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The snowball Earth hypothesis describes episodes of Neoproterozoic global glaciations, when ice sheets reached sea‐level, the ocean froze to great depth and biota were decimated, accompanied by a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle. Recent studies of sedimentary successions and Earth systems modelling, however, have brought the hypothesis under considerable debate. The Squantum ‘Tillite’ (Boston Basin, USA), is one of the best constrained snowball Earth successions with respect to age and palaeogeography, and it is suitable to test the hypothesis for the Gaskiers glaciation. The approach used here was to assess the palaeoenvironmental conditions at the type locality of the Squantum Member through an analysis of sedimentary facies and weathering regime (chemical index of alteration). The stratigraphic succession with a total thickness of ca 330 m documents both glacial and non‐glacial depositional environments with a cool‐temperate glacial to temperate non‐glacial climate weathering regime. The base of the succession is composed of thin diamictites and mudstones that carry evidence of sedimentation from floating glacial ice, interbedded with inner shelf sandstones and mudstones. Thicker diamictites interbedded with thin sandstones mark the onset of gravity flow activity, followed by graded sandstones documenting channellized mass gravity flow events. An upward decrease in terrigenous supply is evident, culminating in deep‐water mudstones with a non‐glacial chemical weathering signal. Renewed terrigenous supply and iceberg sedimentation is evident at the top of the succession, beyond which exposure is lost. The glacially influenced sedimentary facies at Squantum Head are more consistent with meltwater dominated alpine glaciation or small local ice caps. The chemical index of alteration values of 61 to 75 for the non‐volcanic rocks requires significant exposure of land surfaces to allow chemical weathering. Therefore, extreme snowball Earth conditions with a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle do not seem to apply to the Gaskiers glaciation.  相似文献   
在多普勒雷达降水回波径向速度场中及时准确地发现逆风区,对灾害天气预报预警具有重要意义.根据逆风区在雷达径向速度图中的物理图像特征,采用数字图像处理和分析方法实现了逆风区自动监测识别.首先,以雷达图像色标为依据,采用阈值法分别获取正、负速度区域二值图像,再对2幅图像分别进行形态学运算,然后将上述4幅图像做交叉逻辑运算,得到逆风区监测识别结果和相关参数.通过在2005-2011年长沙雷达站47幅根据实况进行人工标注后的多普勒雷达径向速度图像上进行实验,表明该方法对逆风区可以进行快速准确识别,与人工标注结果比较准确率可达89%,满足实际应用需要.  相似文献   
应用室内模型试验的方法对上海地区冲填土的固结特性进行了研究,冲填土从水力吹填开始到固结完成,经历了三个阶段,即沉积阶段、土体颗粒接触阶段与土体固结阶段; 固结时有效应力的增长分为快速增长和缓慢增长两个时期,土体固结沉降主要发生在固结前期,沉降量与有效应力呈正比关系; 排水及荷载条件对冲填土的固结特性与强度有较大影响。本文通过双面排水自重固结、单面排水加载固结及单面排水自重固结三组对照试验,揭示了冲结、变形与沉降量之间的关系,为冲填土地区地面沉降的预测和地基变形的计算提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
A comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation in reservoirs under different management conditions is required to anticipate sedimentation issues and implement effective sediment management strategies. This paper describes a unique approach combining fluvial geomorphology tools and morphodynamic modeling for analyzing the sediment dynamics of an elongated hydropower reservoir subjected to management operations: the Génissiat Reservoir on the Rhône River. Functional sub‐reaches representative of the reservoir morphodynamics were delineated by adapting natural river segmentation methods to elongated reservoirs. The segmentation revealed the link between the spatial and temporal reservoir changes and the variability of longitudinal flow conditions during reservoir management operations. An innovative modeling strategy, incorporating the reservoir segmentation into two sediment transport codes, was implemented to simulate the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation at the reach scale during historic events. One code used a bedload approach, based on the Exner equation with a transport capacity formula, and the other used a suspended load approach based on the advection–dispersion equation. This strategy provided a fair quantification of the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation at the reach scale during different management operations. This study showed that the reservoir morphodynamics is controlled by bedload transport in upper reaches, graded suspended load transport of sand in middle reaches and suspended load transport of fine sediments in lower reaches. Eventually, it allowed a better understanding of the impact of dam management on sediment dynamics. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
