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The term of geological cycle was used firstly inHutton's" The Earth Theory" in 1788 (Williams,1980). The geological cycles including tectonic cycles and sedimentary cycles have been describedwidely since than. Some researchers have perceivedthat the geolo…  相似文献   
This study used the synthetic running correlation coefficient calculation method to calculate the running correlation coefficients between the daily sea ice concentration(SIC) and sea surface air temperature(SSAT) in the Beaufort-Chukchi-East Siberian-Laptev Sea(BCEL Sea), Kara Sea and southern Chukchi Sea, with an aim to understand and measure the seasonally occurring changes in the Arctic climate system. The similarities and differences among these three regions were also discussed. There are periods in spring and autumn when the changes in SIC and SSAT are not synchronized, which is a result of the seasonally occurring variation in the climate system. These periods are referred to as transition periods. Spring transition periods can be found in all three regions, and the start and end dates of these periods have advancing trends. The multiyear average duration of the spring transition periods in the BCEL Sea, Kara Sea and southern Chukchi Sea is 74 days, 57 days and 34 days, respectively. In autumn, transition periods exist in only the southern Chukchi Sea, with a multiyear average duration of only 16 days. Moreover, in the Kara Sea, positive correlation events can be found in some years, which are caused by weather time scale processes.  相似文献   
对南海西南部现代上升流区沉积物柱样BIS-187-61孔有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸盐等各沉积组分进行了详细的分析,试图探讨末次间冰期(MIS 5)以来南海西南部夏季上升流影响区沉积过程及其所反映的海洋环境变化过程。研究结果发现,140kaBP以来该孔沉积记录期总体表现为:碳酸盐百分含量冰期低间冰期高,主要受周边陆源物质输入稀释的控制,为典型的"大西洋型碳酸盐旋回",有机碳、生物蛋白石、碳酸钙以及陆源沉积物的堆积速率均在MIS 2期、MIS 4期和MIS 5e期出现高值。其中,MIS 2期和MIS 4期生源和陆源沉积堆积速率增加可能与冰期时冬季风增强及海平面下降导致陆源营养物质输入增加对初级生产力的刺激有关,也可能与陆源物质输入增加对海洋生源颗粒物输出的压载作用增强有关。而MIS 5e期南海海平面高度与现代相仿,间冰期较强的夏季风引起的越南沿岸上升流增强是导致该时段本研究区域表层初级生产力增强,沉积物总堆积速率及各组分堆积速率都相应增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
There is a growing practical interest in the ability to increase the sea states at which marine operations can be safely undertaken by exploiting the quiescent periods that are well known to exist under a wide range of sea conditions. While the actual prediction of quiescent periods at sea for the control of operations is a deterministic process, the long term planning of future maritime tasks that rely on these quiescent periods is a statistical process involving the anticipated quiescence properties of the forecasted sea conditions in the geographical region of interest. It is in principle possible to obtain such data in tabular form either large scale simulation or from field data. However, such simulations are computationally intensive and libraries of appropriate field data are not