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张金亮 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022010017-2022010017
分支河流体系的讨论有助于促进各类冲积体系的分类学研究,并可促进源—汇体系分析的定量化。博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈(Okavango)曲流河扇是分支河流体系的典型代表,具有独特的沉积学、水文学和地貌学特征,主要特点如下:①河道形态属于单线曲流河道向下游分叉型,顺流方向产生弯度不一的分支河道网络,从顶点向下游方向,河道呈放射状,由河谷内的限制性河道变为盆地内的非限制性河道;②顺斜坡向下,河道分叉作用增强,河道的尺度和规模减小,受物源控制,无论是曲流河道还是低弯度河道,皆为砂质载荷,河道宽度、水体深度和沉积物粒度虽有系统变化但不显著,且在极低的坡度控制下,随着流量的减少,河道由曲流河逐渐变为低弯度河,河道形态转化的主要影响因素是坡度、流量、沉积物粒级和河岸强度;③根据湿地和河道分布特征,可将扇体划分为补给河谷、近源扇、中部扇和远端扇4个亚环境:补给河谷以单线曲流带和不同规模的迂回坝发育为特征,近源扇主要为泥炭限制的分支河道和河间沼泽沉积,中部扇主要为曲流河和低弯度河沉积,沼泽减少,漫滩增加,远端扇为宽浅型的非限定性河道,以沙岛林地之间的漫滩沉积为主;④沉积物主要为未固结的石英砂,主要来源于卡拉哈里盆地近代风成沉积,砂质纯净,分选和磨圆俱佳,缺乏细粒杂基,粒间细粒组分主要为生物成因的硅藻、植硅石和有机物质,亦见有方解石和二氧化硅胶结物。  对现代曲流河扇体系进行调查的重要目的就是研究地下类似沉积体系的分布。通过对我国大型含油气盆地相关“内陆三角洲”沉积特征和沉积规律的重新认识,可为油气资源的勘探开发提供预测模式。鄂尔多斯盆地山西组沉积时期,沉积作用受盆地北缘物源控制,来自北部物源的碎屑物质在宽阔的湿地平原上发育了多套分支河流沉积体系,主要为曲流河扇沉积体系。顺着沉积斜坡向下,河道的尺度和规模减小,沉积物粒度变细,煤层和暗色泥岩厚度变小,缺乏明显的三角洲前缘沉积环境及稳定的前三角洲深水相。沉积组合主要表现为分支河道砂岩、漫岸细粒沉积与湿地泥岩及薄煤层的互层,为大气田的形成奠定了沉积基础。  相似文献   
曲流点坝内部剩余油形成与分布规律物理模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建立了曲流点坝物理模型,模拟地下曲流点坝储层进行驱替实验。观察注入剂的运动规律,同时,在模型上布置了测量电极,以双电极法测量驱替过程中垂向电阻变化,反映注入剂波及高度的变化规律。分析了侧积泥岩夹层的建筑结构对注入剂在点坝砂体中的流动规律,以及对剩余油的形成分布的影响。通过实验研究证实,在曲流点坝内部,侧积泥岩夹层对注入剂具有强烈的遮挡作用,受其影响形成侧积体差异型剩余油、重力型剩余油以及压力异常型剩余油三种类型剩余油,主要分布在点坝的中上部。在实际生产中,利用水平井钻遇点坝上部进行开采是主要的手段。  相似文献   
为支撑地质条件复杂地区的水文地质、工程地质和环境地质调查研究,在皖江经济带沿江丘陵平原区通过系统分析第四纪地层的岩性、结构、构造等组合,以地貌以及第四系成因、沉积相和沉积物物源为指标,结合已有区域第四纪研究成果以及年代地层和岩石地层划分标准,进行皖江沿江丘陵平原区“第四纪地质单元”划分,共划分出冲积-湖积平原地质单元、洪积-坡积岗地地质单元和残积-剥蚀丘陵地质单元3个一级地质单元,总结了7种类型第四纪地层结构组合及其特征,为区域水文地质和工程地质调查与研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The Otway Basin in southeastern Australia formed on a triangular‐shaped area of extended continental lithosphere during two extensional episodes in Cretaceous to Miocene times. The extent of the offshore continental margin is highlighted by Seasat/Geosat satellite altimeter data. The crustal architecture and structural features across this southeast Australian margin have been interpreted from offshore‐onshore wide‐angle seismic profiling data along the Otway Continental Margin Transect extending from the onshore Lake Condah High, through the town of Portland, to the deep Southern Ocean. Along the Otway Continental Margin Transect, the onshore half‐graben geometry of Early Cretaceous deposition gives way offshore to a 5 km‐thick slope basin (P‐wave velocity 2.2–4.6 km/s) to at least 60 km from the shoreline. At 120 km from the nearest shore in a water depth of 4220 m, sonobuoy data indicate a 4–5 km sedimentary sequence overlying a 7 km thick basement above the Moho at 15 km depth. Major fault zones affect the thickness of basin sequences in the onshore area (Tartwaup Fault Zone and its southeast continuation) and at the seaward edge of the Mussel Platform (Mussel Fault). Upper crustal basement is interpreted to be attenuated and thinned Palaeozoic rocks of the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens (intruded with Jurassic volcanics) that thin from 16 km onshore to about 3.5 km at 120 km from the nearest shore. Basement rocks comprise a 3 km section with velocity 5.5–5.7 km/s overlying a deeper basement unit with velocity 6.15–6.35 km/s. The Moho shallows from a depth of 30 km onshore to 15 km depth at 120 km from the nearest shore, and then to about 12 km in the deep ocean at the limits of the transect (water depth 5200 m). The continent‐ocean boundary is interpreted to be at a prominent topographic inflection point 170 km from shore at the bottom of the continental slope in 4800 m of water. P‐wave velocities in the lower crust are 6.4–6.8 km/s, overlying a thin transition zone to an upper mantle velocity of 8.05 km/s beneath the Moho. Outstandingly clear Moho reflections seen in deep‐marine profiling data at about 10.3 s two‐way time under the slope basin