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Bauxite exploration involves routine analysis of a large number of samples for a wide range of elements. In Nigeria, though geological field exploration for bauxite started almost three decades ago very little has been achieved, mainly due to the non-availability of facilities for evaluating the dozens of suspected bauxite deposits scattered around the country. In this regard, a procedure for the rapid, accurate and precise measurement of a number of important elements in bauxite has been developed based on the newly acquired radioisotope based EDXRF spectrometer. Elements and oxides analyzed are Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, K2O, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb and Pb. The richest bauxite sample has concentrations of 48.08, 18.90, 1.26, 7.71 and 1.93 wt% for Al2O3, SiO2, TiO2, Fe2O3, and K2O, respectively. The other values in ppm are Mn (3 0 2), Co (5 3 2), Cu (45), Zn (51), Ga (41), Rb (32), Sr (2 2 2), Y (32), Zr (8 4 9), Nb (89) and Pb (72). The measurement errors in terms of accuracy and precision are less than 5% and 10% and 5% and 15% for major and trace elements, respectively. Statistical correlation analysis carried out on the results shows the most significant relationships to be the negative correlations of alumina with silica, iron oxide and titanium. This is believed to be related to the processes of formation of bauxite, with the Si and Fe–Ti being removed as Al was being enriched.  相似文献   
一水硬铝石及含刚玉(A12O3)铝土矿的测试较困难。NaF置换滴定法以二甲酚橙及半二甲酚橙较敏锐。可用半二甲酚橙(变色酸度在PH=5~6)直接调节酸度,再用作滴定的指示剂,效果较好。  相似文献   
豫西杜家沟铝土矿中镓的分布规律及控制因素浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
镓是一种价格昂贵的稀贵金属,它的回收利用问题逐渐引起人们的重视。在对杜家沟铝土矿床矿石中镓的分布特征做了多方面对比研究的基础上,归纳出镓的分布规律:空间上、镓在不同层位的矿石中平均含量变化显著,镓含量随着矿层平均厚度的增大而增大。遭受强烈的表生富集作用,铝土矿中镓的平均品位较高。从矿石结构类型来看,蜂窝状矿石中的镓品位明显高于豆、鲕状和致密状矿石。另外,另外,矿石中镓的含量总与富矿体关系密切。  相似文献   
山东新泰孟家屯岩组锆石特征及其年代学意义   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文借助于离子探针技术(SHRIMPⅠ),对孟家屯岩组的石榴子石石英岩、含十字石石榴黑云母片岩、斜长角闪岩,以及孟家屯岩组的围岩条带状黑云斜长片麻岩(原岩为英云闪长岩)等进行了锆石年代学测定,并结合阴极发光和背散射电子图像反映出的锆石形态和微区特征,得出不同锆石微区的年龄。经分析有几组年龄值,分别为:2742Ma和2717Ma,2695Ma,2642~2620Ma。结合笔者其他的研究分析,它们分别代表孟家屯岩组源区岩石年龄、英云闪长岩的侵入年龄、变质作用年龄。在此基础上,较为完整的论述了孟家屯岩组演化历史。本文的同位素年代学资料为鲁西孟家屯岩组最新的资料,尤其是首次获得了孟家屯岩组准确的源区岩石年龄,并且准确地限定了孟家屯岩组的形成时代。对研究孟家屯岩组,以及泰山岩群和整个鲁西的地质演化历史有重要的意义。  相似文献   
泸溪县李家田铝土矿床地质特征及其控矿因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍振襄 《湖南地质》1989,8(2):28-34
李家田铝土矿床赋存于下二叠统梁山组,与下伏地层寒武系呈平行不整合接触,其直接底板为铁质粘土岩,顶板为铝土岩或栖霞灰岩。矿体呈层状,矿石质量较好,铝硅比5.6,含铝矿物以—水硬铝石为主。矿床属红土—沉积型。  相似文献   
新疆西北部阿尔泰地区发育一套片岩、片麻岩, 从境内铁列克以东的塔乌乃萨孜一带向东南延伸到蒙古阿尔泰山南坡, 统称冲乎尔-青河构造建造带。该带以特殊的构造位置和复杂的变形变质特征, 成为研究阿尔泰造山带发展、演化的重要热点之一。通过对新疆西北部富蕴县苏普特地区前寒武纪克木齐岩群的物质组成、变质、变形方面的资料收集和分析研究, 认为该套地层经受过中深层次的区域动力热流变质作用, 变质达角闪岩相, 是阿尔泰地区前寒武系基底的组成部分, 其变形具有多期次和多层次的特征, 不同构造层次的变形均保留下丰富的构造变形形迹。通过原岩恢复, 认为克木齐岩群总体为一套碎屑(夹火山)-碳酸盐岩沉积建造。  相似文献   
四川盆地晚三叠世诺里期与瑞替期(须三段与须四段)之间是否存在安县运动以及该运动的影响范围有多大,一直存在分歧。本次研究首次在川东北须家河组三段上部(即须三段与须四段之间)发现了沉积型铝土矿层的存在。通过镜下观察,地化、电子探针、扫描电镜以及X射线等分析,认为:铝土矿以豆粒状产出状态为主,具豆粒结构、块状构造,豆粒间填隙物以灰、灰黑色胶状、蠕虫状高岭石为主,其次为褐铁矿染的干净明亮的放射状、球粒状菱铁矿,偶见闪锌矿;豆状铝土矿主要呈微-细晶粒状、鳞片状及絮状,其中,晶粒状、鳞片状铝土矿单偏光镜下无色、正中突起,解理明显,正交偏光镜下呈二级兰干涉色,结合X射线分析,将其定名为一水硬铝石,其Al2O3含量为85.022%~87.763%;测井曲线上,自然伽玛异常增大,当密度接近于3g?cm-3时,中子孔隙度值出现相对高值。表明须三段与须四段之间存在一次时间较长的沉积间断,佐证了安县运动的存在,同时也表明安县运动影响范围已远远超出了龙门山前缘地区,进入了盆地内部,甚至影响了整个四川盆地。  相似文献   
