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对于低勘探程度盆地,寻找优质烃源岩对于勘探方向的选择具有重要意义。本文基于大量测试分析资料,以哈日凹陷为研究对象,对银额盆地银根组优质烃源岩的岩石学和地球化学特征进行了研究,并对该烃源岩中有机质来源及其形成环境进行了分析。研究表明,优质烃源岩岩性为泥晶白云岩和白云质泥岩。烃源岩w(TOC)平均5.62%,有机质丰度极高;有机质类型为Ⅰ—Ⅱ1型,属腐泥型,或腐殖腐泥型有机质;烃源岩成熟度较低,但底部已经达到成熟热演化阶段,具有较高的生烃潜力。优质烃源岩的有机质来自高等植物和水生生物的混合源。优质烃源岩Pr/Ph值为0.19~0.27,代表强还原性的沉积环境;伽马蜡烷指数为0.30~0.54,高伽马蜡烷含量表明高盐度的沉积环境。藻类勃发形成的高生产力和缺氧环境是银根组优质烃源岩形成的2个关键条件。  相似文献   
The geochemical characteristics of natural gases discovered in the Bozhong Depression are systematically described in this paper. The natural gases are composed mainly of hydrocarbon gases. Natural gases occurring in the Paleogene and older reservoirs are wet gases, whereas those in the Neogene reservoirs are dry gases. Methane and ethane in the gases are significantly different in carbon isotopic composition. The methane carbon isotopic composition of the gases in structure BZ28-1 and the ethane carbon isotopic composition of the gases in structure QHD30-1 are characterized by the heaviest values, respectively. The natural gases are in the mature to highly mature stages. The hydrocarbon gases are of organic origin and can be classified as oil-type gases, coal-derived gases and mixed gases with the third one accounting for the major portion.  相似文献   
The Pearl River Mouth basin is one of the most important offshore basins in China. Petroleum exploration in the deep-water area is to start in the Baiyun sag in the basin. Due to the high cost of exploration in deep-water areas, the hydrocarbon migration and pressure evolution needs to be thoroughly probed before any actual exploration is to be done. Drilling results have indicated that the pore pressure is hydrostatic in shallow-water area. The mud diapirs found in the Baiyun sag indicate that there may be overpressure in the deep-water area. At present, little is known about hydrocarbon migration and pressure distribution in deep-water areas. On the basis of geological data from wells and basin modeling, the research comes to the following conclusions. (1) At least three episodic accumulations and releases of pressure had happened in the Cenozoic, which were closely related to the three regional tectonic movements: the Zhu-Qiong movement in the Late Eocene, the Nanhai movement in the Middle Oligocene and the Dongsha movement between the latest Middle Miocene and Late Miocene. The pressure release and associated hydrocarbon migration occurred primarily during the Dongsha movement, when most of the overpressure was released to hydrostatic pressure except for some overpressure in the deep-water area. (2) Both the measured pressure and the modeling results indicate that the pore pressure is hydrostatic pressure in the shallow-water area. Abnormally high pressure in the deep-water area is noted to be present. The difference of pressure distribution is caused by the lithologies, facies and faults. (3) The diapirs in the deep water cannot be driven by the overpressure because the maximum pressure is less than 9.0 MPa in the course of pressure evolution. (4) The fluids migrated to the shallow-water area and deep-water area along faults. Some faults connected the deep-water fans with the hydrocarbon source. Huge oil and gas fields may be formed in the deep-water area more favourably than in the shallow-water area. Translated from Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2006, 31(2): 229–236 [译自: 地球科学—中国地质大学学报]  相似文献   
