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Succeeding to multiply collisions of different blocks in Late Paleozoic[1―5], complex intracontinental structural deformation occurred in the Tianshan area during Mesozoic-Cenozoic[6―16], which controlled coeval basin-range evolution and resulted in intensive modi- fication and adjustment of the Paleozoic oil-gas reser- voirs[17―19]. The Kuqa Depression is a secendary struc- tural unit of the Tarim basin, in which Mesozoic- Ce- nozoic deposits occur in thickness of 6000―7000 m. The Kuq…  相似文献   
为了明确辽河西部凹陷曙北地区沙河街组四段薄砂层成因类型及分布规律,从岩心、测井响应和地震反射特征等方面总结了各类成因薄砂层的识别标志,并预测了各砂层组的砂体展布,探讨了砂体发育的控制因素,总结了沉积模式.研究结果表明,曙北地区沙四段为扇三角洲-湖泊的沉积体系,薄砂层发育水下分流河道、河口坝、低隆滩坝、沿岸浅滩4种成因类型,其中以水下分流河道和低隆滩坝为主.古地貌、古物源和古水深控制了各类砂体的展布.以曙光和兴隆台古潜山一线为界,南部为扇三角洲体系沉积区,主要发育前缘水下分流河道和河口坝;北部(包括低隆区)为无明显水流注入的半封闭湖湾区,主要发育低隆滩坝砂体和灰/云坪,在西侧沿岸局部地区还发育沿岸浅滩.储量区外大面积发育的低隆滩坝砂体,是下一步碎屑岩增储上产的潜在接替区域.  相似文献   
川西坳陷南段天然气来源与碳同位素地球化学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
川西坳陷南段是四川盆地主要的天然气产区之一。前人对该区天然气的来源有多种见解。为了更清楚地认识此地区天然气的来源与运移,本文分析了平落坝、大兴西和白马庙气田16件天然气样品的C1-C4烃及CO2组份的碳同位素组成。所获得的同位素数据结合化学成份和地质资料表明,3个气田的烃类完全是热解成因的,都来源于气田下面的上三叠统烃源岩。这些气田的甲、乙烷碳同位素组成随深度呈不同规律的变化,这些变化归因于烃源岩生烃的热解过程和烃类运移的动力学过程。平落坝气田中侏罗统气藏的烃类大部份形成于烃源岩低成熟和成熟的早期阶段并受到晚期成熟气体的不断补给。平落坝和大兴西气田多数气藏的烃类被认为是从源区垂直向上运移通过上伏地层而进入气藏的,白马庙气田的烃类被认为是沿断裂通道向上侏罗统气藏聚集的。平落坝和大兴西气田的δ^13Cco2值有很宽的分布范围(-10.7‰~-0.7‰),这表明气田的CO2由来自基底的海洋碳酸盐岩无机碳成份和沉积地层的有机碳成份混合而成。这些气田的[He/CH4]-[N2/CH4]值之间和δ^13Cco2-δ^13Cc1值之间的相关性表明,非烃气体在进入气藏前已同烃类很好地混合,并被CH4为主流相的气流携带着向气藏运移。  相似文献   
蒙古塔木察格坳陷白垩系震积岩特征及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王化爱  钟建华  陈鑫  高玉飞 《地质学报》2008,82(8):1088-1094
通过岩芯观察,结合构造背景研究,在蒙古塔木察格坳陷白垩纪地层中识别出震积岩。震积岩的主要标志有微同沉积断裂、同沉积塑性变形构造、液化脉、震积枕状及伴生构造等。通过对塔219 井、塔1943 井等岩芯的系统观察,建立了蒙古塔木察格坳陷白垩系震积岩的垂向序列。震积岩的垂向序列自下而上依次为砂岩脉(砂火山)层段、水塑性褶皱变形层段、斧式构造层段、滑塌构造层段、阶梯状微断层和震裂缝层段、准原地沉积湖泊津浪丘状层理和内碎屑角砾岩层段、异地沉积震浊积岩层段,对应于地震由强变弱的一个变化过程。震积岩的发现具有重要的研究意义,有助于分析盆地边界断裂的强烈活动时期。  相似文献   
An obvious structural transformation between the early and the late stages of the middle Eocene rifting in the ZhuⅠ Depression, which has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of the Paleogene source-to-sink system, has recently been found. Based on comprehensive analysis of seismic, drilling and logging data in the study area, we argue that the structural transformation controls the basic elements of source-to-sink system, such as basin landscape, material source supply, transportation direction and sedimentary style, and affects the deep Paleogene reservoir conditions. Under the restriction of structural transformation, there are two typical source-to-sink models: source migration and fault transformation. Hydrocarbon accumulation related to structural transformation is commonly interpreted by two typical source-to sink models: source migration and fault transformation. The main source of the source migration model migrates under the influence of structural transformation, and the sedimentary boundary, accommodation space and depositional style change accordingly, forming a favorable superimposed and contiguous reservoir target;the supply, transportation and accumulation of provenance in the fault transformation model change orderly in time and space, forming the compound of co-existing fan-delta-beach sedimentary system and reservoir conditions have strong zonation. It is of great significance to explore the characteristics of source to sink system and sand-controlling model under the control of structural transformation in order to find high-quality reservoirs in Paleogene. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
依据岩芯、测井、录井和地震资料,以层序地层学理论为指导对海拉尔盆地查干诺尔凹陷下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群进行层序地层划分。扎赉诺尔群可划分为1个超层序,形成于凹陷断陷发育期,自下而上可划分为5个三级层序(Sq1、Sq2、Sq3、Sq4、Sq5)。进而在层序框架内对沉积体系类型和时空展布特征进行了分析。凹陷主要发育冲积扇、扇三角洲、湖底扇、滨浅湖和半深—深湖沉积体系,并且层序地层格架对各沉积体系分布具有控制作用。  相似文献   