and continent‐ocean boundary place further strong controls on crustal thickness. There is no evidence of massive high velocity (>7 km/s) intrusives/underplate material in the lower crust nor any synrift or early post‐rift subaerial volcanics, indicating that the Otway continental margin can be considered a non‐volcanic margin, similar in many respects to some parts of the Atlantic Ocean margins e.g. the Nova Scotia ‐ Newfoundland margin off Canada and the Galicia Bank off the Iberian Peninsula. Using this analogue, the prominent gravity feature trending northwest‐southeast at the continent‐ocean boundary may indicate the presence of highly serpentinised mantle material beneath a thin crust, but this has yet to be tested by detailed work.  相似文献   
建设项目投资的控制应贯穿于立项到竣工验收整个项目的各个阶段,施工前的决策和设计尤为重要。基于这种情况,本文简述了设计阶段造价控制的必要性,论述了在建筑设计的各阶段造价控制的措施,可有效地提高经济效益。  相似文献   
复合点坝储集层内部非均质性分析是曲流河研究的难点,仅靠地震和测井资料难以解释清楚。关于复合点坝储层构型表征也较缺乏定量化指导标准。本研究选取了13条曲流河河段的260个复合点坝作为数据样本,进行参数分类统计,形成曲流河复合点坝地质知识库。将复合点坝分为4大类、25个亚类;将侧积体分为8大类、22个亚类。统计不同类型复合点坝和侧积体构型样式的分布概率关系。以此为基础,充分利用定量分布概率关系,达到在资料较少情况下分析复合点坝储集层平面非均质性的目的。  相似文献   
Deep seismic reflection data across the Archaean Eastern Goldfields Province, northeastern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, have provided information on its crustal architecture and on several of its highly mineralised belts. The seismic reflection data allow interpretation of several prominent crustal scale features, including an eastward thickening of the crust, subdivision of the crust into three broad layers, the presence of a prominent east dip to the majority of the reflections and the interpretation of three east-dipping crustal-penetrating shear zones. These east-dipping shear zones are major structures that subdivide the region into four terranes. Major orogenic gold deposits in the Eastern Goldfields Province are spatially associated with these major structures. The Laverton Tectonic Zone, for example, is a highly mineralised corridor that contains several world-class gold deposits plus many smaller deposits. Other non crustal-penetrating structures within the area do not appear to be as well endowed metallogenically as the Laverton structure. The seismic reflection data have also imaged a series of low-angle shear zones within and beneath the granite–greenstone terranes. Where the low-angle shear zones intersect the major crustal-penetrating structures, a wedge shaped geometry is formed. This geometry forms a suitable fluid focusing wedge in which upward to subhorizontal moving fluids are focused and then distributed into the nearby complexly deformed greenstones.  相似文献   
Upper Permian to Lower Triassic coastal plain successions of the Sydney Basin in eastern Australia have been investigated in outcrop and continuous drillcores. The purpose of the investigation is to provide an assessment of palaeoenvironmental change at high southern palaeolatitudes in a continental margin context for the late Permian (Lopingian), across the end‐Permian Extinction interval, and into the Early Triassic. These basins were affected by explosive volcanic eruptions during the late Permian and, to a much lesser extent, during the Early Triassic, allowing high‐resolution age determination on the numerous tuff horizons. Palaeobotanical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the end‐Permian Extinction occurs at the top of the uppermost coal bed, and the Permo‐Triassic boundary either within an immediately overlying mudrock succession or within a succeeding channel sandstone body, depending on locality due to lateral variation. Late Permian depositional environments were initially (during the Wuchiapingian) shallow marine and deltaic, but coastal plain fluvial environments with extensive coal‐forming mires became progressively established during the early late Permian, reflected in numerous