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Preliminary study on weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
South China is the largest continuous distribution area of carbonate rock in the world. The origin of the soils over the bedrock carbonate rock has long been a controversial topic. Here further exploration is made by taking five soil profiles as examples, which are developed over the bedrock dolomitite and limestone and morphologically located in upland in karst terrain in the central, west and north Guizhou as well as west Hunan, and proved to be the weathering profiles of carbonate rock by the research results of acid-dissolved extraction experiment of bedrock, mineralogy and trace element geochemistry. Field, mineralogical and trace element geochemical characteristics of weathering and pedogenesis for carbonate rock are discussed in detail. It is pointed out that weathering and pedogenesis of carbonate rock are important pedogenetic mechanisms for soil resources in karst area, providing a basis for further researches on the origin of soils widely overlying bedrock carbonate rocks in South China. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 498330003) and National Key Basic Research Project (Grant No. 95pre-39).  相似文献   
南海尖峰海山多金属结壳地球化学   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
南海尖峰海山多金属结壳富含30多种元素,其锰铁矿物主要由钡镁锰矿,δ-MnO_2和FeOOH·xH_2O组成。与其它海区的结壳相比,尖峰海山结壳富含Cu、Ni、Ba、Zn、Pb等元素,而Co、Ti、稀土元素(REE)、Sr等元素相对较贫。研究表明,HREE亏损,具明显的Ce正异常,较明显的Tb正异常和Yb负异常。这是氧化弱碱性海洋环境所致。结壳是水成作用的产物,它的形成受南海独特的古海洋环境所控制,海底火山热液作用,可能也是影响因素之一。  相似文献   
綦村岩体是冀南邯邢地区典型的中生代高镁闪长岩杂岩体,主要由斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩、角闪闪长岩、闪长岩、二长岩和少量辉长岩组成。对綦村斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩进行了较为详细的成因矿物学研究,探讨了其成因及其地质意义。研究发现,綦村斑状黑云母角闪闪长岩中的角闪石多为镁铝钙闪石和镁角闪石;黑云母主要为富镁黑云母;斜长石发育环带结构,核部以中长石和拉长石为主,边部多为更长石。角闪石矿物温压计估算结果显示,角闪石斑晶的形成温度为930~970 ℃,压力介于300~340 MPa之间,深度10~15 km,氧逸度为ΔNNO+0.1~+2.3,平衡熔融体中的水含量4.8%~5.5%;与黑云母平衡的角闪石形成温度为684~760 ℃,压力降低至42~61 MPa,熔体中水含量降至3.1%~4.3%,氧逸度为ΔNNO+0.7~+2.4。黑云母温度计和氧逸度计获得的结果与角闪石温压计估算结果一致。该结果表明,研究区高氧逸度的铁镁质岩浆在中地壳曾经驻留,并发生了以角闪石为主的结晶分异,富含挥发分的分异岩浆在后期快速侵位形成高镁闪长岩和矽卡岩型铁矿。  相似文献   
Tabular steeply dipping cassiterite‐bearing lodes in the Mount Wells region are hosted by lower greenschist fades metasediment of the Pine Creek Geosyncline within the contact aureole of late orogenic granitoids. The latter are predominantly I‐type, but S‐type phases are developed near the sediment‐granitoid contact.

Quartz, cassiterite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are the main minerals. Two types of lodes are present: (i) Sn‐quartz lodes containing 5–10 vol% sulphide minerals; and (ii) Sn‐sulphide lodes containing ~ 70 vol% sulphide minerals. At the surface, the former appear as normal quartz veins and the latter as hematite‐quartz breccia resulting from the collapse of original sulphide‐rich lodes as a consequence of volume reduction due to oxidation and leaching.

Two stages of quartz veining are recognized in both types of lodes. Cassiterite is present in stage I while stage II is composed of barren quartz with minor pyrite. Late stage III carbonate veinlets are present in Sn‐sulphide lodes. The lode‐wallrock contact is sharp with weak alteration effects confined to the fringe of the lodes. The alteration minerals include sericite, quartz, tourmaline, chlorite, pyrite and minor K‐feldspar.

