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We present the first diffraction-limited K-band image of the Red Rectangle with 76 mas resolution, an H-band image with 75 mas resolution, and an RG 715 filter image ( 800 nm wavelength) with 78 mas resolution (corresponding to 25 AU for a distance of 330 pc). The H and K images were reconstructed from 6 m telescope speckle data and the RG 715 image from 2.2 m telescope data using the speckle masking bispectrum method. At all wavelengths the images show a compact, highly symmetric bipolar nebula, suggesting a toroidal density distribution of the circumstellar material. No direct light from the central binary can be seen as it is obscured by a dust disk or circumbinary torus. Our first high-resolution HK color image of the nebula shows a broad red plateau of HK≈ 2m in the bright inner regions.The optical and near-infrared images and the available photometric continuum observations in a wide range of ultraviolet to centimeter wavelengths enabled us to model the Red Rectangle in detail using a two-dimensional radiative transfer code. Our model matches both the high-resolution images and the spectral energy distribution of this object very well, making the following picture much more certain. The central close binary system with a total luminosity of 3000 L is embedded in a very dense, compact circumbinary torus which has an average number density nH ≈5×1012 cm−3, an outer radius of the dense inner region of R≈30 AU (91 mas), and a ρ∝r−2 density distribution. The full opening angle of the bipolar outflow cavities in our model is 70°. By comparing the observed and theoretical images, we derived an inclination angle of the torus to the line of sight of 7°±1°.The radiative transfer calculations show that the dust properties in the Red Rectangle are spatially inhomogeneous. The modeling confirms that the idea of large grains in the long-lived disk around the Red Rectangle (Jura et al., 1997 [ApJ, 474, 741]) is quantitatively consistent with the observations. In our models, unusually large, approximately millimeter-sized grains dominate the emission of the compact, massive torus. Models with smaller average grain sizes can possibly be found in future studies, for instance, if it turns out that the radio spectrum is not mainly caused by continuum dust emission. Therefore, the large grains suggested by our models require further confirmation by both new observations and radiative transfer calculations. Assuming a dust-to-gas ratio ρdg of 0.005, the dense torus mass is 0.25 M. The model gives a lower limit of 0.0018 M, for the mass of the large particles, which produce a gray extinction of A≈ 28m, towards the center. A much smaller mass of submicron-sized dust grains is presumably located in the polar outflow cavities, their conical surface layers, and in the outer low-density parts of the torus (where ρ∝r−4, in the region of 30 AUr 2000 AU corresponding to 0.′′09–6′′).  相似文献   
研究了盐度对黄鳍鲷SparuslatusHouttuyn、平鲷Rhabdosargussarba(Forskal)、黑鲷Sparusmacrocephalus(Basilewsky)和真鲷Pagrsomusmajor(TemmincketSchlegel)4种鲷鱼精子活力的影响。对南海区4种鲷鱼精子的适盐性及其活力进行了比较,黄鳍鲷、平鲷、黑鲷和真鲷精子激活所需的最低盐度分别为8、10、>8、>10;激活的最适盐度则分别为21、22、25、25,与之相应的精子活动(涡动)时间分别为14.7、17.7、17.2、18.0min;在高盐条件(盐度40左右)下,黄鳍鲷精子的适应性最强,精子活力最好,其次是黑鲷、真鲷的精子,平鲷精子对高盐条件的适应性最差。  相似文献   
