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用1958-2003年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,利用涡度源方程、Eliassen-Palm通量(EP通量)和非绝热效应的波能方程,分析了夏季沿西亚急流Rossby波活动(WAJRA)异常的波源、能量传播和转换特征,从大气动力学内部机制上进一步认识WAJRA异常的成因,提高对中高纬大气环流异常机理的理解.研究表明,对流层高层位于地中海和北大西洋-斯堪的纳维亚半岛的负涡度源区和EP通量强辐散区为夏季WAJRA异常的波源区.当波源区位置和强度出现异常时,波源所激发东传的Rossby波活动也出现异常,从而导致WAJRA强弱变化.WAJRA强(弱)年冰岛-斯堪的那维亚半岛(斯堪的那维亚半岛以东)EP通量强辐散区激发Rossby波并沿2条路径向东传播,一支向东传播在乌拉尔山附近转向东南并在里海、咸海-新疆上空进入亚洲副热带西风急流传播增强(减弱),另一支直接向东南方向传播在地中海东部-黑海附近进入亚洲西风急流增强(减弱),此外,地中海上空EP通量辐散也增强(减弱),它们共同作用使得WAJRA增强(减弱).沿西亚地区副热带西风急流(简称西亚急流,指亚洲副热带西风急流的15°-60°E部分)非绝热加热产生扰动有效位能远大于基本气流动能向扰动动能的转换和基本气流有效位能向扰动有效位能的转换.西亚急流Rossby波活动强年(弱年)伊朗高原及其北侧的西亚地区非绝热加热产生的有效位能增强(减弱)显著,是WAJRA增强(减弱)的能量源.  相似文献   
北太平洋及东亚地区在始新世左右发生了一系列重大地质事件:日本海发生开裂;日本西南和中国板块北部发生顺时针旋转(>20°);NNW向运动的太平洋板块突然改变方向开始NWW向运动;郯庐断裂带由强烈断陷造成快速冷却事件;渤海湾盆地出现地幔热异常开始形成裂谷系;阿尔金断裂开始脉冲式走滑;贝加尔湖裂谷开始形成。这些重大地质事件的发生都与日本海陨击事件相关。  相似文献   
文章选取印尼苏拉威西岛Kolonodale红土型镍矿区为研究区,对201个浅井剖面共采取3 161件风化壳样品,进行了w(Ni)值的测试,以揭示超基性岩红土风化壳中Ni的表生富集规律及矿化结构特征。研究结果表明,在平面上,矿区内风化壳的w(Ni)平均值的高低与地形地貌关系密切。斜坡带、坡脚堆积带的风化壳为含镍高值区,其w(Ni)值为0.8%~1.8%;山顶平台区、山脊的风化壳为含镍低值区,其w(Ni)值为0.7%~1.4%。在垂向上,风化产物的w(Ni)值的高低与取样深度及样品属性密切相关。w(Ni)值随着红土带→腐岩带→基岩带的变化出现低值(0.85%~1.55%)→高值(1.15%~4.75%)→低值(≤0.55%)的波动变化规律。矿层的产状(分布、深度、厚度)与风化壳产状之间表现出明显的正相关关系。矿区内的低品位矿层〔1.5%≤w(Ni)≤2.0%〕和高品位矿层〔w(Ni)≥2.0%〕单独或组合发育,产出"正常型双层矿化"、"倒置型双层矿化"、"低品位单层矿化"、"高品位单层矿化"和"叠层矿化"等5种矿化结构类型。综合分析认为,富镁及中等程度蛇纹石化的超基性岩母岩、热带雨林气候环境是矿区内发育富镍红土风化壳的首要条件。吸附、离子交换以及次生沉淀等3种成矿作用的共同发育,导致了红土风化壳中Ni表生矿化的连续性、矿石类型的多样性及特高品位矿石的形成。矿床中矿化结构类型的多样化是区域构造背景、地形地貌、构造发育、水文条件等诸多因素耦合作用的结果。文章指出,在今后的红土型镍矿床的找矿勘查过程中,需要综合考虑各类内、外生控矿因素对矿床发育的影响,总结矿区尺度的矿化结构规律,可有效地指导矿床勘查工作。  相似文献   
甘肃北山地区位于中亚造山带中段,是诠释中亚造山带构造演化的关键区域之一,长期以来受到地质学界的广泛关注。柳园地区位于甘肃北山南带,区内脉岩发育,这些岩脉的研究可以为阐释北山造山带晚古生代构造背景提供更多证据。基于此,本文选取位于甘肃柳园地区的正长花岗斑岩脉开展了系统的锆石U-Pb-Hf同位素和全岩主量、微量元素分析。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb分析显示,岩脉侵位于早二叠世((288.5±1.4)Ma)。全岩地球化学分析显示,正长花岗斑岩脉的SiO2和全碱质量分数较高,Fe、Mg、Ca、Al和P质量分数较低,Rb、Th、U和Pb相对富集,Ba、Nb、La、Ce、Sr和Ti等元素相对亏损,Eu负异常显著,具有较高的Rb/Sr值和较低的K/Rb值及锆石饱和温度(730~844℃,集中于740℃左右),显示该岩脉为高钾钙碱性高分异I型花岗岩,并具有俯冲带岩浆活动的地球化学特征。正长花岗斑岩脉具有较低的Zr/Hf值(18.42~28.01,平均值为22.37)和Th/U值(3.82~7.99,平均值为5.34),与平均地壳组分接近,锆石εHft)值为2.94~9.66,平均值为5.72,TDM2值为955~611 Ma,指示源区主体为新元古代地壳的部分熔融,并存在幔源物质加入。根据构造判别图解并结合前人关于二叠纪区域构造变形、盆地沉积物源、岩浆演化等方面的研究结果,笔者认为该正长花岗斑岩脉形成于俯冲作用过程中的局部伸展环境,并认为北山地区增生造山事件至少持续到早二叠世。  相似文献   
The results of the seismic surveys recorded during 1963 and 1968 for Marathon Petroleum and Crusader Oil in the Laura Basin, north Queensland, have been reinterpreted. Seismic reflections which dip almost continuously from 0.6 to 4.0 seconds reflection time may come from the base of and within an 8000 m sequence of Permo‐Carboniferous sediments, which may underlie the flat‐lying Mesozoic Laura Basin sediments and overlie the heavily folded Carboniferous‐Devonian sediments in the Hodgkinson Basin. Further seismic investigation of this area is recommended since a thick Permo‐Carboniferous sedimentary section here could be prospective for hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
对大兴安岭中段突泉盆地中出露的高Mg#火山岩进行了详细的岩石学、激光全熔40Ar/39Ar测年及地球化学研究,讨论了该组火山岩成因、岩石物质来源及其地质意义.突泉盆地高Mg#火山岩为一套中酸性岩石,化学成分显示其主要为安山岩与英安岩.岩石激光全熔40Ar/39Ar测年结果显示火山岩年龄为136.0±2.0 Ma,形成于早白垩世早期.火山岩地球化学特征总体表现出了埃达克质岩石的地球化学特征:SiO2≥57.50%,A12O3≥16.66%,MgO45,贫Y(平均值17.53×10-6),贫Yb(平均值1.84×10-6),高Sr(>534×10-6),高Ba(789×10-6~925×10-6);Sr/Y=22.71~73.54,Y/Yb=8.95~11.32;REE分异明显,富集LREE,亏损HREE;无明显Eu异常(平均Eu/Eu*=0.94).该套高Mg#火山岩可能是加厚基性下地壳发生部分熔融并与底侵的基性岩浆混合的产物.结合大兴安岭中生代盆岭构造演化的特点,突泉盆地早白垩世高Mg#的埃达克质火山岩形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋(古太平洋)闭合造山阶段碰撞构造背景,岩浆源区性质主要归因于增厚的造山带下地壳部分熔融作用.  相似文献   

