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Analysis of earth dams affected by the 2001 Bhuj Earthquake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An earthquake of magnitude of 7.6 (Mw 7.6) occurred in Bhuj, India on January 26, 2001. This event inflicted damages of varying extents to a large number of small to moderate size multi-zone earth dams in the vicinity of the epicenter. Some of the distress was due to the liquefaction of saturated alluvium in foundation. Liquefaction was relatively localized for the majority of these dams because the earthquake struck in the middle of a prolonged dry season when the reservoirs behind these dams were nearly empty and shallow alluvium soils underneath the downstream portions of the dams were partly dry. Otherwise, liquefaction of foundation soils would have been more extensive and damage to these dams more significant. Six such dams have been examined in this paper. Four of these facilities, Chang, Shivlakha, Suvi, and Tapar were within the 50 km of epicenter region. These dams underwent free-field ground motion with peak ground accelerations between 0.28g to 0.52g. Of these Chang Dam underwent severe slumping, whereas Shivlakha, Suvi, and Tapar Dams were affected severely especially over the upstream sections. Fatehgadh Dam and Kaswati Dam were affected relatively less severely. Foundation conditions underneath these dams were first examined for assessing liquefaction potential. A limited amount of subsurface information available from investigations undertaken prior to the earthquake indicates that, although the foundation soils within the top 2.0 to 2.5 m underneath these dams were susceptible to liquefaction, Bhuj Earthquake did not trigger liquefaction because of lack of saturation of these layers underneath the downstream portions of these dams. These dams were then analyzed using a simple sliding block procedure using appropriate estimates of undrained soil strength parameters. The results of this analysis for these structures were found to be in general agreement with the observed deformation patterns.  相似文献   
青藏高原东南部的地貌结构是高原隆升深部动力过程与高原扩展的重要指标之一,存在受下地壳流驱动的渐变模型和受宽约50~200km的雅砻-玉龙断裂系控制的陡变模型2种不同认识。文中基于30m分辨率的SRTM数据进行数字高程分析,利用高程和水系参数对研究区地貌加以提取和分析,结合野外地貌和构造调研的结果以及前人的相关研究,对高原东南缘川滇地块中部构造地貌细结构进行了详细的解析。研究认为,青藏高原东南边界具有明显的台阶式构造地貌结构,不同台阶梯度带受不同时期发育的NE-SW向断裂控制。其中一级边界位于木里-玉龙断裂,控制了平均海拔4 200m的高原面的东南边界,是渐新世—中新世早期构造抬升的结果;二级边界受中新世中期逆冲活动的金河-箐河断裂控制,其构成丽江—盐源一带海拔中等(约3 000m)、相对低起伏区域的东南边界。高原东南边界的台阶式构造地貌结构反映了高原向SE的前展式逆冲扩展。这种扩展模式并不支持下地壳管道流连续变形模型。  相似文献   
浙闽地区华夏地块前寒武纪基底上部主要由新元古代龙泉群、马面山群和万全群组成.上述3个岩群的变沉积岩具有相似的岩石组合及主、微量元素地球化学特征, 它们是华夏地块统一基底的重要组成部分.它们主要由片岩类、变粒岩类、石英岩类和大理岩类组成, 其中片岩类和变粒岩类的SiO2变化于52.89~75.03, TiO2为0.48~1.05, Al2O3为9.19~20.3, ∑REE为(149~323)×10-6, δEu为0.34~0.80, (La/Yb)N为7.96~15.6, 具中等-强烈铕负异常, 轻、重稀土分异明显; 石英岩类的SiO2变化于95.49~97.44, ∑REE很低, 在(8.89~15.1)×10-6, δEu=0.63~0.81.原岩性质及构造环境分析表明, 片岩类和变粒岩类的原岩主要是杂砂岩和粘土岩等, 石英岩的原岩为硅铁质沉积岩.所有变沉积岩的原岩均以长英质成分为主, 具有上地壳岩石的地球化学特征, 部分样品显示有古老沉积物的加入; 它们形成于岛弧-活动陆缘环境, 成熟度不高, 属于近源沉积, 与本地区华夏地块基底下部变质岩系岩石(古元古代的天井坪组、八都群、陈蔡群、麻源群)具有相似的物源.   相似文献   
基于山地灾害动态过程仿真需要的考虑,并针对该动态过程仿真时渲染数据量过大所造成的实时性较差的问题,提出了利用改进的三角形二叉树LOD算法实现地形三维建模与可视化的方法。算法对山地地形数据进行了分层和分块的预处理,用三角形二叉树表示地形网格,并结合视点和局部地形的粗糙程度,动态的载入所需的地形块和释放无用的地形块,使得内存中的地形数据维持在一定范围内。实验结果表明;在对地形渲染不失真的前提下,本方法能够有效地提高地形绘制的效率,可应用到大规模山地地形的三维建模与可视化中去,为整个山地灾害的动态过程仿真奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   
