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北太平洋维多利亚模态(Victoria Mode, VM)是北太平洋重要的气候模态,对全球降水和气候有着重要影响。本文使用CN05.1格点化观测数据集资料,研究了春季(2—4月)VM模态与我国淮河流域夏季(6—8月)降水的关系,揭示了其内在的可能机制,并在此基础上建立了一个淮河流域夏季降水预测模型。结果表明,春季VM模态与淮河流域夏季降水存在较强的正相关关系,该相关受ENSO影响有限;春季VM模态可以通过海气相互作用在夏季增强赤道西太平洋上空的异常西风,导致影响淮河流域的气旋性环流异常。气旋性环流异常有利于淮河流域上空丰富的水汽供应和异常上升运动。因此,淮河流域夏季降水量增加。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔中Ⅰ号坡折带上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩灰岩发生了少量白云石化作用。白云石化主要发育在溶洞充填的钙质渗流粉砂,泥晶生物碎屑灰岩的泥晶基质,亮晶颗粒灰岩的钙藻屑、藻砂屑、藻泥屑等三种组构中。白云石化直接贡献了平均1%的孔隙度,同时产生的白云石晶间孔为进一步溶蚀提供了通道,对有效储层的形成起到了重要作用。高镁方解石生物是白云石化所需镁离子的重要来源。这套与生物白云石化相关的礁滩储层地质预测需要深入研究钙藻、海百合等生物的古生态、岩相环境及分布。  相似文献   
Based on detailed and systematic researches of the geology of ore deposits, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry etc., and regarding the Late Paleozoic fluid system of the Yuebei Basin as an integrated object in this paper, we have revealed the temporo-spatial evolution law of the basin's fluid system and discussed its ore-forming effects by simulating and analyzing the distribution of ore-forming elements, the fluid thermodynamics and dynamics of evolution processes of this basin. The results show that Late Paleozoic ore-forming fluid systems of the Yuebei Basin include four basic types as follows. (1) The sea floor volcanic-exhalation system developed during the rapid basin slip-extension stage in the Mid-Late Devonian, which affected the Dabaoshan region. It thus formed the Dabaoshan-type Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe sea floor volcanic-exhalation sedimentary deposits. (2) The compaction fluid system developed during the stable spreading and thermal subsidence-compression stage of the basin in the Mid-Late Devonian. The range of its effects extended all over the whole basin. It resulted in filling-metasomatic deposits, such as the Hongyan-type pyrite deposits and pyrite sheet within the Fankou-type Cu-Pb-Zn-S deposits. (3) The hot water circulation system of sea floor developed during the stage of basin uplifting and micro-aulacogen from the late Late Carboniferous to Middle Carboniferous. The range of its effects covered the Fankou region. It thus formed MVT deposits, such as the main orebody of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn-S deposits. (4) The gravity fluid system developed during the stage of fold uplifting and the basin closed from Middle Triassic to Jurassic, forming groundwater hydrothermal deposits, e.g. the veinlet Pb-Zn-calcite orebodies of the Fankou-type Pb-Zn- S deposits. Migration and concentration of the ore-forming fluids were constrained by the state of temporo-spatial distribution of its fluid potential. Growth faults not only converged the fluids and drove them to move upwards, but also the fluids often crossed the faults to the edges of the basin at the bottom of these faults and the lithologic interfaces, and even migrated to the basin's edges from top to bottom along the faults, which may be one of the basic reasons for the stratabound deposits to cluster mainly along the contemporaneous faults on the inner border of the basin. The superposed mineralization resulting from the multi-stage activity of contemporaneous faults and ore-forming fluid systems in the basin may be one of the key factors for forming superlarge ore deposits.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西南缘可划分为喀喇昆仑、西昆仑、塔里木等三个地层区和康西瓦、库地等两个缝合带。自震旦纪以来,该区经历了震旦纪—泥盆纪和石炭纪—第四纪两大构造旋回。对应每一旋回,喀喇昆仑地层区和塔里木地层区发育有被动大陆边缘盆地和碰撞造山两种类型的岩石组合。西昆仑地层区发育了被动大陆边缘盆地、俯冲消减带和碰撞造山等三种类型的岩石组合。康西瓦缝合带是康西瓦洋经历了震旦纪—中泥盆世和早石炭世—晚侏罗世两次开合后的遗迹,它既是喀喇昆仑和西昆仑两个地层区的分界线,又是羌塘和塔里木两个板块的分界线;库地缝合带则是库地洋经历早石炭世—早二叠世一次开合的遗迹,分割了西昆仑和塔里木这两个地层区。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地克拉通区天然气碳同位素与成熟度关系探讨   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
周兴熙  王红军 《地球化学》1999,28(6):571-579
