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文章通过对相山铀矿田深部变质岩开展岩石学、矿物学及地球化学等方面的研究,以探讨相山基底变质岩原岩的属性和形成环境等特征。根据铀矿科学钻孔岩心样品地球化学分析显示,基底变质岩成熟度较高,显示高镁铁、富硅、富铝,低钠钾的特征,原岩总体呈中酸性。变质岩整体表现出相对富集Ba、U、Rb、K、Th等元素,亏损Nb、Sr、P、Ti等元素;轻、重稀土元素分馏较为明显,且轻稀土相对富集、重稀土相对亏损;δEu为0.6~1.1,平均为0.7,小于1,表现为负异常;δCe为2.9~3.9,平均为3.4,表现为正异常。根据变质岩稀土元素北美页岩标准化(NASC)蛛网图显示,样品稀土元素含量与北美页岩(NASC)含量相近,推测原岩具有沉积岩的特征。主量元素分布特征表明相山铀矿田基底变质岩原岩成分复杂,推测其原岩主要为一套陆源海相沉积泥质岩、砂岩及粉砂岩系列的浅变质作用类型的陆源碎屑岩,主要有岩屑砂岩、富镁沉积岩、泥质碳质硅质岩,可能有部分火山凝灰岩。根据主微量构造判别图,推测相山基底变质岩其原岩为大陆岛弧构造环境下形成的沉积碎屑岩。  相似文献   
Dark enclaves rich in amphibole and biotite are ubiquitous in granitoid rocks and typically represent fragments of mafic magmas, cumulates, restites, or country rocks. To develop criteria for identifying dark enclaves of non-magmatic origin, we investigated dark enclaves from a complete spectrum of light (carbonate- or feldspar-rich) to dark (amphibole-rich, biotite-rich, or composite) enclaves, reflecting progressive thermal and chemical equilibration with the host tonalite, the Domenigoni Valley pluton in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, California. Metasedimentary dark enclaves have geochemical characteristics that overlap those of literature-compiled igneous dark enclaves. When compared with modelled igneous differentiation paths, metasedimentary enclaves can have anomalous CaO and K2O contents for a given SiO2, but other major-element systematics may not deviate noticeably from igneous differentiation trends. In addition, the fact that literature-compiled mafic enclaves trend towards high K2O + CaO suggests that not all mafic enclaves are of igneous origin. In this work, we provide criteria for identifying enclaves of possible metasedimentary origin.  相似文献   
Bauxite deposits in the Usambara Mountains of north eastern Tanzania occur as remnants of residual deposits on two geomorphologically related plateaus of Mabughai-Mlomboza and Kidundai at Magamba in Lushoto, Usambara Mountains. The parent rocks for the deposits are mainly granulites and feldspathic gneisses of Neoproterozoic Mozambique belt. The plateaus represent a preserved Late Cretaceous–Lower Tertiary old land surface (African surface). Other parts of the Usambara Mountains and the neighbouring Pare Mountains are covered mostly by red–brown lateritic soils and impure reddish-brown kaolinitic clays. The bauxite deposits contain mainly Al2O3 (40–69 wt.%), Fe2O3 (3–10 wt.%), SiO2 (0.16–7 wt.%) and other elements occur in quantities not substantial to affect the quality or processing of the bauxite, and are attributed to the presence of relic minerals. Gibbsite makes up to 98 vol.% of the bauxite ore in special cases. Gibbsite is accompanied by goethite in the ore. Boehmite occurs in small amounts and is usually accompanied by hematite. Impurities include goethite, hematite, kaolinite, and minor relic quartz and microcline. Kaolinite is the sole clay mineral encountered in the bauxite ore, suggesting mature soil profiles and a development of the bauxite deposits on a well-drained peneplanation. Ore reserve estimates from the drilling data and surface geological mapping of the deposits yielded bauxite reserves of about 37 million tonnes.  相似文献   
杨晓松  赵远由  石再平  周国臣  蔡小勤 《贵州地质》2021,38(2):161-168, 160
通过对含矿岩系的岩性、岩(矿)石结构构造、化学组成、矿物组成等的研究,认为:含矿岩系的岩性组合规律性强。底部为深色含绿泥石铝质泥岩,之上为浅色铝质泥岩。中部为以一水硬铝石为主的豆鲕-碎屑-蜂窝状-半土状铝土矿,中上部为以勃姆石为主的致密块状铝土矿,顶部为以勃姆石为主的豆状、碎屑状铝土岩(矿)。铝土矿石的形成,是成矿母质经历了风化氧化、剥蚀、搬运、沉积、暴露淋滤,最终形成现在的铝土矿。含矿岩系底部含绿泥石铝质泥岩形成于过渡相的半咸水环境,中部及上部铝土矿(岩)形成于陆相湖泊环境。含矿岩系中的硫铁矿是沉积后的实成岩过程中,流体带入的硫,与岩(矿)石中的氧化铁反应,在孔隙处沉淀而成。  相似文献   
对海原群的岩石组成、原岩性质和构造环境的研究表明,海原群中云母片岩、石英片岩的原岩是泥质岩、杂砂岩等,大理岩、石英碧的原岩为白云岩一灰岩、石英砂岩或硅质岩,绿片岩和角闪岩的原岩为基性火山岩或次火山岩,蛇纹岩的原岩为超镁铁质岩。变质沉积岩的形成构造环境判别结果表明,它们形成于活动大陆边缘,介于岛弧与稳定陆缘之问。变质基性火山岩主要亦介于岛弧拉斑玄武岩与板内玄武岩之间,部分显示洋脊玄武岩的特征。认为海原群形成于岛弧一弧后盆地的构造环境。  相似文献   
