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研究塔里木盆地周边河流对罗布泊盐湖的盐分补给,对于研究罗布泊盐湖钾盐物质来源具有重要意义。文章在分析前人对塔里木盆地气候、温度、径流量变化等研究的基础上,分别根据竺可桢近5000年的古温度曲线、青藏高原古里雅冰芯δ18O记录的古气候变化及六盘山朝那黄土剖面磁化率记录的古温度变化,得出了近5000年、12万年、200万年的温度变化,并根据温度-径流量变化模型,估算了塔里木河流域三源流在研究时段内的径流总量。根据径流总量和河水中的K+浓度,估算了第四纪200万年以来塔里木河流域河水对罗布泊钾离子的输运量。  相似文献   
燕山东段~下辽河地区中新生代断裂演化与构造期次   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对燕山东段~下辽河盆地中新生代断裂演化分析,认为中新生代该区共经历了中三叠世末,早侏罗世末,晚侏罗世末,白垩纪末和老第三纪末5期挤压作用。每期挤压作用都形成相应的挤压构造形迹,使得早期盆地萎缩或消亡,或对早期盆地进行改造使其反转。此外,该区还曾经历了中晚侏罗世,白垩纪和新生代3个明显的伸展作用阶段,形成中晚侏罗世断裂盆地,白垩纪断陷盆地和新生代裂谷盆地,构造演化过程中挤压作用和伸展作用交替出现  相似文献   
黄河流域节水高效农业建设的紧迫性及途径探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河流域由于水资源短缺,供需矛盾日益尖锐。本文在分析黄河流域水资源开发利用现状与建设高效节水农业紧迫性的基础上,对黄河流域建设节水高效农业的潜力进行了评价,并根据黄河流域上、中、下游水资源特点和农业生产现状对其节水高效农业的建设途径进行了探讨。建设高效节水的现代灌溉农业和现代旱地农业是黄河流域农业用水战略的必然选择。研究结果和结论对该区域维持21世纪农业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
塔里木河流域绿洲城镇发展与水土资源效益分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨宇  刘毅  金凤君  董雯  李莉 《地理学报》2012,67(2):157-168
通过Global Moran's I 指数和Getis-Ord Gi*指数并构建协调发展度模型对塔里木河流域绿洲城镇1995、2000、2005 和2008 年4 个时间点的城镇化水平、土地资源效益和水资源效益的集聚扩散状态及其冷热点空间格局演化与空间联动效应进行分析,得出结论:受塔河流域绿洲分布、气候条件及城镇发展基础等多种因素影响,城镇化和水土资源效益空间格局表现出不尽相同的状态。① 塔河流域城镇化与水土资源效益的集聚扩散状态不一致,城镇发展与自然条件相互作用的时间和力度不同决定了三者空间差异的必然性。② 受城镇化所处阶段、城镇职能与主导产业的影响,各县市水土资源开发的时序不同,城镇化和水土资源效益各自的热点演化格局明显不同,区域联动效应差异显著。③ 城镇化与水土资源效益冷热点区域的数量结构迥异。城镇不平衡发展仍然是主导趋势,土地资源效益滞后于城镇发展,水资源效益敏感性较强。④ 塔河流域范围广,自然条件复杂,各二级流域城镇化与水土资源效益的差异性显著。⑤ 城镇化与水土资源效益协调发展度的类型主要为发展水平低和较低两种,协调发展度的空间格局相比其冷热点区域的空间格局更具稳定性,三者差异显著是协调发展度低的重要原因。  相似文献   
黄河流域坡高地系统最小生态需水研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张远  杨志峰 《山地学报》2004,22(2):154-160
以保护和恢复流域坡高地生态系统为目的,对坡高地最小生态需水问题进行研究,提出了坡高地生态需水和生态缺水的计算方法。以黄河流域为实例,在GIS和遥感技术支持下对坡高地最小生态需水量和缺水量进行了计算,并从时空两个尺度揭示了黄河流域坡高地生态系统最小生态需水的变化规律,研究成果可为流域生态环境建设和水资源合理配置提供依据。  相似文献   
渭河流域3 100年前资源退化与人地关系演变   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
黄春长 《地理科学》2001,21(1):30-35
渭河流域全新世古土壤S  相似文献   
The characteristics of water vapor transport (WVT) over China and its relationship with precipitation anomalies in the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) are analyzed by using the upper-air station data in China and ECMWF reanalysis data in summer from 1981 to 2002. The results indicate that the first mode of the vertically integrated WVT is significant whose spatial distribution presents water vapor convergence or divergence in the YRB. When the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) is strong and shifts southward and westward, the Indian Monsoon Low Pressure (IMLP) is weak, and the northern part of China stands behind the middle and high latitude trough, a large amount of water vapor from the Bay of Bengal (BOB), the South China Sea (SCS) and the western Pacific forms a strong and steady southwest WVT band and meets the strong cold water vapor from northern China in the YRB, thus it is likely to cause flood in the YRB. When WPSH is weak and shifts northward and eastward, IMLP is strong, and there is nearly straight west wind over the middle and high latitude, it