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The Xinlu Sn‐polymetallic ore field is located in the western Nanling Polymetallic Belt in northeastern Guangxi, South China, where a number of typical skarn‐, hydrothermal vein‐type tin deposits have developed. There are two types of Sn deposits: skarn‐type and sulfide‐quartz vein‐type. The tin mineralizations mainly occur on the south side of the Guposhan granitic complex pluton and within its outer contact zone. To constrain the Sn mineralization age and further understand its genetic links to the Guposhan granitic complex, a series of geochronological works has been conducted at the Liuheao deposit of the ore field using high‐precision zircon SHRIMP U‐Pb, molybdenite Re‐Os, and muscovite Ar‐Ar dating methods. The results show that the biotite‐monzogranite, which is part of the Xinlu intrusive unit of the Guposhan complex pluton, has a SHRIMP U‐Pb zircon age of 161.0 ± 1.5 Ma. The skarn‐type ore has a 40Ar‐39Ar muscovite plateau age of 160 ± 2 Ma (same as its isochron age), and the sulfide‐quartz vein‐type ore yields an Re‐Os molybdenite isochron age of 154.4 ± 3.5 Ma. The magmatic‐hydrothermal geochronological sequence demonstrated that the hydrothermal mineralization took place immediately following the emplacement of the monzogranite, with the skarn metasomatic mineralization stage predating the sulfide mineralization stage. Geochronologically, we have compared this ore field with 26 typical Sn deposits distributed along the Nanling Polymetallic Belt, leading to the suggestion of the magmatic‐metallogenic processes in the Xinlu ore field (ca. 161–154 Ma) as a component of the Early Yanshanian large‐scale Sn‐polymetallic mineralization event (peaked at 160–150 Ma) in the Nanling Range of South China. Petrogenesis of Sn‐producing granite and Sn‐polymetallic mineralization were probably caused by crust–mantle interaction as a result of significant lithospheric extension and thinning in South China in the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   
层状云的雨滴谱分档数值模拟研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
通过建立雨滴分档模式,结合部分观测资料,对中国北方常见的三类典型层状云系:强锋面抬升层状云系、气旋尺度辐合层状云系及弱锋面抬升层状云系的云中水成物总比含水量、降水强度及地面雨滴谱进行了数值模拟,并与观测值进行了比较分析。结果表明,雨滴分档模式较一般使用的单参数Marshall-Palmer(M-P)分布的参数化模式更能反映雨滴的自然演变特征。  相似文献   
气流的垂直分布对地形雨落区的影响   总被引:43,自引:6,他引:43  
孙继松 《高原气象》2005,24(1):62-69
从大气运动的基本方程出发,讨论了华北地区太行山东侧低空东风气流背景下不同垂直分布气流对降水落区的影响。认为:当垂直于山体的气流随高度减小时,地形的作用表现为迎风坡上水平辐合,造成气旋式涡度增加,产生风场切变,因此对迎风坡降水产生明显的增幅作用。当气流的垂直分布随高度增加时,迎风坡方向表现为反气旋涡度增强,而在背风坡方向产生辐合作用,造成气旋式涡度增加,发生风场切变。  相似文献   
选取中国东北区域162个气象站1961—2015年地面气温资料,采用多种统计方法分析了近55 a东北地区气温的一致性和局地性演变特征。结果表明:东北地区年平均气温存在较为良好的空间一致性,"全区一致型"气候类型为东北地区最主要气候形态;第一旋转载荷向量时间系数呈上升趋势亦存在较明显2—7 a的周期,说明北部地区气温受全球变暖、ENSO等大尺度气候背景影响显著; 1961—2015年北部区域以0. 34℃/10 a的升温率高于南部区域的0. 26℃/10 a,但1980年后增温趋势减慢;年平均气温的概率曲线随年代整体向高值区移动,北部区域冬季增暖较为显著,南部区域冬夏均较为明显,春秋季节可能有缩短趋势。  相似文献   
新的高原季风指数与四川盆地夏季降水的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料和中国560站月降水资料,定义了一个高原季风指数IPM2。结果表明:与原有高原季风指数相比,该指数与四川盆地夏季降水的相关性更好,能够较好地反映四川盆地夏季降水的异常变化。当高原夏季风偏弱时,巴尔喀什湖至贝加尔湖低压槽、亚洲东岸高压脊、印度低压均加强,同时西太平洋副热带高压偏北,来自孟加拉湾的西南风水汽输送和源于西太平洋的偏南风水汽输送均加强,这种环流形式有利于四川盆地西(东)部夏季降水偏多(少);当高原夏季风偏强时,情况相反。IPM2弱(强)大(小)年与四川盆地西(东)部涝年环流背景相似,表明IPM2能够很好反映四川盆地夏季降水异常的环流场特征。  相似文献   
