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渤中凹陷典型富油气区油源断层差异活动与油气富集关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以渤中凹陷典型富油气区为研究对象,探讨了该富油凹陷油源断层差异活动与油气富集和分布之间的关系。结果表明:研究区不同构造带内油气主要沿油源断层分布,由凸起带向斜坡带方向,油气富集层位逐渐由新近系向古近系及前古近系潜山过渡,且断层平均活动强度逐渐降低;新生代以来断层活动速率整体表现出强-弱--强的演化规律,新近系油气主要富集于油源断层差异活动系数 1. 8且晚期断层活动速率33 m/Ma的断层附近;凸起带边界油源断层长期活动,有利于新近系油气的富集,倾末端油源断层在烃源岩排烃期早、中期活动较强且晚期活动较弱,控制了深、浅层多层系的油气富集,斜坡带油源断层较少且在烃源岩排烃晚期活动强烈,油气主要富集于古近系及前古近系潜山。  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地渤中凹陷西北缘陡坡带油气分布"西贫东富",成藏条件复杂.利用储层定量荧光技术、傅立叶红外光谱技术、原油地球化学参数、流体包裹体岩相学,结合埋藏史、热史及构造演化,从古流体和现代流体特征角度进行系统定时定量化成藏过程恢复,研究差异成藏原因.研究表明,陡坡带经历了两期油气充注过程,第一期开始于明化镇组沉积早期(距...  相似文献   
济阳坳陷青东凹陷低熟油生烃机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青东凹陷勘探程度低,油气资源潜力尚未得到充分认识,开展凹陷内低熟油成因机理的研究有利于评价油气资源潜力并指导油气勘探工作。原油的物理及地球化学特征表明低熟油主要分布于凹陷边缘的沙四上亚段储层中。油源对比显示低熟油主要来自凹陷内沙四上亚段低熟烃源岩。研究区沙四段烃源岩具备形成低熟油的地质和地球化学条件:沙四段泥页岩有机质丰度高,有机质类型以腐泥型(I)和腐泥-腐殖型(II1)为主;泥页岩与蒸发岩共生的咸化还原环境因富含高矿化度地层水而有助于有机质早期转化生烃;烃源岩中的可溶有机质经过低温化学反应、细菌活动、生物催化作用等可形成低熟油。该研究对青东凹陷油气勘探工作有重要指导意义,寻找低熟油气藏是研究区未来重要的勘探方向。  相似文献   
The lower–middle Permian Lucaogou (P2l) Formation is a “sandwich-type’’ combination of source rocks and reservoirs that is considered to be a potential tight oil reservoir in the Jimusar Sag (JS). We investigated the P2l Formation using a designated workflow to assess its potential as a viable tight oil reservoir play using geological, petrographical, petrophysical, and geochemical characterisation of core samples. The results showed that the P2l source rocks have a widespread distribution (up to 1500 km2), a huge thickness (up to 160 m), a relatively high abundance of organic matter (averaging 3.12 wt%), a good sapropelic quality, and a moderate thermal maturity. The reservoir consists mainly of dolomites and siltstones, predominantly characterised by secondary dissolved pores, with medium–high porosity (averaging 9.1%) and relative low permeability (averaging 0.26 mD), high abundance of brittle minerals (averaging 87.1%), and low abundance of clay minerals (averaging 11.2%) with low water sensitivity. The results demonstrate that in the JS area the P2l Formation has great potential for tight oil production with its considerable hydrocarbon expulsion quantities, good oil storage capability, and reservoir frackability potential and provide a basis for further evaluation of the tight oil potential of the P2l Formation in the wider Junggar Basin and for identifying similar plays elsewhere.  相似文献   
页岩油气的勘探开发推动了泥页岩沉积机理研究的快速发展,使得细粒物质的搬运和沉积成为当今沉积学界和油气工业界共同关注的焦点。尽管海洋环境下的泥质重力流沉积研究成果频见报道,但有关我国新生代湖泊环境中的泥质重力流沉积尚未引起沉积学界的关注。故本文在国内外相关文献调研基础上,以岩芯观察和薄片鉴定为重点,分析了渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段湖相泥质重力流沉积特征;探讨了湖相泥质重力流沉积的形成机制;以期为湖泊沉积学研究和陆相页岩油气开发提供参考。研究发现,东营凹陷古近系沙河街组三段发育泥质块体流、泥质碎屑流、泥质浊流及泥质异重流等多种重力流沉积类型;泥质滑塌岩、泥质碎屑岩、泥质浊积岩和泥质异重岩在时空上可以共生共存。认为泥质沉积物可以在动荡水体和较强水动力条件下沉淀;泥质重力流沉积在深水沉积区占有重要地位;泥质重力流对于泥页岩中的粗粒碎屑物质、有机质的搬运和沉积以及有机质的埋藏起到重要作用,因而具有重要的非常规油气地质意义。  相似文献   
砂岩透镜体 / 泥岩接触带钙质界壳是含油气盆地泥岩(烃源岩)-流体(油、气、水)-砂岩(储集岩)相互作用过程中的产物。烃源岩-地层水相互作用生成的有机酸促使烃源岩中矿物、特别是碳酸盐矿物的溶解。烃源岩中生成的烃类流体和地层水,在驱动力的作用下,向临近的砂岩透镜体内运移,同时携带含碳酸盐的有机酸一起运移。烃源岩-水溶液作用后的流体重新进入到一个新的储集岩,在新的物理化学环境中要与储集岩再次发生作用。流体与储集岩作用的直接结果是方解石和白云石沉淀到储集岩中,它们将占有原岩的部分孔隙空间,形成胶结物,进而形成钙质界壳。这样形成的碳酸盐胶结物为晚期胶结物,主要为含铁方解石和铁白云石。砂岩透镜体碳酸盐胶结物含量与孔隙度、渗透率和含油饱和度存在很好的负相关性。钙质界壳的存在使得孔隙结构也发生变化:原生孔隙被碳酸盐胶结物充填,发育的次生孔隙是碳酸盐胶结物的晶间和晶内微孔隙;压汞曲线较陡,排驱压力和中值压力高;喉道偏细,分选较差。东营凹陷牛35井沙三中段2 939 ~3 003 m井段6个主要砂层组的精细解剖表明,砂岩透镜体 / 泥岩接触带钙质界壳是控制砂岩透镜体成藏的重要因素。  相似文献   
