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The Betic–Rif belt, in the western Mediterranean, experienced a pre-Alpine history and was later extensively reworked by major Alpine tectonics. There is abundant data showing that the Betic chain suffered very high cooling rates during its Alpine history, constrained mainly by geochronology using various isotopic systems and by palaeontological age determinations. In the westernmost part of the chain the high closure-temperature isotopic systems recorded Miocene high-grade metamorphism in the country rocks. In order to constrain the later stages of cooling, fission-track analysis has been applied to both zircon and apatite. The results point to extremely high rates of cooling (400 °C/Ma) between 21 and 19 Ma. Rates slowed to 100 °C/Ma for the time period 19 to about 12 Ma. The fission-track analysis also confirms the existence of an extensional tectonic stage between 19 and 17 Ma.  相似文献   
—The Betic Cordillera has undergone recent Alpine deformations related to the Eurasian-African plate interaction boundary. Most of the present-day relief has been built up since Tortonian times, and is related to the development of folds and faults that are overprinted on older deformations, and some of the faults may be considered as out-of-sequence. The combination of geophysical and geological data makes it possible to determine the main features of the recent tectonic structures, or those recently active, in its central transect. The main fault is a crustal detachment that separates a footwall constituted by the Iberian Massif and a hanging wall formed by the rocks of the Betic Cordillera. While the footwall is practically undeformed, the hanging wall has been folded and faulted. The folds are mainly E-W to NE-SW and have larger sizes and higher related relieves towards the South. The reverse faults are mainly concentrated in the northern mountain front. However, normal faults affect the southern part of the Cordillera and are associated with the development of large asymmetrical basins such as the Granada Depression. In this setting, the slip along the crustal detachment is variable and should increase southwards. The model of the recent tectonics in the central transect of the Cordillera is compatible with the presence of an active subduction in the Alboran Sea, and contrasts notably with the setting of the eastern Betic Cordillera, mainly deformed by transcurrent faults.  相似文献   
During the late Tortonian (upper Miocene), the Guadix Basin in S Spain formed one of the Betic corridors that connected the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. The closure of this connection occurred in a series of steps, documented by three sedimentary units. A lower unit, consisting of basinal marls, shallow-water calcarenites and sands records the formation of a wide seaway. During deposition of the following unit this narrowed to a strait no more than 2 km in wide, triggering an intensification of currents that caused migration of submarine dunes preserved as giant cross-beds in bioclastic sands and conglomerates. Current flowed from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. The third unit constitutes the youngest marine episode of the filling of the Guadix Basin. At this stage, the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean was broken, and a system of coastal coral reefs was established in the northern part of the Basin.  相似文献   
Recent geodynamic analyses have emphasized the relationship between modern flat-slab subduction zones and the overriding of buoyant oceanic crust. Although most models for the evolution of the Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic Laramide orogeny in the southwestern United States involve flat-slab subduction, the mechanisms proposed are controversial. An examination of the geological evolution of the 60–50-Ma Crescent terrane of the Coast Ranges indicates that it was formed in a shallowing-upward Loihi-type oceanic setting culminating in the eruption of subaerial lavas. Plate reconstructions indicate that the Crescent terrane was emplaced into ca. 20-Ma crust, and the presence of subaerial lavas implies an uplift due to the plume of ca. 4.2 km, which we use to calculate a minimum buoyancy flux of 1.1 Mg s−1, similar to that of the modern Yellowstone plume.Published paleomagnetic data indicate that the Crescent terrane was formed at a paleolatitude similar to that of the Yellowstone plume. The Crescent seamount was accreted within 5 My of the cessation of plume magmatism. Plate reconstructions indicate that it would have originated about 750 km to the west of the North American plate margin if it developed above a fixed Yellowstone plume, and are therefore consistent with the recorded very short interval between its formation and tectonic emplacement.We interpret the Crescent terrane as due to the ancestral Yellowstone plume. Such a plume would have generated an elongate swell and related plateau that would have been overridden by the North American margin. Taken together, the relationship between flat-slab and overriding of oceanic plateau in Laramide times would have been analogous to the relationship between modern Andean flat-slab subduction zones and the Juan Fernandez and Nazca oceanic plateaus.  相似文献   
