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大数据是海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产,是未来找矿靶区预测的不可或缺的技术。大数据-三维成矿预测研究面临机遇与挑战,其涉及的地学大数据除了数据来源众多、比例尺不同、数据量大、非结构化管理、时效性强、空间数据与非空间数据协同管理等复杂特点外,还必须具有适应进行三维建模及空间分析的数据结构。本文分析了地学空间大数据的特点,对多源地学综合信息的管理需求进行研究,参考国家及行业标准,建立了可满足三维成矿预测需求的多源地学空间数据库模型,并依据实际划分为勘查控制钻孔地质数据库、空间属性数据库和地球物理数据库,各数据库可在多源地学空间索引库的支持下协同工作。本文以大数据应用的典型实例--钟姑矿田作为研究对象,系统收集了矿田内勘查成果资料,建立了钟姑矿田多源地学空间数据库,并在此基础上进行了控矿要素的有效提取,可进一步支持三维成矿预测。研究结果表明,本文提出的多源地学空间数据库可有效管理地学空间大数据,是大数据-三维成矿预测的重要解决方案,是进行三维成矿预测的重要数据支持。  相似文献   
Oligotrophic bacteria have been isolated from many habitats, yet environmental regulation of their distributions in soil has not been elucidated. To address the issue of environmental influence upon oligotrophic distributions, Chihuahuan Desert soils were sampled from five sites along an elevational and vegetational gradient within Big Bend National Park during January and August of 2002 and 2003. Soils were diluted and plated on oligotrophic media, and plates were incubated at 15, 25, 35, 45 and 60 °C. Additionally, measurements of soil organic matter, pH, moisture, extractable nitrate, extractable ammonium and microbial biomass carbon were collected for each sample to relate oligotrophic bacterial distributions to soil nutrient and edaphic characteristics. Analysis of variance indicated significant site, season, incubation-temperature and interaction effects on total oligotroph numbers. Canonical correspondence analysis and multiple regressions indicated that all soil-chemistry variables significantly influenced discrete morphologies of oligotrophs. Oligotroph distributions were most congruent with soil-chemistry variation in three sites, whereas oligotrophic diversity in two sites did not adhere closely to measured environmental variables. While vegetation type may structure oligotroph communities at the two mid-elevational sites, abiotic constraints are drivers in low-desert sites.  相似文献   
The “Big Dry”, a prolonged dry period in Australia from 1997 to 2009, dried out much of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) and resulted in large agricultural losses and degraded river ecosystems. Climate projections are that dry conditions in the MDB are likely to be more regular and severe than ever before, and recent policy initiatives are likely to reduce consumptive water use and redirect water to ecosystem management. This paper aims to develop an understanding of the interactions between water policy and irrigation practices by deriving lessons from drought management in irrigated agriculture of the MDB during the Big Dry, and furthermore, to draw out lessons to enhance the preparedness of irrigated agriculture for a future drier climate and reduced water availability. Reviews of irrigation farmers’ practices, attitudes and capacity to manage during prolonged droughts in the MDB, and the evolution of agricultural water policy in Australia since 1990 were made. It is clear that farmers could be better prepared to deal with a drier climate if their water management practices, e.g. irrigation methods and soil moisture measuring tools are improved, if the impediments to the uncertainty of water allocation and low water availability could be overcome, and if well-targeted research and extension could assist farmers to use water more wisely. It is also clear that Australian water policy could be better prepared in terms of assisting irrigated agriculture to deal with a drier climate. Key areas are reduction of barriers and distortions to water trading, optimizing the environmental water allocation, and seeking mutual benefits between environmental water allocation and irrigated agriculture, improvement of the cost-effectiveness of investments in water supply infrastructure, facilitating carryover and capacity sharing at larger scales, and provision of accurate, accessible and useful water information at different scales. An approach to irrigation practice and water policy is proposed based on past experience and potential opportunities. The approach is a set of linked strategies for more robust agricultural production and a more sustainable environment under a drier climate and reduced water availability.  相似文献   
