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利用远震接收函数偏移成像方法获得青藏高原西部Hi-Climb项目剖面北段地壳结构转换波成像。结果显示班公-怒江缝合带下方拉萨地体上地壳向N仰冲,下地壳向N俯冲,而羌塘地块上地壳向S仰冲,下地壳向S俯冲,可能意味着青藏高原西部拉萨地块和羌塘地块具有复杂的拼合过程。结合前人的岩石学研究成果,建立了新特提斯北洋盆洋壳S向俯冲、距今60~50Ma印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞后,拉萨地块的下地壳向羌塘地块下俯冲,而后印度板块俯冲到羌塘地块下方的地块拼合模式  相似文献   
为研究中国大陆东南部的边缘海动力学,基于中国大陆和福建区域的GPS观测网 以及环绕中国大陆的IGS(International GPS Service)跟踪站在1994—1997年间的测量数据, 建立块体运动和块内变形两种力学模型,研究了福建及其邻近海域现今地壳水平运动速度场 和应变率场.结果表明:无论在中国大陆还是在中国大陆周边框架内,或相对于台湾而言,福 建及其邻近海域均整体地向着东南或东偏南方向,即指向海洋的方向作水平运动.运动平均 速率为11.2±3.0mm/a(福建网)或14.0±4.0mm/a(全国网).然而在福建区域内还存在着 一种由海洋指向大陆内部的北西向运动,其运动平均速率为 3.0± 2.6mm/ a.区域应变率场 主压应变方位为NW(NWW)-SE(SEE).印度板块对欧亚板块的碰撞通过中国大陆内部各 块体间的侧向传递和菲律宾海板块对台湾(欧亚大陆东南沿)的仰冲与挤压,同时作用到福建 及其邻近海域。此种联合作用现今仍在继续进行中,前者的影响比后者更强烈,但前者形成的 速率场均匀,而后者不均匀。  相似文献   
Crustal structure beneath the Songpan—Garze orogenic belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Benzilan-Tangke deepseismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE.Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the record sections,the 2-D P-wave crustal structure was ascertained in this paper.The velocity structure has quite strong lateral variation along the profile.The crust is divided into 5layers,where the first,second and third layer belong to the upper crust,the forth and fifth layer belong to the lower crust.The low velocity anomaly zone gener-ally exists in the central part of the upper crust on the profile,and it integrates into the overlying low velocity basement in the area to the north of Ma‘erkang.The crustal structure in the section can be divided into 4parts:in the south of Garze-litang fault,between Garze-Litang fault and Xianshuihe fault,between Xianshuihe fault and Longriba fault and in the north of Longriba fault,which are basically coincided with the regional tectonics division.The crustal thickness decreases from southwest to northeast along the profile,that is ,from62km in the region of the Jinshajiang River to 52km in the region of the Yellow River.The Moho discontinuity does not obviously change across the Xianshuihe fault basesd on the PmP phase analysis.The crustal average velocity along the profile is lower,about 6.30 km/s.The Benzilan-Tangke profile reveals that the crust in the study area is orogenic.The Xianshuihe fault belt is located in the central part of the profile,and the velocity is positive anomaly on the upper crust,and negative anomaly on the lower crust and upper mantle.It is considered as a deep tectonhic setting in favor of strong earthquake‘s accumulation and occurrence.  相似文献   
The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt of SW-Iran is among the youngest continental collision zones on Earth. Collision is thought to have occurred in the late Oligocene–early Miocene, followed by continental shortening. The High Zagros Belt (HZB) presents a Neogene imbricate structure that has affected the thick sedimentary cover of the former Arabian continental passive margin. The HZB of interior Fars marks the innermost part of SE-Zagros, trending NW–SE, that is characterised by higher elevation, lack of seismicity, and no evident active crustal shortening with respect to the outer (SW) parts. This study examines the brittle structures that developed during the mountain building process to decipher the history of polyphase deformation and variations in compressive tectonic fields since the onset of collision. Analytic inversion techniques enabled us to determine and separate different brittle tectonic regimes in terms of stress tensors. Various strike–slip, compressional, and tensional stress regimes are thus identified with different stress fields. Brittle tectonic analyses were carried out to reconstruct possible geometrical relationships between different structures and to establish relative chronologies of corresponding stress fields, considering the folding process. Results indicate that in the studied area, the main fold and thrust structure developed in a general compressional stress regime with an average N032° direction of σ1 stress axis during the Miocene. Strike–slip structures were generated under three successive strike–slip stress regimes with different σ1 directions in the early Miocene (N053°), late Miocene–early Pliocene (N026°), and post-Pliocene (N002°), evolving from pre-fold to post-fold faulting. Tensional structures also developed as a function of the evolving stress regimes. Our reconstruction of stress fields suggests an anticlockwise reorientation of the horizontal σ1 axis since the onset of collision and a significant change in vertical stress from σ3 to σ2 since the late stage of folding and thrusting. A late right-lateral reactivation was also observed on some pre-existing belt-parallel brittle structures, especially along the reverse fault systems, consistent with the recent N–S plate convergence. However, this feature was not reflected by large structures in the HZB of interior Fars. The results should not be extrapolated to the entire Zagros belt, where the deformation front has propagated from inner to outer zones during the younger events.  相似文献   
