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The Dongfang1-1 gas field (DF1-1) in the Yinggehai Basin is currently the largest offshore self-developed gas field in China and is rich in oil and gas resources. The second member of the Pliocene Yinggehai Formation (YGHF) is the main gas-producing formation and is composed of various sedimentary types; however, a clear understanding of the sedimentary types and development patterns is lacking. Here, typical lithofacies, logging facies and seismic facies types and characteristics of the YGHF are identified based on high-precision 3D seismic data combined with drilling, logging, analysis and testing data. Based on 3D seismic interpretation and attribute analysis, the origin of high-amplitude reflections is clarified, and the main types and evolution characteristics of sedimentary facies are identified. Taking gas formation upper II (IIU) as an example, the plane distribution of the delta front and bottom current channel is determined; finally, a comprehensive sedimentary model of the YGHF second member is established. This second member is a shallowly buried “bright spot” gas reservoir with weak compaction. The velocity of sandstone is slightly lower than that of mudstone, and the reflection has medium amplitude when there is no gas. The velocity of sandstone decreases considerably after gas accumulation, resulting in an increase in the wave impedance difference and high-amplitude (bright spot) reflection between sandstone and mudstone; the range of high amplitudes is consistent with that of gas-bearing traps. The distribution of gas reservoirs is obviously controlled by dome-shaped diapir structural traps, and diapir faults are channels through which natural gas from underlying Miocene source rocks can enter traps. The study area is a delta front deposit developed on a shallow sea shelf. The lithologies of the reservoir are mainly composed of very fine sand and coarse silt, and a variety of sedimentary structural types reflect a shallow sea delta environment; upward thickening funnel type, strong toothed bell type and toothed funnel type logging facies are developed. In total, 4 stages of delta front sand bodies (corresponding to progradational reflection seismic facies) derived from the Red River and Blue River in Vietnam have developed in the second member of the YGHF; these sand bodies are dated to 1.5 Ma and correspond to four gas formations. During sedimentation, many bottom current channels (corresponding to channel fill seismic facies) formed, which interacted with the superposed progradational reflections. When the provenance supply was strong in the northwest, the area was dominated by a large set of delta front deposits. In the period of relative sea level rise, surface bottom currents parallel to the coastline were dominant, and undercutting erosion was obvious, forming multistage superimposed erosion troughs. Three large bottom current channels that developed in the late sedimentary period of gas formation IIU are the most typical.  相似文献   
安县茶坪乡冷浸沟陡倾顺层岩质边坡在\  相似文献   
Based on gross morphological and cuticular study, two species of Ginkgo From the Lower Cretaceous Changcai Formation in Helong of Jilin. were identified from this area for the first time, including Ginkgo coriacea Florin and G. sibirica Heer. The study is significant for better understanding the paleophytogeographic, paleoecologic and stratigraphic characters of the Early Cretaceous Changcai flora.  相似文献   
苏飞  张海华  张健  唐友军  孙鹏 《地质与资源》2017,26(4):377-382,396
突泉盆地南部的牤牛海凹陷实施的突D1井见到良好的油气发现.钻井烃源岩的地化指标表明:有机质丰度低;有机质类型主要为Ⅲ型,少部分为Ⅱ型;有机质演化进入高成熟阶段,处于生气阶段.指示突D1井中侏罗统万宝组烃源岩具有一定的生烃条件.突泉盆地油气勘探方向应以找气为主.  相似文献   
