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用激光 -荧光显微镜等有机岩石学方法 ,挑选样品中有明显生、排烃现象的碳酸盐岩 ,再以测定的这类碳酸盐岩的有机碳含量为依据 ,确定本区高成熟碳酸盐气源岩残余有机碳的下限指标用 0 .13%~ 0 .14 %比较合理。根据碳酸盐岩储层孔隙中充填沥青和皮膜状残余沥青的分布和含量 ,论证了陕参 1井等奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层在地质历史中 ,存在若干油气有效储层。采用连续升温 ,步进取样的热模拟实验方法 ,揭示了本区煤与碳酸盐岩干酪根随热演化作用增强 ,烃类气体产物的干燥系数增大 ,δ1 3C1 、δ1 3C2 明显变重的规律 ,并根据样品实验结果推算 ,本区石炭系—二叠系煤最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为 - 2 7‰~ - 2 8‰ ,碳酸盐岩最大生气阶段的δ1 3C1 应为- 31.7‰~ - 33‰。在气源成因判识中 ,根据主生气期阶段对天然气成藏储聚的贡献最大、甲烷碳同位素较重以及长庆气田风化壳气藏天然气δ1 3C1 重值区并不与石炭系—二叠系煤的镜质组反射率高值区匹配的现象等进行气源判识 ,认为长庆奥陶系风化壳气藏 ,具有下古生界海相碳酸盐岩气与上古生界石炭系—二叠系煤成气的混源成因  相似文献   
西天山艾肯达坂组火山岩系同位素定年及其构造意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
西天山艾肯达坂地区较好发育了艾肯达坂纽红色陆相火山岩建造.它不整合在下石炭统大哈拉军山组之上,未经变形和变质,属于陆陆碰撞晚期的橄榄安粗岩系,其年龄确定是厘定从碰撞造山向陆内构造演化的关键。因此,通过16件新获得的钾氩年龄测值,确定艾肯达坂组火山岩系形成在260Ma~270Ma之间,属早二叠世,而不是过去认为的石炭纪;西天山的陆陆碰撞应在二叠纪末结束,此后进入陆内造山阶段。  相似文献   
The main purpose of this study is to model the δ13C values of methane derived from coal by combining kinetic-simulating experiment with the gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrum (GC-IRMS) analysis. The stable carbon isotopic variation of methane in pyrolysates with heating temperature indicates that the assumptions for both a constant kinetic isotope effect (α) and a uniform initial isotopic composition (δ13Co) are impractical for explaining the carbon isotopic fractionation during coalification. For purposes of simplification, two approaches are used in this paper to deal with the heterogeneity of terrestrial organic matter. One is that, assuming a uniform initial isotopic composition (i.e., δ13Ci, o=δ13Co) for all methane-generating precursors in coal, the isotopic variation of methane is fitted by adjusting ΔEa, i (Ea13C, iEa12C, i) for each hypothetical reaction. The other is that, assuming a constant kinetic isotope effect during the whole gas formation, that is all ΔEa, i values are identical, the modeling of methane isotopic composition is achieved by changing the 13CH4 generation potential of each reaction (fi, 13C), namely, by adjusting the initial δ13C value (δ13Ci, o) for each methane-generating precursor. Results of the kinetic calculation shows that the two simulating methods can yield a similar result at a geological heating rate of 2 °C/My, which further demonstrates that those natural gases with methane δ13C value being approximately −36‰ are possibly sourced from the upper Triassic coal measure strata in the Northwestern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
The bimodal NW Etendeka province is located at the continentalend of the Tristan plume trace in coastal Namibia. It comprisesa high-Ti (Khumib type) and three low-Ti basalt (Tafelberg,Kuidas and Esmeralda types) suites, with, at stratigraphicallyhigher level, interstratified high-Ti latites (three units)and quartz latites (five units), and one low-Ti quartz latite.Khumib basalts are enriched in high field strength elementsand light rare earth elements relative to low-Ti types and exhibittrace element affinities with Tristan da Cunha lavas. The unradiogenic206Pb/204Pb ratios of Khumib basalts are distinctive, most plottingto the left of the 132 Ma Geochron, together with elevated 207Pb/204Pbratios, and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions plotting in thelower 143Nd/144Nd part of mantle array (EM1-like). The low-Tibasalts have less coherent trace element patterns and variable,radiogenic initial Sr (  相似文献   
interpretationofpaleoclimaticrecordsinicecore(Dansgaardetal.,1969;Rozanskietal.,1997;Yao,1999;Thompsonetal.,2000).SincethefirstdeepicecorewasdrilledinGreenlandin1966(Dansgaardetal.,1969),hundredsoficecoreswereobtainedsuccessivelyfromicesheetsinAntarcticaandArctic,andmountainglaciersatmid-highlatitudes,fundedbynumerousresearchprogramsonglobalclimateandenvironmentalchange.Theseicecoresprovideuniqueandvaluablefirst-handinformationinrecoveringglobalpaleoenvironmentalrecordsandforecastingfuturecl…  相似文献   