气藏中天然气碳同位素的轻重不仅反映了母质继续效应和成熟效应,同时也取决于累积、散失、混合效应。塔里木盆地3个古隆起(中、 塔北和巴楚)区的天然气均主要来自寒武系一下奥陶统烃财。塔中地区保存条件好,天然气聚集时期长,为连续聚气区,其累积效应强,碳同位素普遍偏轻;塔北和 扎塔格地区保存状况相对较差,天然气聚集期短,累积效应弱,碳同位素值重了区。塔中北皮一些奥陶第 藏由于有中上奥陶统生成的低熟气-生物气  相似文献   
通过收集整理物探、钻探资料,分析了黑石—大山盆地煤层赋存规律,认为在盆地的斜坡地带煤层赋存较好,总结出含煤岩系及煤层的变化规律,指出下一步找煤方向——在黑石东—塔拉站区域及官地镇—大山林场区域。  相似文献   
南黄海中部隆起是下扬子地块向海域的延伸,是当前海相盆地海域资源调查的潜力区。中部隆起自印支期以来经历多期构造隆升、挤压及剥蚀作用,显著影响了盆地油气资源的形成和分布。2016年底完钻的大陆架科学钻探CSDP-2井首次在中部隆起钻穿印支不整合面,该不整合面在中部隆起既是新近系-第四系底界,又是下三叠统灰岩的顶界,横向延伸平缓,上、下地层产状差异巨大,下伏地层具有强烈的挤压变形及逆冲推覆,呈现显著的角度不整合接触关系。本次研究基于泥岩声波时差法计算的印支面地层剥蚀量约为1200 m,镜质体反射率法计算的剥蚀量约为1400 m,与地层趋势面估算的剥蚀量基本一致。结合南黄海盆地演化过程分析,认为中部隆起大致于晚三叠世开始隆升,至晚白垩世期间经历快速剥蚀,并可能延续到渐新世末期。在当前南黄海盆地资源调查逐步转向中、古生界海相残留盆地之际,依托实际钻探资料进行印支不整合面研究及剥蚀量恢复对于恢复盆地构造-热演化史及评价油气资源等均具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
东河塘油田位于新疆库车县,构造上隶属于塔里木盆地塔北隆起轮台凸起东河塘断裂构造带,是我国发现的第一个高产高丰度海相砂岩油田,它的发现是中国海相砂岩油气勘探理论和实践的一次重大突破。油田发现于1990年7月,至1994年探明石油地质储量3323.13×104t,天然气地质储量15.5×108m3,至2009年底累计产原油825.75×104t。石炭系东河砂岩油藏是东河塘油田的主体,其储层东河砂岩段是一套滨岸相砂体,具有厚度巨大、埋深大、储集性能好的特点;其油藏类型为块状底水背斜油藏,产能高,储量丰度高。论述了东河塘油田勘探与发现的历程,剖析了取得勘探成功的实践认识与意义。  相似文献   
The major Ghanaian lode gold deposits are preferentially aligned along the western and eastern contacts of the Kumasi Basin with the Ashanti and Sefwi Belts, respectively. The investigated area of the Abawso small-scale concession, covering the workings of the old Ettadom mine, is situated 3 km west of the lithological contact of the Birimian metavolcanic rocks of the Akropong Belt in the east with the Birimian metasedimentary rocks of the Kumasi Basin in the west. The rocks of the Abawso concession represent a steeply NW-dipping limb of a SE-verging anticline with an axis plunging to the SW. Quartz veining occurs predominantly in the form of en échelon dilatational veins along NNE–SSW-striking shear zones of a few metres width and shows evidence of brittle and ductile deformation. Also stockwork-style quartz veining occurs in the vicinity of the main shaft of the old Ettadom mine. Hydrothermal alteration includes sericitisation, sulphidation and locally carbonatisation. The auriferous quartz veins mainly follow the trend of brittle to ductile deformed quartz veins; however, some occur in stockwork. Fluid inclusion studies reveal a large number of H2O inclusions along intragranular trails in auriferous quartz vein samples, as well as an overall dominance of H2O and H2O-CO2 inclusions over CO2 inclusions. Textural observations and physico-chemical fluid inclusion properties indicate post-entrapment modifications for all quartz vein samples due to grain boundary migration recrystallisation. This process is interpreted to be responsible for the generation of the CO2 inclusions from a H2O-CO2 parent fluid. In comparison with mineralisation at the Ashanti and Prestea deposits, which are characterised by CO2±N2 inclusions, the observed inclusion assemblage may be due to a shallower crustal level of mineralisation, or different degrees and styles of recrystallisation, or a less pronounced development of laminated quartz veins due to comparably restricted pressure fluctuations. Furthermore, the microthermometric observations allow the reconstruction of a possible retrograde P-T path, depicting near-isothermal decompression in the P-T range of the brittle/ductile transition.Editorial handling: E. Frimmel  相似文献   
川东茅口组硅质岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
川东地区中二叠统茅口组硅质岩广泛分布。通过野外剖面的详细研究和硅质岩主量、稀土和同位素的分析,认为茅口组硅质岩为沉积于台盆相中的热水硅质岩,其化学成分以SiO2为主,含量为80.09%~97.91%,富集Fe、Mn等元素,Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)平均值为0.30;REE总量平均值为8.72×10-6,δCe值为0.39~0.81,为负异常,δEu值为0.35~5.85,从Eu负异常到Eu正异常;δ30Si值为0.2‰~1.2‰,与热水来源石英较为接近;根据δ18O计算出硅质岩形成时古海水的温度为34~89℃。热水硅质岩的形成与火山活动和断裂有关,下渗的海水与岩浆热液混合,并被加温,溶解了大量SiO2等有关元素;然后以热泉形式通过断裂喷出,使附近海水中SiO2含量极大提高并沉淀。  相似文献   
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