准噶尔造山带地壳结构复杂 ,构造形态多样。根据地球物理资料 ,特别是国家“30 5”项目可可托海至阿克塞地学大断面反映出 ,准噶尔造山带至少由四个不同时代、不同性质的地质块体拼合而成。地体间为深断裂或超岩石圈深断裂分隔。在地块内部不同层次之间也常有巨型水平剪切或滑脱带存在 ,造成了准噶尔造山带在垂向上有明显的分层性 ,在横向上具有不均一性和不连续性。  相似文献   
厦门文昌鱼人工繁殖和幼虫发育及其变态的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用组织学和胚胎学方法对厦门国家级自然保护区文昌鱼的生殖季节、胚胎发育和幼虫培育进行详细研究,结果表明,自然保护区文昌鱼生殖季节可分为两个繁殖时期,从6月初开始至7月初为繁殖高峰期,8和9月为繁殖小产期.观察人工繁殖得出,文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)产卵时间在傍晚19:00前后,可以观察到雌、雄文昌鱼的产卵和排精行为:雄性文昌鱼先离开沙,并跃出水面快速游动和排精,接着雌鱼也跃出水面,所有的卵通过破裂的性腺壁进入到围鳃腔并通过围鳃孔到水中受精,受精率在98.5%以上,还观察了文昌鱼幼虫发育并变态为幼鱼(长度为1.05~13.5mm)的全过程.  相似文献   
In this paper, we emphasize the importance of understanding the nesting ecology and nesting behaviour of green marine turtles (Chelonia mydas). Data were collected from 2007 until 2012 from nesting beaches at Setiu Terengganu, Malaysia. We focused on one of the beaches, Telaga Papan, based on data collected in 2012. We recorded the distribution of nesting areas, the emergence hour and the correlation between successful nesting attempts and false crawls. Telaga Papan had a significantly higher distribution of green marine turtle nesting compared with the other five beaches (ANOVA, F5,42 = 8.874, P < 0.01, mean = 36.750 ± 3.727). The highest number of successful nesting attempts was recorded in 2012 (mean = 28.714). A majority of the species landed between 22:00 and 23:59 h (25%). There was a strong correlation between successful nesting attempts and false crawls (rs = 0.883, P = 0.02). Based on these findings on the nesting ecology and nesting behaviour of green marine turtles, we suggest that scientific research, strict monitoring, awareness programs and policy implementation should be carried out proactively. Such activities are necessary to reduce the anthropogenic pressures at the nesting beaches as well as to ensure more successful nesting attempts of green marine turtles in Setiu.  相似文献   
Quartz-rich xenoliths in lavas and pyroclastic rocks from VulcanoIsland, part of the Aeolian arc, Italy, contain silicic meltinclusions with high SiO2 (73–80 wt %) and K2O (3–6wt %) contents. Two types of inclusions can be distinguishedbased on their time of entrapment and incompatible trace element(ITE) concentrations. One type (late, ITE-enriched inclusions)has trace element characteristics that resemble those of themetamorphic rocks of the Calabro-Peloritano basement of theadjacent mainland. Other inclusions (early, ITE-depleted) havevariable Ba, Rb, Sr and Cs, and low Nb, Zr and rare earth element(REE) contents. Their REE patterns are unfractionated, witha marked positive Eu anomaly. Geochemical modelling suggeststhat the ITE-depleted inclusions cannot be derived from equilibriummelting of Calabro-Peloritano metamorphic rocks. ITE-enrichedinclusions can be modelled by large degrees (>80%) of meltingof basement gneisses and schists, leaving a quartz-rich residuerepresented by the quartz-rich xenoliths. Glass inclusions inquartz-rich xenoliths represent potential contaminants of Aeolianarc magmas. Interaction between calc-alkaline magmas and crustalanatectic melts with a composition similar to the analysed inclusionsmay generate significant enrichment in potassium in the magmas.However, ITE contents of the melt inclusions are comparablewith or lower than those of Vulcano calc-alkaline and potassicrocks. This precludes the possibility that potassic magmas inthe Aeolian arc may originate from calc-alkaline parents throughdifferent degrees of incorporation of crustal melts. KEY WORDS: melt inclusions; crustal anatexis; magma assimilation; xenoliths; Vulcano Island  相似文献   
为了对青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带和香山-天景山断裂带的现今走滑及逆冲运动状况进行更加精细的观测研究,我们沿甘肃兰州至宁夏中卫一线布设了1条由12个站点构成的跨断裂GPS加密测线网。该测线网的站点在空间分布上与“中国地壳运动观测网络”的已有站点相互补充,共同构成了1条平均点距约22km的密集型GPS跨断裂剖面。在第1期观测中,考虑到测区周围存在2个“中国地壳运动观测网络”的连续观测基准站(西宁XNIN、盐池YANC),我们尝试采用了各观测组未必同步的“自由观测方式”,而在数据处理中采用了GIPSY先进的“精确单点定位”策略。结果表明,由“中国地壳运动观测网络”的连续基准网作为支撑平台,在局部区域的GPS加密监测中采用灵活的“自由观测方式”和简易的“精确单点定位”数据处理策略,能够在满足精度要求的前提下更加有效地实施  相似文献   
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