The BT3 multichannel seismic profile was acquired by the C.G.G. (Compagnie General de Géophysique) in 1977 for hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Betic Cordillera. REXIMseis Ltd scanned and vectorized a paper copy and then performed post-stack processing, including coherence filtering and deconvolution. The receiver functions of a broad-band seismic station located near the village of Vélez Rubio, at the SE end of the profile, were analysed by Julia et al. [Julia, J., Mancilla, F., Morales, J., 2005. Seismic signature of intracrustal magmatic intrusions in the Eastern Betics (Internal Zone), SE Iberia, Geophysical Research Letters 32, L16304, doi:10.1029/2005GL023274.] to determine the structure of the underlying crust. We have used these Vp data to convert the profile to depth. The profile has a mean SE–NW trend, with a SE-Section 44 km in length followed by a NW-Section 20 km in length. The record includes the first 4 s (twtt), which corresponds to 11 km.Two main areas can be seen in the profile. At the SE-end, a band of high-amplitude discontinuous reflectors dips towards the north. The band is 100 to 200 ms thick, increasing even more northwards. This band reaches the surface at the top of the Maláguide Complex (the upper complex of the Internal Zones). Above these reflectors, an area with chaotic seismic facies and no reflectors corresponds to the outcrops of the olistostromes and turbidites of the Solana Formation, and it is in turn overlain by discontinuous reflectors of the Subbetic rocks.At the NW-end of the profile, a set of high-amplitude continuous reflectors with SE dips point to the location of the Prebetic. Below this section, oblique reflectors of intermediate amplitude indicate the Variscan basement. Over the Prebetic, we have marked the basal thrusts of the Intermediate Units and the Subbetic. Using this seismic data, as well as field observations, we propose a geological cross-section of the upper crust of the eastern Betic Cordillera and a model of the most recent evolution of the orogen. In this model, the Internal Zones and the Subbetic have been welded together from the Middle Burdigalian to the present day and acted as an orogenic wedge that deformed the Intermediate Units and the Prebetic.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates driving mechanisms of vertical-axis rotation using data from the western Transverse Ranges in southern California. Simple force balance considerations and comparison of torque applied to a rotating block indicate that shear forces applied to the base of the block are not strong enough to produce the motions and deformation observed at the surface. For the measured dimensions of the crustal blocks and crustal viscosities in southern California, stresses transmitted through the upper crust are one to three orders of magnitude stronger than forces generated in the ductile lower crust. These results suggest that the kinematics of crustal blocks in continental deformation zones are primarily controlled by forces within the upper crust rather than a flow field beneath.  相似文献   
The boundary area between the Apenninic fold‐and‐thrust belt and the crystalline Calabrian Arc, located around Sangineto in northern Calabria, has been investigated. New geological mapping in the Sant'Agata area has been performed on the Triassic successions traditionally attributed to the metasedimentary San Donato Unit. This, coupled with a reappraisal of the stratigraphy and tectonics of coeval successions present more to the south in the Cetraro Unit, results in a new reconstruction of the Triassic evolution of all the metasedimentary successions found in the region. Four informal stratigraphic units have been distinguished in the S. Agata area. The lowest one (Unit A) consists of well‐bedded metalimestones and bioturbated marly limestones that correlate with Ladinian–Carnian carbonates in nearby areas. A second unit (Unit B), never recognized before, contains a complex alternation of dolomites, phyllites and some meta‐arenites containing several beds of Cavernoso facies, attributed to the Carnian. They grade upward to platform and platform‐margin dolomites of Norian–Rhaetian age (Unit C) that in turn are replaced upward and laterally by a fourth unit (Unit D) consisting of well‐bedded, dark dolomites and metalimestones with marly interlayers locally found as