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The Kelçyra area is emplaced in a foreland fold-and-thrust belt (FFTB), characterized by a westward thrusting with the Triassic evaporites as the major décollement level. Several secondary features related with this evolution, like backthrusting, folding, duplex structures, evaporite diapirism are present. During the FFTB evolution, the study area has been subjected to several fracturing events with associated stages of fluid migration. During the pre-deformational stage, complex textures such as crack-and-seal features most likely reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids. These fluids were dominantly host-rock buffered. Within the post-deformational stage, a meteoric fluid caused cementation and development of a karst network during a period of emergence after the thrust emplacement. Subsequently, Mg calcite reprecipitated in the more stable carbonate phase calcite and dolomite, which filled part of the karts network. The latter is finally dedolomitized and locally partially dissolved by a second meteoric fluid flow, which greatly increased the secondary porosity.  相似文献   
Microfabrics were analysed in calcite mylonites from the rim of the Pelvoux massif (Western Alps, France). WNW-directed emplacement of the internal Penninic units onto the Dauphinois domain produced intense deformation of an Eocene-age nummulitic limestone under lower anchizone metamorphic conditions (slightly below 300 °C). Two types of microfabrics developed primarily by dislocation creep accompanied by dynamic recrystallisation in the absence of twinning. Coaxial kinematics are inferred for samples exhibiting grain shape fabrics and textures with orthorhombic symmetry. Their texture (crystallographic preferred orientation, CPO) is characterised by two c-axis maxima, symmetrically oriented at 15° from the normal to the macroscopic foliation. Non-coaxial deformation is evident in samples with monoclinic shape fabrics and textures characterised by a single oblique c-axis maximum tilted with the sense of shear by about 15°. From the analysis of suitably oriented slip systems for the main texture components under given kinematics it is inferred that the orthorhombic textures, which developed in coaxial kinematics, favour activity of <10–11> and <02–21> slip along the f and r planes, respectively, with minor contributions of basal-<a> slip. In contrast, the monoclinic textures, which developed during simple shear, are most suited for duplex <a> slip along the basal plane. The transition between the dominating slip systems for the orthorhombic and monoclinic microfabrics is interpreted to be due to the effects of dynamic recrystallisation upon texture development. Since oblique c-axis maxima documented in the literature are most often rotated not with but against the shear sense, calcite textures alone should not be used as unequivocal shear sense indicators, but need to be complemented by microstructural criteria such as shape preferred orientations, grain size estimates and amount of twinning.  相似文献   
J. Gittins  R.E. Harmer  D.S. Barker   《Lithos》2005,85(1-4):129-139
The concept of compositional bimodality in carbonatites has become widely accepted and has been used to impose restrictions on the composition of carbonatite magmas. We agree that mineralogical bimodality exists in carbonatites (most are either calcitic or dolomitic/ankeritic), but we argue that there is no compositional bimodality. The idea of bimodality is based on the interpretation of a variety of element distribution diagrams which were compiled only from chemical analyses in which SiO2 is < 10 wt.%. All others were rejected. Even with such a restricted data set the case for compositional bimodality is extremely weak, but the inclusion of analyses with higher SiO2 content destroys it completely. Yet these more siliceous compositions must be included, for many carbonatites contain substantial amounts of Fe–Mg silicates which are an essential part of the magmatic mineralogy of the rocks. They account for much of the Mg in carbonatites that are otherwise calcitic. Many such carbonatites contain well in excess of 10 wt.