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A complete ichthyosaur rostrum, with 124 associated teeth, was recently discovered in Laux-Montaux locality, department of Drôme, southeastern France. The associated belemnites and ammonites indicate a late Valanginian age (Neocomites peregrinus Zone, Olcostephanus nicklesi Subzone) for this fossil, which consequently represents the first diagnostic ichthyosaur ever reported from Valanginian strata. This specimen also represents the first occurrence of Aegirosaurus outside the Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) lithographic limestones of Bavaria (southern Germany). Tooth morphology and wear pattern suggest that Aegirosaurus belonged to the “Pierce II/ Generalist” feeding guild, which was hitherto not represented in post-Liassic ichthyosaurs. Most Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs actually crossed the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary.  相似文献   
通过孢粉组合分析, 结合河湖相地层岩性特征和古地磁及电子自旋共振(ESR)法年龄测定结果, 探讨了西藏札达盆地上新世—早更新世的古气候变迁与札达古湖泊演化的关系.研究表明, 札达盆地古湖泊演化可划分为早(湖泊形成期)、中(稳定发展期)、晚(湖泊消亡期)三期.早期(距今5.41~4.40 Ma), 札达盆地为温凉而干旱的疏林草原植被气候, 随后转变为温暖稍湿的森林草原植被气候, 最后转变为温暖潮湿的亚热带针阔叶混交林气候, 这一时期古湖开始形成; 中期(距今4.40~2.57 Ma), 古气候进入寒温期, 古植被表现为先由暖温带针阔叶混交林带向山地寒温带暗针叶林带过渡, 再由山地暖温带针阔叶混交林→山地寒温带暗针叶林交替出现的过程, 古湖泊进入发育期; 晚期(距今2.57~1.36 Ma), 湖区古气候环境进入寒冷期, 古植被为山地寒温带暗针叶林→山地暗针叶林向低矮灌木→干冷草原的变化, 古湖泊进入消亡阶段.古湖泊演化与古植被、古气候演变有很好的相关性, 高原隆升控制了古气候环境的变化, 进而影响湖泊水量的变化.   相似文献   
The Qiangtang Basin (QB), located in the central Tibetan Plateau, is a Jurassic marine basin and one of the most important prospective salt resource belts in China. In recent decades, many outcrops of gypsiferous?bed have been found in the Jurassic marine strata in the basin. Salt springs with abnormally high sodium (Na+) contents had been identified in the Late Jurassic Xiali Formation (Fm.) in the basin in the last years. However, to date, no potash or halite deposits have been identified in the QB. Gypsum outcrops and salt springs are very important?signs in the investigation of halite and potash deposits. Therefore, the Xiali Fm. is?a potentially valuable layer to evaluate for the possible presence of halite and potash deposits in the basin. However,?few studies?have explored the formation?conditions of evaporites in the unit. Here, we present detailed geochemical records from the Yanshiping section related to the study of the formation?conditions of evaporites in the Xiali Fm. of the QB. Climate proxies based on the obviously increased anion concentrations of SO42? and Cl? and the significant correlation?coefficients of Ca2+-SO42? (R = 0.985) and Na+-Cl? (R = 0.8974) reveal that the upper member of the Xiali Fm. (the upper Xiali Fm.) formed under an arid climate and evolved into the sulfate phase or early chloride phase. Provenance proxies based on the obviously increased K+ and Na+ ion concentrations and the significant correlation?coefficient of Na+-Cl? (R = 0.8974) suggest that the upper Xiali Fm. featured optimal provenance conditions for the possible formation of halite deposits. The regression and the semi-closed tidal?flat environment in the upper Xiali Fm. were favorable for the