Four types of fluid inclusions are present in vein quartz and cassiterite: Type A (CO2 ± H2O ± CH4); Type B (H2O+~ 20% vapour); Type C (H2O+ < 15% vapour) and Type D (H2O+ < 15% vapour + NaCl). Early ‘primary’ inclusions represented by Types A and B are present in stage I only and have a well‐defined temperature mode at ~300°C and a salinity range of 1–20 wt% eq NaCl. Types C and D inclusions are ‘secondary’ in stage I and primary in stage II and have a temperature mode at 120–160°C and salinities from about 1 to more than 26 wt% eq NaCl. Variable H2O‐CO2 ratios of Type A inclusions and homogenization in CO2 or H2O phase at near identical temperature indicate entrapment at the H2O‐CO2 solvus and define a pressure of ~ 100 MPa. The melting sequence of frozen inclusions suggests that the ore fluids were mainly H2O‐CO2‐CH4‐Na‐Ca‐Cl brines. This is also confirmed by Raman Laser Spectrometry.

Oxygen and sulphur isotope data are consistent with a magmatic origin of the ore fluids. The δD values are up to 20%0 higher than those expected for magmatic fluids and probably resulted from interaction of the latter with the carbonaceous strata. This interpretation is supported by δ13C data on the fluid inclusion CO2.

Fluid inclusions, stable isotope and mineralogical data are used to approximate the physico‐chemical parameters of the ore fluids which are as follows: T 300°C, m Cl~2, fO2 ~ 10‐35, mSS ~ 0.01, Sn ~ 1 ppm, Cu ~ 1 ppm and pH ~ 5.5.

