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The superimposed basin must have undergone the changes of regional stress field. Study on the nature and switch of regional stress field of superimposed basin is very useful to understanding its stress state and tectonic events during its formation and evolution. As sensitive markers of small stress changes, joint and shear fracture, characterized by consistency of orientation over wide area, can be used to reconstruct paleostress state and its evolution. Detailed observations and analysis on the orientations, geometrical patterns, sequences of joints and shear fractures and their chronological relation to faults and folds show that, the NEE-SWW systematic joints and NNW-SSE systematic joints developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are much more prominent than NW-SE systematic joints and shear fractures with different orientations. And the NWW-SEE and NW-SE systematic joints formed later than NEE-SWW systematic joints but earlier than shear fractures with different orientations. According to the relationships between joint and shear fractures and stress, the NEE-SWW systematic joints are inferred to result from lateral weak extension caused by the late Cretaceous regional uplift, while the NNW-SSE and NW-SE systematic joints are interpreted as syn-tectonic deformation relating to strong N-S compression in the Neogene. But some conjugate shear fractures occur probably due to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the Kuqa depression. At the beginning of the Neogene, the stress field changed and the maximal principal stress σ1 switched from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   
按照“构造控盆、盆控相、相控矿”的思路,对铅锌矿形成的沉积盆地、含矿建造、控矿构造、岩相古地理等成矿条件进行研究,分析成矿特点,总结成矿规律。灯影期在扬子西北缘川西式基底上发育北东向、北北东向同生断裂,形成近北东向次级盆地和台地,构成台-盆相间的构造格局,次级盆地为局限盆地潮下相带沉积,台地边缘斜坡出现滑塌砾屑白云岩,沿同生断裂运移的含矿热液流体在角砾状白云岩中聚集成矿。研究结果表明,灯影组铅锌矿成矿明显受盆地半活动类型基底、镁质碳酸盐岩台地中次级盆地、控制次级盆地的同生断裂等因素的控制。  相似文献   
古气候是影响陆相层序发育的一个重要因素,其周期性变化是源于天文旋回的驱动力(即米兰柯维奇假说)。米兰柯维奇天文旋回包括偏心率旋回、倾斜率旋回和岁差旋回,这几个轨道参数所驱动的古气候变迁,分别形成了周期为10万年(或40万年)、4万年及2万年的高频层序,即小层序组、小层序及小层单元,研究结果表明,泌阳断陷湖盆的高频层序是由地球轨道旋回所驱动的古气候周期性变迁所形成的。  相似文献   
基于SPOT 5图像的岩溶地貌单元自动提取方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对峰林、峰丛和岩溶洼地3者的地理特征和影像特征的研究,基于遥感图像本底值提出了能有效反映目标特征的遥感指数——植被指数、土壤亮度指数、图像主成分变换第1主成分值及地形数据等,并构建了遥感指数的集成计算法,建立了遥感自动提取模型.指数集成运算法能够有效地增大峰丛、峰林与其他地物之间的光谱差异,使这些岩溶地貌单元的灰度值高于其他地物,从而利于岩溶地貌单元提取阈值的自动选取.基于构建的遥感自动提取模型先提取了峰丛、峰林信息,并在此基础上提取了岩溶洼地信息.经实验研究表明,该方法具有较高的提取精度和效率.  相似文献   
遥感自动提取海岸线方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用遥感技术确定海岸线位置的问题受到关注由来已久,就其在国内外的研究现状做了介绍,利用小波边缘检测算子提取出黄河三角洲河口区2004年Landsat TM图像的海岸线位置;在分析小波算子与传统边缘提取方法相比的优点的同时,并就其存在的不足提出了今后的研究重点。  相似文献   
In order to acquire a better velocity structure of the crustal and uppermost mantle beneath Shanxi area, we obtain the group and phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of the periods 8s to 50s in Shanxi and adjacent area using ambient seismic noise recorded at 216 broad-band stations. All available vertical-component time series for 2014 have been cross-correlated to yield estimates of empirical Rayleigh wave Green's function. Group and phase velocity dispersion curves for Rayleigh wave are measured for each interstation path by applying frequency-time analysis. It describes finer velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in Shanxi, which reflects the geological structure characteristics at different depths. The resolution is within 50km and the resolution of part periods can reach 40km.The Rayleigh wave group and phase speed maps at short periods(8~18s and 10~22s)show clear correlations with shallow geological structures. Mountain areas on both sides of