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南海第四纪海水Sr同位素组成演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文分析了南海NS90-103孔沉积物中浮游有孔虫Sr同位素组成,获得南海240ka以来海水 ̄87Sr/ ̄86Sr演化曲线。结果表明,240ka以来南海海水 ̄87Sr/ ̄86Sr比值呈较大幅度的脉动式波动,幅度一般在±0.000070以上;南海的半封闭性,高Sr通量和高 ̄Sr/ ̄86Sr比值的河流输入以及南海较高的沉积速率导致了这种大幅度脉动式海水Sr同位素变化。  相似文献   
In a laboratory study of the ingestion and assimilation efficiency of larvae of Aeshna brevistyla Rambur and Hemicordulia australiae Rambur, ingestion was determined using Cerenkov radiation techniques and assimilation efficiency by a double‐labelled isotope technique. Of each prey item (Daphnia carinata), 30% was not ingested but lost as body fluids and as material within the alimentary canal of the prey. Assimilation efficiency was greater than 70% for both dragonfly species, which appears to be typical for most other invertebrate predators. The efficiency with which 12th‐15th‐instar Aeshna assimilated 14C did not increase with feeding rate, but Hemicordulia increased its efficiency through instars 12–14. When dragonfly larvae were pre‐fed before experimentation, assimilation efficiency decreased in both species.  相似文献   
台湾海峡中、北部浮游有孔虫同海流和沉积环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方惠瑛 《海洋与湖沼》1995,26(5):42-551
于1987年7月和8月及1988年5月和7月,在台湾海峡中、北部海域,利用浮游生物网和蚌式采泥器分别采集了水层中的浮游有孔虫标本和表层沉积里的浮游有孔虫遗壳样品。对活体和遗壳在数量和组成方面对比分析研究表明,调查海区暖水性最强的水域位于东南角的A5站一带,海峡暖流水由此向北延伸,在海坛岛以东D1站附近,因与闽浙沿岸水交汇而减弱。遗壳高值区位于深水的盆地,活体则出现在台地上,两者分布不一致。其原因在于盆地受冲刷,沉积作用缓慢,遗壳被浓缩;台地沉积速率高,遗壳数量被稀释。  相似文献   
Seasonal deposition fluxes of sinking phytoplankton, zooplankton and major mass compounds (i.e. calcium carbonate, biogenic opal and organic matter), intercepted by deep-moored sediment traps, are contrasted with their sediment accumulation rates over the 2700 m deep central Walvis Ridge in the oligotrophic SE Atlantic. These data provide the first seasonally resolved record of biogenic particle fluxes in the South Atlantic Central Gyre and serve as the oligotrophic end member of a gradient across the Benguela system to the highly productive coastal upwelling off Namibia. Maximum fluxes at the central Walvis Ridge were deposited in early austral spring, following winter deepening of the surface mixed layer and associated nutrient entrainment. Nearly 25% of the annual mass flux arrived in October, when sea surface temperature rose, deep vertical mixing halted and surface production collapsed. The annual flux of diatoms was dominated by small specimens of Nitzschia bicapitata (60%) whereas Globorotalia inflata dominated the foraminiferal fluxes (25%). Diatom diversity dropped significantly during the bloom periods, when up to 80% was composed of small N. bicapitata, but foraminiferal diversity remained about constant. The diatom flux maximum, together with those of biogenic silica and organic matter, preceded those of the foraminifera, pteropods, carbonate and total mass by 1 week. Fluxes of