common. Thus, it is clearly attractive to develop techniques that exploit standard wave spectral models for describing the quiescence statistics directly from such spectra. The present study focuses upon such techniques and is a first step towards the production of a computationally low-cost quiescence prediction tool and compares its efficacy against simulations. Two significant properties emerge for a large class of wave spectral models that encompasses the ubiquitous Neumann and Pierson Moskowitz or Bretschneider forms. Firstly, the auto-correlation function of the wave profile that are required to produce the quiescence property can be obtained analytically in terms of standard special functions. This considerably reduces the computational cost making desktop computer-based planning tools a reality. Secondly, for each class of these parametric spectra, the probability of a given number of consecutive wave heights (normalised to the significant wave heights) less than some critical value is in fact independent of absolute wave height. Thus, for a broad class of practically interesting wave spectra all that is required to obtain the statistical distribution of the quiescent periods is simple rescaling.  相似文献   
利用湘东南东江流域1959~2006年共48年的历史资料,采用统计分析方法,对东江流域历年雨水集中期的气候规律以及2006年雨水集中期的特征及成因进行了分析。分析结果表明:东江流域历年的雨水集中期多出现在6月和8月;东江流域雨水集中期的出现,受台风的影响较大。2006年由于04号台风"碧利斯"的影响导致了本年的雨水集中期出现在7月中旬,其特征是降水强度强、强降水范围广、过程降雨量大,而大尺度引导气流、南海季风对"碧利斯"的西行路径及降水强度影响较大。  相似文献   
利用新疆89个地面站逐日积雪深度观测资料,研究探讨了1961—2017年新疆区域积雪期、积雪初日、积雪终日的时空变化规律,分析了北疆和天山山区积雪期的年代际和周期变化特征及其与气温、降水的关系.结果表明:新疆各地积雪期、积雪初日和终日存在明显的差异,积雪期以天山为界北多南少;从空间分布看,天山山区和新疆北部阿勒泰、塔城...  相似文献   
Longuet-Higgins(1983)[1]导出了波高与周期的联合分布函数,此分布函数虽然与实际数据符合良好,但存在很大的缺陷,如:由此分布函数得出的波高分布为形式较为复杂的非Rayleigh分布,很难应用于工程计算中。孙孚(1988a)[2]应用射线理论导出了一种波高与周期联合分布,虽然弥补了Longuet-Higgins的一些缺陷,但推导过程过于复杂。本文在窄谱假定下通过应用Hilbert变换方法得出新的分布函数并与前两者比较,表明Hilbert变换的方法不但简便,而且完全克服Longuet-Higgins的不足,可以方便的应用于工程计算中。本文也为Hilbert变换的方法在工程中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
泥河湾盆地东部的洞沟剖面出露一套以湖相为主的地层,其顶部覆盖了末次间冰期古土壤与末次冰期黄土。测量了该剖面的光谱光度和磁化率,结果显示,亮度(L*)随深度的变化趋势基本与色度a*、色度b*相反,即低亮度值对应高色度值。砂层的亮度值相对低,而质量磁化率高。亮度记录可以与洛川黄土剖面的磁化率记录对比,即亮度低值段可与磁化率高值段对比,这可能源于两者都受东亚季风的控制。对比后获得了30个时间控制点,在此基础上,建立了洞沟剖面测量参数的时间序列。谱分析表明,各参数的时间序列显示了主要的米兰科维奇周期,这显示泥河湾古湖沉积物对古气候的周期性变化敏感。  相似文献   
李志  孟强  薛亮 《海洋科学进展》2020,38(2):199-210
孟加拉湾与其他热带海盆不同,在季风影响下,该地区热带气旋具有双气旋季的独特结构(4—5月的春季转换期和10—11月的秋季转换期)。虽然孟加拉湾气旋频数在10—11月较多,但是4—5月超强气旋(Saffir-Simpson 4,5级)的生成率却远高于10—11月。1981—2016年,春季转换期内孟加拉湾超强气旋都与第一支北传季节内振荡(First Northward-propagating Intra-Seasonal Oscillation,FNISO)相应而生,然而并不是所有伴随FNISO发生的气旋都能发展成为超强气旋。因此本研究以气旋生成指数为基础,利用气旋最佳轨道数据以及NCEP的海气参量数据,诊断指出孟加拉湾夏季风形成的强垂直风速剪切配合低层大气旋度和气旋潜在强度抵消夏季风期间水汽对气旋生成的促进作用,造成双峰分布,而中层大气相对湿度差异双峰不对称的主因。FNISO强度的不同与深对流中心与气旋中心的相对位置的差异,使得部分气旋受季节内振荡影响更大,强深对流的超越作用导致更显著的高低层大气温差,促使气旋具有且达到更大的潜在强度。在年际尺度上大气高低层温差的不同也是引起气旋潜在强度不同的主要原因。当季节内尺度和年际尺度共同作用,使得部分气旋发展成为超强气旋。  相似文献   
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