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水稻低温冷害遥感监测技术与方法进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王连喜  秦其明  张晓煜 《气象》2003,29(10):3-7
根据国内外水稻低温冷害遥感监测和遥感灾损评估研究进展情况,分析了水稻低温冷害遥感监测的可行性和各种方法的优缺点,提出了低温冷害遥感监测方面需要开展的相关研究领域和需要解决的几个问题。  相似文献   
日光温室低温寡照灾害指标   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
魏瑞江 《气象科技》2003,31(1):50-53
文章根据1965~2000年河北省日光温室试验观测资料及各地历年低温寡照对蔬菜的影响程度,确定了低温寡照灾害等级指标,分析了低温寡照的时空分布规律,20世纪80年代以后,河北省各市低温寡照发生次数比60、70年代明显增多;随着纬度增高,河北省低温寡照发生次数明显减少,危害程度明显减轻。  相似文献   
中国西南低空急流活动的统计分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
参照北美研究低空急流气候特征的方法,对中国低空急流进行重新定义,实现了低空急流定义的统一,并在此基础上对低空急流活动特征进行了分析。结果表明:中国低空急流主要有两个活动中心,分别位于江南地区和东北地区;江南地区的低空急流活动主要有两个活跃期,分别为1-4月和6-7月;东北地区的低空急流活动主要表现为2月、8-9月两个活动较弱期;江南地区的低空急流主要在6-8月表现出独立的急流轴,东北地区则主要在8月份;汛期低空急流活动与长江流域区域性暴雨有伴随性,多雨年急流次数很多,少雨年则很少;长江中下游及两湖盆地附近急流活动有明显的日变化。  相似文献   
本文详尽分析了冰岛低压和大西洋高压的长期变化规律,发现两者均具有明显的阶段性变化,而且冰岛低压和大西洋高压的强度具有明显的反相关。同时,还分析了大西洋高压和冰岛低压与我国气候的关系,发现大西洋高压与我国冬季气温基本呈正相关,而冰岛低压与我国气温大致呈反相关,但均没有显著影响,所以两者都不是影响我国气候变化的重要天气系统。  相似文献   
青藏及邻区新生代火山活动及构造演化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
邓万明 《地震地质》2003,25(Z1):51-61
青藏高原是现今地球动力学和地质演化研究的一个热点。该区火山活动受中 -新生代以来高原深部地球物理 -化学反应的控制 ,是多种因素相互作用所表现的形式和结果。本区既有富钾质的 (主导 ) ,也有富钠质的火山岩 (次要 ) ;既有喷发熔岩流 (主导 ) ,也有一些浅源上侵的次火山岩体 ;火山活动发育在古近纪、新近纪与第四纪 ,而最强烈的发生在中新世期间。本区钠质和钾质两类火山岩在形成环境和时代上有很大的差异 :前者一般发育在古新世—始新世 (6 0~ 4 0MaBP) ,而后者主要形成在渐新世—中新世 (30~ 10MaBP) ;存在着钠质—钾质—酸性次火山岩的演化过程 ;大体上可划分为西羌塘、北羌塘、可可西里、中昆仑、西昆仑等 5个火山岩省。本文对比了青藏高原及邻区甘肃礼县和云南三岩区 (金沙江北段、腾冲和滇东南地区 )新生代火山岩的岩石组合、同位素年代学以及地球化学特征 ,大量的证据表明 ,这些火山岩形成在原始地幔、或“壳 -幔过渡带”或陆壳基底等源区。在实际考察和综合研究的基础上 ,探讨了岩石圈的区域构造特征及其与高原隆升的关系等  相似文献   
“96.8”特大暴雨的中尺度对流云团特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
杜青文  张迎新 《气象》1997,23(10):39-43
1996年8月3-5日河北省的西南部地区出现了特大暴雨过程。此次特大暴雨,主要是8608号台风登陆后减弱为低气压西北上,副热带高压加强西进,低层从东北部有弱冷空气扩散南下,在暴雨区域形成湿斜压锋区,触发不稳定能量释放,致使台我低压北方形成3个中尺度对流云团所致。  相似文献   
Invertebrate colonization of lakes following the uplift of land from the sea was studied in four lakes, currently situated between 39 and 24 m a.s.l., on the central Norwegian coast. The lakes were isolated from the sea between 9500 and 7700 years B.P. Animal and algal remains picked from core samples showed that the first colonizers preserved as fossils were usually members of the Chironomidae, Daphnidae/Chydoridae, Acarina, Porifera (Ephydatia mülleri and Spongilla lacustris), Bryozoa (Cristatella mucedo and Plumatella spp.) and Charophyta (Chara sp.). Of the chironomids, the genus Chironomus was present in the oldest lacustrine layers of all four lakes, but other genera recorded at the marine/lacustrine boundary were Dicrotendipes, Procladius (?), Einfeldia, Microtendipes, and Glyptotendipes. Remains of the caddis fly family Limnephilidae were also present