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The composition and spatial distribution of various petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs), comprising both aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and selected chlorinated pesticides and PCBs were measured in biota and coastal sediments from seven countries in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman (Bahrain, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates). Evidence of extensive marine contamination with respect to organochlorinated compounds and PHs was not observed. Only one site, namely the BAPCO oil refinery in Bahrain, was considered to be chronically contaminated. Comparison of the results from this survey for Σ DDTs and Σ PCBs in rock oysters from the Gulf of Oman with similar measurements made at the same locations over the past two decades indicates a temporal trend of overall decreasing Σ PCB concentrations in oysters, whereas Σ DDTs levels have little changed during that period.  相似文献   
李罡 《古地理学报》2023,25(2):368-381
中国北方著名中、晚侏罗世的燕辽生物群含有丰富的叶肢介动物群。早期燕辽生物群也称为道虎沟生物群,主要产出层位为海房沟组,含有三饰叶肢介动物群,主要分子包括: 海房沟三饰叶肢介(Triglypta haifanggouensis)、滦平三饰叶肢介(T.luanpingensis)和平泉三饰叶肢介(T. pingquanensis)。晚期燕辽生物群又可称为玲珑塔生物群,主要产出层位为髫髻山组,含有丰富的叶肢介化石,主要分子包括: 建昌三饰叶肢介(Triglypta jiancangensis)、玲珑塔辽西叶肢介(Liaoxiestheria linglongtaensis)、大西山玲珑塔叶肢介(Linglongtaestheria daxishanensis)和青龙玲珑塔叶肢介(Linglongtaestheria qinglongensis)。文中总结了北方雕饰叶肢介(Aquilonoglypta)、柴达木叶肢介(Qaidamestheria)和针孔叶肢介(Punctatestheria)的最新研究成果,支持将柴达木叶肢介、辽西叶肢介和玲珑塔叶肢介划归北方雕饰叶肢介科。同时,三饰叶肢介是由针孔叶肢介演化而来,与柴达木叶肢介并无直接演化关系。  相似文献   
古生物化石是地球历史的见证,是研究生命起源和演化的重要科学依据。辽宁建昌国家级化石集中产地是世界上最重要的燕辽生物群和热河生物群的化石产地,化石种类和化石数量丰富,是受到中外古生物学者关注的热点研究区域。根据近年来的研究成果,对建昌中生代生物化石的地理分布、赋存层位和化石属种等进行归纳介绍,并对古生物化石产地进行保护区划,将建昌化石产地划分出3个保护区,并进一步划分出5个核心区、6个缓冲区和3个试验区,为建昌地区开展相关研究和保护工作提供了科学参考和基础地质资料。  相似文献   
常建平  孙忠实 《世界地质》2005,24(2):105-111
本文描述了热河生物群中2个水虿新种:Gomphus? biconuexus sp.nov,和Aeschna?acrodonta sp.nov.,它们分别属于Gomphidae科和Aeshnidae科。化石采自辽西北票黄半吉沟义县组下部(晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期)。  相似文献   
再论道虎沟生物群的时代   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
内蒙古宁城道虎沟地区的晚中生代地层十分发育,产状平缓,主要为一套产有丰富动、植物化石的凝灰质泥岩和粉砂岩,并夹有数层火山岩。从区域上来看,在西台子一带主要为早白垩世义县组的地层,产有丰富的热河生物群的化石,常见者有鱼类Lycoptera davidi,Peipiaosteus pani,Yanosteus longidorsalis,Protopsephurus liui和鸟类Confuciusornis anctus;但在道虎沟—小西沟一带主要为中—晚侏罗世髫髻山组的地层,产有丰富的道虎沟生物群的化石,常见者有蝾螈Jeholotriton paradoxus和Chunerpeton tianyiensis,翼龙Jeholopterus ningchengensis和Pterorhynchus wellnhoferi,手盗龙类Scansorio pteryxheilmanni和(?)Pedopenna daohugouensis[本文对Xu等(2005)描述的道虎沟足羽龙(Pedopennad aohugouensis)的原始产地存有疑义],昆虫Mesobaetis sibirica,Mesoneta antiqua,Rhipidoblattina(Canaliblatta)hebeiensis,Brunneus haifanggouensis,Palaeontinodes haifanggouensis等,叶肢介Euestheria zilu jingensis,E.haifanggouensis,E.jingyuanensis和E.1uanpingensis,植物Cladophleln's(Osmunda?)sp.,Anomozamites angulatus,A.(Trymia?)sp.,Cycadolepissp.,Gmkgotes sp.,Pityospermus sp.,Pityocladus sp.,Zamitesgigas,Yanliaoiasmensis和Coniopteris burejem括等。根据区域地质构造、地层分布、生物群特征和地质年代学资料分析,笔者确信道虎沟生物群的时代为中—晚侏罗世(卡洛夫阶—牛津阶),根本不可能将其归于早白垩世热河生物群。  相似文献   