the left- and right-coiled shells of the deep-dwelling foraminifer Globorotalia truncatulinoides peaked in different seasons, a distinctive ecological behaviour which merits their taxonomic recognition as separate species. These findings testify to recent evidence for the existence of several genetic species within G. truncatulinoides and now suggest that such species may also have different seasonal responses.The Benguela trophic gradient showed a shoreward increase in particle fluxes, but differences were surprisingly small, testifying to only moderately enhanced export productivity and deposition at the Namibian margin relative to the oligotrophic central gyre. From the open ocean toward coastal upwelling, small and weakly silicified diatoms were substituted by other, larger and more heavily silicified species, possibly in response to decreased silica limitation. Foraminiferal deposition fluxes were increasingly dominated by G. inflata, accompanied by a change-over from many warm- to few cold-water minor species. The late winter maximum at the Namibian margin and the early spring maximum at the central Walvis Ridge were generated by the same process of collapsing surface productivity in response to the shut down of nutrient entrainment at the winter to summer transition, although delayed by up to 2 months in the Central Gyre. At the sediment-water interface, intense degradation of organic matter and biogenic silica resulted in poor preservation accompanied by pronounced changes in the species composition of siliceous phytoplankton. Of all particle groups at the central Walvis Ridge, only the export of foraminiferal shells appeared to be fully transferred into the sediment, and through their species assemblage to provide a sedimentary record of past seasonal productivity conditions of the upper ocean.  相似文献   
对南海北部陆坡东沙海域、神狐海域及西沙海槽甲烷渗漏环境和无甲烷渗漏环境87个浅表层沉积物中的底栖有孔虫Uvigerinaspp.进行碳同位素分析研究,结果表明,东沙海域δ13C值为-0.52‰~-5.68‰,平均值为-1.41‰,出现明显的负偏移;神狐海域δ13C值介于-0.36‰~-1.10‰,平均值为-0.75‰,未见明显的δ13C值负偏移;西沙海槽δ13C值介于-0.01%~-0.89‰,平均值为-0.45‰;对Uvigerinaspp.碳同位素组成与沉积物有机碳(TOC)、甲烷(CH4)间的关系进行探讨,发现δ13C负偏移主要出现在甲烷渗漏环境,发生在末次盛冰期,与溶解无机碳负偏移以及沉积物全样的δ13C值负偏移层位相吻合,有可能作为富甲烷环境的替代指标。  相似文献   
Environmental changes such as ocean warming or sea‐level rise have a profound impact on shallow‐water coastal environments. Benthic foraminifera have long been successfully used as indicators for ecologic responses. The propagule method is a useful tool to evaluate the reactions of entire assemblages of foraminifera when exposed to different environmental conditions. Here we present results from growth experiments of foraminiferal assemblages from three sites in coastal Georgia and Florida (USA) under different temperatures (18, 24 and 30 °C) and salinities (15 and 35). Results show that assemblages grown at the higher temperatures had greater abundances of foraminifera, whereas salinity was the primary factor in shaping