In this paper, a series of field experiments were carried out to investigate the active vibration isolation for a surface foundation using horizontal wave impedance block (WIB) in a multilayered ground under vertical excitations. The velocity amplitude of ground vibration was measured and the root-mean-square (RMS) velocity is used to evaluate the vibration mitigation effect of the WIB. The influences of the size, the embedded depth and the shear modulus of the WIB on the vibration mitigation were also systematically examined under different loading conditions. The experimental results convincingly indicate that WIB is effective to reduce the ground vibration, especially at high excitation frequencies. The vibration mitigation effect of the WIB would be improved when its size and shear modulus increase or the embedded depth decreases. The results also showed that the WIB may amplify rather than reduce the ground vibration when its shear modulus is smaller or the embedded depth is larger than a threshold value. Meanwhile, an improved 3D semi-analytical boundary element method (BEM) combined with a thin layer method (TLM) was proposed to account for the rectangular shape of the used WIB and the laminated characteristics of the actual ground condition in analyzing the vibration mitigation of machine foundations. Comparisons between the field experiments and the numerical analyses were also made to validate the proposed BEM.  相似文献   

2017年8月8日四川发生九寨沟M7.0地震,是继2008年汶川M8.0地震后发生在巴颜喀拉块体东部的又一强震.现今GPS速度观测数据显示,2008年汶川地震前后的1999-2007年和2011-2016年两个时间段内巴颜喀拉块体东部地表速度场存在明显的差异.本文以实际GPS速度观测资料为约束,构建三维有限元地球动力学模型,分别计算分析了两个时段内震源区及周边现今地壳形变、弹性应变能和应力积累特征,进一步探讨汶川地震的发生对九寨沟地区变形及应力的影响.数值模拟结果显示,汶川地震之后(2011-2016年)巴颜喀拉块体东部的地壳形变、弹性应变能积累及应力积累速率均明显大于震前,增加量值达1.5~3倍;九寨沟地震发震断裂上库仑应力增长率在1999-2007年约为0.7 kPa·a-1,2011-2016年间增至1.2 kPa·a-1.上述结果表明,现今巴颜喀拉块体东部地壳应力积累过程有利于左旋走滑型九寨沟地震的发生,汶川地震的发生调整了区域应力状态,加速了九寨沟地震的孕育过程.

为了揭示泊尔江海子断裂对鄂尔多斯盆地北部杭锦旗地区上古生界天然气成藏的控制作用,应用地震和钻井资料,在断裂活动性分析的基础上,根据断层泥比率和断层连通概率法对泊尔江海子断裂的侧向和垂向封闭性进行半定量评价,探讨断裂和天然气富集区的关系。结果表明:泊尔江海子断裂呈现3次明显的活动高峰期,分别为加里东期-早海西期的断裂形成期、印支期-早燕山期的挤压逆断裂活动期、中晚燕山期的走滑撕裂活动期,而中晚燕山期的走滑撕裂控制了上古生界天然气主要成藏期。断裂的封闭性具有“横向分段、纵向分层”的特点;横向上,以断层泥比率(SGR)等于0.3为界将泊尔江海子断裂分为侧向优势输导区和侧向封闭区;纵向上,在石千峰组和上石盒子组断裂启闭系数基本都小于1.0,断裂垂向封闭,在下石盒子组和山西组断裂启闭系数主要集中在4.0~10.0,断裂垂向开启。在断裂侧向优势输导区,断裂南部主力烃源区生成的天然气,经断裂发生垂向和侧向运移,易在断裂北部地区富集成藏;在侧向封闭区,则易在断裂南部地区富集成藏。  相似文献   
IntroductionThe downfaulted system around Ordos block is a typical area in China, in which active normal dip-slip or strike-slip faults with normal dip-slip faults developed, and is also an area in which historical strong earthquakes actively occurred. According to historical records, there were ten strong earthquakes with M(7 occurred during past 1 500 years, including 4 M=8 earthquakes. Study on these historical large earthquakes in the area will be helpful to recognize segmentation charac…  相似文献   
文中回顾了1974年提出的“块、带、源、兆、触、报”六字预报思路,并基于近20年来的研究对此进行了补充和深化。  相似文献   
拉萨地块西段分布有大面积的古近纪火山岩,蕴含着丰富的地质信息。文章对措勤地区典中组火山岩年代学、地球化学的研究表明,典中组火山岩岩浆活动在晚白垩世晚期已经开始,之后逐步向东迁移,时间上一直持续到古新世。印度板块与亚洲板块碰撞可能是从西段开始的,之后逐渐向东碰撞过渡。典中组火山岩岩浆形成的过程中发生了部分熔融作用,且在成岩过程中发生了混合作用;典中组火山岩是岛弧型俯冲向碰撞过渡过程中产生的具有岛弧或陆缘弧特点的火山岩。  相似文献   
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