The oleanane parameter, i.e., OP (oleananes/(oleananes+C30hopanes)) in the two sedimentary columns of the Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea, can be used to delimit the top of oil generation window, with Ro (/%) of 0.53 in Well M1 and 0.55 in Wells H1/Hd1/Hd2, respectively. Comparing with vitrinite reflectance (Ro/%), the OP features a dynamic range and can indicate the oil generation window more precisely. By using OP and other geochemical indices, the oil-source correlation is also conducted. It suggests that the oils in wells M1 and M2 are derived from the source rocks in situ. The mudstone in Huachang uplift is not the main source rocks for oils in this area, The OP is also a useful oil-source correlation parameter in some Tertiary lacustrine basins.  相似文献   
Thin-bedded beach-bar sandstone reservoirs are common in the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es4s) of Niuzhuang Sag, along the southern gentle slope of the Dongying Depression. Here we report on the link between sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and diagenetic effects on reservoir quality. Seismic data, wireline logs, core observations and analyses are used to interpret depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. Petrographic study based on microscopic observation of optical, cathodoluminescence (CL), confocal laser scanning (LSCM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were used to describe the fabric, texture, allogenic and authigenic mineralogy of these highly heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs. The Es4s interval is interpreted as third-order sequence, composed of a lowstand systems tract (LST), a transgressive systems tract (TST) and a highstand systems tract (HST). On the fourth order, twenty-nine parasequences and seven parasequence sets have been identified. Sand bodies were deposited mainly in the shoreface shallow lake beach-bar (clastic beach-bar), semi-deep lake (carbonate beach-bar) and the fluvial channels. The depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities were mainly due to the following factors: (1) fine grain size, poor sorting, and continuous thin inter-bedded mud layers with siltstone/fine-sandstone having argillaceous layers in regular intervals, (2) immature sediment composition, and (3) even with the dissolution of grains and several fractures, destruction of porosity by cementation and compaction. Secondary pores from feldspar dissolution are better developed in sandstones with increased cementation. Grain coating smectite clays preserved the primary porosity at places while dominating pore filling authigenic illite and illite/smectite clays reduced permeability with little impact on porosity. Due to the high degree of heterogeneity in the Es4s beach-bar interval, it is recognized as middle to low permeable reservoir. The aforementioned study reflects significant insight into the understanding of the properties of the beach-bar sands and valuable for the comprehensive reservoir characterization and overall reservoir bed quality.  相似文献   
吴嘉鹏 《沉积学报》2016,34(5):924-929
西湖凹陷平湖组受潮汐影响作用明显,但前人研究鲜有提及潮汐砂脊这种典型的潮汐作用下的沉积体。综合运用地震、测井、岩芯及分析化验资料,在西湖凹陷平湖组发现潮汐砂脊沉积体系。潮汐砂脊在地震振幅属性图上,呈条带状特殊地貌特征;岩芯上为典型的反旋回,旋回上部发育板状交错层理、冲刷面等反映强水动力的沉积构造,旋回下部细粒沉积中则发育潮汐层理、生物扰动等沉积构造;测井曲线上,砂脊底部表现为突变界面,并且砂脊发育区重矿物相对富集。潮汐砂脊砂质纯、物性好,并多发育于泥质背景中,与周围泥岩储盖配置好,可构成良好的岩性油气藏勘探目标。另外,砂脊的发育情况可以反映不同时期西湖凹陷与南部广海的沟通情况,因此对于研究西湖凹陷的古地理具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
一次冷空气强风的成因分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
王雷 《海洋预报》2005,22(4):96-101
文章分析了2004年12月底的一次冷空气强风过程,揭示了冷空气南下与东海低压的发展造成的气压梯度、高低空较强的冷平流以及中低空辐合辐散差异引起的动力强迫下沉作用所造成的动量下传是造成本次猛烈强风的主要原因.最大强风发生区域和发生时间既与低层和中层700hPa分别转为辐散和辐合中心对应,又与中低层700hPa以下正好处于下沉速度中心附近对应.  相似文献   
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