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The Amassia–Stepanavan blueschist-ophiolite complex of the Lesser Caucasus in NW Armenia is part of an Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic belt, which presents similar metamorphic features as other suture zones from Turkey to Iran. The blueschists include calcschists, metaconglomerates, quartzites, gneisses and metabasites, suggesting a tectonic mélange within an accretionary prism. This blueschist mélange is tectonically overlain by a low-metamorphic grade ophiolite sequence composed of serpentinites, gabbro-norite pods, plagiogranites, basalts and radiolarites. The metabasites include high-P assemblages (glaucophane–aegirine–clinozoisite–phengite), which indicate maximal burial pressure of ∼1.2 GPa at ∼550°C. Most blueschists show evidence of greenschist retrogression (chlorite—epidote, actinolite), but locally epidote-amphibolite conditions were attained (garnet—epidote, Ca/Na amphibole) at a pressure of ∼0.6 GPa and a temperature of ∼500°C. This LP–MT retrogression is coeval with exhumation and nappe-stacking of lower grade units over higher grade ones. 40Ar/39Ar phengite ages obtained on the high-P assemblages range between 95 and 90 Ma, while ages obtained for epidote-amphibolite retrogression assemblages range within 73.5–71 Ma. These two metamorphic phases are significant of (1) HP metamorphism during a phase of subduction in the Cenomanian–Turonian times followed by (2) exhumation in the greenschist to epidote-amphibolite facies conditions during the Upper Campanian/Maastrichtian due to the onset of continental subduction of the South Armenian block below Eurasia.  相似文献   
戚学祥  唐哲民  闫玲 《地球科学》2006,31(4):539-550
预先导孔(CCSD-PP2) 位于苏鲁高压-超高压变质地体南部的北苏鲁超高压变质表壳剪切叠覆岩片中, 岩心主要由榴闪岩(包括角闪岩)、花岗片麻岩、副片麻岩和榴辉岩组成.镜下鉴定和激光拉曼测试结果表明预先导孔(CCSD-PP2) 第一段榴闪岩的主要矿物为角闪石、石榴石、黑云母和钠长石, 是榴辉岩退变质作用的产物.地球化学数据显示榴闪岩的化学成分与正常型榴辉岩相对应, 稀土元素组成及配分模式与主孔榴辉岩基本相似, 但微量元素特征及在地球化学判别图解上存在一定差异, 说明该段榴闪岩与主孔榴辉岩的原岩虽然都是形成于板内环境玄武岩类, 但它们并不完全相同, 其差异可能是由原岩性质的多样性及榴辉岩退变质过程中流体组分的加入引起的.榴闪岩及其下部花岗片麻岩内锆石中柯石英、绿辉石等矿物包裹体的发现及岩石学和地球化学特征等与主孔花岗片麻岩相似的性质, 以及在接触面附近榴闪岩中的SiO2含量具有逐渐增高的趋势等, 说明榴闪岩与花岗片麻岩曾一起俯冲到地下深处, 并在折返过程中经历了强烈的退变质作用, 它们之间可能存在一定程度的物质交换.   相似文献   
A Tiny Piece of Basalt Probably from Asteroid 4 Vesta   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Grove Mountains (GRV) 99018 is a new eucrite (0.23 g), consisting mainly of pyroxene (50.5 vol%) and plagioclase (37.2 vol%) with minor silica minerals (7.0 Vol%) and opaque minerals (5.2 vol%). It was intensely shocked, leading to partial melting, formation of abundant tiny inclusions in pyroxenes and plagioclase, and heavy brecciation. Exsolution of most pyroxenes (1-3μm in width of the lamellae), recrystallization of the shpck-induced melt pockets and veins (5-20μm in size), and homogeneous compositions of pyroxenes of  相似文献   