Shanxi depression zone show apparent high-velocity anomaly, except for low-velocity anomaly in the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen-Yuncheng Basin and Weihe Basin. Especially, the areas of Youyu County-Pianguan County-Kelan County-Shuozhou City and Jingle County-Lishi District of Lüliang City in Lüliang Mountains, and Yu County-Fuping County-Yi County and Yangcheng County-Licheng County in Taihang Mountains, present higher velocity anomaly. In addition, the velocity is lowest in the Weihe Basin, and the amplitude of low velocity decreases gradually from the south to the north of the basins in Shanxi, which probably is related to the process of gradual stretching and development of the Shanxi rift zone from the southwest to the northeast. The obvious velocity difference across the latitude of 38°N exists at 18~30s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps, which is probably related to the deep and shallow Moho depth variation in the south and north of Shanxi and the suture zone of ancient blocks including "hard" southern block and "soft" northern block. At the same time, the research result of receiver function reveals that partial melting of the lower crust occurs in the northern Taihang Mountains, while the southern section remains stable(Poisson's ratio is above 0.3 in the northern Taihang Mountains and 0.25~0.26 in the southern section). The phase velocity map at 30~50s period clearly shows NW velocity gradient belt, and the low velocity anomaly in the northeast side may be related to Cenozoic volcanism. Meanwhile, the eastern border of Ordos block is the western faults of central basins in Shanxi depression zone. However, some research results indicate that the above border is Lishi Fault in the surface, inferring that the Ordos block shows a shape of wide in the upper and narrow in the lower part from the surface to deep. The Datong volcanic area at 18~45s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps shows low velocity of trumpet shape from shallow to deep, related to the upwelling of hot material from lower mantle in the Cenozoic causing a large area of intense magmatic activity. It indicates the more specific upwelling channel of Datong volcanoes simultaneously.  相似文献   
运用区域地面地质、地震、钻测井等资料的综合分析,对库车坳陷中生界的盆地结构、构造样式、中生界各层序原始地层厚度和沉积相分布、古隆起形态、区域构造演化等方面进行研究,重建了库车坳陷中生代盆地构造古地理,并对盆地原型成因进行分析。库车坳陷残留中生界总体上为北厚南薄、北剥南超的地质结构,北部强烈角度不整合在南天山海西期褶皱带,南部微角度不整合面在寒武-奥陶系之上,南部边缘沿着温宿-西秋-牙哈古隆起有基底断裂活动。北部单斜带为冲积扇和辫状河三角洲,克拉苏构造带为深湖,南部沿着古隆起带为缓坡三角洲、浅湖。库车坳陷中生代原型盆地位于南天山海西期造山带和塔里木克拉通边缘过渡带之上,地壳均衡可能是盆地沉降的主要动力。南缘古隆起带在南天山洋扩张期为塔里木克拉通台地与被动大陆边缘的台地边缘,南天山洋闭合期为前陆隆起带,发育基底断裂和断块差异活动,在中生代有继承性活动,晚新生代新天山挤压隆升使古隆起带发生挤压变形,成为新天山逆冲变形造山楔的前锋。  相似文献   
通过对黔南坳陷和桂中坳陷的地层对比和分析,识别出了8种层序界面标志,共划分两个超(二级)层序SS1和SS2,并讨论了各体系域特征。在层序格架中对研究区内的储集体类型进行了总结,主要包括生物礁(滩)储集体、白云岩储集体和缝洞型储集体等3种类型。对层序格架中储集体的成因类型进行了总结归纳:有利的储集体主要有TST礁滩灰岩储集体、HST礁滩灰岩、白云岩储集体。  相似文献   
据丰谷地区须家河组的地表剖面、岩心和薄片、测井曲线及常规物性测试资料等的观察、对比分析,认为川西坳陷中段的丰谷地区上三叠统须家河组四段砂岩普遍具有低孔低渗、致密化强、超高压、岩性变化快、非均质性强等特点,但局部仍发育有孔渗性相对较好的层段.根据沉积作用及沉积相、成岩作用类型、构造作用方面来探讨丰谷地区须四段储层的特征及...  相似文献   
通过有机地化分析、全岩X衍射矿物分析、甲烷等温吸附及低压氮气吸附实验,本文对桂中坳陷环江凹陷上古生界页岩样品的孔隙结构及分形特征进行了研究.结果表明:研究区页岩总有机碳含量(TOC)平均为2.40%,热成熟度(Ro)平均为2.65%,处于过成熟演化阶段.页岩主要的矿物组成为石英和黏土.页岩的比表面积平均为5.86 m2/g,孔容平均为0.014 9 mL/g,平均孔径为11.2 nm.页岩中发育大量的中孔,主要呈两端开口的圆筒形孔或四边开放的平行板状孔.页岩中TOC含量和石英含量越多,微-中孔越发育、比表面积和孔容越大,而平均孔径则变小.通过Frenkel-Halsey-Hill (FHH)模型和氮气吸附实验数据计算得到孔隙表面分形维数D1(平均为2.428 4)和孔隙结构分形维数D2(平均为2.622 2),对应的相对压力(P/P0)分别是0~ 0.45和0.45 ~ 0.99.分形维数D1、D2随着比表面积、孔容的增加而增加,而平均孔径随着前者的增加而减小.分形维数D1、D2、TOC含量、石英含量和甲烷吸附量之间呈现较好的正相关性,但随着黏土矿物含量的增多而减小.分形维数D1与Langmuir压力存在弱负相关性,分形维数D2随Langmuir压力增大有变大的趋势.桂中坳陷西北部页岩分形维数越大,孔隙结构越复杂,其对天然气的吸附和存储能力越强.  相似文献   
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