在黄海冷水团发展的鼎盛时期,青岛冷水团和仁川东南海域冷水团以及东海北部底层冷水皆包络其中.  相似文献   
RegCM3模式对青藏高原温度和降水的模拟及检验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为了检验RegCM3区域气候模式对青藏高原地区的模拟能力,利用NCEP再分析资料和观测站点资料,采用三种不同的对流参数化方案,对青藏高原地区2006年夏季进行了模拟分析,并重点对温度和降水进行了细致的检验。结果表明:模式能较好地再现青藏高原地区大尺度的环流特征,具有对青藏高原地区的温度和降水分布特征的模拟能力;对于量值的模拟,三种对流参数化方案均模拟出了与实况温度一致的变化趋势,但均存在5~6 ℃的冷偏差;Grell方案模拟的降水量均大于实况,Kuo-Anthes方案对于高原地区的降水量的模拟较为接近于实况,但模式对降水量的模拟能力仍有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
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