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龙江盆地光华组层型剖面出露完整,沉积连续,含丰富的热河生物群化石,是大兴安岭中段研究热河生物群起源、演化及辐射的重点剖面之一。本文对光华组层型剖面进行了重新精细测制,认为光华组整合于龙江组安山质角砾熔结凝灰岩之上,被甘河组玄武岩局部不整合覆盖,自下而上可识别出下、中、上3个岩性段;对该组所产动植物化石进行了系统的采集和鉴定,丰富了大兴安岭中段热河生物群的生物类别,并依据新采集化石和前人资料,尝试建立了叶肢介、介形虫、植物化石、昆虫等组合,探讨了各生物组合特征。根据对光华组剖面中段顶底岩层进行了LA-ICP-MS U-Pb锆石年代学研究,揭示龙江盆地热河生物生存的时代为125.4±1.4Ma至120.1±1.1Ma,大致跨越500万年,反映龙江盆地热河生物群繁盛于从阿普特期早期至阿普特期中期。结合古生物特点和笔者前期研究成果,认为龙江盆地热河生物群生存的古环境可能是间歇性或季节性的湖泊;古气候应处于温暖湿润的季节性变化的暖温带,并伴有短暂的半干旱气候。  相似文献   
Anchiornis huxleyi, which is a member of the Middle–Late Jurassic Yanliao Biota, is the smallest feathered dinosaur ever known. It has been described as a critical link between feathered dinosaurs and birds. Recent studies, including those of Anchiornis, Xiaotingia, Eosinopteryx and Aurornis, challenged Archaeopteryx as the most basal bird. The new Anchiornis huxleyi specimens that are described in this paper show some minor different characters compared to previously reported Anchiornis specimens, which has revised the character list of Anchiornis and indicates a different phylogenetic point from former opinions.  相似文献   
The Jehol fauna was initially represented by a bony fish, concostracan and an insect, as a Lycoptera davidi–Eosestheria–Ephemeropsis trisetalis association, but since the researches of recent decades, the Jehol Biota is now completely different from the past low-diversity, and encompasses a native terrestrial biota that includes many well-preserved vertebrates, invertebrates and plants. There are more than 20 important biological categories, thousands of taphonomically unusual fossils, especially noted for the wide variety of biological tissues. The Jehol Biota has caused a sensation in the world with its wide distribution, large quantity, great variety, fine preservation and detailed information, which records the rise and fall of the numerous taxa, and provides significant evidence for three origins: of birds, eutherian mammals, and angiosperms. The Jehol Biota is a highlight of basic scientific research in China, and we honor it as a world–class fossil treasury and “a Mesozoic Pompeii”.  相似文献   
贵州关岭生物群中植物化石的发现及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
关岭生物群是近年来在我国贵州关岭地区瓦窑组中发现的一个十分重要的生物群 ,其中的植物化石经研究计有 Equisetites cf.arenaceus(Jaeger) Bronn.、Ctenozamitessarrani Zeiller。依据植物化石 C.sarrani常见于晚三叠世和 E.cf.arenaceus系似木贼属中较古老的类型 ,指出含植物化石的地层时代为晚三叠世卡尼期。瓦窑组系海相沉积 ,其中的植物化石无疑为异地埋藏 ,但从化石通常保存尚好来看 ,估计搬运的距离不会很远 ,它们可能是从距海岸不远的陆地被河流带到较平静的海湾或海槽而沉积下来的。此外 ,从该组植物茎干化石具清楚的年轮分析 ,推测卡尼期时 ,贵州关岭一带为非热带雨林地区 ,一年中气候不是四季如一 ,而是有明显的季节变化  相似文献   
云南罗平中三叠世安尼期生物群的发现及其意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文介绍了云南罗平地区新发现的罗平生物群的产出层位、生物面貌、保存特征、古地理位置及其研究意义。该生物群产于关岭组二段薄层泥晶灰岩中,地层对比和化石鉴定表明其时代为中三叠世安尼期,以鱼类为主,伴生有爬行类、两栖类(?)、棘皮动物、节肢动物(甲壳类、昆虫等)、双壳类、腹足类以及植物化石;化石保存完好,分布广泛,埋藏方式独特。罗平生物群无论在丰度、分异度及化石保存上都极为罕见和独特,对研究埋藏学、古生态学、古地理以及三叠纪海洋生物尤其是海生爬行类都具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   
地球灾变事件是导致古生物大规模绝灭和沉积环境突变的根本原因。我们研究了峡东庙河陡山沱组灯影组界线剖面,获得REE及其它微量元素异常和大量微球粒等灾变事件的证据,从而判定庙河生物群的大绝灭是由于陡山沱期末的一次地球灾变事件的结果。  相似文献   