in the earliest lacustrine sediments in Kvennavatnet and Kvernavatnet. The oldest invertebrate fauna is typical for mesotrophic lakes. However, chironomids and mites have been present in this area from at least about 10?500 years B.P. A diverse chironomid community was established between 300 and 800 years after isolation from the sea at Kvernavatnet on the island of Hitra, while only between 80 and 120 years passed before a comparably diverse community developed at Kvennavatnet on the mainland coast. A similar development of the invertebrate fauna occurred in Kvennavatnet, Kvernavatnet and Storkuvatnet. However, Litjvatnet deviates greatly from the ‘normal’ pattern because a tsunami disturbed the bottom sediments and fauna. The tsunami, a gigantic sea wave, was caused by a submarine slide from the Norwegian continental slope. It reached Litjvatnet, today located 24 m a.s.l., but was not traced in Storkuvatnet at 30 m a.s.l. This event happened about 7200 years B.P.  相似文献   
有机质热演化与极低级变质作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岩石中有机质热演化特征可以灵敏于反映岩石的成岩作用到变质作用之间(即极低级变质作用)的温度、压力变化情况。笔者对有机质热变指标在极低级变质作用界线、变质带划分和变质作用温度、压力和时间演化等方面的应用进行了综述和探讨。  相似文献   
从生物化石的性质和分布分析秦岭上升的阶段性与幅度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从生物化石的性质、分布的与我国南、北方同期生物群的对比,分析了秦岭从中生代晚期以来各个时期上升的幅度。秦岭在三叠纪末期成陆后即开始隆起,但隆起幅度有限。白垩纪与古新世该区地形高低悬殊不大。早第三纪中、后期秦岭有一次强烈的隆起活动,地形起伏,且对动物的迁移起了明显的阻碍作用。相继产生的夷平作用使晚第三纪秦岭区内的动物仍与区外的保持着较好的往来交流。早更新世末期秦岭再次表现出了垂直运动的特点。由于  相似文献   
Two Red Clay profiles near Xi’an and Xifeng were investigated in an attempt to determine magnetostratigraphic and palaeoclimatic records. The results show that aeolian dust accumulation and the related East Asia palaeomonsoon system had begun by 6.5 Ma, and it is deduced that the Tibetan Plateau had reached a significant elevation at that time. The late Tertiary palaeoclimatic history of the Red Clay as reflected by magnetic susceptibility is reconstructed during the period of 6.5–2.5 Ma. Stepwise increase in susceptibility of aeolian dust accumulation appears to have a close correlation to the uplift processes of the Tibetan Plateau. The remarkable increase of aeolian dust accumulation at 3.2 Ma appears to be due to the influence of global ice volume on the East Asia monsoon. Palaeomonsoon variation during the late Tertiary as recorded in the Red Clay sequences from the Chinese Loess Plateau can be regarded as the product of a number of interacting factors, such as uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, solar radiation, global ice volume, etc. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Foundation of Xi’an Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
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