以华北陆块南部豫西偃师县龙门镇地区全取芯铝土矿钻孔ZK4704为主要研究对象,通过岩芯观察和垂向上连续取样,运用扫描电镜、能谱分析、X射线衍射分析、差热分析、红外光谱分析等手段对本溪组含铝岩系的矿物学特征及其垂向变化规律进行了分析。研究表明,偃龙地区本溪组含铝岩系的矿物均为自生矿物,除后期重结晶作用的影响外,主要以隐晶质或微晶存在,矿物成分在垂向上具有明显的变化规律:下部和上部泥岩以粘土矿物为主,但下部泥岩以伊利石为主,上部泥岩以高岭石为主。中部铝矿物含量较高,粘土矿物含量较少。在上述分析基础上,以化学风化作用的基本原理和产生的条件为联结本溪组含铝岩系矿物学特征和原岩的纽带,分析了铝土矿的原岩。认为,可以迅速水解的火山灰是最有可能的含铝岩系的原岩,而由弱碱性的海相环境逐渐转变为弱酸性沼泽环境的海退序列可以很好地解释水解过程中化学环境的变化,含铝岩系基底强烈的古岩溶作用,可以为硬水铝石的产生提供良好的泄水条件。偃龙地区本溪组铝土矿的火山灰物源可由华北陆块北缘和我国西部地区同时期强烈活动的火山作用提供。  相似文献   
Bauxite deposits of Jharkhand in India are resulted from the lateritization process and therefore are often associated with the laterites. In the present study, ASTER (Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) image is processed to delineate bauxite rich pockets within the laterites. In this regard, spectral signatures of lateritic bauxite samples are analyzed in the laboratory with reference to the spectral features of gibbsite (main mineral constituent of bauxite) and goethite (main mineral constituent of laterite) in VNIR–SWIR (visible-near infrared and short wave infrared) electromagnetic domain. The analysis of spectral signatures of lateritic bauxite samples helps in understanding the differences in the spectral features of bauxites and laterites. Based on these differences; ASTER data based relative band depth and simple ratio images are derived for spatial mapping of the bauxites developed within the lateritic province. In order to integrate the complementary information of different index image, an index based principal component (IPC) image is derived to incorporate the correlative information of these indices to delineate bauxite rich pockets. The occurrences of bauxite rich pockets derived from density sliced IPC image are further delimited by the topographic controls as it has been observed that the major bauxite occurrences of the area are controlled by slope and altitude. In addition to above, IPC image is draped over the digital elevation model (DEM) to illustrate how bauxite rich pockets are distributed with reference to the topographic variability of the terrain. Bauxite rich pockets delineated in the IPC image are also validated based on the known mine occurrences and existing geological map of the bauxite. It is also conceptually validated based on the spectral similarity of the bauxite pixels delineated in the IPC image with the ASTER convolved laboratory spectra of bauxite samples.  相似文献   
喜马拉雅造山带是目前最年轻的仍处于碰撞阶段的陆陆碰撞造山带。高喜马拉雅结晶岩系内产出的(退变)榴辉岩记录了印度板块俯冲和折返的重要信息。本文对中喜马拉雅日玛那地区的(退变)榴辉岩进行了岩石学、全岩地球化学及锆石年代学研究,确定了其变质演化、原岩性质及构造背景。日玛那榴辉岩呈透镜状或岩墙状与花岗片麻岩接触,基于矿物组合识别出3个变质阶段:(1)峰期榴辉岩相:石榴子石+绿辉石+多硅白云母+金红石+石英;(2)高压麻粒岩相:以单斜辉石+斜长石后成合晶、黑云母+斜长石的后成合晶为代表;(3)角闪岩相:以基质中角闪石的大量出现为特征。锆石U-Pb定年给出两期年龄,峰期榴辉岩相锆石年龄为约15.5~14 Ma,具平坦的HREE分配模式,缺失Eu负异常,麻粒岩相的年龄约为12 Ma,锆石显著富集HREE,并呈现出Eu负异常的特征,指示石榴子石分解和斜长石生长。矿物温压计限定日玛那榴辉岩峰期变质条件为约730℃、1.9~2.1 GPa。榴辉岩记录了顺时针的变质p-T轨迹,从峰期榴辉岩相经近等温快速降压至麻粒岩相,最后降温降压至角闪岩相。另外,日玛那榴辉岩的原岩为亚碱性玄武岩并沿着拉斑玄武岩趋势演化,地...  相似文献   
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