preserved coal seams. The fluvial style of coastal plain channel deposits varies geographically. However, apart from the loss of peat‐forming mires, no significant long‐term change in depositional style (grain size, sediment‐body architecture, or sediment dispersal direction) was noted across the end‐Permian Extinction (pinpointed by turnover of the palaeoflora). There is no evidence for immediate aridification across the boundary despite a loss of coal from these successions. Rather, the end‐Permian Extinction marks the base of a long‐term, progressive trend towards better‐drained alluvial conditions into the Early Triassic. Indeed, the floral turnover was immediately followed by a flooding event in basinal depocentres, following which fluvial systems similar to those active prior to the end‐Permian Extinction were re‐established. The age of the floral extinction is constrained to 252.54 ± 0.08 to 252.10 ± 0.06 Ma by a suite of new Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry U‐Pb ages on zircon grains. Another new age indicates that the return to fluvial sedimentation similar to that before the end‐Permian Extinction occurred in the basal Triassic (prior to 251.51 ± 0.14 Ma). The character of the surface separating coal‐bearing pre‐end‐Permian Extinction from coal‐barren post‐end‐Permian Extinction strata varies across the basins. In basin‐central locations, the contact varies from disconformable, where a fluvial channel body has cut down to the level of the top coal, to conformable where the top coal is overlain by mudrocks and interbedded sandstone–siltstone facies. In basin‐marginal locations, however, the contact is a pronounced erosional disconformity with coarse‐grained alluvial facies overlying older Permian rocks. There is no evidence that the contact is everywhere a disconformity or unconformity.  相似文献   
李阳  郭长春 《沉积学报》2007,25(6):942-948
分析了在不同沉积环境下侧积砂坝的沉积模式,研究了侧积体的空间组合特征,并利用模式预测的方法建立侧积砂坝的建筑结构模型。研究表明,孤东油田七区西Ng52+3侧积砂坝是小型河流形成的,其侧积体的空间组合模式为水平斜列式,侧积体的宽度为80~240 m,倾角为5°~12°。薄片、扫描电镜分析证实,七区西Ng52+3的成岩作用较弱,原始的粒间孔隙保存完好,储层孔隙度平均为32.3%,渗透率为3 500×10-3 μm2。侧积砂坝内含有高岭石、蒙脱石、伊利石等粘土矿物,使其储层物性变差。  相似文献   
The effects of low- to high-angle (>30°) normal faults on sedimentary architectural units in the Eocene Wenchang Formation, Enping Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB), South China Sea were investigated utilising a high-quality 3D seismic data set and restored paleogeomorphology. It has been shown that sequence stratigraphic units and sedimentary architecture are significantly controlled by the low- to high-angle normal faults. The Wenchang Formation, a second-order sequence, can be subdivided into two para-second-sequences (the Lower and Upper Wenchang sequences, E2WL and E2WU) and seven third-order sequences (from base to top: SQ1~SQ7). The low-angle fault confined sequence architecture of the Wenchang Formation is mainly characterised by lateral stacking with the ratio of the vertical subsidence (V) to horizontal slip (H) being reduced from 1/2 for E2WL to 1/6 for E2WU. In contrast, the high-angle fault confined sequence is characterised by vertical stacking with the ratio of V/H close to 1 for sequences SQ1 to SQ7. In the 3D seismic area, the features of sediment-dispersal pattern were interpreted based on an integrated analysis of paleogeomorphology, seismic reflection characteristics, stratal thickness distribution and multiple attribute clustering. The results show that the large-scale fan delta, belt-shape lacustrine deposit and bird-foot braided delta systems mainly developed in the low-angle fault confined sequences, whereas small-scale fan delta, rhombus-shaped lacustrine deposit and lobe-shaped braided delta systems inherited tectono-sedimentary architectures in the high-angle fault confined sequences.  相似文献   
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