the composition of the experimentally grown assemblages from the three sites. We also show that experimentally grown assemblages contain high numbers of ‘exotic’ species that result from successful propagule recruitment from outside of the original environments (e.g. the open shelf). Overall, opportunistic and previously termed ‘pioneer species’ proved to be the most successful constituents of the experimental assemblages, showing that reactions of foraminiferal assemblages to environmental changes can appear remarkably quickly (e.g. in the course of several weeks). Our observations on the faunal reactions to different temperatures and salinities indicate that ongoing environmental alterations of coastal areas will likely result in significant changes in the shallow‐water foraminiferal assemblages of the coasts of Georgia and Florida. As such, our study provides general insights into the ecologic effects of current climate change.  相似文献   
利用AMS^14 C年代测试、氧同位素分析和浮游有孔虫分析重建了冲绳海槽北部陆坡DOC-42孔约44cal.kaBP以来的古海洋环境演化记录。DOC-42孔沉积速率整体较低,呈明显的阶段性变化:在氧同位素3期和LGM期间沉积速率相对较大,分别为7.3和14cm/ka;末次冰消期以来的沉积速率则显著降低,与冲绳海槽冰后期沉积速率高于末次冰期明显不同;自约6.4cal.kaBP以来,沉积物堆积作用基本可以忽略,表明了受黑潮入侵引起的中国东部陆架环流体系的改变,岩心所在区域的沉积格局发生了重大变化。浮游有孔虫氧碳同位素、转换函数古温度和低温、低盐特征种Globigerina quinqueloba等一致反映了冲绳海槽北部在氧同位素3期早期约37.5~44cal.kaBP期间存在明显的低温、低盐阶段,表明该期间冲绳海槽北部的沿岸冲淡水影响明显加强,而在氧同位素3期晚期该区可能受到了黑潮暖流的影响。此外,浮游有孔虫Pulleniatina obliquiloculata与氧同位素记录有很好的对应关系,表明它是冲绳海槽末次冰期以来的一个可靠的海洋环境指标。  相似文献   
采自南海南部的YSJD-86GC柱样(113°02.5860′E,10°18.1740′N,水深2 651m,柱长1.68m)提供了该区近27ka以来的古海洋学记录。沉积物岩性特征、浮游有孔虫分布特征、全岩样品AMS14C测年、氧稳定同位素等分析结果表明,南海南部末次冰期以来一直处于稳定的陆坡—半深海沉积环境;氧同位素Ⅱ期以来表层海水古温度逐渐增高;温跃层在氧同位素Ⅱ期相对较浅,之后逐渐变深,全新世中期以来又再次变浅。11—9.5ka BP期间有一次古气候回返事件,与"新仙女木"事件相对应;6—5ka BP期间古气候波动较大,是全新世中期气候波动剧烈阶段的记录。  相似文献   
潮间带有孔虫近年来被广泛地用于高精度古海平面等环境变化的研究中,但是在华南沿海此类研究少见。本文选取珠江口淇澳岛红树林潮间带上部长度为300 cm的QA钻孔进行了AMS14C测年,有孔虫、沉积物粒径、灰度分析,初步探究了研究区有孔虫作为高精度海平面指标的可能性及其所反映的古环境意义。研究结果显示钻孔包含两种有孔虫组合,一种是钙质有壳组合,常见属种为Ammonia becсarii(78.7%),Proelphidium granosum(6.6%)和Elphidiella kiangsuensis(5.6%),沉积底质为黏土质粉砂,对应沉积环境为河口潮下带;另一种是胶结壳组合,常见属种为Arenoparella mexicana(50.6%)、Miliammina fusca(17.5%)、Trochammia sp.(6.8%),沉积底质为砂质粉砂,含丰富植物碎屑,对应沉积环境为潮间带中上部红树林潮滩。结合AMS14C结果,QA钻孔记录了约4 200年以来的沉积,研究区初始为河口浅滩,由于三角洲进积作用浅滩淤积至海平面以上,约2 400年前研究区形成红树林中高潮滩。红树林沉积层中夹有两层粒度较细的钙质壳有孔虫沉积,推测可能由区域性次一级的海平面上升导致。灰度值反映了红树林沉积层中3个有机质含量较高的阶段,指示了温暖潮湿的气候,年代大约为3 000~2 700 cal. aBP, 1 200~1 100 cal. aBP, 600~500 cal. aBP,与海平面上升阶段较为接近。  相似文献   
对有孔虫的DNA进行有效保存及提取是开展有孔虫分子鉴定工作的前提。本研究以探索适合玻璃质壳类底栖有孔虫的DNA保存及提取方法为目的,以中国近海优势属——玻璃质类底栖有孔虫卷转虫属(Ammonia spp.)为模式生物,考察不同温度(20—120°C,间隔10°C)烘干、冷冻(–20°C、–80°C,有水、无水)以及脱氧胆酸钠裂解液(Na deoxycholate,简称DOC)处理(含和不含EDTA)保存有孔虫DNA方法,同时进行了DOC裂解液法和Guanidine裂解液法对Ammonia spp.DNA提取效能的比较。结果显示,烘干保存法中20°C组和30°C组显著优于40°C组(P0.05);冷冻保存法中无水组显著优于有水组(P0.05);DOC裂解液保存法各组间无显著差异(P0.05)。三种保存方法综合效果表现为冷冻组显著优于烘干组和裂解液组(P0.05);两种DNA提取方法的提取效果都很好,但DOC法更廉价且操作简便。本文给出了一套适用于玻璃质壳类有孔虫的DNA保存和提取的优化方案。  相似文献   
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