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We conducted laboratory true triaxial experiments in the nearly impermeable Pohang rhyolite to investigate failure mechanisms under ‘dry’ and ‘wet’ rock conditions. Under ‘dry’ conditions prismatic specimens were jacketed all around to prevent confining fluid penetration. Under ‘wet’ conditions one pair of the specimen faces was left unjacketed and in direct contact with the confining fluid (kerosene) applying the least principal stress in an attempt to simulate the case of an unlined borehole wall. In both testing setups the true triaxial compressive strength for a given least principal stress increases significantly as the intermediate principal stress rises. The unjacketed rhyolite strength is, however, only 60 to 85% of the strength under dry conditions, depending on the magnitude of the intermediate principal stress. In dry rhyolite the failure process begins upon dilatancy onset, followed by microcrack localization, and ending in a steeply dipping shear fracture. On the other hand, brittle fracture in wet specimens occurs almost immediately after the onset of dilatancy by the development of one or more through-going extensile fractures subparallel and adjacent to one of the unjacketed faces, resembling the extensile cracks leading to borehole breakouts in crystalline rocks. We infer that upon dilatancy the confining fluid intrudes and quickly propagates newly opened stress-induced microcracks subparallel to the unjacketed faces, leading to ‘early’ failure.  相似文献   
目前我国群测群防监测手段已广泛应用到地质灾害预警研究领域,采集的众多原始数据和简单清晰的动态曲线资料,为地质灾害的评价、预测、预警提供了极大的空间分析基础.针对群测群防专业基础薄弱特点,本文主要从简易监测方法入手,利用各种监测手段采集的监测数据,分析已成功预警的危岩滑坡预报曲线及其变化规律,进而寻求变形破坏临界信号,初步给出了由位移-时间曲线形态的变化作为预报尺度的简易确定方法及稳定性判断准则,以最大限度的保障社会安定.  相似文献   







潮汐效应对沿海大范围、高精度的合成孔径雷达干涉测量(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, InSAR)技术地表形变监测的影响不可忽略. 潮汐效应中的固体潮(Solid Earth Tide, SET)位移和海洋潮汐负荷(Ocean Tide Loading, OTL)位移会在时间和空间域上对沿海大范围InSAR地表形变监测产生分米级的误差, 而且不同条带中地表潮汐形变时空差异性会对多条带InSAR影像拼接产生较大误差. 本文针对沿海地区多条带InSAR形变时序, 重点分析了潮汐效应在不同条带InSAR地表沉降监测中的影响, 并采用多种潮汐位移估计方法对多条带地表潮汐形变进行改正. 结果表明, 研究区域不同条带时序InSAR中地表潮汐形变具有较大的时空差异性, 其造成沿海地区相邻条带时序InSAR地表沉降速率差异能达到1~2 cm·a-1; 通过固体潮模型、海潮负荷模型或GPS参考站网海潮位移改正, 能够消除不同条带中地表潮汐形变时空差异性对时序InSAR形变结果拼接产生的空间高阶非线性误差, 弥补了传统拼接方法在拟合潮汐位移偏差的不足. 在大气延迟误差改正的基础上, 时序InSAR形变残差的标准差(Standard Deviation, STD)由潮汐改正前的2.3 cm减少至0.75 cm; 本文研究揭示了沿海地表潮汐形变改正对多条带时序InSAR形变结果拼接的重要性, 可大幅提高沿海地区广域时序InSAR地表形变监测的精度.