Early Cretaceous development of the Mecsek Mts. (South Hungary) is characterized by continental rifting that produced mixed volcano-sedimentary rocks in the Tihonian/Berriasian and built up a volcanic edifice in the earliest Cretaceous of ankaramite-alkaline basalts. During the Valanginian, marl sedimentation occurred in the basinal part containing rich pelagic fauna dominated by ammonites. Beside phylloceratids, lytoceratids and haploceratids, Kilianella roubaudiana, K. lucensis, Sarasinella eucyrta, Thurmanniceras pertransiens, Th. (Clavithurmannia) foraticostata, Busnardoites campylotoxus, Olcostephanus drumensis, O. densicostatus, and Sabbaiceras stefanescui are indicating the Early and Late Valanginian Thurmanniceras pertransiens, Busnardoites campylotoxus and Saynoceras verrucosum zones. The Early Valanginian is also supported by Calpionellites darderi indicating the calpionellid “E” zone. The marl sequence contains a turbidite bed with rich fauna of shallow marine origin from the volcanic slope of lagoonal, reef, and tidal environs, however it contains metasomatized limestone olistoliths of different origin. Source of these olistoliths is the near iron-ore deposit, which is considered an embryonic shallow water hydrothermal vent. It includes a remarkable fauna of rich crustacean coprolite ichnospecies of Favreina dispentochetarius, F. hexaochetarius, F. octoochetarius, Palaxius decaochetarius, P. tetraochetarius, P. triochetarius. In the neighbourhood of the embryonic vent, a remarkable megafauna occurs, which is an almost monospecific brachiopod fauna dominated by Lacunosella hoheneggeri. Other brachiopods as Nucleata veronica, Moutonithyris moutoniana, Karadagithyris sp., and Zittelina pinguicula also occur as stray individuals. Together with benthic megafauna, nektonic elements as Nautiloidea gen. et sp. ind, phylloceratid- and lytoceratid ammonites and echinoid spines of Balanocidaris rysacantha occur.  相似文献   
强夯加固近期粗粒填土塌陷特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
强夯加固近期粗粒填土时,夯点部位的土体明显产生了漏斗式塌陷,并且有数条环状和根状裂隙。针对这种特殊的地质特征,说明了由大孔隙到小孔隙,填土要经过瞬间的3个变化过程,而且在有效加固深度内土体呈“逆向转换”规律,同时分析了为什么夯点土体在成分均一的条件下,不同部位承载力悬殊这一关键性问题,对夯点间距的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
江淮流域大洪水的发生规律探讨   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
冯利华 《地理科学》2000,20(5):427-430
对江淮流域的大洪水进行分析 ,得出如下三点新的认识 :(1)在太阳黑子活动的峰谷年前后 ,江淮流域一般容易出现大洪水 ;(2 )在太阳黑子活动的磁周期转变年前后 ,江淮流域容易出现大洪水 ,甚至是特大洪水 ;(3)在太阳黑子活动磁周期转变年前后的厄尔尼诺同年或次年 ,江淮流域更容易出现大洪水 ,甚至是特大洪水。这些认识可以为长期及超长期的洪水预报提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
吴维虎 《云南地质》2011,30(4):404-406,403
普朗岩体外接触带,与热液活动密切相关,受构造裂隙控制,大脉状产出,可寻找大脉型矿体。而北部向深部寻找与斑岩有关的矿体;西南部则可寻找角岩化带矿体。  相似文献   
近50年中国冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱相关的统计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
汤懋苍  张拥军  李栋梁 《气象学报》2005,63(6):1006-1009
通过对冬季大地冷涡与春夏季干旱的相关分析,发现:除高原主体外,冬季的大地冷涡对应着春夏季为干旱少雨区;而且大地冷涡东面的地冷涡绝大多数也是春夏季的干旱少雨区。冬季大地冷涡在中国的出现频率为80%,可作为短期气候预测的重要因子。  相似文献   
Abstract Mineralogical and geochemical evidence indicates that partial melting and desulphidation have occurred in the Big Bell gold deposit. Decarbonation may also have occurred, to account for the lack of a carbonate alteration halo; this is compatible with the present data, but difficult to test. The Big Bell deposit consists of auriferous sulphide-bearing (‘lode’;) schists with muscovite and K-feldspar, and surrounding biotite schists, all derived by intense premetamorphic alteration of rocks of mafic composition. Assemblages which include cordierite-sillimanite-K-feldspar-garnet-biotite-quartz suggest peak metamorphic conditions of 4–5 kbar, and 650–700° C, based on phase relations, geobaro-meters and garnet-biotite Fe-Mg exchange partitioning. Partial melting occurred at peak metamorphism, particularly in the altered mafic rocks in and around the deposit, and its occurrence may have been essential to the preservation of the deposit. Melting greatly limited the importance of devolatilization reactions, resulting in negligible aqueous fluids and no means of removing appreciable gold. Minor gold loss may have accompanied desulphidation. A diversity of complex metamorphic assemblages occurs around the mine, compared to the assemblages developed regionally; variable bulk rock composition influences this contrast, but there is no evidence of higher metamorphic grades at the mine, nor that this might have been the prime control on the different assemblages in this narrow belt. It is suggested that the Big Bell and Hemlo deposits are the higher metamorphic grade equivalents of the more abundant greenschist facies gold deposits within Archaean greenstone belts. This interpretation is favoured by the host rock setting and geochemical characteristics of Big Bell. Alternative models that suggest that this class of deposit is a new type must account for the absence of high-grade equivalents of the greenschist facies deposits and also the lack of low-grade equivalents of the Big Bell/Hemlo type. Archaean gold deposits in high-grade metamorphic terrains have undergone a series of processes that are not recorded in the more typical gold deposits of the greenschist facies.  相似文献   
大数据时代城市地质信息的集群与产业化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以城市地质调查成果为依托,深化城市地质信息的集群化与产业化,是顺应大数据时代发展的必然要求。阐述了大数据的基本特征、城市地质信息集群化与产业化的工作准则与技术途径;结合上海地区实践,探讨城市地质信息集群化与产业化的社会应用及服务领域开拓。  相似文献   
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