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With its amplification simultaneously emerging in cryospheric regions, especially in the Tibetan Plateau, global warming is undoubtedly occurring. In this study, we utilized 28 global climate models to assess model performance regarding surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau from 1961 to 2014, reported spatiotemporal variability in surface air temperature in the future under four scenarios (SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5), and further quantified the timing of warming levels (1.5, 2, and 3 °C) in the region. The results show that the multimodel ensemble means depicted the spatiotemporal patterns of surface air temperature for the past decades well, although with differences across individual models. The projected surface air temperature, by 2099, would warm by 1.9, 3.2, 5.2, and 6.3 °C relative to the reference period (1981–2010), with increasing rates of 0.11, 0.31, 0.53, and 0.70 °C/decade under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for the period 2015–2099, respectively. Compared with the preindustrial periods (1850–1900), the mean annual surface air temperature over the Tibetan Plateau has hit the 1.5 °C threshold and will break 2 °C in the next decade, but there is still a chance to limit the temperature below 3 °C in this century. Our study provides a new understanding of climate warming in high mountain areas and implies the urgent need to achieve carbon neutrality.  相似文献   
下一代网络(next generation network,缩写为NGN)是以高性能、可扩展、可运营、可管理、更安全的下一代电信网络为基础,实现高质晕流媒体应用、无线和移动应用、多样化终端没备、按需的传输质量控制和更高安全保障的新型网络,IPv6是下一代网络的关键支撑技术.IPv6网是F一代IP网,不等同于下一代网络,IPv6网只有在满足下一代网络的必要特征后才可成为下一代网络.  相似文献   
This paper reports on total organic carbon (TOC) and its fractions dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) studied in different Polish rivers. The samples investigated came from the Vistula, Odra, and Warta rivers, and were compared with similar data on river waters available in the literature. The DOC concentrations ranged from 10.0 to 14.2 mg/L and did not vary during the vegetative season. The POC values considerably increased from May through September and reached a maximum in summer. Results for the years 1991τ1996 evidenced a significant increase in the POC value for the Polish rivers from 10.8 to 24.5 mg/L, in comparison with analogous values for West European rivers and North American ones. The enhanced values of TOC and POC were interpreted as being due to anthropogenic pollution.  相似文献   
A new multi-anvil type high-presure apparatus has been developed using sintered diamond anvils to generate pressures over 30 GPa and temperatures up to about 2000°C. A maximum sample volume of about 1 mm3 is available in this system. The pressure was confirmed by dissociation of forsterite into Mg-perovskite and periclase. The basic techniques and problems in utilizing sintered diamond in the MA8 type high-pressure apparatus are discussed with an emphasis on the future prospect of incorporating simultancous X-ray diffraction observation.  相似文献   
本论文内容涵盖传感器组网,数据获取、存储、管理、迁移与服务,以及地震动参数计算与发布等检测系统各个环节,在研究过程中,以地震动参数速报技术研究为主题,并注意把相关的技术应用在实际的工作中。“基于IPV6对地震烈度传感器网络”部分直接使用了ShakeMap开发过程中有关数据流的接收、服务,操作系统的重编译,事件检测,图片产出,  相似文献   
Supraglacial channels are an important mechanism for surface water transport over the ablation zone of western Greenland. The first assessment of the spatio‐temporal distribution of surface melt channels and their relationship to supraglacial lakes over the Jakobshavn Isbræ region of Western Greenland was analysed using Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus panchromatic images during the 2007 melt season. A total of 1188 melt channels were delineated and show an increase in the number of melt channels throughout the season, reaching a peak on 9 August. Water‐filled melt channels advanced to a maximum elevation of 1647 m on 9 August and attained a minimum average slope of 0.009 on 8 July. The ablation zone demonstrates two hydrologic modes, where crevasse and moulin terminating channels dominate at elevations <800 m and higher‐order channel networks >800 m. Development of higher‐order networks is interrupted by flow divergence due to partitioning of melt water into vertical infiltration through moulins and crevasse fields prevalent at lower elevations. Tributary and connector networks between 800 and 1200 m in elevation are correlated with fewer lake occurrences, lower surface velocities (~50 m a?1), and ice flow dominated by internal deformation over basal sliding. High‐order channels are associated with lake basins that exceed melt water storage capacity. Evolution of channel networks is coupled to changes in melt water production, runoff, and ice dynamics with implication for the englacial and subglacial environments. © 2013 The Authors. Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study a field‐sampling technique for dissolved hydrogen (H2) in groundwater will be presented which allows the transport of gaseous samples into the laboratory for further analysis. The method consists of transferring the headspace trapped in a gas‐sampling bulb which is continuously purged by groundwater into previously evacuated vials using a gas‐tight syringe. Three transfer steps with preceding evacuation of the vial led to a H2‐recovery of 100 % in laboratory experiments. The method has been applied to determine H2 concentrations in an aquifer contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Tests concerning the effect of different pumping techniques on H2 concentrations revealed that most reliable values were obtained with a bladder pump, while an electrically driven submersible pump generated considerable amounts of hydrogen due to electrochemical interactions with the sampled water. Concentrations of dissolved hydrogen in field and laboratory samples were about two orders of magnitude higher when sampling was performed with the electrically driven submersible pump compared to sampling with the bladder pump and a peristaltic pump. Lab experiments with a Plexiglas reservoir to produce H2‐enriched water were used to study the effect of two tubing materials (PVC, polyamide) on H2 losses. PVC tubing turned out to allow transfer of H2‐enriched water over 25 m without significant losses, while PA‐tubing was not suitable for sampling of H2.  相似文献   
Contradictory results are reported for the behaviour of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in sewage treatment plants (STPs). QACs may sorb onto activated sludge. Only little information is available with respect to effects of QACs against bacteria in STPs. Only 5 to 15 % of bacteria present in sewage sludge can be detected by means of culture dependent microbiological methods. The shift of the bacterial populations due to effects of test compounds have not been studied up to now with culture independent methods. The microbial populations shift was studied in situ using culture independent chemotaxonomy profiling ubiquinones and polyamines. Additionally, toxic effects of QACs against bacteria present in the test vessels of the Zahn‐Wellens test (OECD 302 B) were assessed with a toxicity control in the test. The ubiquinone profiles representing changes in Gram‐negative populations mainly showed that the activated sludge was affected only in test vessels containing benzalkonium chloride. According to chemotaxonomy Acinetobacter or/and some members of Pseudomonas spp. have been selected by benzalkonium chloride after some adaptation period (8 to 12 days).  相似文献   
The New EC Framework Water Directive: Assessment of the Chemical and Ecological Status of Surface Waters The main objective of the draft EC Framework Water Directive is the good quality of all surface waters. The directive provides for an assessment of the chemical status of surface waters (EU‐wide valid environmental quality standards for approximately 30 priority substances) and a five‐stage ecological classification of waters, comprising the stages high, good, moderate, poor, and bad. The starting point for the assessment are the reference conditions, which are defined as corresponding to high water quality and characterising a water status with no significant anthropogenic impact. The reference sites in the various water body types are to be selected using hydromorphological and physico‐chemical parameters and subsequently characterised by means of biological parameters. For surface waters, three groups of characteristics are provided for, namely: 1. with priority the biology – in the case of surface waters – with the four elements phytoplankton, macrophytes/phytobenthos, benthic invertebrate fauna, and fish fauna; 2. supporting the hydromorphology, e.g. flowing waters with the three elements hydrological regime, river continuity, and morphological conditions and 3. supporting the physico‐chemical conditions with the three elements general conditions, specific synthetic pollutants, and specific non synthetic pollutants (other than the priority substances of the chemical status).  相似文献   
Selected samples of dissolved organic matter (DOM) isolated by ultrafiltration (UDOM) have been analyzed by thermochemolysis in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH). This technique cleaves ester and ether bonds of bio‐ and geological macromolecules and releases monomer subunits and methylates them in situ as their methyl ethers and methyl esters. Compared with conventional pyrolysis, TMAH thermochemolysis avoids decarboxylation of preexisting carboxylic moieties and produces aromatic acids as their methyl esters. Various phenolic derivatives, which might originate from incorporated lignin‐derived structures, from the highly aliphatic and resistant biopolymer cutan and also from proteinaceous materials, were identified among the products produced from UDOM upon thermochemolysis. The presence of lignin derivatives in UDOM indicates input of organic matter derived from terrestrial sources. Various aromatic acids, perhaps representing the final steps in the oxidation of the side‐chain during microbial oxidation of lignin, were released upon TMAH thermochemolysis, suggesting they are structural constituents of the UDOM. Different ratios of lignin‐derived materials, commonly determined using the CuO oxidation method, such as the Δ value, indicative of the amount of lignin present, the acid/aldehyde ratio (Ad/Al)G, indicative of the extent of oxidative degradation of the lignin component, and the syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) and p‐hydroxyphenyl/guaiacyl (P/G) ratios, indicative of the contribution for the different types of lignin, were determined.  相似文献   
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