介绍了一种新型的数字强震仪(GDQJ-2型数字强震仪),该强震仪以其独特的结构原理和技术性能, 在强震观测、大坝安全监测等地震领域得到广泛的应用.介绍了大坝安全监测的重要意义以及安全监测设备中地震监测设备的进展,介绍了GDQJ-2型数字强震仪的结构原理、技术指标以及在大坝安全监测中的应用,为大坝安全规范设计提出直接依据.  相似文献   
根据各大网站地震目录和前人研究成果,分析全球地震台网与地震台阵、我国区域台网与地震台阵的监测能力,阐述了地震台阵与密集台网/台阵的区别。研究表明,对同一地区所检测的地震数,地震台阵是地震台网的3—10倍,而震级下限可降低1.2—2级。一般情况下,以微弱信号检测为目的的地震台阵监测能力均优于以结构研究为目的的密集台网/台阵,2种台阵是目的、性质、孔径、形状、台间距、技术手段、研究方法均不同的监测系统。  相似文献   
主跨1 196 m的龙江特大桥是我国第一座位于高烈度地震区的大跨度悬索桥,频繁的地震活动对大桥结构安全构成严重威胁。大桥建设时建立了健康监测系统,其中包含多个结构地震反应观测点,随后布设了场地强震动观测系统,这是对大桥地震响应观测的进一步补充和完善。本文详细介绍场地强震动观测系统的设计方案、系统构成、通信方式等。该系统获取的观测结果,可为龙江大桥在地震作用下结构健康诊断提供依据,为大桥结构地震响应分析提供可靠的地震动输入,有助于了解大桥结构在地震动作用下的反应特征, 提高大跨桥梁的抗震设计水平。  相似文献   
微地震震相识别和初至拾取是水力压裂微地震监测资料处理中的两个关键步骤,其结果会对后续事件定位和压裂裂缝缝网解释产生重要影响.常规方法如STA/LTA法、模板匹配法、多道互相关法等需要提取有效信号与噪声间振幅、偏振、频率、波形相似性等方面的特征差异完成震相识别和拾取工作.本文基于深度学习技术的自动特征提取能力,根据井中微地震观测系统的多道数据源特点,提出基于U-Net的多道联合震相识别和初至拾取方法(MT-Net).方法采用具有"逐采样点"识别能力的U-Net模型,模型训练阶段以具有不同信号特征的多道微地震监测记录作为输入,以P波、S波及噪声的概率分布标签作为输出,通过设置二维卷积操作使得道内与道间的波形信息同时被自适应地学习,以满足对相邻道间波形记录处理结果高度一致性的要求;测试阶段将连续记录中的分段波形馈入模型,通过设定P波、S波概率分布曲线阈值完成单震相、双震相和噪声的波形分类,同时对含有效震相的微地震事件完成初至拾取.实际微地震资料处理结果显示,本文方法与同样基于U-Net的单道方法(ST-Net)相比,显著降低了震相识别中低信噪比事件漏拾与误拾发生的概率;同时有效避免了部分单道发生严重的初至拾取结果偏差及P、S震相误拾等情况.本文方法的识别与拾取结果整体上达到了与多道互相关法接近的水平,可满足微地震监测资料处理中实时性和准确性的要求.  相似文献   
Seismic networks have significantly improved in the last decade in terms of coverage density, data quality, and instrumental diversity. Moreover, revolutionary advances in ultra-dense seismic instruments, such as nodes and fiber-optic sensing technologies, have recently provided unprecedented high-resolution data for regional and local earthquake monitoring. Nodal arrays have characteristics such as easy installation and flexible apertures, but are limited in power efficiency and data storage and thus most suitable as temporary networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques, inclu-ding distributed acoustic sensing, can be operated in real time with an in-house power supply and connected data storage, thereby exhibiting the potential of becoming next-generation permanent networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques offer a powerful way of filling the observation gap particularly in submarine environments. Despite these technological advancements, various challenges remain. First, the data characteristics of fiber-optic sensing are still unclear. Second, it is challenging to construct software infrastructures to store, transfer, visualize, and process large amount of seismic data. Finally, innovative detection methods are required to exploit the potential of numerous channels. With improved knowledge about data characteristics, enhanced software infrastructures, and suitable data processing techniques, these innovations in seismic instrumentation could profoundly impact observational seismology.  相似文献   
A system is proposed for the monitoring of changes in the underground structure of an active volcano over time by applying a transient electromagnetic method. The monitoring system is named ACTIVE, which stands for Array of Controlled Transient-electromagnetics for Imaging Volcano Edifice. The system consists of a transmitter dipole used to generate a controlled transient electromagnetic (EM) field and an array of receivers used to measure the vertical component of the transient magnetic field at various distances, with automatic operation of both units. In order to verify the performance of the proposed system, numerical and field experiments were carried out by application of the system to the Izu-Oshima volcano, where a remarkable change in the apparent DC resistivity over time had been detected in association with the eruption in 1986.  相似文献   
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