The Rajmahal Traps were discovered in the Panagarh area, West Bengal, during the exploration for coal resources. A Gondwana succession was found beneath the traps, consisting of the Early Cretaceous Intratrappean Rajmahal Formation, the Early Triassic Panchet Formation and the Late Permian coal-bearing Raniganj Formation. The present palynological study was aimed at confirming the age of the Panchet Formation. As a result of this study it has been found that Jurassic sediments are also included in the Panchet Formation. The study has revealed that the Panchet Formation, defined on a lithological basis, is a time-transgressive unit extending from the Early Triassic to the Late Jurassic, with a phase of non-deposition between the Middle Triassic and Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
Nautilus subplicatusSteinmann, 1895 is a latest Cretaceous species of nautiloid which is common in southern South America (Chile, Argentina) and the Antarctic Peninsula and which is best assigned to the genus EutrephocerasHyatt, 1894. Nautilus dorbignyanusForbes in Darwin, 1846 and Nautilus valenciennii Hupé in Gay, 1854 are here considered to be senior synonyms which later authors have apparently overlooked. The type material of these two taxa is reillustrated. On the basis of this and additional material it is demonstrated that only a single nautiloid species occurs in the Quiriquina Formation of late Maastrichtian age. For this we propose to use N. dorbignyanus as the oldest available name.  相似文献   
矿化区位于新疆吐哈盆地东南缘的大南湖凹陷东部,铀矿化赋存层位为中侏罗统西山窑组上段和中段上部,上段主要为冲积扇和辫状河沉积;中段主要为曲流河和三角洲沉积.铀矿石的特征元素有机碳orgC、CO2、∑S的化学分析平均值分别为0.42%、4.19%、0.38%,明显高于大南湖地区相应岩石的平均值0.34%、0.40%、0.14%,反映U元素的富集明显与其相关.铀矿石所分析的7种微量元素,其平均值均大于大南湖地区砂岩相应元素的平均值,反映了层间氧化作用可能是微量元素迁移富集的机制之一.铀矿化厚度4.9m,品位为1.902×10-4,U含量为1.996 kg/m2.矿体形态为板状.含矿岩石主要为褐黄色、灰色中一粗粒长石岩屑砂岩、砂质砾岩、砾岩.大南湖地区含矿层位中侏罗统西山窑组岩石原生地球化学类型为黑色和灰色.铀的存在形式以吸附状态为主.区内的铀矿化类型属层间氧化带型.铀矿化形成于氧化-还原过渡带,与层间氧化带发育存在直接的成因关系.  相似文献   
Lacustrine turbidite of Chang-7 Member in the studied area consists of sihstone and fine sandstone with respect to grain size, which is feldspathic lithie sandstone, syrosem arkose and arkose with respect to mineral constitution affected by provenance. There are such apparent signatures as lithology, sedimentary structure, sedimentary sequence and well logs, to recognize turbidite. During the paleogeographic evolution of Chang-7 Member, lake basin and deep lake are both at their maximum extent during Chang-73 stage, resulting in the deposition of Zhangjiatan shale with widespread extent and of turbidite with fragmental-like. Deep lake line is gradually moving toward lake center and turbidite sand bodies are gradually turning better with better lateral continuity, connectivity and more thickness, from stages of Chang-73, Chang-72 and Chang-7t, which can be favorable reservoir in deep-water.  相似文献   
刘欢  孙淑芬  朱士兴 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1715-1725
通过对河北宽城地区高于庄组微古植物进行系统采样,利用化学浸解法,获得了大量微古植物信息,在80件样品中发现微古植物个体5000余粒,共鉴定出41属108种(含1个新属,9个新种,38个未定种),其中包括丰富的多细胞植物化石及其碎片。根据微古植物化石的分布和特征,划分出4个化石组合。与下伏长城系微古植物相比,高于庄组微古植物具有明显的差异。这些微古植物的发现为地球早期生物演化、区域地层划分和对比,以及生物成矿和成油研究提供了重要信息。  相似文献   
根据1∶5万仲巴地区区域地质调查,对雅鲁藏布江缝合带西段夹持于2套混杂岩之间的仲巴微地体原二叠系曲嘎组进行了拆解。研究认为:①原曲嘎组可以解体为3套地层,分别是下古生界的奥陶系—志留系紫曲浦群、上古生界泥盆系纳登尔组和石炭系—二叠系曲嘎群,新建曲嘎群与原曲嘎组没有直接对应或者级别关系;②紫曲浦群以变质碳酸盐岩为主,下部紫曲电站组为紫红色、灰色大理岩与结晶灰岩组合,属中—晚奥陶世,上部紫曲石组以紫红色大理岩为特征,暂归志留纪;③纳登尔组由一套灰色千枚状板岩和钙质片岩组成,上部结晶灰岩增多,时代为泥盆纪,可归属马攸木群;④曲嘎群可划分为3个组:岗珠淌组,以灰色、灰绿色板岩、粉砂岩为主,向上砂岩和灰岩增多,属于石炭纪—早二叠世(乌拉尔世)早期;仲巴组,以肉红色灰质晶粒白云岩及杂色生物屑云质灰岩为特点,分为2个岩性段,属于早—中二叠世(乌拉尔世—瓜德鲁普世早中期);卡扎勒组以深灰色钙质板岩为主或夹结晶灰岩和砂岩或互层,属于中—晚二叠世(瓜德鲁普世—乐平世);⑤仲巴地区曲嘎组的拆解在仲巴微地体西部和老仲巴以东的应用有待证实,其在岩性上与相邻地体同期地层有较大差别,但在生物群组成方面具有相似性。  相似文献   
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