Deepwater oil and gas exploration has become a global hotspot in recent years and the study of the deep waters of marginal seas is an important frontier research area.The South China Sea(SCS)is a typical marginal sea that includes Paleo SCS and New SCS tectonic cycles.The latter includes continental marginal rifting,intercontinental oceanic expansion and oceanic shrinking,which controlled the evolution of basins,and the generation,migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the deepwater basins on the continental margin of the northern SCS.In the Paleogene,the basins rifted along the margin of the continent and were filled mainly with sediments in marine-continental transitional environments.In the Neogene–Quaternary,due to thermal subsidence,neritic-abyssal facies sediments from the passive continental margin of the SCS mainly filled the basins.The source rocks include mainly Oligocene coal-bearing deltaic and marine mudstones,which were heated by multiple events with high geothermal temperature and terrestrial heat flow,resulting in the generation of gas and oil.The faults,diapirs and sandstones controlled the migration of hydrocarbons that accumulated principally in a large canyon channel,a continental deepwater fan,and a shelf-margin delta.  相似文献   
松辽盆地三肇凹陷“T11”多边断层非构造成因机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付晓飞  宋岩 《地质学报》2008,82(6):738-749
地质学家过去一直关注松辽盆地“T2”高密度断层系,其成因机制存在很大的争议,但并没注意到“T11”也为高密度断层系。笔者系统研究了三肇凹陷肇州地区“T11”断层系几何学特征和形成的地质背景,首次提出“T11”断层为典型的多边形断层,仅从目前构造演化历史难以解释其成因,基于断层与较厚的青山口组具异常高孔隙流体压力的泥岩分布一致,认为多边断层为长期发育断层反转期再活动诱导青山口组泥岩层密度反转的成因机制,随着超压的积累断层周期性活动,是葡萄花油层油气运移的长期通道。  相似文献   
辽河坳陷东部凹陷火山岩构造裂缝形成机制   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
研究区内最主要的次生裂缝是构造裂缝,是火山岩受构造应力作用后产生的裂缝。按规模构造裂缝可以分为区域构造裂缝与局部构造裂缝。局部构造裂缝包括与纵弯褶皱有关的裂缝、与横弯褶皱有关的裂缝和与断层有关的裂缝。构造裂缝反映出的应力场与区域或局部的应力场是一致的,同时不同级别、不同期次的断层活动过程也是局部或区域裂缝产生和叠加的过程。本区的区域构造裂缝的产生与整个辽河盆地新生代时期,受燕山运动、喜山运动、、幕的强烈影响过程中应力场的变化是一致的。构造裂缝的规模相对较大,在岩体中分布广、研究程度高、规律性强,且成组出现。火山岩要成为良好的储层,必须发育由后期构造作用产生的构造裂缝,将原生的孔隙连通起来,才能成为好的储层。因此,构造裂缝的形成机制对研究裂缝性储层具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
运用去压实校正原理编制了惠民凹陷临南地区东西部新生代连井投影构造演化剖面图,较系统地总结了临南地区新生代构造特征以及该地区的新生代构造演化序列,指出该区东西部的构造演化存在明显的时间差异,西南缓坡带从新生代以来一直表现为稳定斜坡,而曲堤地垒在沙河街组第一段沉积期一东营组沉积末期发生了强烈的旋转。最后综合分析认为,夏口断层控制了临南地区的构造演化.另外,盖层滑脱断层在研究区不发育,从而为该区的油气保存提供了良好的条件。  相似文献   
车镇凹陷第三纪盆地是在前第三系基岩背景上经构造运动发育起来的断陷-坳陷湖盆,经历了早第三纪裂陷沉降和晚第三纪-第四纪坳陷沉降两个阶段,从而形成具有双层次岩相组构的盆地.下层系油源层发育,断裂发育,热演化油气成藏机制的控油规律明显,上层系油源层不存在,断裂不发育,油气只有通过连通上下层系的输导体系,才能进入到上层系聚集成藏.根据油气运移聚集的特点,油气成藏模式主要有两种:一是下第三系的"自生自储"型原生油气藏,二是上第三系和第四系的"下生上储"型次生油气藏.  相似文献   
张伟  柳飒  韩文中 《江苏地质》2014,38(4):599-607
沙一下沉积时期,歧口凹陷板桥斜坡、滨海斜坡和歧北低斜坡滨海地区主要沉积类型为重力流沉积,物源主要来自西部沧县隆起。同时在滨海地区CT16×1等井沙一下部分取样薄片中发现鲕粒的存在。通过对歧口凹陷300余口井沙一下亚段薄片等资料的统计分析,认为滨海地区沙一下层段中的鲕粒为异地鲕粒,其来源主要为板桥斜坡及滨海斜坡,以上地区在沙一下沉积时期虽然仍以陆源碎屑沉积为主,但在某些短时段内,存在"暖、清、浅"的区域性欠补偿的高钙清水沉积,发育含鲕粒的碳酸盐岩,形成的原地鲕粒在后期重力流滑塌等事件活动的作用下,沿着滨海、港东断层等输送通道被搬运至滨海地区。通过此次鲕粒来源分析,一方面重新梳理了歧口凹陷两大盆外物源(北部燕山、西部沧县隆起)的波及范围,深化了对歧口凹陷沙一下沉积时期沉积体系的认识;另一方面发展形成了利用地震相、测井相、岩芯相和薄片相"四相合一"的沉积体系研究方法。  相似文献   
浅水三角洲作为沉积学和油气勘探领域的热点,目前研究主要集中在大型拗陷型盆地内,对断陷湖盆关注较少。通过充分调研区域地质背景并结合永安地区戴一段的岩心、录井、测井、地震、分析化验等资料进行系统研究后认为,戴一段处于断陷早期,地形较为平缓,水体宽浅且波动频繁,气候温暖湿润,物源供给充足,具备形成浅水三角洲的有利沉积条件。研究区浅水三角洲为近源沉积,以牵引流为主;砂岩中多见强水动力沉积构造;垂向上发育进积、加积的沉积序列,具平行、亚平行及叠瓦状地震反射特征;以前缘亚相为主体,相带宽阔,可分为内、外前缘沉积,水下分流河道构成主要骨架砂体;在向湖推进过程中受沉积物可容纳空间与沉积物补给量比值(A/S)变化的影响较大,不同成因砂体类型及沉积样式呈现有规律的分布。基于以上分析,最终建立了断陷湖盆早期浅水三角洲的沉积模式,在一定程度上对丰富浅水三角洲的沉积学认识并拓展永安地区乃至整个高邮凹陷斜坡带油气勘探的领域和范围具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
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