洛南生物群化石体表面大都具有一层黑色碳质薄膜,并且普遍具有次圆形或长椭圆形形态,因而与立体保存的Chuaria或Tawuia等宏观藻类易于混淆。对比研究表明,洛南生物群在化石体保存方式、主要化石形态、化石体表面构造、化石体壁结构、体壁厚度、壁厚与化石直径比以及化石化学成分等诸多方面与宏观藻类化石有着质的区别。三维立体保存的介壳状的生物体形态,较厚的体壁及三层式结构更多的显示壳状实体化石的特征。  相似文献   
Dinomischus from the Middle Cambrian Kaili Biota, Guizhou, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dinomischus is a rare solitary epifaunal suspension feeder. The over-all morphology of Dinomischus consists of a conical calyx surrounded with elongate bracts and an elongate stem. Visceral mass and stomach sac are evident in the body cavity. Dinomischus is interpreted as a primative ancestor of living entoprocts based on similarities in morphology and mode of life. Previously, Dinomischus is only known in two localities: the mid-Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale Biota and the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Biota. A single specimen of Dinomischus cf. D. isolatus Cowry Morris, 1977 from the Kaili Biota, Guizhou, China is reported here. The discovery of Dinomischus in the Kaili Biota extends its geographical range and indicated that the rare Dinomischus could tolerate deeper water settings during the Middle Cambrian.  相似文献   
The northeastern Chinese Yanliao Biota (sometimes called the Daohugou Biota) comprises numerous, frequently spectacular fossils of non-marine organisms, occurring in Middle-Upper Jurassic strata in western Liaoning, northern Hebei, and southeastern Inner Mongolia. The biota lasted for about 10 million years, divided into two phases: the Bathonian-Callovian Daohugou phase (about 168-164 million years ago) and the Oxfordian Linglongta phase (164-159 million years ago). The Yanliao fossils are often taphonomically exceptional (many vertebrate skeletons, for example, are complete and accompanied by preserved integumentary features), and not only are taxonomically diverse but also include the oldest known representatives of many groups of plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates. These fossils have provided significant new information regarding the origins and early evolution of such clades as fleas, birds, and mammals, in addition to the evolution of some major biological structures such as feathers, and have demonstrated the existence of a complex terrestrial ecosystem in northeast China around the time of the Middle-Late Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   
华洪  胡云绪 《西北地质科学》1997,18(1):70-75,T001
当前人们普遍认为地球生物史上最早的后生动物是伊迪卡拉动物群,由软躯印痕化石组成,多数学者认为是刺胞动物,年代约6 ̄7亿年前,而多门类骨骼化石的出现则是寒武系底界的标志。震旦晚期虽有少量报道,但其层位不低于陆山陀组。但是,陈耳化石因其年代古老(12亿年)而又显示多样的贝壳或骨骼的性质,学术界反映谨慎,认为将其归为可疑化石较为可靠。笔者从化石的保存特征、形态组合面貌、有机与无机成分分析和结构构造研究等  相似文献   
辽西晚中生代热河生物群中首次发现具胚胎的软壳蛋化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文详细记述了辽宁省锦州市义县晚中生代热河生物群中两类爬行动物的蛋化石,其中离龙类蛋化石发现于早白垩世九佛堂组上部,翼龙类蛋化石发现于早白垩世义县组上部的金刚山层.经研究,离龙类蛋化石不仅含有胚胎,而且为软壳蛋.翼龙类蛋化石没有显示硬壳结构,很可能同样为软壳蛋.这些蛋化石的发现对于我们了解这两类爬行动物的生殖方式和发育演化历史将具有重要科学意义.  相似文献   
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