Current plate motions across the Red Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Day Nui Con Voi belt in Vietnam is the southeasternmost part of the Red River shear zone in Asia. It is a narrow high-grade metamorphic core complex consisting of garnet–sillimanite–biotite gneisses, mylonite bands, amphibolite layers and migmatites. Geothermobarometric study of the complex revealed that the peak metamorphism took place under amphibolite-facies conditions of 690−60+30°C and 0.65±0.15 GPa and the subsequent mylonitization occurred under greenschist-facies conditions of 480°C and under 0.3 GPa. Fifteen synkinematic hornblende and biotite separates from gneisses, amphibolites and mylonites were dated with the K/Ar method. Hornblende separates from the Day Nui Con Voi give K–Ar ages of 26.4–28.5 Ma, and the biotite separates do give 24.5–24.7 Ma. Combination of thermobarometric and geochronological data yields the cooling history of 500°C at 28 Ma and 300°C at 24 Ma with a cooling rate of 70–110°C Ma−1, and 23 km post-metamorphic exhumation of the core complex. The first 16 km exhumation from the peak of metamorphism (at probably 31 Ma) to 28 Ma was triggered by the left-lateral strike-slip displacement of the Red River shear zone.  相似文献   
思普地区地震活动和地质构造的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
樊耀新 《地震研究》1998,21(1):65-70
红河断裂是云南主要的区域大断裂,区内现代构造运动强烈,但其南段长期无中强地震发生,而离它仅100km的滇西南思普地区地震活动却异常强烈,本在前人工作的基础上,研究了滇西南地区地壳构造和地震活动特点,用人工地震测探等方面的实际资料进一步证实了思普地区存在地较大规模的北东向断层,并提出北东向断层的思普地区地震活动中起重要控制作用的结论。  相似文献   
Thin section, SEM, and TEM analyses have indicated that the red ‘teri’ sands of southeast India have formed from weathering in situ of coastal dune sands. The data does not support a detrital origin for the red sands. C14 dates indicate that dune deposition and weathering, to a maximum depth of 10 m, leading to the formation of a hematite, koalinite and illite rich matrix has taken place rapidly over the past 25,000 years. It is postulated that garnet was a major source of hematite (ferric oxide).  相似文献   
利用加密自动站资料、NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料、海表温度(SST)资料和常规观测资料等气象资料,对2009年5月31日—6月13日和2012年5月18—28日发生在渤海西部海域的2场相似气象因子影响下的典型高影响赤潮过程进行了对比分析。初步结果表明:(1)2场高影响赤潮过程都发生在春末夏初的赤潮高发期,持续时间在10天以上;(2)赤潮爆发前期,伴随有暖湿气流影响形成适度降水,渤海西部的周平均海表温度(SST)升温明显,且SST≥16.2℃,赤潮发生海域为SST的暖脊控制,对赤潮过程的潜势预报有明显的指示意义;(3)850 h Pa以下层次的温度迅速上升,近地层西南暖湿气流的加强和地面6 m/s以下偏南、东南气流在渤海西部海域的汇合,利于渤海西部海洋浮游生物积聚和突发性繁殖,是赤潮形成的重要气象因子特征。  相似文献   
红河断裂带闭锁程度和滑动亏损分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1999~2013年青藏高原东南缘的GPS速度场观测数据,采用DEFNODE程序反演红河断裂带走滑速率、三维闭锁程度和滑动亏损分布。反演结果表明:红河断裂带北、中、南段右旋走滑速率分别约为(5.9±1.2)mm/a,(4.8±0.6)mm/a和(4.3±0.4)mm/a,在地表以下6km的闭锁程度分别为0.43,0.22和0.25,其滑动亏损速率分别为3.3mm/a,2.6mm/a和2.3mm/a,红河断裂带闭锁程度和应变积累程度都比较低,与近年来红河断裂带整体活动微弱的现状相吻合。  相似文献   
Selenium like any other element can both be essential and toxic depending upon the concentration at which it occurs in human diet. This paper assessed the level of this trace element in twenty different (20) types of locally produced food items around Abeokuta town and the blood obtained from the antecubital fossa vein of eighty-eight (88) healthy adults resident in Abeokuta.  相似文献   
测定14周龄贵妃鸡的体尺与屠宰性能相关指标,通过简单相关和典型相关分析,研究贵妃鸡体尺与屠宰性能的相关关系。结果表明:贵妃鸡公母鸡14周龄体质量分别为1 120.67 g和845.33 g,公鸡的体尺和屠宰性能(全净膛质量除外)均高于母鸡(P0.01);体尺与屠宰性能指标间存在不同程度的相关性,其中有2对典型相关系数达到了显著水平(P0.05),典型相关系数分别为0.985和0.824,体尺和屠宰性能的相关性主要由胫围、龙骨长、屠体质量、体质量和半净膛质量间引起;贵妃鸡可通过体尺选择提高屠宰性能。  相似文献   
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