Metamorphic zircon from coesite‐bearing eclogites in the Dabie Mountains encloses high‐P phases, and may have formed at the peak of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism. Morphologically, the metamorphic zircon typically occurs as small, multi‐faceted, near‐spherical grains with homogeneous internal structure and weak backscattered electron (BSE) luminescence. Geochemically, it is characterized by extremely high and relatively constant contents of hafnium (Hf) and very low contents of Y, U and Th, reflecting the contraction of the zircon lattice under the UHP conditions. High contents of Hf may be characteristic of zircon formed during UHP metamorphism, which has important consequences for interpretation of geochronological results. We propose that the metamorphic zircon extremely enriched in Hf may be used to date the peak of UHP metamorphism that produced the coesite‐bearing eclogites in the Dabie Mountains, and potentially in other UHP terranes.  相似文献   
右江中生代极低级变质带的变质变形过程   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
右江中生代三叠系槽盆相浊流沉积岩系遭受了区域强烈变形和极低级变质作用,伊利石结晶度指数为0.331°~0.265°△2θ,属于浅层或近变质带;在野外和光学显微镜观察基础上,运用X射线衍射、透射电镜及电子探针等现代测试技术,对绿泥石-白云母堆垛集合体、细粒基质层状硅酸盐矿物的化学成分及结构进行了详细研究,指出绿泥石-白云母堆垛的碎屑成因及母矿物的变质过程;强调右江中生代极低级变质带具有板内造山带的构造变形特征  相似文献   
北祁连山缝合带是一条典型的早古生代大洋型俯冲带,其中发育两条蓝片岩带:含硬柱石的低级蓝片岩带和含榴辉岩的高级蓝片岩带。在清水沟地区含榴辉岩的高级蓝片岩带中的高压变质富锰硅质岩中发现稀有的砷硅锰矿,这是国内首次发现砷硅锰矿。利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、电子探针、拉曼光谱、透射电镜等方法对其进行了详细的矿物学研究。研究发现,砷硅锰矿密度为3. 69~3. 75 g/cm3,硬度为6~7,与石英、红帘石、蓝闪石、多硅白云母和赤铁矿等矿物共生,二轴晶,正光性,(010)解理完全,从淡黄色到金黄色,多色性强烈;砷硅锰矿的主要成分是Si、Al、Mn,富含As,并含有少量的F、V、P;在拉曼图谱上,砷硅锰矿具有许多明显的特征峰,且显示出砷酸根、钒酸根以及MnO键和Si O3基团的存在;在晶体结构上,砷硅锰矿为斜方晶系,空间群为Pnmm,晶轴参数为a=8. 934、b=5. 817、c=19. 005。这些矿物学特征可以作为砷硅锰矿的鉴定和研究依据。  相似文献   
Granulite-facies rocks are intermittently exposed in a roughly E–W trending belt that extends for approximately 2000 km across the North China Craton, from the Helanshan, Qianlishan, Wulashan–Daqingshan, Guyang and Jining Complexes in the Western Block, through the Huai'an, Hengshan, Xuanhua and Chengde Complexes in the Trans-North China Orogen, to the Jianping (Western Liaoning), Eastern Hebei, Northern Liaoning and Southern Jilin Complexes in the Eastern Block. The belt is generally referred to as the North China Granulite-Facies Belt, previously interpreted as the lowest part of an obliquely exposed crust of the North China Craton. Recent data indicate that the North China Granulite-Facies Belt is not a single terrane. Instead, it represents components of three separate terranes: the Eastern and Western Blocks and Trans-North China Orogen. Each of these units records different metamorphic histories and reflect the complex tectonic evolution of the NCC during the late Archean and Paleoproterozoic. Mafic granulites in the Eastern Block and the Yinshan Terrane (Western Block) underwent medium-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism at about 2.5 Ga, with anticlockwise P–T paths