formation of potash and halite deposits. The low Mg2+ /Ca2+ values (mean value = 1.82) and significant Na+-Cl? correlation?coefficient (R = 0.8974) also suggest that the upper Xiali Fm. is the layer most likely to contain potential halite deposits. In addition, the macroscopic correlations of tectonism, provenance, paleoclimate, saliferous strata and sedimentary?environment between the QB and the adjoining Amu Darya Basin in Central Asia reveal that the two basins shared similar geologic settings that were favorable for the formation of evaporites during the Late Jurassic. Therefore, the upper Xiali Fm. is a valuable layer to explore for halite deposit and may be potentially valuable in the future exploration for potash deposits in the QB.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地西北缘三叠系处于大型逆冲推覆断裂带,盆地边缘同生断裂构造活动强烈,发育砂砾岩为主的扇三角洲沉积体系。通过对玛北地区三叠系百口泉组砂砾岩储层取芯段岩芯观察和描述、岩石薄片、扫描电镜、测井以及储层物性数据的分析,结合砂砾岩岩石构成、层理类型、沉积层序和测井曲线响应特征,对准噶尔盆地西北缘砂砾岩体岩性进行精细刻画,建立岩相模式,划分出同沉积相(微相)相符的11种岩相:其中扇三角洲前缘水下河道砂砾岩相、扇三角洲平原辫状河道砂砾岩相叠置连片展布,是最有利的储集体;扇三角洲前缘水下主河道砾岩相、水下河道末端砂岩相及河口坝—远砂坝砂岩相分布局限,储集性良好,为有利"甜点"区;水上泥石流砾岩相和水下泥石流砂砾岩相与扇三角洲平原和前缘分流河道间储集性较差的细粒砂泥岩相组成百口泉组油藏致密的顶底板;前扇三角洲粉砂岩相和泥岩相可作为良好的区域性盖层。不同的岩相类型及沉积条件提供了准噶尔西北缘百口泉组大规模低渗透岩性油气藏优良的储盖组合及顶底板条件。  相似文献   
细粒沉积岩岩相研究是烃源岩和页岩油、致密油储层研究的重要基础,鉴于我国陆相断陷湖盆环境多变和细粒沉积岩类型多样、岩石组合类型复杂的特点,需要进行细粒沉积岩岩相分类。以渤海湾盆地南部古近系细粒沉积岩发育段为研究对象,通过厘米级岩芯观察描述、岩石薄片鉴定、激光共聚焦显微镜观察分析等技术,研究细粒沉积岩基本特征。陆相断陷湖盆细粒沉积岩岩相划分可以按照(1)宏观岩芯精细观察描述,归纳垂向岩石类型组合;(2)分析沉积微环境;(3)对不同岩石类型组合进行X射线全岩矿物衍射和TOC测试,划分岩石类型和岩相大类;(4)微观镜下剖析纹层叠置关系;(5)分析成因和形成机制,对岩亚类细分等5步进行。岩相大类划分要简洁,是为满足油田勘探工作易于操作、建立与常规测井资料之间关系等要求;亚类细分是便于研究微观源储关系、分析沉积微环境和储层微观结构等。  相似文献   
邓燕  黄东  米鸿  金涛  闫伟鹏 《中国地质》2017,44(1):75-85
四川盆地侏罗系大安寨段是典型的致密油发育层段,勘探开发成果揭示,大安寨储层岩性主要为介壳灰岩致密储层。侏罗系大安寨段致密油勘探开发成效引人关注,特别是近期川中南部侏罗系大安寨段滨浅湖相的GSTMX地区,大安寨段显示频繁,部署的GQ1H在大安寨段获得高产工业油流。根据对最新钻探的GQ1H井解剖表明,含云质岩具有更好的储集条件和含油气性,是储层"甜点"有利分布岩性。通过老井复查、岩心、岩屑、薄片、测井等综合分析表明,含云质储层岩性包括云质灰岩、灰质云岩和泥-粉晶云岩,储集空间主要为粒间、粒间溶孔和微裂缝,储层储集条件好,成像显示溶蚀孔洞发育,川中南部云化程度高于北部。根据碳氧同位素、X衍射、地层水特征以及古地形综合分析初步认为,四川盆地大安寨沉积时期虽然为淡水湖泊,但在古地形、古气候、沉积环境以及湖平面变化共同控制下,局部地区仍然发育一定规模的含云质储层,该认识为川中侏罗系大安寨段相对优质储层深化认识奠定了坚实的地质基础。  相似文献   
中国地质调查局2008年在南祁连盆地木里冻土区采集到了中国陆域第一例天然气水合物实物样品,对于天然气水合物的气体来源存在不同的认识。利用新完钻3口井样品的化验分析结果,分析了中侏罗统和上三叠统烃源岩有机地球化学特征。结果表明,中侏罗统江仓组、木里组煤系地层烃源岩有机质丰度较高,TOC(总有机碳含量)大于1%的样品占78.9%;氯仿沥青"A"含量大于0.1%的占总数的72.2%;有机质类型以Ⅱ_2、Ⅱ_1型为主;镜质体反射率R_o多介于0.7%~1.2%之间;71个样品生烃潜量平均值为8.8mg/g,总体处于生烃高峰期的生油阶段或凝析油阶段,属于好、很好烃源岩,为天然气水合物主力生烃层系。上三叠统尕勒得寺组亦为煤系地层烃源岩,TOC含量大于1%的样品占76.9%;氯仿沥青"A"含量小于0.05%;有机质类型以Ⅲ、Ⅱ_1型为主;镜质体反射率Ro介于1.1%~1.77%之间;总体处于生湿气或干气阶段,但由于构造抬升影响其生烃潜量,平均值仅为0.35mg/g,当前整体生烃能力较差,为非烃源岩或较差烃源岩,对天然气水合物成藏贡献不大。  相似文献   
中国西部海相盆地地质结构控制油气分布的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国西部塔里木、四川、鄂尔多斯等海相盆地的中、下组合是我国油气勘探的重点领域,深化研究油气分布规律是优化勘探部署、提高勘探效益与持续获得勘探发现的关键。本文从盆地地质结构控制油气分布的学术思路出发,立足于近年来的勘探新进展、新发现,应用比较分析方法,揭示油气分布的构造控制规律。研究表明,塔里木、四川、鄂尔多斯等海相盆地位于古亚洲洋构造域、特提斯构造域的复合作用区,是在前寒武纪克拉通基础上发展起来的多旋回叠合盆地;它们经历了Z-D_2、(D_3-)C_2-T、J-Q等三个伸展-聚敛旋回的演化;每一伸展-聚敛旋回发育了独立的生-储-盖组合,伸展期因差异沉降发育好的烃源岩,聚敛期发育大规模展布的储集体与圈闭组合;盆地的基底分区对后期原型盆地的发育和沉积盖层的分布具有明显的制约作用,盆地多旋回叠合,形成了"垂向分层、横向分块"的地质结构,叠合结构样式控制了油气聚集层系与富集区带,普遍存在加里东中期与印支期等两期原生油气成藏期,及燕山中期(J_3-K_1)与喜马拉雅晚期(N_2-Q)等两期油气调整成藏期,新构造运动期油气成藏较为普遍。海相叠合盆地含油气层系多,原型盆地的叠合界面常是重要的油气富集部位,隆起带、断裂带、台缘带(或岩相带)是重要的油气富集区(带),叠合盆地的中下部组合是下一步油气勘探持续突破的有利方向。  相似文献   
