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The pumpellyite–actinolite facies proposed by Hashimoto is defined by the common occurrence of the pumpellyite–actinolite assemblage in basic schists. It can help characterize the paragenesis of basic and intermediate bulk compositions, which are common constituents of various low-grade metamorphic areas. The dataset of mutually consistent thermodynamic properties of minerals gives a positive slope for the boundary between the pumpellyite–actinolite and prehnite–pumpellyite facies in PT space. In the Sanbagawa belt in Japan, the mineral parageneses of hematite-bearing and -free basic schists, as well as pelitic schists have been well documented. The higher temperature limit of this facies is defined by the disappearance of the pumpellyite+epidote+actinolite+chlorite assemblage in hematite-free basic schists with XFe3+ of epidote around 0.20–0.25 and the appearance of epidote+actinolite+chlorite assemblage with XEpFe3+≤0.20. In hematite-bearing basic schists, there is a continuous change of paragenesis to higher grade, epidote–glaucophane or epidote–blueschist facies. In pelitic schists, the albite+lawsonite+chlorite assemblage does occur but only rarely, and its assemblage cannot be used to determine the regional thermal structure. The lower temperature equivalence of the pumpellyite–actinolite assemblage is not observed in the field. The Mikabu Greenstone complex and the northern margin of the Chichibu complex, which are located to the south of the Sanbagawa belt, are characterized by clinopyroxene+chlorite or lawsonite+actinolite assemblages, which are lower temperature assemblages than the pumpellyite+actinolite assemblage. These three metamorphic complexes belong to the same subduction-metamorphic complex. The pumpellyite–actinolite facies or subfacies can be useful to help reveal the field thermal structure of metamorphic complexes  相似文献   
琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带,即松南—宝岛—长昌凹陷,位于琼东南盆地中央坳陷东端。在大量地震资料解释的基础上,对38条主要断层进行了详细分析。获得以下认识:(1)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带平面上表现为近EW向展布的平行四边形,剖面结构表现为自西向东由半地堑—不对称的地堑—半地堑有规律变化。(2)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带断裂系统可划分控制凹陷边界断层、控制洼陷沉积中心断层和调节性断层3类。(3)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带古近纪时期受到太平洋板块俯冲和南海海盆扩张的双重影响,构造应力场发生NW—SE→SN转变。构造演化可划分为3个阶段:~32 Ma,应力场以区域性NW—SE向伸展为主,断裂系统以NE—SW向为主,控制凹陷边界;32~26 Ma,以南海海盆近SN向拉张应力场为主,断裂系统以NWW—SEE向为主,断层活动控制凹陷沉积中心;26~ Ma,区域性伸展与南海海盆扩张应力均逐渐减弱,NE—SW向和NWW—SEE向断裂继承性发育。(4)琼东南盆地深水区东区凹陷带内部主要断层在渐新统崖城组和陵水组沉积时期活动速率快,地形高差大、沉积水体深、沉积厚度大,控制了崖城组和陵水组的大规模沉积,有利于烃源岩的发育。圈闭以受断层控制的断鼻和断块为主,长昌主洼凹中隆起带发育2个最为理想的构造圈闭。  相似文献   
The Orange Basin records the development of the Late Jurassic to present day volcanic-rifted passive margin of Namibia. Regional extension is recorded by a Late Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Syn-rift Megasequence, which is separated from a Cretaceous to present day post-rift Megasequence by the Late Hauterivian (ca. 130 Ma) break-up unconformity. The Late Cretaceous Post-rift evolution of the basin is characterized by episodic gravitational collapse of the margin. Gravitational collapse is recorded as a series of shale-detached gravity slide systems, consisting of an up-dip extensional domain that is linked to a down-dip zone of contraction domain along a thin basal detachment of Turonian age. The extensional domain is characterized by basinward-dipping listric faults that sole into the basal detachment. The contractional domain consists of landward-dipping listric faults and strongly asymmetric basinward-verging thrust-related folds. Growth stratal patterns suggest that the gravitational collapse of the margin was short-lived, spanning from the Coniacian (ca. 90 Ma) to the Santonian (ca. 83 Ma). Structural restorations of the main gravity-driven system show a lack of balance between up-dip extension (24 km) and down-dip shortening (16 km). Gravity sliding in the Namibian margin is interpreted to have occurred as a series of episodic short-lived gravity sliding between the Cenomanian (ca. 100 Ma) and the Campanian (ca. 80 Ma). Gravity sliding and spreading are interpreted to be the result of episodic cratonic uplift combined with differential thermal subsidence. Sliding may have also been favoured by the presence of an efficient detachment layer in Turonian source rocks.  相似文献   
From water to tillage erosion dominated landform evolution   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