The Mesa Central of Mexico (MC) is an elevated plateau located 2000 m above sea level in central Mexico, where intrusions outcrop that register the history of exhumation-erosion occurring during the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene. The tectonic history of the region records formation of the Late Cretaceous-Paleogene ‘Mexican orogen’; this was followed by extension of the entire region and several plutons were then exhumed. The age and magnitude of the crustal uplift and erosion occurring during exhumation has not been addressed to date. Therefore, this study reports the crystallization and cooling ages of two plutons, the Tesorera Granodiorite and the Comanja Granite, and estimates their emplacement depths. Based on these data, the exhumation age of the Tesorera Granodiorite is estimated to be between ~73 Ma and ~63 Ma at an exhumation rate of ~528 m/m. y. and that of the Comanja Granite is 52 Ma and 48 Ma at an exhumation rate of ~2500 m/m. y. Exhumation-erosion event of the Tesorera Granodiorite was located on the trace of the San Luis-Tepehuanes Fault System and that of the Comanja Granite on the a trace of the El Bajío Fault System. Furthermore, the high exhumation rate in the Comanja Granite suggests that gravitational collapse played an important role during exhumation.  相似文献   
The large‐scale forest fires that occurred during the major El Niño event in 1997 can be counted among the worst environmental disasters in Southeast Asia. This study investigates atmospheric mesoscale features over Sumatra and the Klang Valley in Peninsular Malaysia during the resultant haze episode of September 1997 utilizing a limited area mesoscale three‐dimensional meteorological and dispersion model, The Air Pollution Model (TAPM). Mesoscale features that would not be highlighted by global numerical prediction models, such as the daily land and sea breeze conditions at the selected air pollution stations located near the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia, were predicted with an Index of Agreement of 0.3, which implied a moderate conformity between the predicted and observed values. Tracer analysis of air particles at a selected location in the Straits of Malacca verified the existence of the landward and shoreward movement of the air during the simulation of the low‐level wind field. Air pollutants from the burning areas of neighbouring Sumatra just across the straits were transported towards the Klang valley during the daytime and seawards during the nighttime, highlighting the recirculation features of aged and newer air particles over the seven days (13–18 September) of the model simulation. The presence of the central Main Range east of the Klang valley to a certain extent limited further eastward movement of the air particles. Near calm conditions at low levels were simulated from midnight to midday on 14 September, where the movement of the polluted air particles from the uncontrolled burning in Sumatra was confined within the Straits of Malacca. Turbulence within the planetary boundary layer in terms of the total kinetic energy was found to be weak from 14 to 15 September, congruent with the weak strength of low level winds that reduced the ability of the air to transport the pollutants during the period of severe smoke haze. Statistical evaluation showed that parameters such as the systematic RMSE (root mean square error) and unsystematic RMSE for the zonal wind component were slightly higher than for the meridional one, indicating higher errors between the observed and simulated zonal values. Otherwise, the equatorial meteorological parameters such as wind speed and temperature were successfully simulated by the model with comparatively high correlation coefficients, lower RMSEs and moderately high indices of agreement with observed values.  相似文献   