Linked fault systems identified in the northern portion of the onshore Perth basin comprise north‐striking normal faults, the dominant structures in the basin, and hard linkages—east‐striking transfer faults. The former are either divided into segments of distinctive character by, or terminate at, the transfer faults. The fault systems were initiated by west‐southwest‐east‐northeast extension in the Early Permian but were reactivated by subsequent rifting with approximately east‐west extension in the Jurassic. They were also reactivated by the oblique extension of northwest‐southeast orientation associated with Gondwana continental breakup in the Late Jurassic ‐ earliest Cretaceous. In addition to reactivation, older structures of the linked fault families controlled the development of younger fractures and folds. During the oblique extension, the linked fault systems define releasing bends, characterised by a rollover anticline in the hangingwall of the Mountain Bridge Fault, and restraining bends where contractional folds are sites of major commercial hydrocarbon fields in the basin.  相似文献   
Gamma‐ray curves from surface outcrops together with U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating are used to redefine the evolution of a Palaeoproterozoic sandy dolostone succession from northern Australia. This case history indicates that gamma‐ray logging of surface sections should accompany lithostratigraphic logging or an inadequate interpretation of stratigraphic evolution is a likely outcome. The 1200 m‐thick Nathan Group from the McArthur River area had previously been interpreted as a more‐or‐less continuous package of carbonates deposited in lacustrine and associated shallow‐water environments. Now it is seen to comprise the preserved remnants of three truncated, second‐order supersequences—the Lawn, Wide and Doom Supersequences—each a few hundred metres thick and each deposited over a time period of a few million years. These supersequences are separated by major stratigraphic breaks each approaching probably 10 million years duration. Each supersequence comprises several third‐order sequences which themselves contain higher‐order cycles. These were deposited in a series of continental, shoreline, and inner to outer carbonate platform environments. Transgressive, high‐energy, fluvial to marginal marine, mixed clastic‐carbonate facies dominate most of the sequences. The middle, Wide Supersequence, however, preserves deeper water (mostly sub‐storm‐wave‐base) stromatolitic facies in one sequence, and storm‐reworked clastics in another. These are interpreted as condensed intervals deposited around their respective maximum flooding surfaces and are succeeded by regressive facies that probably represent highstand systems tracts. New correlations between these 1615–1575 Ma sandy carbonate successions of the McArthur Basin (Amos, Balbirini and Dungaminnie Formations) and time‐equivalent largely clastic successions in the Lawn Hill area (Lawn Hill and Doomadgee Formations), some 400 km to the southeast, are proposed.  相似文献   
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