人工影响天气作业(以下简称“人影作业”)的申请与批复是人影作业实施的重要环节,是一项涉及多行业、多环节,对安全性要求极高的技术工作。目前,空中交通日益繁忙,日航班量达1700余次,全省人影作业高炮及固定火箭达480余门,是20 a前的3~4倍,通过电话、甚高频无线电台进行人影作业空域申请的传统工作方式已无法满足目前人影作业空域申报和管理的要求。为提高人影作业的效率,缩短作业申请与批复信息的传递时耗,开发建成了贵州省空域自动化批复系统,实现了人影作业多点同时申请与批复,解决了电话占线等问题。简化了业务流程,缩短了人影作业申请与批复时间,从以往一个申请过程至少需打8个电话缩短到2个电话,实现了禁射区的自动批复,完成了人影工作由传统型向信息化转变,大大提高了人影作业时效。  相似文献   
削山填沟造地等岩土工程在湿陷性黄土沟壑地区屡见不鲜,掌握填方区沉降情况具有重要意义.本文收集了2017年11月—2020年12月获取的56景TerraSAR-X StripMap模式影像,利用时序InSAR技术监测了陕北某湿陷性黄土填方地基工程的沉降信息,并与2017年11月—2020年12月期间监测区3个水准点的...  相似文献   
In the present study, a mechanical model has been developed to study the behavior of multilayer geosynthetic-reinforced granular fill over stone column-reinforced soft soil. The granular fill and geosynthetic reinforcement layers have been idealized by Pasternak shear layer and rough elastic membranes, respectively. The Kelvin–Voight model has been used to represent the time-dependent behavior of saturated soft soil. The stone columns are idealized by stiffer springs and assumed to be linearly elastic. The nonlinear behavior of the soft soil and granular fill is considered. The effect of consolidation of soft soil due to inclusion of the stone columns on settlement response has also been included in the model. Plane strain conditions are considered for the loading and reinforced foundation soil system. An iterative finite difference scheme is applied for obtaining the solution and results are presented in nondimensional form. It has been observed that if the soft soil is improved with stone columns, the multilayer reinforcement system is less effective as compared to single layer reinforcement to reduce the total settlement as there is considerable reduction in the total settlement due to stone column itself. Multilayer reinforcement system is effective for reducing the total settlement when stone columns are not used. However, multilayer reinforcement system is effective to transfer the stress from soil to stone column. The differential settlement is also slightly reduced due to application of multiple geosynthetic layers as compared to the single layer reinforcement system.  相似文献   
This study is the first attempt which provides information regarding the bulk and quantitative pyrolysis results of the Chia Gara Formation from the Kurdistan region, northern Iraq. Ten representative early-mature to mature samples from the Chia Gara Formation were investigated for TOC contents, Rock Eval pyrolysis, pyrolysis-GC and bulk kinetic parameters. These analyses were used to characterize the petroleum generated during thermal maturation of the Chia Gara source rock and to clarify the quantity of the organic matter and its effect on the timing of petroleum generation.Pyrolysis HI data identified two organic facies with different petroleum generation characteristics; Type II–III kerogen with HI values of >250 mg HC/g TOC, and Type III kerogen with HI values < 100 mg HC/g TOC. These types of kerogen can generate liquid HCs and gas. This is supported by the products of pyrolysis–gas chromatography (Py–GC) analysis of the extracted rock samples. Pyrolysis products show a dominance of a marine organic matter with variable contributions from terrestrial organic matter (Types II–III and III kerogen), and produces mainly paraffinic-naphthenic-aromatic low wax oils with condensate and gas.Bulk kinetic analysis of the Chia Gara source rock indicates a heterogeneous organic matter assemblage, typical of restricted marine environments in general. The activation energy distributions reveal relatively broad and high values, ranging from 40 to 64 kcal/mol with pre-exponential factors varying from 2.2835 E+12/sec to 4.0920 E+13/sec. The predicted petroleum formation temperature of onset (TR 10%) temperatures ranges from 110 to 135 °C, and peak generation temperatures (geological Tmax) between 137 °C and 152 °C. The peak generation temperatures reach a transformation ratio in the range of 42–50% TR, thus the Chia Gara source rock could have generated and expelled significant quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan of Iraq.  相似文献   
The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method. Numerical results of the present model are compared with the experimental data of different researchers. Numerical examples are given to examine the effect of rock fill on the reflection coefficient. The differences between regular and irregular waves are also investigated by means of theoretical and experimental results. It is found that the minimum reflection coefficient of irregular waves is larger than that of corresponding regular waves, but the contrary is the case for the maximum reflection coefficient.  相似文献   
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