is unfavorable for oceanic vapor extending to China and no steady and strong southwest WVT exists in the region south of the YRB. Meanwhile, the cold air from northern China is weak and can hardly be transported to the YRB. This brings on no obvious water vapor convergence, and then less precipitation in the YRB. Foundation: International Technology Cooperation Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, No. 2007DFB20210; Application Technology Research and Development Project of Sichuan Province, No. 2008NG0009; Basic Research Foundation of Institute of Chengdu Plateau, China Meteorological Administration, No.BROP2000802 Author: Jiang Xingwen (1983–), specialized in the study of climate diagnosis.  相似文献   
During recent decades, more frequent flood-drought alternations have been seen in China as a result of global climate change and intensive human activities, which have significant implications on water and food security. To better identify the characteristics of flood-drought alternations, we proposed a modified dry-wet abrupt alternation index (DWAAI) and applied the new method in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin (YRB-ML) to analyze the long-term spatio-temporal characteristics of dry-wet abrupt alternation (DWAA) events based on the daily precipitation observations at 75 rainfall stations in summer from 1960 to 2015. We found that the DWAA events have been spreading in the study area with higher frequency and intensity since 1960. In particular, the DWAA events mainly occurred in May and June in the northwest of the YRB-ML, including Hanjiang River Basin, the middle reaches of the YRB, north of Dongting Lake and northwest of Poyang Lake. In addition, we also analyzed the impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on DWAA events in the YRB-ML. The results showed that around 41.04% of DWAA events occurred during the declining stages of La Niña or within the subsequent 8 months after La Niña, which implies that La Niña events could be predictive signals of DWAA events. Besides, significant negative correlations have been found between the modified DWAAI values of all the rainfall stations and the sea surface temperature anomalies in the Nino3.4 region within the 6 months prior to the DWAA events, particularly for the Poyang Lake watershed and the middle reaches of the YRB. This study has significant implications on the flood and drought control and water resources management in the YRB-ML under the challenge of future climate change.  相似文献   
肯尼亚Anza盆地东南部地处东非裂谷系,发育了巨厚的中—新生界沉积盖层。然而,该区域勘探程度较低,制约了对其构造体系的认识及油气勘探潜力的评价。文章基于研究区的重力异常数据,针对其构造特征的认识进行了数据处理及解释。研究结果表明,受中非剪切带右旋剪切应力的影响,研究区发育规模较大的北西向基底断裂和规模较小的北东向盖层断裂,且北东向断裂切断北西向断裂;基底深度差异大,总体呈"两凹夹一隆"的特征,凹陷区沉积了巨厚的中—新生界盖层;受北西向拉张断裂和沿构造软弱带发育的北东向断裂的控制,研究区划分为东部凹陷、中部凸起、南部隆起和西部凹陷4个构造单元,呈现"东西分带、南北分块"的构造格局。   相似文献   
四川盆地陆相页岩气勘探前景良好,目前已在川东北地区下侏罗统获得良好页岩气显示和工业气流.与海相页岩相比,陆相页岩具有相变快、岩相组合类型多(夹层发育)、有机质丰度低和源储配置关系复杂等特点.运用"源储耦合"研究思路,利用宏观-微观结合的储层表征技术对下侏罗统自流井组大安寨段页岩的烃源特征、储集特征及其耦合关系开展了分析...  相似文献   
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