resedimented large blocks in slope conglomerates. Unit D correlates with Rhaetian–Liassic beds in nearby areas. Several pieces of evidence of post‐metamorphic contractional tectonics, with 140°N and 30°N trends, are found together with evidence of SW‐directed extension. The siliciclastic Carnian beds of Unit B are correlated with the phyllites of Cetraro, formerly believed to be Middle Triassic; moreover, it is suggested that in the Cetraro area Unit C is almost totally replaced by Unit D. This demonstrates that the former distinction between the two tectonic units in the whole area has to be discarded. We have made a general palaeoenvironmental reconstruction which progresses laterally, during Ladinian–Carnian times, from (i) a coastal, mixed siliciclastic–carbonate–evaporitic area at Cetraro to (ii) a transitional carbonate shelf where siliciclastic input was only episodic, and finally to (iii) a bioconstructed margin which was later replaced by a steepened margin created by tectonic instability. Starting from the Norian, subsidence shifted toward the former coastal area where an intraplatform, restricted basin developed. The proposed stratigraphy corresponds closely to the Alpujarride units of the Betic Cordillera, Spain. Moreover, it is shown that strong affinities also exist, in terms of the structural framework, with the metamorphic units of Tuscany and Liguria. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Alhambra (14th century AD ) in Granada (southeast Spain) is built at the summit of a Pliocene to Lower Pleistocene conglomeratic formation. Tens of small‐scale normal faults crop out along the northern hillslope of the Alhambra, which have a N130–N150°E strike, dipping 65–75° mostly to the southwest. These are closely spaced faults (approximately 5–30 m) with centimetre to several metre displacements. Several topographic steps in this area coincide with hectometre‐ to kilometre‐scale faults with the same kinematics as the small‐scale ones. Some of these faults appear to be active and related to the present seismicity detected in this region, and associated with the cracks and other damage observed in the Alhambra. Several focal mechanisms calculated in this study are in accordance with the dominant NW–SE orientated normal faults. We interpret that the topographic steps of these faults are a consequence of repeated earthquakes during the past 800 ka. The last large earthquake of approximately 5.1 magnitude in this area occurred in 1431, destroying the Alixares Palace, the Arabian fence and part of the Alhambra wall. We consider the seismic risk associated with these faults to be moderate, as the displacement is partitioned into several hectometre‐ to kilometre‐scale faults. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report geological and palaeomagnetic data from five discrete plutons in the southern part of the Peninsular Ranges batholith (PRB) and one pluton that is part of the Jurassic plutonic suite in the Vizcaíno peninsula. The PRB plutons are Cretaceous and belong to the Alisitos island arc. The Jurassic pluton intrudes a Triassic-Jurassic ophiolite.

Our study was designed to evaluate the palaeomagnetic homogeneity of the batholith from the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, at ~31°N, to about ~28.3°N. The Punta Prieta, Nuevo Rosarito, San Jerónimo, and La Rinconada plutons in the western zone of the PRB are characterized by magnetizations residing in magnetite. The Compostela pluton is emplaced in a transition zone and has a magnetization that resides in haematite. The five Cretaceous plutons yield a combined palaeopole at 80.3°N, 162.1°E, A95 = 9.8°, N = 5 that after correcting for the opening of the Gulf of California rotates to 77.6°N, 173.6°E, the rotated pole being in angular distance of only 4.4° from the North America reference pole. The Jurassic San Roque pluton yields a mean 0.6°N, 306.1°E, A95 = 9.2°, N = 10, which is discordant, showing a clockwise rotation of about 131° ± 16° and flattening of 9.5° ± 12.9° with respect to the 150 Ma cratonic reference palaeopole. The results suggest that the intrusion of the undeformed Cretaceous Punta Prieta to Compostela plutons (128.1 ± 1.4 and 100.5 ± 2.7 Ma, respectively) restricts tectonic accretion of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous sequences to the North America margin to the time before mid-Cretaceous magmatism (~100 Ma) in the PRB near present latitude 28°N. Mesozoic and Cenozoic strike-slip faulting along the Vizcaíno margin can account for the 131° clockwise rotation of the San Roque pluton. Our results do not support significant latitudinal movement between Vizcaíno, the PRB, and mainland Mexico with the exception of the Neogene San Andreas Fault-related right lateral movement.  相似文献   
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