In this study,the clear sky hourly global and net solar irradiances at the surface determined using SUNFLUX,a simple parameterization scheme,for three stations(Gaize,Naqu,and Lhasa) on the Tibetan Plateau were evaluated against observation data.Our modeled results agree well with observations.The correlation coefficients between modeled and observed values were > 0.99 for all three stations.The relative error of modeled results,in average was < 7%,and the root-mean-square variance was < 27 W m 2.The solar irradiances in the radiation model were slightly overestimated compared with observation data;there were at least two likely causes.First,the radiative effects of aerosols were not included in the radiation model.Second,solar irradiances determined by thermopile pyranometers include a thermal offset error that causes solar radiation to be slightly underestimated.The solar radiation absorbed by the ozone and water vapor was estimated.The results show that monthly mean solar radiation absorbed by the ozone is < 2% of the global solar radiation(< 14 W m 2).Solar radiation absorbed by water vapor is stronger in summer than in winter.The maximum amount of monthly mean solar radiation absorbed by water vapor can be up to 13% of the global solar radiation(95 W m 2).This indicates that water vapor measurements with high precision are very important for precise determination of solar radiation.  相似文献   
南亚高压上下高原时间及其与高原季风建立早晚的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1948—2013年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,定义了南亚高压动态特征指数,讨论了南亚高压上下高原的时间以及与高原季风建立早晚的关系。研究表明,南亚高压北界位置在4月初开始北移,5月迅速北抬,最北可达到55°N,9月开始南撤,西伸脊点在5—10月移动较稳定,5—7月向西移动到青藏高原上空,8—10月向东移动撤离高原,11月—次年4月东西摆动剧烈。南亚高压初上高原大致为6月第3候(33候),而撤离约为10月第4候(58候)。南亚高压移上高原的时间较高原夏季风建立晚73 d左右。南亚高压撤离高原时间较高原冬季风建立约早5 d。高原夏季风的建立和南亚高压初上高原是青藏高原热力作用在不同阶段的结果,反映在了高原的高低层上。  相似文献   
基于中国区域逐日降雪、降水、气温、相对湿度、气压和风速等观测数据,构建了中国区域的Logistic降雪判定方法,并对该方法和当前广泛应用的其他降雪判定方法在中国区域的适用性展开对比研究。结果表明,单温度阈值法和S曲线法对[-3,4] ℃气温区间内的降雪模拟不确定性相对较大。比较而言,Logistic拟合的系列方法成功率更高,对中国不同区域降雪识别也更为稳健,尤其是对青藏高原地区降雪事件的识别效果明显优于其他方法。在Logistic方法中,温度和相对湿度对降雪判定起决定作用,而气压和风速的影响相对较小。Logistic湿球温度方案(LogTw)和气温+相对湿度方案(LogTaHR)均能很好地再现降雪量的空间分布和年际变化特征,且相应偏差均小于其他方法;总体上,这两种方案对降雪量识别效果差别不大。因此,可使用LogTw方案或LogTaHR方案对中国区域降雪事件进行判别,尤其是对模式中降雪事件的识别。  相似文献   
几种再分析地表气温资料在中国区域的适用性评估   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
赵天保  符淙斌 《高原气象》2009,28(3):594-606
应用台站观测资料对ERA-40、NCEP/NCAR、NCEP/DOE和JRA-25等几种再分析地表(2m)气温资料在中国不同区域、不同年代和季节的气候均值、年际变化和变率特征及其气候趋势等所反映出来的适用性问题进行了系统评估.结果表明,几种再分析产品在全国大多数地区的气候变化研究中都具有一定的合理性,特别是1979年以后的资料可靠性更高一些.但相比而言,它们在冬季的可信度一般要高于夏季,东部地区的可信度一般要高于西部地区;ERA-40和JRA-25再分析产品的适用性要高于NCEP/NCAR和NCEP/DOE再分析产品;其中,JRA-25在均值、年际变化和变率特征的描述上具有更高的可靠性,而ERA-40在长期气候变化趋势(44年)的描述上则要明显优于NCEP/NCAR再分析产品.  相似文献   
The current status of weather forecasting and climate prediction, and the main progress China has made in recent years, are summarized in this paper. The characteristics and requirements of modern weather forecast operations are described briefly, and the significance of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) for future development is emphasized. The objectives and critical tasks for seamless short-term climate prediction that covers the extended-range (15-30 days), monthly, seasonal, annual, interannual and interdecadal timescales, are proposed.  相似文献   
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