Study of fault growth in deep area of the Gaoyou Sag has great significance for the understanding of the structural evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation of the Gaoyou Sag. Based on high-precision 3D seismic data, the displacement-length relationship and throw data of faults are integrated to reconstruct the growth of the boundary fault and secondary faults in the eastern deep area of the Gaoyou Sag and controlling factors of the fault growth are discussed by analyzing the tectonic stress field and numerical simulation. This study revealed that the Zhen 2 boundary fault had six segments which grew independently in the Eocene Dainan Period and subsequently linked into four segments in the Eocene Sanduo Period. The Zhen 2 fault growth included two phases: short rapid lateral lengthening initially in Dainan Period, followed by a longer phase of slip accumulation and linkage of segments in the Sanduo Period. The strike of Zhen 2 fault which is widely and gently undulate kept in step with Zhen1 extensional boundary fault that controlled the structural evolution of the Subei Basin. The structure of Zhen 2 fault tips is contributed to interaction of fault segments. Two segments overlapped and linked with its neighbor by relay zone, otherwise the segments kept away from the fault and linked near the tip of the fault which interacting the growth progress. The secondary faults are linked alternatively by segments of NEE strike and EW strike and the segments of NEE strike are developed initially in the Dainan Period. Numerical simulation demonstrated that the extensional direction in the area of secondary faults is parallel to the extensional direction of the region and barely influenced by the Zhen 2 boundary fault. The orientational change of the tectonic stress field between the Paleocene and Eocene led to the linkage of secondary faults, which means that the segments of NEE strike are developed by pre-existing fabrics of the Paleocene and the segments of EW strike linked the NEE segments later in the Eocene. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
二连盆地由为数众多的早白垩世小型断陷湖盆组成,其缓坡带普遍发育的高位三角洲体系与特定的构造背景配置可形成多种类型的成藏组合,发育多个有利的油气成藏区带,构成立体含油、叠加连片的态势。以二连盆地吉尔嘎朗图凹陷为例,以层序地层分析为基础,在缓坡带的湖泊层序高位体系域识别出了扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲等两种粗碎屑三角洲体系。根据...  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地渤中坳陷储层超压特征与成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓峰  解习农  张成 《地球科学》2008,33(3):337-341
对储层超压的分析, 有助于理解渤中坳陷油气晚期快速成藏机理.利用RFT实测储层压力资料分析了渤中坳陷储层超压的特征和成因.渤中坳陷存在3套储层超压系统: 浅层明化镇组-馆陶组储层超压系统、中层东营组-沙河街组-孔店组储层超压系统、基底(中生界及以下地层) 储层超压系统.渤中坳陷的储层超压可能主要是由3种机制综合引起的, 即不均衡压实作用、超压传递作用和裂解气的生成作用.少量保存的传递超压是深部超压流体注入的“化石”, 它是超压背景下油气快速充注成藏的结果.   相似文献   
南堡凹陷南部东营组高分辨率层序地层学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
南堡凹陷在古近纪是一个"北断南超"的断陷构造,东营组主要发育(扇)三角洲—湖泊相沉积体系,对于其南部地区的地层等时格架研究尚未深入。依据高分辨率层序地层学原理,综合岩芯、录井、测井以及地震资料,识别出南堡凹陷东营组内的4个基准面旋回,将南堡凹陷东营组划分为1个长期旋回、4个中期旋回及多个短期旋回,并对各界面和层序的测井响应、地震反射特征、短期旋回叠加样式及沉积相特征进行了分析,初步建立了南堡凹陷南部的等时地层格架。  相似文献   
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