involving near isobaric cooling following peak metamorphism, reflecting an origin related to intrusion and underplating of mantle-derived magmas. Pelitic granulites in the Khondalite Belt (Western Block) underwent medium-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism at about 2.0–1.9 Ga, with clockwise P–T paths, which record the Paleoproterozoic amalgamation of the Yinshan and Ordos Terranes to form the Western Block. Mafic and pelitic granulites in the Trans-North China Orogen experienced high- to medium-pressure granulite-facies metamorphism at 1.85 Ga, with clockwise P–T paths involving nearly isothermal decompression following peak metamorphism, which are in accord with the final collision between the Eastern and Western Blocks to form the North China Craton at 1.8 Ga. The NCGB cannot therefore represent a separate unique terrane; instead it reflects the amalgamation of three separate granulite terranes that evolved independently and at different times.  相似文献   
新的区域地质调查在海南岛东北部木栏头地区识别出一套从前未知的中级变质杂岩。木栏头变质杂岩主要沿林新—木栏头—虎威岭—赤坡—七星岭—新埠海—铺前海边沿岸呈基岩或不同尺度的无根岩块断续出露,其主体是钙硅酸盐岩和正、副片麻岩,含有少量斜长角闪岩、石英岩和大理岩,并按分布区域可进一步区分出林新片麻岩- 斜长角闪岩组合、木栏头变质火山岩- 钙硅酸盐岩组合、虎威岭- 七星岭片麻岩- 钙硅酸盐岩- 大理岩组合和新埠海- 铺前片麻岩组合等四套岩石组合。对30件变质基性岩、变质中酸性岩、变质碎屑沉积岩、钙硅酸盐岩以及花岗和伟晶岩脉等不同类型岩石的锆石U- Pb定年结果表明,木栏头变质杂岩的原岩主体是一套二叠纪火山- 沉积岩系,其内含有少量二叠纪花岗质侵入岩以及前寒武纪结晶基底的残留。前寒武纪结晶基底主要包括古元古代晚期(1670 Ma)碎屑沉积岩和中元古代早期(1460~1410 Ma)花岗质片麻岩,晚二叠世碱性花岗岩中还存在大量单一的中元古代晚期(1180 Ma)继承锆石。变质沉积岩中的早期碎屑锆石年龄峰值为2550~2490 Ma、1850~1780 Ma、1600~1560 Ma、1450 Ma和1100 Ma,表明其物源主要来自于海南岛中部的抱板群、石碌群和石灰顶组。二叠纪花岗岩的侵入时代主要为280 Ma和260 Ma,与陆缘弧前盆地环境下形成的火山- 沉积岩系的时代基本一致。这些沉积岩中的碎屑锆石除具有395~345 Ma和280~256 Ma两个年龄峰值外,部分样品还含有960~930 Ma和450~410 Ma两个重要年龄峰值,与前人在海南岛晚古生代地层中获得的年代学结果相似。木栏头变质杂岩经历了晚二叠世—中三叠世(254~235 Ma)高角闪岩相区域变质和深熔作用以及花岗和伟晶岩脉的大规模侵入,独居石U- Pb定年表明中侏罗世(159 Ma)花岗岩脉也侵入其中。结合近年发表的研究资料,我们认为海南岛应属于印支陆块的一部分,由中元古代结晶基底和早古生代盖层构成的琼南地体以及该地体演化而来的琼北构造混杂岩带两个次级构造单元组成,邦溪- 晨星构造带或昌江- 琼海断裂不能被视为华南和印支陆块间的构造边界,真正的古特提斯缝合带(即金沙江- 哀牢山- 马江缝合带的东延)应位于木栏头北部,大致相当于现今琼州海峡断裂的位置。华南和印支陆块间古特提斯洋盆的关闭始于石炭纪(340~300 Ma)洋壳的南向俯冲,形成北部的潮滩鼻榴辉岩和南部的邦溪- 晨星弧后盆地,二叠纪时期(280~255 Ma)洋盆持续俯冲形成海南岛主体大陆岛弧以及木栏头弧前盆地,而后洋盆最终关闭并进入到陆- 陆碰撞和碰撞后伸展阶段,从而形成木栏头变质杂岩以及海南岛内部其他三叠纪变质岩和同期花岗质岩石。  相似文献   
动力变质作用形成的天然气分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
动力变质作用导致岩石的机械破碎 ,在碳酸盐岩地区由于断裂的动力增温作用使得岩石发生变质反应释放出二氧化碳。同时在断裂发育过程中流体的参与、岩脉的热作用对碳酸盐岩的变质热分解也起了一定的作用 ,并使变质反应复杂化。我国东部郯庐断裂带范围内碳酸盐岩或其它类型的含碳岩石较为发育 ,并具备动力变质成气和成藏的有利地质条件。  相似文献   
内蒙古中部林西地区发育有北东向构造带,该构造带靠近西拉木伦河缝合带,使该区林西组地层部分经受了动力变质作用改造,构造带以外林西组地层未遭受动力变质。此动力变质带内劈理发育,变质的泥岩和泥质粉砂岩构造置换现象强烈。动力变质带内部变形变质强度极不均匀,其间有石英细脉贯入,有的部位变形变质程度高,形成二云母构造片岩,出现了黑云母+ 白云母+ 绿泥石+ 斜长石+ 石英等变质矿物组合,其中黑云母化学组成为Fe2 + ( 1. 38% ~ 2. 63%) ,Mg2 + ( 1. 93% ~ 2. 47%) 、K + ( 0. 96% ~ 1. 38%) ; 白云母为Si4 + ( 6. 13% ~ 6. 78%) 、Al[Ⅳ] ( 1. 22% ~ 1. 87%) 、K + ( 0. 93% ~ 1. 46%) 。根据二云母地质温度计估算的动力变质作用PT 条件为0. 3 GPa,480℃,有的部位只有脆性变形,没有新生变质矿物出现,只有变形没有变质。其动力变质作用研究为松辽盆地及外围上古生界油气资源评价提供了地质依据。  相似文献   
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