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The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on cross-dating tree rings from the Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, the tree rings α-cellulose δ 13C time series was measured. By spectrum analysis, the variation of tree-ring δ13C sequence shows a quasi periodicity of 4.4 years, which is coincident with the standard cycle of El Nino. After removing the long-term decrease trend of the δ13C variation related to atmospheric CO2 concentration, the response of the δ13C to climate elements was analyzed using meteorology data from a nearby weather station. The results suggest that there is a distinct relativity between high-frequency variation of tree ring δ 13C series and seasonal climate parameters, e.g. Temperature and precipitation, with a significant time-lag effect. In addition, the high frequency also reflects the strength change of the East Asian Monsoon. The multiple regression method was employed to reconstruct the historical climate, and to analyze the climate change and trend in the last 160 years in the northern Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   
针对中亚地区的强生态脆弱性、高敏感性特征,有必要开展广域、长期的植被覆盖监测以匹配"绿色丝绸之路"的可持续发展目标。鉴于此,联合Landsat 5和Landsat 8卫星数据集,利用Google Earth Engine(GEE)地理空间数据云计算平台,估算了中亚地区1993—2018年间共12期的植被覆盖度。结果表明:(1)中亚地区植被覆盖总体水平较低,但也具有较为显著的空间异质性。(2)中亚地区1993—2018年间多数区域植被覆盖趋势较为稳定,哈萨克斯坦丘陵、费尔干纳盆地等区域植被覆盖度呈增加趋势,乌拉尔河流域和锡尔河流域等区域植被覆盖趋势为负。(3)植被覆盖度时序特征上,中亚地区1993—2018年间总体植被覆盖度累积增加3%,其中吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦植被覆盖分别增加3.96%和5.86%。(4)裸土区呈退缩趋势,面积总计减少25.9×104km2,低植被覆盖区、中植被覆盖区和高植被覆盖区范围在呈现出的振荡式增加。研究结合遥感大数据和地理云计算对中亚地区进行区域尺度的植被覆盖动态监测,能对中亚地区生态评估和演替分析提供技术支持和定量数据。  相似文献   
李奇  董晔  刘云刚 《热带地理》2021,41(2):290-302
基于人口普查数据、自然环境、经济产业及交通路网等公开数据,运用城镇体系金字塔、城镇规模基尼系数以及核密度分析等方法,对巴基斯坦城镇体系特征及其影响因素进行分析,发现:1)规模结构方面,城镇规模分布较集中,表现为"大城市化"与"小城市化"并重的特征,中间级别城市发展滞后,城镇人口金字塔大致呈现沙漏形态;空间结构方面,整体...  相似文献   
Tourism accounts for 15% of Greece’s gross domestic product. In the wake of a struggling economy many of Greece’s coastal villages have turned to tourism to supplement local economies. Preliminary analysis of structural and cultural materials recovered from an excavation on Mitrou, a small islet near the coastal village Tragana located 140 km north of Athens has established the site’s contribution to a fuller understanding of settlement practices in Central Greece from the end of the Bronze Age through the Early Iron Age. The site’s historic importance combined with its scenic coastal setting has considerable potential to be developed into an important tourist site. The physical geography of the region is the product of the complex interaction of coastal, alluvial, fluvial, and seismic processes. This investigation integrates the archaeological material with a geographical analysis employing a variety of geographical techniques (soil and sediment analysis, past climatic data, environmental surveys, and geospatial modeling) to reconstruct the geomorphological history of the site and to evaluate the area as a potential tourist site.  相似文献   
