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袁从华  吴振君 《岩土力学》2012,33(3):805-811
以沪渝高速公路湖北段平缓反倾红砂岩为研究对象,在平缓反倾红砂岩高陡边坡中岩体易软化崩解。自然冲侵蚀形成的高陡山体卸荷变形可达几十毫米至近百毫米,卸荷变形破裂方向与构造节理重叠,使节理裂隙变宽,贯通性提高,为高陡坡体提供了顺坡向陡直破裂面。加之公路切坡卸荷变形和坡体软化变形,岩体软化后的变形模量下降约80%,卸荷变形和软化变形各有数毫米的变形量,与自然坡体卸荷重叠,使坡体变形进一步加大,使红砂岩坡体潜在不稳定性增大。同时地下水作用使卸荷裂隙充填一定高度的静水压力,还使岩体产生软化,岩块软化系数一般在0.3~0.7,导致岩体强度显著下降,30~40 m高的静水压力可使边坡的稳定性系数从开挖前的5.56降至1.96,开挖后从2.77降至1.07,这两方面的作用可使切坡后较稳定的反倾坡体变化到极限平衡状态,甚至失稳状态。因此,施工中要特别注意切坡后的即时加固,并采取措施防止卸荷裂隙中地下水聚积,减少地下水对坡体的软化。  相似文献   
波速测试技术作为一种简便、快捷的测试技术被广泛应用于各种工程实践中, 第三系砂岩是非常具有代表性的软岩, 对第三系砂岩波速测试的研究具有重要意义。本文以吉阳核电厂址的第三系砂岩为研究对象, 通过整理单孔波速、跨孔波速方法获得的参数, 分析半成岩岩体波速的空间分布规律及特性, 寻找波速与埋深深度、标贯动探参数之间的关系。结果表明单孔、跨孔波速测试波速值随深度增加而增加, 埋深5m以上增加幅度明显, 埋深5m以下增加趋势减缓, 平面上不同位置各孔的波速值基本一致, 说明第三系半成砂岩岩体分布较均匀。剪切波速与埋置深度线性回归拟合效果较好, 对数拟合优度在0.95以上, 精度最高, 相对可靠, 剪切波速与标贯击数之间相关性不明显, 与动探击数之间基本不相关。  相似文献   

基于神农架永兴洞3支石笋氧同位素记录,拼接重建了末次冰期88~22 ka B.P.平均分辨率达70 a的东亚季风演变序列。本文以小波诊断技术为基础,对去除65°N夏季太阳辐射和72 ka异常事件影响的石笋δ18O进行了多时间尺度分析。小波频谱分析结果表明,末次冰期亚洲季风具有明显的近8 ka、4 ka、2 ka左右的周期。其中近8 ka周期是唯一一个贯穿整个末次冰期的显著周期。小波方差分析结果也显示该时段仅有1个突出的峰值,对应时间约为7.7 ka。进一步分析发现这个周期组分其实也出现在格陵兰冰芯δ18O和南极温度变化中,可能被年龄误差和异常事件所掩盖。已有的千年尺度机制难以有力地解释该周期组分,我们利用外差法对轨道参数的周期进行分解,获得16 ka周期,这个周期的一半刚好与发现的8 ka周期相匹配。因此,地球轨道参数单独或共同作用,引起海表温、大冰盖、海洋/大陆生态系统的变化,通过大气、大洋等环流作用,从而产生地球气候系统轨道和千年尺度的振荡。

南梁西区位于鄂尔多斯盆地陕北斜坡的西南部.长6油层组作为其主要的勘探目标层位,在研究区东北部发育三角洲前缘亚相、南部发育深湖浊流亚相.砂岩储层主要由长石砂岩及岩屑长石砂岩组成.研究区砂岩中胶结物类型有方解石、伊利石、绿泥石和硅质胶结物,使得砂岩孔隙物性降低.通过对储层孔渗参数的研究,得出长6油层组主要为低孔超低渗储层.根据毛细管压力曲线的形态认为,研究区目的层的孔喉结构为Ⅱ类,孔喉分选中等偏差,并提出成岩作用是影响其储集性能的主要因素.  相似文献   
Understanding and interpreting the timing, location, orientation, and intensity of natural fractures within a geological structure are commonly important to both exploration and production planning activities of low-porosity and low-permeability carbonate reservoirs. In this study, we explore the application of comprehensive geomechanical methods to quantitatively characterize the fracture parameters based on Strain Energy Density Theory, such as linear fracture density and volume fracture density. This study approach is based on the idea that energy generated by tectonic stress on brittle sandstone,which can be distinguished fracture surface energy, friction energy dissipation and residual strain energy and natural fractures can be interpreted or inferred from geomechanical-model-derived strains. For this analysis, we model an extension and compression compound fault block developed in a mechanically stratified sandstone and shale sequence because mechanics experimental data and drilling data exist that can be directly compared with model results.However, the results show that the approach and our study conclusion are independent of the specified structural geometry, which can correlate fracture parameters in different stages with different tectonic activities, and finally build and visualize fracture networks in sandstone. The presence or absence of filling minerals in fractures is shown to strongly control the destruction and transformation of low-permeability sandstone, and this control possesses crucial implications for interpreting fracture aperture and reservoir flow simulation.  相似文献   