While water and wind erosion are still considered to be the dominant soil erosion processes on agricultural land, there is growing recognition that tillage erosion plays an important role in the redistribution of soil on agricultural land. In this study, we examined soil redistribution rates and patterns for an agricultural field in the Belgian loess belt. 137Cs derived soil erosion rates have been confronted with historical patterns of soil erosion based on soil profile truncation. This allowed an assessment of historical and contemporary landform evolution on agricultural land and its interpretation in relation to the dominant geomorphic process. The results clearly show that an important shift in the relative contribution of tillage and water erosion to total soil redistribution on agricultural land has occurred during recent decades. Historical soil redistribution is dominated by high losses on steep midslope positions and concavities as a result of water erosion, leading to landscape incision and steepening of the topography. In contrast, contemporary soil redistribution is dominated by high losses on convex upperslopes and infilling of slope and valley concavities as a result of tillage, resulting in topographic flattening. This shift must be attributed to the increased mechanization of agriculture during recent decades. This study shows that the typical topographical dependency of soil redistribution processes and their spatial interactions must be accounted for when assessing landform and soil profile evolution.  相似文献   
We present high signal precision optical reflectance spectra of 2005 FY9 taken with the Red Channel Spectrograph and the 6.5-m MMT telescope on 2006 March 4 UT (5000-9500 Å; 6.33 Å pixel−1) and 2007 February 12 UT (6600-8500 Å; 1.93 Å pixel−1). From cross-correlation experiments between the 2006 March 4 spectrum and a pure CH4-ice Hapke model, we find the CH4-ice bands in the MMT spectrum are blueshifted by 3 ± 4 Å relative to bands in the pure CH4-ice Hapke spectrum. The higher resolution MMT spectrum of 2007 February 12 UT enabled us to measure shifts of individual CH4-ice bands. We find the 7296, 7862, and 7993 Å CH4-ice bands are blueshifted by 4 ± 2, 4 ± 4, and 6 ± 5 Å. From four measurements we report here and one of our previously published measurements, we find the CH4-ice bands are shifted by 4 ± 1 Å. This small shift is important because it suggest the presence of another ice component on the surface of 2005 FY9. Laboratory experiments show that CH4-ice bands in spectra of CH4 mixed with other ices are blueshifted relative to bands in spectra of pure CH4-ice. A likely candidate for the other component is N2-ice because its weak 2.15 μm band and blueshifted CH4 bands are seen in spectra of Triton and Pluto. Assuming the shift is due to the presence of N2, spectra taken on two consecutive nights show no difference in CH4/N2. In addition, we find no measurable difference in CH4/N2 at different depths into the surface of 2005 FY9.  相似文献   
Nicole Chorney 《Icarus》2004,167(1):220-224
We present R- and V-band rotational light curves for classical Kuiper belt object 1997 CV29. The imaging data was obtained from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) archive located at the Canadian Astronomical Data Center (CADC). The data consist of one nights observations of a series of 42, 8 minute exposures in R band followed by 33, 8 minute exposures in V band acquired on the following night. Using relative photometry we determined a highly significant variation in the brightness of 1997 CV29. Using phase-dispersion-minimization we find 8.0, 11.2, and 15.8 hrs to be the most likely, periods of rotation and we argue that the ∼16 hr period is the most likely based on our limited observing window. The phased light curve has a peak-to-peak range of Δm?0.4±0.1 mag suggesting an axial ratio of a/b?1.45.  相似文献   
W.M. Grundy  K.S. Noll 《Icarus》2005,176(1):184-191
Discovery of trans-neptunian object (TNO) satellites and determination of their orbits has recently enabled estimation of the size and albedo of several small TNOs, extending the size range of objects having known size and albedo down into the sub-100 km range. In this paper we compute albedo and size estimates or limits for 20 TNOs, using a consistent method for all binary objects and a consistent method for all objects having reported thermal fluxes. As is true for larger TNOs, the small objects show a remarkable diversity of albedos. Although the sample is limited, there do not yet appear to be any trends relating albedo to other observable properties or to dynamical class, with the possible exception of inclination. The observed albedo diversity of TNOs has important implications for computing the size-frequency distribution, the mass, and other global properties of the Kuiper belt derived from observations of objects' apparent magnitudes and may also point the way toward an improved compositional taxonomy based on albedo in addition to color.  相似文献   
介绍了大洋洲地区编图方面的新进展。项目组编制出版了《大洋洲地区地质图》(1:250万)及《大洋洲地区金属矿产图》(1:250万)。在图件说明书中将大洋洲地区原来的3个一级构造单元重新划分为4个一级构造单元,强化了巴布亚新几内亚-新西兰造山系中生代构造单元的重要性,与西南太平洋岛弧区新生代构造单元分开。将4个一级构造单元进一步细化为12个二级构造单元和42个三级构造单元,编制对应的地层柱状图、侵入岩序列图。根据大洋洲各构造单元的成矿特征划分了相应的成矿区带,将大洋洲地区分为4个一级成矿系列,即中西澳陆块区前寒武纪克拉通成矿系列、东澳古生代造山系成矿系列、巴布亚新几内亚-新西兰中生代岛弧成矿系列、西南太平洋新生代多岛弧盆系成矿系列,对各个成矿系列的地质矿产特征进行了总结。  相似文献   
为查明豫西成矿带潭头盆地金矿区农田土壤重金属污染特征及污染来源,在该盆地农田中系统采集土壤样品,分析土壤中的重金属含量,采用聚类分析和主成分分析/绝对主成分分数(PCA/APCS)受体模型对污染源进行解析并计算污染源贡献率。结果显示:研究区农田土壤重金属Hg、As、Cr、Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd含量平均值均低于农用地土壤污染风险筛选值,整体土壤污染风险较低,仅部分样品Hg、As、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd含量超过风险筛选值;Pb、Zn和Cd主要呈区域性污染,其他重金属元素主要呈孤立点状污染。Hg、Cd、Pb变异系数达到强变异水平,表明潭头盆地农田土壤中Hg、Cd、Pb元素受人类活动干扰比较强烈。综合聚类分析、主成分分析及空间分布特征,8种重金属主要来源于4类污染源:Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd污染来源于交通源(PC1);Cr和Ni污染来源于自然源(PC2);As污染来源于与金矿开采和尾矿堆存相关的矿业源(PC3);Hg污染来源于与小作坊汞溶解炼金相关的矿业源(PC4)。  相似文献   
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