% SiO2. Supporters of the bimodality concept argue that liquids having compositions between calcite and dolomite can precipitate neither calcite nor dolomite because the minimum on the solid solution loops in the system calcite–dolomite permits only a carbonate of intermediate composition. Therefore, it is argued, liquids of such intermediate composition cannot be parental to calcitic and dolomitic carbonatites; their parent magmas must be calcitic and dolomitic. This deduction is incorrect. It is well established that dolomitic liquids have calcite as the liquidus phase over substantial temperature intervals, and that this is followed by dolomite precipitation. Mixed calcite–dolomite carbonatites are explicable in this way. Therefore, dolomitic liquids can be parental to calcitic carbonatites. However, dolomitic carbonatites cannot crystallize from a calcitic liquid. We suggest that intermediate composition carbonatite magmas are probably common. Bimodality in carbonatites is solely mineralogical, not compositional.  相似文献   
锦屏大理岩蠕变损伤演化细观力学特征的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙金山  陈明  姜清辉  卢文波  周创兵 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3601-3608
岩石的蠕变损伤和断裂是岩石流变效应的重要表现形式,但其损伤演化过程往往难以直观观测,为此,采用二维颗粒流数值模拟方法(PFC2D)对岩石的蠕变损伤和断裂的细观力学机制进行了分析。在锦屏大理岩室内试验基础上,利用颗粒流应力腐蚀模型(PSC),建立了能反映其短期和长期强度特征的柱状岩样数值模型,并开展了大量数值试验。结果表明,蠕变损伤的演化过程与暂态的损伤演化过程具有明显的差异。在岩样蠕变损伤过程中,其内部微裂纹多沿加载方向开裂且分布均匀,先快速增加再稳定扩展,最后则发生快速断裂。当荷载较小时,岩样宏观上呈现劈裂破坏特征,当荷载较大时,岩样呈现剪切破坏特征。在岩样蠕变损伤初始和稳定演化阶段的前期,荷载大小对岩样的损伤演化过程影响不大;在稳定演化阶段的后期至断裂过程中,低荷载下岩样的损伤增速比高荷载下快。  相似文献   
Fe and Mn occur in calcite cements depending on the oxidizing–reducing conditions of cementing waters, which may change according to depositional and diagenetic environments. In red beds, Mn and Fe are available from the ferruginous matrix. Thus, it is possible to know the oxidizing–reducing conditions of fluids that precipitated calcite as a function of Mn and Fe content in calcite cement. A detailed petrological (with special attention to cathodoluminescence) and geochemical analysis of these cements is a useful tool to constrain the diagenetic evolution of red beds and the history of the basin where they deposited.  相似文献   
梵净山地区板溪群红子溪组钙质岩系中广泛发育大理岩透镜体。形成此岩系的控制因素可能为振荡频繁的构造运动或气候条件。通过仔细观察,发现大理岩透镜体有条带状、似层状断续产出2种,初步认为透镜体是成岩过程中差异性压实作用的产物,不是某种环境沉积的透镜体。  相似文献   
通过地层对比、锆石LA--ICP--MS U--Pb定年及岩石地球化学研究限定胶—辽—吉活动带北东段辽东半岛盖州市梁屯地区一套碳酸盐岩建造的原岩形成时代、物质来源和地层归属等。其炭质方解大理岩锆石阴极发光(CL)图像显示碎屑锆石核部大都具有振荡环带,且其Th/U比值较高(Th/U=0. 15~2. 04),表明其为岩浆来源成因。锆石U--Pb年代学定年结果显示存在两个主要的年龄峰值,主要年龄峰值为新太古代晚期(2 560~2 500 Ma),次要峰值为古元古代中晚期(2 040~2 000 Ma),其沉积时限应晚于2. 0 Ga,与古元古代辽河岩群沉积时代一致。此外,该年龄与区域上的太古代基底和大量出露的辽吉花岗岩的年龄相一致,表明炭质方解大理岩物质来源于太古代基底和辽吉花岗岩。并通过岩相学、岩石地球化学、年代学和区域对比等研究,确认梁屯地区分布的这套富含炭质的大理岩建造(原岩为沉积石灰岩)可与辽河群高家峪岩组对比,而非前人认为的大石桥岩组。  相似文献   
河北灵寿县山丘区是太行山前典型的严重缺水地区。在该区广泛分布的片岩、片麻岩等变质岩的富水性一般较差。对变质岩区大理岩系地下水赋存规律的分析可以更好地指导和帮助当地群众解决长期面临的缺水问题。分析结果表明:该区主要存在三种大理岩含水岩组类型和两种蓄水构造类型;地下水水化学类型为Ca-HCO3型水,水质符合国家饮用水标准。  相似文献   
Cosmogenic 3He can be used to date a wide range of mineral phases because it is produced from all target elements and can be readily measured above atmospheric contamination. Calcite is a particularly attractive target mineral due to its natural abundance, large crystal size (>1 mm), and low He closure temperature (<70 °C), which limit non-cosmogenic 3He components (Copeland et al., 2007). However, several recent studies have shown that some calcite may not be retentive to helium, even under surface temperatures (Cros et al., 2014; Copeland et al., 2007). This study thus explores 3He retention and production in natural calcite samples at four different sites. Samples from two high elevation sites appear retentive to 3He over 10 kyr timescales, whereas two additional sites clearly suffer from diffusive loss of 3He. Step-degassing experiments suggest that diffusion in calcite is controlled by multiple diffusion domains, with an apparent activation energy of 25–27 kcal mol−1. Although minor 3He loss is expected from the smallest diffusion domains, the observed kinetics cannot explain the poor retention at all sites. We thus propose that opaque (non-transparent) calcite may be more retentive due to the presence of imperfections in the crystal lattice. We conclude that 3He dating of calcite shows promise in some settings. However, because retention depends on crystallographic variability it must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis until robust criteria for retention can be identified.  相似文献   
曾严谨  荣冠  彭俊  沙松 《岩土力学》2018,39(Z1):220-226
利用偏光显微镜对经历不同高温循环作用后的细粒大理岩进行观测,通过统计微裂纹长度、开度、数量等参数,探讨不同加热循环次数后岩样内微裂纹的扩展规律。结果表明,(1)经历不同热循环次数作用的岩样,微裂纹的数量和长度均不同,未经热处理岩样内颗粒致密,胶结较好,内部无明显的微裂纹。经历4次热循环作用后岩样内微裂纹发育明显,以晶界裂纹为主,开度和长度均显著增加。岩样经历16次热循环作用后开度持续增大,为55 µm,是4次热循环的4倍;(2)对不同热循环处理后岩样内部发育微裂纹的方向进行了统计,发现微裂纹无明显的方向性,还表明细观切片的取样位置对微裂纹的发育影响不大;(3)线性裂纹密度随热循环次数的增加而增大,经历16次热循环作用后岩样的线性裂纹密度是没有经历热处理岩样的21倍。  相似文献   
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