Paleogeography can be reconstructed using various crust-or mantle-based reference frames that make fundamentally different assumptions.The various reconstruction models differ significantly in continental paleolongitude,but it has been difficult to assess which models are more valid.We suggest here a "LLSVP test",where an assumed correlation between present-day large low velocity shear-wave provinces and the paleogeography of supercontinent Pangea at breakup ca.200 million years ago can be used to assess the relative accuracy of published reconstructions.Closest correlations between continental paleolongitude and the African LLSVP are achieved with mantle-based reference frames(moving hotspots and true polar wander),whereas shallower crustbased reference frames are shown to be invalid.The relative success of mantle-based frames,and thus the importance of the depth of reference frame,supports the notion that mantle convection is largely vertical compared to the horizontal plate motion of tectonics.  相似文献   
We present a detailed, new time scale for an orogenic cycle (oceanic accretion–subduction–collision) that provides significant insights into Paleozoic continental growth processes in the southeastern segment of the long-lived Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The most prominent tectonic feature in Inner Mongolia is the association of paired orogens. A southern orogen forms a typical arc-trench complex, in which a supra-subduction zone ophiolite records successive phases during its life cycle: birth (ca. 497–477 Ma), when the ocean floor of the ophiolite was formed; (2) youth (ca. 473–470 Ma), characterized by mantle wedge magmatism; (3) shortly after maturity (ca. 461–450 Ma), high-Mg adakite and adakite were produced by slab melting and subsequent interaction of the melt with the mantle wedge; (4) death, caused by subduction of a ridge crest (ca. 451–434 Ma) and by ridge collision with the ophiolite (ca. 428–423 Ma). The evolution of the magmatic arc exhibits three major coherent phases: arc volcanism (ca. 488–444 Ma); adakite plutonism (ca. 448–438 Ma) and collision (ca. 419–415 Ma) of the arc with a passive continental margin. The northern orogen, a product of ridge-trench interaction, evolved progressively from coeval generation of near-trench plutons (ca. 498–461 Ma) and juvenile arc crust (ca. 484–469 Ma), to ridge subduction (ca. 440–434 Ma), microcontinent accretion (ca. 430–420 Ma), and finally to forearc formation. The paired orogens followed a consistent progression from ocean floor subduction/arc formation (ca. 500–438 Ma), ridge subduction (ca. 451–434 Ma) to microcontinent accretion/collision (ca. 430–415 Ma); ridge subduction records the turning point that transformed oceanic lithosphere into continental crust. The recognition of this orogenic cycle followed by Permian–early Triassic terminal collision of the CAOB provides compelling evidence for episodic continental growth.  相似文献   
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