Under Rayleigh equilibrium condition, stable isotopic ratio in residual water increases with the decrease of the residual water proportion f exponentially, and the fractionation rate of stable isotopes is inversely proportional to temperature. However, under kinetic evaporation condition, the fractionation of stable isotopes is not only related to the phase temperature but also influenced by the atmospheric humidity and the mass exchange between liquid and vapor phases. The ratio δ in residual water will not change with f after undergoing evaporation of a long time for great relative humidity. The rate that the evaporating water body reaches isotopic steady state is mainly dependent on the relative humidity in atmosphere. The analysis shows that the actual mean linear variety rates, about -30.0, of the δ18O in residual water versus the residual water proportion at Nagqu and Amdo stations are consistent with the simulated process under temperature of 20 oC and relative humidity of 50%. The distillation line simulated under Rayleigh equilibrium condition is analogous to the global meteoric water line (MWL) as the temperature is about 20 oC. Under non-equilibrium condition, the slope and constant values of distillation line are directly proportional to temperature and relative humidity. According to the basic data, the simulated distillation line is very consistent with the actual distillation line of Qinghai Lake.  相似文献   
通过对腾格里沙漠东南缘沙坡头人工固沙区油蒿和柠条叶片稳定碳同位素分辨率(△)和N 含量的测定,研究了不同种植方式下油蒿和柠条叶片△ 和 N 含量的季节变化及其关系。结果表明:在不同种植方式下,两种植物的△ 与 N 含量在不同月份之间均存在显著差异。油蒿叶片 △ 极显著高于柠条的:在不同种植方式下,油蒿单种下 △ 显著高于混种,柠条则反之。 油蒿叶片 N 含量极显著低于柠条的:不同种植方式下柠条叶片 N 含量无显著差异,而单种油蒿叶片 N 含量则显著低于混种。在 △ 与 N 含量的关系中,柠条叶片 △ 与 N 在两种生境、单种和混种下均极显著正相关,雨明柠条叶片 N 含量可以作为其 △ 与 N 含量的季节变化及其关系在不同微生境有所差异。  相似文献   
Mechanisms of fractional crystallization with simultaneous crustalassimilation (AFC) are examined for the Kutsugata and Tanetomilavas, an alkali basalt–dacite suite erupted sequentiallyfrom Rishiri Volcano, northern Japan. The major element variationswithin the suite can be explained by boundary layer fractionation;that is, mixing of a magma in the main part of the magma bodywith a fractionated interstitial melt transported from the mushyboundary layer at the floor. Systematic variations in SiO2 correlatewith variations in the Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions ofthe lavas. The geochemical variations of the lavas are explainedby a constant and relatively low ratio of assimilated mass tocrystallized mass (‘r value’). In the magma chamberin which the Kutsugata and Tanetomi magmas evolved, a strongthermal gradient was present and it is suggested that the marginalpart of the reservoir was completely solidified. The assimilantwas transported by crack flow from the partially fused floorcrust to the partially crystallized floor mush zone throughfractures in the solidified margin, formed mainly by thermalstresses resulting from cooling of the solidified margin andheating of the crust. The crustal melt was then mixed with thefractionated interstitial melt in the mushy zone, and the mixedmelt was further transported by compositional convection tothe main magma, causing its geochemical evolution to be characteristicof AFC. The volume flux of the assimilant from the crust tothe magma chamber is suggested to have decreased progressivelywith time (proportional to t–1/2), and was about 3 x 10–2m/year at t = 10 years and 1 x 10–2 m/year at t = 100years. It has been commonly considered that the heat balancebetween magmas and the surrounding crust controls the couplingof assimilation and fractional crystallization processes (i.e.absolute value of r). However, it is inferred from this studythat the ratio of assimilated mass to crystallized mass canbe controlled by the transport process of the assimilant fromthe crust to magma chambers. KEY WORDS: assimilation and fractional crystallization; mass balance model; magma chamber; melt transport; Pb isotope  相似文献   
青藏高原腹地植物碳同位素组成对环境条件的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
现代植物碳同位素组成是特定环境影响的结果,通过对植物碳同位素组成的研究可以揭示植物生长期环境信息。针对青藏高原腹地高寒草甸~高寒草原过渡区植被碳同位素组成进行研究;该区高山嵩草样δ13C值在-25.63‰~-27.95‰间,平均值-26.63‰;高寒草原区混合样δ13C值于-26.29‰~-27.73‰间,平均值-27.04‰。高山嵩草样δ13C值总体呈现由南东往北西方向正偏趋势,研究区北部高寒草原区混合植物样也呈现出由南向北富重碳同位素趋势。这些变化规律被认为是主要受降水环境影响的结果,而区域内降水条件的展布规律则是受高原夏季风运移方式的控制。对植物δ13C值与地理位置的回归分析表明,该区植被碳同位素组成与地理位置相关,高山嵩草样(r=0.44603,n=29,p<0.05)和混合样(r=0.8112,n=5,p<0.1)均表现出对区域降水环境条件的良好响应。据此,以该区植物δ13C值为背景,进行合理推算,拟定了研究区内干旱区和湿润区界限的位置。  相似文献   
晶质石墨是一种新兴战略矿产。近年在河北省北部发现了多处大中型晶质石墨矿床,主要赋矿层位于新太古代崇礼上岩群、古元古代红旗营子岩群等,具有良好的成矿潜力。通过系统的野外地质调查与采样、分析测试工作,详细研究了赋矿层位的岩相学、地球化学特征,并对碳质来源进行了分析。结果表明:赋矿岩石主要为含石墨黑云斜长变粒岩、片麻岩与透辉岩,原岩恢复以砂泥质碎屑岩、钙质沉积岩为主。主量元素含量变化较大, SiO2含量为38.90%~80.42%, CaO+MgO为2.05%~31.93%, Al2O3为1.50%~15.34%;稀土元素含量为79.1~321.4μg/g, PAAS标准化分布模式一般具有右倾或较平坦分布特征, δCe略具负异常,部分具有δEu异常。微量元素特征指示沉积环境为滨浅海环境,部分地区存在富氧条件,局部为还原环境或存在热液加入。石墨中碳同位素值为–26.0‰~–20.7‰,主要来源于生物成因有机碳;大理岩碳同位素值为–3.8‰~1.1‰,主要来源于碳酸盐岩成因无机碳。区内晶质石墨矿层分布受到地层、岩性、岩相控制,含矿...  相似文献   
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