通过构建空间开发、经济发展、资源环境水平的评价指标体系,引入耦合度概念,并应用变异系数、趋势面分析、回归分析等定量模型研究2000~2014年哈大巨型城市带空间开发-经济发展-环境演变的耦合分异特征及其影响机制,主要得到以下结论:① 2000年以来哈大巨型城市带各城市空间开发-经济发展-环境演变的耦合度均处在不同程度失调状态,且整体表现为“西高东低-南高北低”的空间格局,但耦合度水平总体趋于上升。哈长次区域和辽中南次区域以及哈大巨型城市带整体的耦合度波动性均先升高后下降,总体趋势不断向好;② 政府投入强度是2000年影响哈大巨型城市带各城市耦合度差异的重要作用因素,资本投入强度与科技投入规模是2007年、2014年2个阶段的主导影响因素,且城市发展能级差异与2007年各城市间的耦合度差异表现出一致性;③ 在政府投入强度、科技投入规模、资本投入强度等因素的共同作用下,哈长次区域空间开发-经济发展-环境演变的耦合程度出现空间分异。辽中南次区域耦合度分异的影响因素由人力资本效率和行政等级逐渐演变为以资本投入强度主导。  相似文献   
青藏高原隆升对亚洲乃至全球气候演化的影响是古气候学热点问题之一。青藏高原的热力和动力效应一直以来受到人们的广泛重视,其中高原对大气环流的阻碍作用被认为在亚洲冬季气候形成中扮演着极其重要的作用。过去的理论及重建研究大都强调青藏高原主体的贡献,忽略了高原边缘中小尺度地形的可能贡献。以青藏高原北边缘蒙古地形为例,现代大气流场显示蒙古地形对冬季对流层低层西风具有明显的阻碍作用。本研究利用一个海气耦合模式评估了蒙古地形对亚洲冬季气候的影响及其同青藏高原主体的相对贡献。结果显示,蒙古高原地形对亚洲西风急流和东亚冬季风具有非常显著的影响。蒙古高原存在时,东亚大槽加深,日本上空的西风急流增强,东亚冬季风环流也增强。该效应主要源自于亚洲大气热力结构的变化,对流层低层西风在蒙古地形的动力强迫下向北绕流,在下游产生强烈的北风异常,有利于极地冷空气南下。该温度冷平流最终导致西风急流和冬季风环流的响应。值得注意的是,青藏高原主体对西风急流和冬季风的贡献要明显弱于蒙古高原。该结果启示我们,传统认识的青藏高原动力效应可能被一定程度高估,亚洲各地形的动力效应不仅同其规模和高度有关,也与其所处位置有关,处于敏感区域的较小尺度地形同样会对亚洲气候形成有不可忽略的影响。  相似文献   
张镱锂  吴雪  郑度 《地理学报》2020,75(5):931-948
喜马拉雅山脉中段的珠穆朗玛峰等地,海拔高差巨大、生境复杂多变、土地覆被类型多样且植被垂直带谱完整,是全球范围内研究土地覆被垂直变化的理想场所。本文基于30 m空间分辨率的土地覆被数据(2010年)和DEM数据,在ArcGIS和Matlab平台的支持下,提出并运用脊线法、样带法和扇区法3种山地南北坡划分方法,研究了喜马拉雅山土地覆被垂直分布与结构差异。结果表明:① 山地土地覆被分布具有明确的垂直地带性结构特征,喜马拉雅中部土地覆被垂直带谱为南六北四式,土地覆被垂直带谱中具有人类活动的特点。② 南北坡之间的土地覆被垂直带谱差异明显,南坡土地覆被类型完整多样,北坡相对简单;对同类型土地覆被而言,南坡较北坡分布高程低、幅度宽。③ 依据各类型分布面积比随海拔变化情况,土地覆被类型在南北坡上的垂直分布可分为4种模式:冰川雪被、稀疏植被和草地为单峰分布型,裸地为南单峰北双峰分布型。④ 3种划分方法中,南坡的土地覆被垂直带结构具有相似性,而北坡的土地覆被垂直带结构存在差异,扇区法较好地反映了土地覆被自然分布格局。  相似文献   
In this paper, we apply current geological knowledge on faulting processes to digital processing of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) in order to pinpoint locations of active faults. The analysis is based on semiautomatic interpretation of 20- and 60-m DEM and their products (slope, shaded relief). In Northern–Eastern Attica, five normal fault segments were recognized on the 20-m DEM. All faults strike WNW–ESE. The faults are from west to east: Thriassion (THFS), Fili (FIFS), Afidnai (AFFS), Avlon (AVFS), and Pendeli (PEFS) and range in length from 10 to 20 km. All of them show geomorphic evidence for recent activity such as prominent range-front escarpments, V-shaped valleys, triangular facets, and tilted footwall areas. However, escarpment morphometry and footwall geometry reveal systematic differences between the “external” segments (PEFS, THFS, and AVFS) and the “internal” segments (AFFS and FIFS), which may be due to mechanical interaction among segments and/or preexisting topography. In addition, transects across all five escarpments show mean scarp slope angles of 22.1°±0.7° for both carbonate and metamorphic bedrock. The slope angle equation for the external segments shows asymptotic behaviour with increasing height. We make an empirical suggestion that slope angle is a function of the long-term fault slip rate which ranges between 0.13 and 0.3 mm/yr. The identified faults may rupture up to magnitude 6.4–6.6 earthquakes. The analysis of the 60-m DEM shows a difference in fault patterns between Western and Northern Attica, which is related to crustal rheology variations.  相似文献   
长江沿岸港口体系的形成过程与机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长江沿岸港口体系是长江经济带的重要支撑。本文首先对自古以来长江沿岸港口体系的形成发展过程进行了科学实证,发现港口体系经历了“港口的起源与产生—港口体系萌芽—港口体系雏形—港口体系形成—港口体系升级”5个阶段。依据实证分析,对长江沿岸港口体系的形成机制进行了归纳演绎,认为相关港口对水水中转和陆水中转腹地的长期相互竞争是导致港口体系形成的主要机制,其中对水水中转腹地的竞争尤为关键,而港口对中转腹地的竞争随时间推移不断向更深层次更广领域推进。最后从政策层面,对长江沿岸港口体系和长江经济带综合运输体系建设的若干问题进行了讨伦。  相似文献   
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