四川拉拉铜矿是中国著名的大型富铜矿床,其矿体均赋存于河口群变质岩系中,具有典型的层控特征,因此对这套变质岩开展原岩恢复工作能更好地限定其矿床成因,也可对区域下一步的深边部找矿提供指示。通过对赋矿变质岩开展了系统的岩相学和岩石地球化学研究,结果显示其原岩为一套泥质粉砂岩-细碧岩的岩石组合。其中,黑云石英片岩、二云石英片岩及白云石英片岩的原岩可能为泥质粉砂岩,而石英钠长岩、变火山角砾岩及变火山凝灰岩的原岩可能为细碧岩。河口群形成的构造环境可能为裂谷环境。结合矿体似层状、透镜状的层控特征及已有的成岩成矿年龄数据,认为该矿床存在早期VMS(火山成因块状硫化物矿床)型铜矿化,根据其围岩类型,可能属于\"别子型\"成矿亚类。本区此类矿床下一步找矿工作的方向为铁镁质火山岩与硅质碎屑岩的界面。  相似文献   
一种刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩的岩石学矿物学特征及形成环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刚玉夕线钾长片麻岩是产于新太古代迭布斯格岩群中的一种低Si、高Al、高K的特殊岩石,主要包括刚玉钾长金红石片麻岩、黑云夕线钾长金红石片麻岩2种岩石组合,呈互层状产出。刚玉、夕线石和钾长石是通过白云母的变质分解和白云母 SiO2的变质反应而生成的。形成温度约为720~760℃,压力约为0.6~0.8GPa。由于温度和压力稍高,岩石中已开始出现重熔钾长石细脉。环带状次生白云母的出现属退变质反应。变质程度为区域中高温变质作用,达高角闪岩相,与围岩的变质程度一致。其原岩是在较短的稳定条件下由富K、富Al的花岗质岩石经强烈风化搬运进入大陆边缘沉积盆地,再经化学分解和沉积作用而形成的不同的原岩组合。  相似文献   
赣中相山铀矿田基底变质岩原岩恢复及其形成环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
微古化石资料和前人研究表明,相山铀矿田基底变质岩原岩时代为新元古代青白口纪。文章通过野外地质调查和系统采样对这套变质岩的原岩组成和形成环境进行了分析。大部分变质碎屑岩样品以中等Si O2含量、高的K2O/Na2O值和较高的Fe2O3T+Mg O及低的Ca O含量为特征。所有样品的稀土元素具有∑REE总量较大、轻稀土富集和Eu亏损的特征。稀土元素分布模式图解中各样品的总体组成模式相当接近,稀土配分型式为右倾式,与后太古宙页岩和上地壳相似。西蒙南图解和涅洛夫图解表明,神山组原岩主要为复矿物砂岩和长石砂岩,库里组原岩主要为石英岩质砂岩及长石砂岩;上施组原岩主要为长石砂岩及少量硅质泥灰岩、泥质砂岩。结合变余构造特征分析认为,这套变质碎屑岩形成于滨浅海—陆棚沉积环境。所有样品中Th/Sc比值变化范围较小(0.5~1.1),而Zr/Sc比值变化范围较大(8~24),揭示了变质岩源区成分复杂,可能经过多次沉积循环。在Th-Sc-Zr/10和La-Th-Sc图解中,大部分数据落入大陆岛弧区,说明该套岩石可能沉积于靠近大陆岛弧的相关盆地。Hf-La/Th图解表明,原岩的物源大部分来源于古老地层的抬升剥蚀,酸性岛弧源区仅占少数,说明其沉积时期岩浆活动并不明显,而物源区伴有构造隆升,结合地化特征分析推测赣中相山基底变质岩原岩形成于华夏地块与扬子板块后碰撞伸展环境下的残留海盆。  相似文献   
贵州正安旦坪铝土矿大精查项目位于黔北典型岩溶区,为在钻探施工中有效避开岩溶,减少损失,提高勘查效率,达到铝土矿勘探定孔目的,在基本掌握研究区地质背景与地球物理特征的基础上开展物探瞬变电磁法测量.本文简单介绍了物探瞬变电磁法(TEM)的工作原理及探测方法,着重通过在已知钻遇溶洞钻孔ZK14604开展方法性试验,选取合适观...  相似文献   
Based upon a large database, this paper analyzes the record of bauxite mine production, exploration success, and resource depletion and evaluates the availability of bauxite reserves in the near future. The record clearly shows that for the past 50 years world bauxite production rose by an annual increase of over 5% while per capita consumption rose during the same period by about 4%. Time trends of the world bauxite reserve life index (RLI); that is, known world reserves of a given year divided by world production of the same year, are episodic and seem to follow bauxite price cycles. The present-day RLI indicates adequate bauxite supply for about 180 years and is the same as it was in 1950. However, if an annual growth rate of 5% is considered, the currently known reserves will be exhausted within the next 20 years and the reserve base will be adequate for not more than 25 years. This scenario is based, of course, on the unrealistic assumption that future exploration efforts fail to discover additional reserves. Evaluation of the quality, in terms of bauxite signatures, and quantity of presently known bauxite prospects that may be mined in future suggests that there is sufficient potential for adequate bauxite supply for the next 20 to 25 years at least. Bauxite signatures cover a wide range of values that allows selection of the most favorable bauxite prospects for future mining, both in economic as well as environmental terms. Although, there is the general believe that the world abundance of bauxite resources will ensure sufficient supply to meet future demands significant additional reserves have to be discovered if exponential growth rates continue. As the question of future bauxite supply is subject to economic and geologic principles one has to take into consideration that increasing exploration maturity in many mineral provinces will make it difficult to locate additional bauxite reserves and that decreasing real commodity prices will influence the level of investment in bauxite exploration.  相似文献   
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