In recent years,many fossil vertebrates,including feathered dinosaurs,have been discovered at Nanshimenzi village,Gangou Town,Qinglong County,Hebei Province,China.A geological section including the fossil-bearing strata was measured at Nanshimenzi,to determine the exact geological age and sedimentary characteristics of the section,and a new lithostratigraphic unit was named as the Nanshimenzi Bed.The Nanshimenzi Bed is about 56.6 m in thickness,mainly consisting of gray sandstones and siltstones and containing fossil vertebrates and several coal streaks.On the basis of survey and comparison,the Nanshimenzi Bed should be assigned to Tiaojishan Formation and probably to the upper part of the formation.  相似文献   

热河生物群是世界闻名的陆相生物化石宝库, 保存了大量特异埋藏化石, 为研究早白垩世脊椎动物、昆虫和植物的演化提供了绝佳的素材.依据古生物组合的不同, 将其分为早、中、晚三期, 分别赋存于河北丰宁花吉营组、辽西义县组和九佛堂组及其周边地区相当层位.河北承德—围场地区处于早-中期热河生物群分布地区的过渡地带, 近年来不断的化石发现为研究华北克拉通破坏及其对陆地生态系统的影响提供了关键证据.但由于缺乏准确的年龄约束, 对于含化石层位的准确时代及其与邻区地层对比存在较大争议.本文利用来自于河北北部承德盆地袁家庄剖面的3个安山岩样品的锆石, 进行化学熔蚀-离子探针(CA-SIMS)锆石U-Pb定年, 获得年龄为129.6~128.7 Ma.结合前人发表的磁性地层学结果建立了新的磁性地层学对比方案和新的综合年代框架, 揭示了该剖面火山-沉积序列记录了古地磁极性序列M8n-M7n, 进一步证明了袁家庄剖面的陆相火山-沉积层序属于欧特里夫晚期.结合区域内前人年代学结果, 将该区域热河生物群化石层时代限定为130~127 Ma.年代地层学对比结果显示, 承德盆地早白垩世火山-沉积序列与滦平盆地大店子组和森吉图—四岔口盆地花吉营组上部时代相当, 明显老于辽西义县组时代, 揭示了华北克拉通北缘早白垩世陆相地层的自西向东逐渐年轻的特征.

The Jiangchuan Biota from the Jiucheng Member (Mb.) of the Dengying Formation (Fm.), discovered in Jiangchuan, eastern Yunnan, China, is marked by copious macrofossils at the apex of the Ediacaran strata. This fauna features benthic algae with varied holdfasts and other fossils of indeterminate taxonomic affinity and is compositionally unique compared to the Shibantan and Gaojiashan biotas of the Dengying Fm. and the Miaohe and Wenghui biotas of the Doushantuo Fm., elsewhere in China. One novel benthic saccular macroalgal fossil, named here Houjiashania yuxiensis gen. and sp. nov., from the Jiangchuan Biota is based on fossils that are sausage-shaped, elongate, tubular, ranging from 0.3 to 4 cm in length, and up to 0.8 cm in diameter. One terminus is blunt and rounded to an obtuse angle, the other is bent with a spread-out surface resembling a holdfast, suggesting a three-dimensional thallus. Thin, stipe-shaped outgrowths, likely vestiges of sessile saccular life forms, are prevalent in macroalgal fossils of analogous size and shape, as well as present brown algae Scytosiphonaceae, such as Colpomenia and Dactylosiphon. The new findings augment the diversity of benthic algae, such as those known from the Early Neoproterozoic Longfengshan Biota in North China. The benthic algal macrofossils in the Jiucheng Mb. add to knowledge of Late Ediacaran metaphyte diversification and offer more clues about the evolutionary positioning of primitive macroalgae. The co-occurrence of numerous planktonic and benthic multicellular algae and planktonic microbes might have facilitated ecologically the more extensive later Cambrian explosion evidenced by the Chengjiang Biota in Yunnan.  相似文献   
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