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1 INTRODUCTION One of the most intriguing phenomena in the late Neoproterozoic (~750 to 543 Ma) is the globa occurrence of thin carbonates that directly overlie glacial deposits in almost every continent (Kennedy 1996; Hoffman et al., 1998; Hoffman and Schrag 2002; Brasier and Shields, 2000; James et al., 2001 Jiang et al., 2003; Nogueira et al., 2003). These “cap carbonates”, commonly several to tens of meters thick, have attracted enormous interests because o their unusually negati…  相似文献   
Lower Pleistocene sediments recovered in boreholes from the Aberdeen Ground Formation in the central North Sea indicate that the unit was deposited in a delta front to prodelta/shallow, open shelf marine setting. Possible estuarine and clastic nearshore marine deposits have been identified on the western margin of the basin. The delta front sediments consist of interbedded, structureless to laminated sands and muds with organic debris, ferruginous nodules and common soft sediment deformation structures. Sporadic rippled and graded beds, basal scours to beds and starved ripples suggest periodic wave–current reworking. Prodelta/shelf marine sediments are predominantly argillaceous with only occasional thin sand beds and rare phosphatic bands. One exceptionally thick sand body or submarine channel-fill although this remains uncertain. The estuarine/clastic nearshore marine sediments include coarse channel-lag deposits and rippled and laminated subtidal sands. A rich microfossil assemblage recovered from the prodelta/shelf marine sequence indicates that deposition occurred under fluctuating climatic conditions.  相似文献   
辽东半岛南部早古生代地层发育,其中馒头组—冶里组的沉积过程,具有完整的陆源碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩堆积特点。从层序划分、沉积环境演化、古气候变迁等方面分析,馒头组—冶里组反映了一个完整的碳酸盐岩台地的发展过程,可划分出准备阶段(形成碎屑岩垫板)、生长—发育阶段(形成碳酸盐岩缓坡)及衰亡阶段(发育白云岩盖层)。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地西缘羊虎沟组物源特征对天然气勘探尤为重要。通过砂岩的碎屑组分、岩屑组分、重矿物组合以及石英阴极发光等研究,认为研究区羊虎沟组受到北部、西南部、南部物源控制,各个方位物源在研究区中部吴忠—马家滩地区汇合。通过砂岩轻、重矿物组合和碎屑组分的Dickinson三角图解,以及泥岩的稀土元素特征等分析,认为研究区羊虎沟组源岩以大陆上地壳岩石为主。研究区北部砂岩物源区为再旋回造山带物源区,泥岩球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式与阿拉善古陆浅变质岩相似,具有亲缘性;西南部及南部砂岩物源区为稳定陆块区和再旋回造山带物源区,泥岩球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式与祁连—北秦岭造山带中浅变质岩相似。综上所述,研究区北部母岩主要为阿拉善古陆的浅变质岩夹少许火山岩,西南部及南部母岩主要为祁连—北秦岭造山带的中浅变质岩,其次为碳酸盐岩和火山岩。  相似文献   
Petrographic and geochemical studies characterize lithologies of the Khambal Formation deposited in the Sindreth Basin as arkosic, subarkosic, and quartzarenite. Weathering indices, such as CIA and CIW in conjunction with the ACNK diagram, prescribe mostly moderate chemical weathering with intermittent pulses of extreme weathering in the source area. The discrimination diagrams suggest that these Neoproterozoic clastics were deposited in an active rift basin. Provenance indicators of the detritus components point to a terrane possessing subordinate mafic material in conjunction with large felsic components. A comparison of immobile element ratios with probable source rocks suggest that the Mesoproterozoic Delhi arc situated to the east of the Sindreth Basin could be the possible source. Our mixing calculation defines the proportion of end member components in the Delhi arc. Geodynamic considerations relate the origin of the Sindreth Basin to the processes of disintegration and reassembly of supercontinents.  相似文献   