巴音戈壁盆塔木素地区砂岩型铀矿目的层普遍固结,矿体多层但连续性差,分布不规律,后生改造特征明显。本文通过野外露头调查、岩芯观察和微观分析,发现该地区普遍发育穿层脉状石膏或方解石、热液金属硫化物矿物、矿物重结晶与新生胶结物等,出现硫酸盐-金属硫化物共生矿物和S同位素分馏,指示存在后生热流体活动。通过对矿体、矿石特征及铀矿物成因的分析,初步认为热改造对成矿控制主要发生在层间氧化作用后期,温度升高造成碳酸钙和硫酸钙沉淀、重结晶,破坏含矿溶液中碳酸铀酰络合物的平衡,造成U的沉淀,促使铀矿化进一步富集。  相似文献   
许洪东 《世界地质》2001,20(2):148-154
油田水下窄小分流砂体进入中高含水期后,由于现井网对油层的水驱控制程度低,制约了分层注水调整技术优势的发挥,影响了开发效果。提出一套适合窄小砂体油田注采系统的调整,即以单砂体研究为基础,“分砂体、分阶段”采用层次分析法和模糊综合评价方法的“全方位优化转注方案 ”,对原井网进行了加密调整、细分注水。合理的注采系统调整是控制油田产量递减、提高水驱油采收率的有利措施。  相似文献   
Fire has long been recognized as an agent of rock weathering. Our understanding of the impact of fire on stone comes either from early anecdotal evidence, or from more recent laboratory simulation studies, using furnaces to simulate the effects of fire. This paper suggests that knowledge derived from simulated heating experiments is based on the pre‐conceptions of the experiment designer – when using a furnace to simulate fire, the operator decides on the maximum temperature and the duration of the experiment. These are key factors in determining the response of the stone to fire, and if these are removed from real‐world observations then knowledge based on these simulations must be questioned. To explore the differences between heating sandstone in a furnace and a real fire, sample blocks of Peakmoor Sandstone were subjected to different stress histories in combination (lime rendering and removal, furnace heating or fire, frost and salt weathering). Block response to furnace heating and fire is discussed, with emphasis placed on the non‐uniformity of the fire and of block response to fire in contrast to the uniform response to surface heating in a furnace. Subsequent response to salt weathering (by a 10% solution of sodium chloride and magnesium sulphate) was then monitored by weight loss. Blocks that had experienced fire showed a more unpredictable response to salt weathering than those that had undergone furnace heating – spalling of corners and rapid catastrophic weight loss were evidenced in blocks that had been subjected to fire, after periods of relative quiescence. An important physical side‐effect of the fire was soot accumulation, which created a waxy, relatively impermeable layer on some blocks. This layer repelled water and hindered salt ingress, but eventually detached when salt, able to enter the substrate through more permeable areas, concentrated and crystallized behind it, resulting in rapid weight loss and accelerated decay. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
虽然关于一些重要参数值仍然存在显著的不确定性,地学家们一致认为断层分布遵从幂律标度关系。本文我们把这些标度关系和地震分布的幂律标度关系结合起来获得了区域板内地震复发间隔对断层长度的标度关系式,再对其进行局部校准进而得到某一具体小地方的地震危险估计方法。小断层(未跨越孕震层与断4层)的标度资料表明地震复发间隔和断层长度的负幂成比例变化。由于最近认识到了大震标度中参数的不确定性,对于大断层(跨越孕震层的断层),其地震复发间隔是和断层长度的负幂还是和正幂成比例变化的问题是不确定的,这个问题对地震危险估计是至关重要的。  相似文献   
GBPP-100型地面雨滴谱仪测量的可靠性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用GBPP-100型地面雨滴谱仪与吸水纸斑,点法进行同步观测,对比分析GBPP-100型地面雨滴谱仪测量的可靠性。结果表明:(1)两种方法测量雨滴谱所得资料除平均直径、均立方根直径相似性稍差外,其它特征量的线性相关显著性水平均为0.005;(2)两种方法所得雨滴谱资料除平均直径、均立方根直径、降水强度稍有差异外,其它特征量均无显著差异。  相似文献   
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