It is suggested that fluids of granitic parentage interacted with the enclosing sediment and picked up CO2, CH4 and possibly Ca. The granitic phases became reduced due to this interaction and developed S‐type characteristics. Tin was probably partitioned into the CH4‐bearing reduced fluids. At some stage the fluid overpressure exceeded the lithostatic lode enforcing failure of the carapace and the intruded rocks by hydraulic fracturing causing CH4 and CO2 loss resulting in the precipitation of the ore minerals.  相似文献   
福建漳州复式岩体磁铁矿的成因矿物学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
严炳铨 《福建地质》1993,12(1):1-16
漳州花岗岩岩基共分两期七次(Ⅰ-Ⅶ)侵入,是中国东南沿海燕山晚期有代表性的大型复式岩体。笔者对区内各类花岗岩磁铁矿作了较深入的矿物学工作,包括晶出产状、晶体形态、X射线衍射、红外谱学、化学成分及稀土元素地球化学等方面的研究。本文重点论述磁铁矿的标型特征及成因意义,并提出区分不同成因花岗岩类岩石磁铁矿矿物学的判别标志,结合副矿物组合及岩石化学特点,对区内早、晚两期花岗岩类的成因分别判别为I型和A型花岗岩。  相似文献   
雷州半岛英峰岭剖面多期红土矿物学特征初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷州半岛英峰岭剖面多期红土矿物学特征初步研究*文国高文启忠朱照宇徐义芳(中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广州510640)关键词多期红土矿物学红土化雷州半岛我国南方热带-亚热带广泛发育的红土(包括红色风化壳和红色古土壤),记录了形成过程环境变迁的重要信...  相似文献   
自然重砂是地质体经自然风化、剥蚀、搬运、沉积等地质作用而分离出的单矿物(或矿物组合)。自然重砂矿物晶体由于仍然保留有许多矿物成因信息,包括颜色、形态、化学成分、物理性质和矿物组合等特征,因此常用于追溯源区地质体或者找矿勘查。这种方法被认为是一种经济实用的找矿方法——自然重砂测量。本文基于全国自然重砂找矿的数据资料,系统梳理了自然重砂的矿物类型、出现频率及其分布等特点,分析了自然重砂的矿物组合和成因矿物学特征,研究了自然重砂矿物的源区烙印、搬运距离及标型指示矿物组合特征,探讨了自然重砂成因矿物学研究意义及其找矿应用前景。自然重砂矿物的颜色、形态及内部结构依然保留着明确的成因矿物学信息:其颜色和晶体形态具有继承性而与其源区母体联系起来,体现源区母体的特性;其矿物组成可分出残余原生重矿物(包括造岩矿物、副矿物、矿石矿物等)和新生重砂矿物两个部分,如赤铜矿、孔雀石等反映着源区岩性体的成分或者赋存状态特征,其矿物组合也在很大程度上继承原生共生矿物而体现诸如有无矿化等意义;重砂颗粒的磨圆度、边界光滑性等表面特征反映搬运距离,有利于明确响应源区母体或者物源,而具有良好的找矿指示意义。  相似文献   
The Kapalagulu layered ultramafic and mafic intrusion is emplaced between the Paleoproterozoic Ubendian basement and overlying Neoproterozoic Itiaso Group metasedimentary rocks, located near the western shore of Lake Tanganyika. High-grade platinum group element (PGE) mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) is associated with chromitite and sulfide-bearing harzburgite within the southeastern extension of the intrusion, known as the Lubalisi Zone, which is covered by a layer of nickel-rich (0.2–2%Ni) laterite regolith that contains linear areas of PGE mineralization.In the Lubalisi Zone, the mineralization may be divided into several significant geometallurgical domains: (a) high-grade PGE mineralization (1–6 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with stratiform PGE reefs and chromitite seams within a harzburgite unit; (b) high-grade PGE mineralization (up to 12 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with small bodies and veins of nickel massive sulfide within harzburgite below PGE-bearing reefs and chromitite seams; (c) low-grade PGE mineralization (0.1–0.5 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with a sulfide-mineralized harzburgite unit above the PGE-bearing reefs; (d) laterite style residual PGE mineralization (0.2–4 g/t Pt + Pd + Au) associated with chromite concentrations in the saprolite and overlying red clay horizons of the laterite regolith; and (e) supergene Ni associated with the saprock and overlying saprolite clay.Mineralogical study of three samples from the PGE reef consisting of high grade PGE chromitite and harzburgite indicate that this mineralization will give a good metallurgical response to conventional grinding and floatation due to the relatively coarse-grained nature of the PGM (P80 from ∼37 to 52 µm), association with base metal sulfides, and unaltered gangue minerals (Wilhelmij and Cabri, 2016). In contrast, mineralogical and metallurgical study of the Ni and PGE mineralized laterite indicate that it cannot be processed using conventional mineral processing techniques but that a hydrometallurgical route should be used to recover the base and precious metals. Because any process is very much deposit-controlled, significant metallurgical and geometallurgical testing of mineralized samples, as well as pilot plant testing, will be required to arrive at feasibility studies.  相似文献   
为揭示黔北下石炭统含铝岩系的沉积环境,本文利用贵州遵义县后槽TC718剖面系统试样的粘土矿物进行X-射线衍射测试及特征分析.含铝岩系粘土岩与下伏桐梓组粘土页岩在矿物组合和成分上均有明显的差异,水云母的结晶度指数、开形指数在剖面纵向上有三个变化拐点一是含铝岩系与下伏桐梓组粘土页岩分界处;二是含铝岩系上、下段的接触带;三是含铝岩系顶部含炭质粘土岩出现的临界面.其变化特征表明,本区下石炭统含铝岩系粘土岩段为海相或海陆过渡相,铝质岩段为残积-坡积相,顶部为大陆湖沼相;下奥陶统桐梓组页岩段为海相.  相似文献   
对西昆仑普鲁新生代火山岩的矿物学进行了系统的研究。结果表明:该地区火山岩主要由橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石组成,并有少量的斜方辉石、黑云母、角闪石、碱性长石和铁钛氧化物。其矿物学特征指示了岩浆的性质有点类似于碱性岩浆,但与典型的碱性玄武岩又有明显的区别,属于橄榄安粗岩系列。利用橄榄石-熔体平衡原理估算了进入高位岩浆房中的熔体的MgO含量约为6.2%,Mg^#为0.57,说明其不是地幔熔融形成的原始岩浆,而是经历了深部岩浆房的分离结晶过程。由单斜辉石估算的高位岩浆房的深度约7~9km。岩浆在高位岩浆房中发生了较长时间的强烈分离结晶作用,分离结晶相主要为橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石以及少量的斜方辉石、黑云母、角闪石、碱性长石和铁钛氧化物。不同时期形成的铁钛氧化物指示了分离结晶过程由相对高温高氧逸度向相对低温低氧逸度演化。与此相对照的是岩浆在深部岩浆房中可能只发生了橄榄石和辉石等铁镁矿物的分离结晶作用,且分异作用时间较短。深部岩浆房可能存在于岩石圈地幔或壳幔过渡带中,岩浆由深部岩浆房上升到高位岩浆房中的过程是近绝热的,从浅部岩浆房到地表是快速上升的过程。  相似文献   
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