高联达  王涛  姜春发  马振慧  何胜飞 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1668-1676
西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。西秦岭文县东峪口—关家沟一带分布的关家沟组为一套粗碎屑流和浊流沉积组合,因缺乏古生物化石,其形成时代长期存在争议。在文县关家沟滴水岩剖面中、下部4件灰色粉砂质板岩样品中分离并鉴定出了晚奥陶世苔藓植物孢子(隐孢子)( cryptospores)和陆生维管束植物小孢子(miospores)化石8属18种(包括未定种)、疑源类(acritarchs)8属10种、几丁虫(chitinozoa)3属4种和虫颚(scolecodonts)3属3种,这些微体化石的地质时代相当于西欧Carodoc-Ashgill阶。在这些样品中发现苔藓植物孢子和早期陆生维管束植物小孢子,不仅是中国奥陶纪地层中首次发现和报道,而且也为研究早期陆生植物演化提供新的直接依据。  相似文献   
陕西富平地区上奥陶统赵老峪组为深水盆地边缘至深水斜坡沉积环境,发育深水原地沉积、等深流沉积及重力流沉积。以野外实测剖面、岩相特征等资料为基础,结合米兰科维奇理论、天文地层学、古海洋学以及古气候学,系统研究该地区等深流强度与古气候、海平面、古盐度的关系。结果表明:Fischer图解可以客观、准确地反映深水沉积地层相对海平面变化;深水沉积及等深流沉积中不同级次旋回垂向组合关系记录了米兰科维奇特性,即小级别旋回在垂向上有序地按照1∶4或者1∶5的形式叠加构成较大级别旋回;等深流强度受米兰科维奇旋回影响,呈多周期弱→强→弱递变;等深流强化周期约为0.1Ma。  相似文献   
白云岩特征及其形成机制的研究对白云岩化理论与白云岩储集层勘探具有重要意义。本文以四川盆地西北部中二叠统栖霞组白云岩为研究对象,通过野外剖面及岩心观察并采用铸体薄片、阴极发光、地球化学分析等方法对该段白云岩特征及成因进行研究。结果表明川西北地区栖霞组白云岩主要表现为块状晶粒白云岩、角砾状白云岩及斑状白云岩3种类型;碳同位素为正低值,氧同位素为负值,反映出其成岩过程中伴有早期淡水参与。结合工区构造沉积背景,对比以往经典白云岩化模式,发现四川盆地西北部中二叠统栖霞组白云岩化成因模式具有一定自身特点。通过对Folk “镁笼效应”理论进行延伸,认为栖霞组白云岩化模式在纵向上分为淡水渗流带、混合渗流带、混合潜流带及海水潜流带4个区带,其中混合渗流带和混合潜流带是白云岩发育的主要位置。在混合渗流带中,淡水与海水交替进入,未完全成岩的海洋沉积物质在成岩过程中受到淡水冲洗导致大量镁离子随淡水流入下部地层,而后又有海水携带镁离子进行补给,这为白云石形成提供了有利条件;混合潜流带内不断进入的混合流体携大量镁离子使得该带具有较高Mg/Ca值;而地幔上涌造成的地温升高克服了白云石形成的动力学屏障,有效促进了白云岩的形成。  相似文献   
史冀忠  崔海峰  许伟  宋博  王宝文 《地质通报》2022,41(8):1430-1444
银额盆地早白垩世沉积的巴音戈壁组湖相页岩是一套重要的烃源岩。通过对巴隆乌拉剖面黑色页岩进行地球化学分析,研究其主量、微量和稀土元素特征,以及黑色页岩沉积的古环境及有机质富集模式。结果表明,Sr/Ba值为0.14~0.24,平均值为0.18,B/Ga值为3.89~6.51,平均值为5.03,相当B含量为230.88×10-6~375.99×10-6,平均值为294.95×10-6,古盐度为11.97‰~15.83‰,平均值为14.70‰;V/(V+Ni)值为0.67~0.84,平均值为0.74,Ceanom值为-0.113~0.018,平均值为-0.055;古气候指数(C)为0.80~1.34,平均值为1.06,化学蚀变指数(CIA)为75~81,平均值为79;古水深为4.16~88.04 m,平均值为33.40 m;P/Ti值为0.10~0.22,平均值为0.15,过剩钡(BaXS)为-46.5×10-6~144.5×10-6,平均值为38.85×10-6。综合各参数特征,研究区黑色页岩沉积于温暖、湿润、半咸水、缺氧的还原环境,沉积水体较深,具有低的古生产力条件。有机碳含量与沉积环境间相关性的研究表明,巴音戈壁组黑色页岩有机质富集是古盐度、氧化-还原条件、古气候、古生产力等因素共同作用的结果。研究结果可为银额盆地中生界沉积演化和油气资源评价提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
Fourteen species of nonmarine gastropod opercula are found to be in high abundance in the Oligocene upper member of the Yehucheng Formation,Lanzhou Basin,northwest China.They are attributed to two families,namely Bithyniidae and Assimineidae,and four genera,namely Pseudemmericia,Bithynia,Mirolaminatus and Assiminea.Among them,three species are new,and they are Bithynia paramonolithic sp.nov.,B.obliquus sp.nov.,and B.disregularis sp.nov.Some of these species were first discovered in Paleogene strata of the vast Northwest China and can be compared with the opercula recovered from the Paleogene deposits in East and South China.It is inferred from the paleontology and sediment associations that the climate was slightly humid and the fauna probably inhabited the fresh or brackish water of a shallow lake in the Lanzhou Basin during the late early Oligocene period.  相似文献   
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