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Posidonia oceanica (PO) is the most plentiful seaweed of the Mediterranean Sea, which grows all along the coastal areas, forming widespread meadows. The leaf rejuvenation process of Posidonia oceanica typically occurs in fall when an increase in wave action causes the dead seaweeds to be transported and usually piled up along the coastal areas. This paper investigates the effect of PO ash stabilization on behaviour of an expansive clay. The ash was obtained by combustion of crushed PO pieces in a muffle furnace at 550°C. Atterberg limits, linear shrinkage, particle size distribution, one-dimensional swell, and unconfined compression tests have been carried out on natural soil as well as soil mixtures with 5% and 10% PO ash. There has been no significant improvement in the soil properties with 5% ash inclusion, whereas 10% ash has noticeably reduced the swell amount and increased the compressive strength. It is therefore concluded that there is a potential for the use of PO ash in geotechnical engineering applications.  相似文献   
Karstic bauxite deposits are widespread in Central Guizhou Province, SW China, and high-grade ores are frequently sandwiched with overlying coal and underlying iron-rich layers and form a special “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. The Lindai deposit, which is one of the most representative karstic bauxite deposits in Central Guizhou Province, was selected as a case study. Based on textural features and iron abundances, bauxite ores in the Lindai deposit are divided into three types of ores, i.e., clastic, compact, and high-iron. The bauxite ores primarily comprise diaspore, boehmite, kaolinite, illite, and hematite with minor quartz, smectite, pyrite, zircon, rutile, anatase, and feldspar. The Al2O3 (53–76.8 wt.%) is the main chemical contents of the bauxite ore samples in the Lindai district, followed by SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, MgO, S, and P etc. Our geological data on the Lindai deposit indicated that the ore-bearing rock series and its underlying stratum have similar rare earth elements distribution pattern and similar Y/Ho, Zr/Hf, and Eu/Eu1 values; additionally, all ore-bearing rock samples are rich in MgO (range from 0.16 wt.% to 0.68 wt.%), and the plots of the dolomites and laterites lie almost on or close to the weathering line fit by the Al-bearing rocks in Zr vs. Hf and Nb vs. Ta diagrams; suggesting that the underlying Middle Cambrian Shilengshui Formation dolomite is the parent rock of bauxite resources in the Lindai district.Simulated weathering experiments on the modern laterite from the Shilengshui Formation dolomite in the Lindai bauxite deposit show that hydrogeological conditions are important for karstic bauxite formation: Si is most likely to migrate, its migration rate is several magnitudes higher than those of Al and Fe under natural conditions; the reducing inorganic acid condition is the most conducive to Al enrichment and Si removal; Fe does not migrate easily in groundwater, Al enrichment and Fe removal can occur only in acidic and reducing conditions with the presence of organic matter.The geological and experimental studies show that “coal–bauxite–iron” structure in Lindai deposit is formed under certain hydrogeological conditions, i.e., since lateritic bauxite or Al-rich laterite deposited upon the semi-closed karst depressions, Si can be continuously removed out under neutral/acidic groundwater conditions; the coal/carbonaceous rock overlying the bauxitic materials were easily oxidized to produce acidic (H2S, H2SO4, etc.) and reductant groundwater with organic materials that percolated downward, resulting in enrichment of Al in underlying bauxite; it also reduced Fe3+ to its easily migrating form Fe2+, moving downward to near the basal carbonate culminated in precipitating of ferruginous (FeS2, FeCO3, etc.) strata of the “coal–bauxite–iron” structure. Thus, the bauxitic materials experienced Al enrichment and Si and Fe removal under above certain hydrogeological conditions forming the high-quality bauxite.  相似文献   
From 2012 to 2013, heavy haze frequently hit Beijing in spring and winter. The fine atmospheric particulates can be inhaled by people, and remain in the respiratory tract and lung for quite a long time. The heavy metal elements in the particles are harmful, and even carcinogenic to human bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to master the geochemical characteristics and the temporal and spatial distribution of the heavy metal elements in atmospheric particles. The atmospheric particulates (TSP/PM10/PM2.5) were collected by using TH1500C intelligent medium volume (80~120 L/min) air samplers in the five functional areas and suburbs of Beijing, respectively in January 2013 (heating period) and April 2013 (non-heating period). The five functional areas were: building materials factory area, residential area, education area, business area and recreation area, each functional area having three sampling sites, and five in suburbs. The sampling height was 1.5 m above the ground and the distance of the sampling sites to roads exceeded 50 m so as to avoid excessive impact of vehicle exhaust emissions. These samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer(ICP-OES)and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer (AFS), by which 21 elements including Al, Fe, Mn, As, Hg, Cd, Cr were tested. Based on the comparisons of the concentration and element content variation of atmospheric particulates of these functional areas in and after the heating period, the spatial distribution of atmospheric particulates and the influence of coal combustion on the concentration and composition of atmospheric particulates were revealed. The elements sources of atmospheric particulates were also discussed by computing the enrichment factor of the elements, providing a scientific basis for the air contaminant treatment in Beijing. The results showed that the total concentration of the 21 elements of PM10 and PM2.5 in the functional areas of Beijing in winter was higher than that in spring, the most marked among them being the business area. In winter, the concentration of pollution elements in the building materials factory area and the business area in Beijing was extremely high, and the residential area, education area, recreation area and suburbs where people live were much better, among which the education area was the best. The concentration change of particulates in suburbs was quite smaller in winter and spring than that of the urban area. It also showed that the concentrations of Cd, Cr, As and Hg in PM10 increased by 233%,306%,298%,141%,respectively and the increase in PM2.5 was 442%、309%、310%、256%, respectively. These abovementioned elements show a tendency to accumulate mainly in PM2.5 whose concentrations in winter were significantly higher than those in spring. It indicates that coal heating during winter makes great contributions to the polluting elements in atmosphere and the main polluting particulates are Cd, As and Hg.  相似文献   
The deterioration of sediments is a serious environmental problem. Controlling nutrient release fluxes from sediments is important to alleviating eutrophication and to reducing terrigenous nutrient loads. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the phosphate removal performance of granulated coal ash (GCA) from seawater, which is produced from coal thermal electric power generation. Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the removal kinetics of phosphate from seawater under both oxic and anoxic conditions. Phosphate was removed well from seawater under both oxic and anoxic conditions. The adsorption isotherm for phosphate revealed that GCA could remove phosphate effectively from seawater above a concentration of 1.7 μmol L−1. GCA can reduce the concentration of phosphate in seawater effectively under anoxic conditions where iron type adsorbents cannot be applied. Therefore, GCA could potentially be used to adsorb phosphate in the organically-enriched sediment, which generally occurs under highly reductive conditions.  相似文献   
Most of the ash produced all over the world is primarily disposed off by wet disposal method onto the ash ponds, which are occupying huge valuable lands. This disposal problem can be minimized by utilizing ash in large geotechnical earthworks. However, its use in earthquake prone areas requires thorough understanding of its liquefaction resistance and nature of development of excess pore pressures under dynamic loading conditions. Investigations have been carried out in this paper on the liquefaction behaviour of pond ash by conducting cyclic triaxial tests on inflow and outflow ash samples collected from two different ash ponds. Distinctly different liquefaction phenomenon was observed for the ash samples from inflow and outflow points of the same ash pond. Inflow samples exhibited higher cyclic resistance than outflow samples and their strengths were comparable with the natural sands. Further studies revealed that the influence of various factors on liquefaction susceptibility of both the types of ashes is similar to that of natural sands.  相似文献   
膨胀土胀缩变形规律与灾害机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用普通固结仪和收缩仪分别进行蒙自重塑膨胀土浸水膨胀变形试验和膨胀土失水收缩变形试验,系统地研究了不同初始状态下膨胀土胀缩变形规律与致灾机制,并应用Does Response模型,定量模拟了膨胀土胀缩时程规律。研究表明,蒙自膨胀土胀缩变形差异较大,一般吸水膨胀率远大于失水收缩率,相似状态下试样膨胀系数越大,收缩系数亦越大,表现出较强的各向异性;膨胀土含有的大量细小黏土颗粒与较强的蒙脱石晶体矿物及显著的微结构特征,是其产生强烈胀缩变形灾害的内因与本质,而土中发育的微孔隙-裂隙结构及其初始状态,是发生胀缩变形灾害的外因。  相似文献   
张龙  孙德安  刘月妙 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3447-3454
对两种高庙子钠基膨润土(简称GMZ001和GMZ07)在不同初始干密度下进行膨胀力试验、常压力下的膨胀变形试验以及压缩试验。试验结果表明,GMZ001的膨胀能力要比GMZ07的大,并且GMZ001比GMZ07更难压实。对饱和后两种膨润土进行压汞试验和扫描电子显微镜测试后发现,在相同孔隙比下,GMZ07集聚体间孔隙较多,并且GMZ001集聚体的水化程度大于GMZ07。结合土工和微观试验的结果,认为导致两者力学性能差异的主要原因是由于颗粒粒径大小的差异以及蒙脱石含量的不同。最后利用蒙脱石孔隙比的概念对两种膨润土的浸水膨胀试验结果进行归一化,并对膨润土的膨胀特性进行了预测。  相似文献   
杨绍萍  丁坚平  曹兴民 《地下水》2009,31(6):103-104,182
在对毕节地区煤矿开采现状调查的基础上,探讨煤炭开采对地下水环境的影响,分别从水资源量减少、水质污染、含水层水位变化三个方面进行论述,并指出由此引发的相关的问题,最后提出了煤矿开采区保护水环境、防止水环境恶化的建议。  相似文献   
对煤和干酪根结构的认识得益于技术和方法的不断创新。基于各种方法,先后建立了多个煤和干酪根的结构模型,但至今没有得到普遍认可。原子力显微镜(AFM)可以实时、实空间、原位成像,可以观察单个原子层的局部表面结构,直接观察表面缺陷、表面重构、表面吸附体的形态和位置以及表面扩散等动态过程。在对图像的分析中,AFM超越了传统仪器单纯平面成像的功能,可提供样品表面动态三维图像和用于分析的定量化信息。通过纳米技术,实现了原子级的分辨率的观察,揭示了煤和干酪根聚集态分子和纳米级孔隙的形态、大小、结构及相互间的空间排列特征,显示出在煤和干酪根结构研究中的巨大潜力。纳米技术为煤和干酪根结构的基础研究工作拓展了新的途径,也为非常规油气的勘探开发和煤炭的二次转化研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
以贵州六枝特区兴旺煤矿地表塌陷为例,采用概率积分法作为地表移动及变形预测的模式,选取下沉系数、主要影响角、主要影响半径和水平移动系数为地表移动参数,计算得出井田开采后地表最大下沉值为1425.3mm,影响面积约1.85km^2。并比较说明除移动参数外各类煤柱的留设也是其中需要考虑的因素。  相似文献   
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