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Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronology, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicification. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedimentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.  相似文献   
Two events of Tibet uplifting are revealed by detrital apatite fission track (AFT) age data from Linxia Basin. They occurred at about 14 and 5.4-8.0 MaBP respectively. We interpret the first one to be related to the uplifting of the northern Tibet, which might have resulted from convectively removing the thickened lower lithosphere. The second one is a result of Laji Mountain uplifting. Numerous studies of the Tibetan Plateau suggest that the onset time of the deformation in the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the time of Tibet attaining to its present elevation is about 8 MaBP. They are approximately coincident with the uplift of Lajishan Mountain. It suggests that the northeastern margin of Tibet propagated northeastwardly to its present site in about 8 MaBP for accommodating the sustained convergence between India-Eurasia plate and for keeping its high elevation. The active block pattern dominating the strong earthquake distribution of Chinese continent probably formed at about 8.0-5.4 MaBP.  相似文献   
The Permocarboniferous basins in Northeast Germany formed on the heterogeneous and eroded parts of the Variscan orogene and its deformed northern foreland. Transtensional tectonic movements and thermal re-equilibration lead to medium-scale crustal fragmentation, fast subsidence rates and regional emplacement of large amounts of mostly acidic volcanics. The later basin formation and differentiation was triggered by reversals of the large-scale stress field and reactivation of prominent zones of weakness like the Elbe Fault System and the Rhenohercynian/Saxothuringian boundary that separate different Variscan basement domains in the area. The geomechanical behaviour of the latter plays an important role for the geodynamic evolution of the medium to large-scale structural units, which we can observe today in three dimensions on structural maps, geophysical recordings and digital models. This study concentrates on an area that comprises the southern Northeast German Basin, the Saale Basin, the Flechtingen High, the Harz Mountains High and the Subhercynian Basin. The presented data include re-evaluations of special geological and structural maps, the most recent interpretation of the DEKORP BASIN 9601 seismic profile and observations of exposed rock sections in Northeast Germany. On the basis of different structural inventories and different basement properties, we distinguish two structural units to the south and one structural unit to the north of the Elbe Fault System. For each unit, we propose a geomechanical model of basin formation and basin inversion, and show that the Rhenohercynian Fold and Thrust Belt domain is deformed in a thin-skinned manner, while the Mid-German Crystalline Rise Domain, which is the western part of the Saxothuringian Zone, rather shows a thick-skinned deformation pattern. The geomechanical model for the unit north to the Elbe Fault System takes account to the fact that the base of the Zechstein beneath the present Northeast German basin shows hardly any evidence for brittle deformation, which indicates a relative stable basement. Our geomechanical model suggests that the Permocarboniferous deposits may have contributed to the structural stiffness by covering small to medium scale structures of the upper parts of the brittle basement. It is further suggested that the pre-Zechstein successions underneath the present Northeast German basin were possibly strengthening during the Cretaceous basin inversion, which resulted in stress transfer to the long-lived master faults, as indicated for example by the shape of the salt domes in the vicinity of the latter faults. Contrary to this, post-Zechstein successions deformed in a different and rather complex way that was strongly biased by intensive salt tectonic movements.  相似文献   
New dating in the Carson Sink at the termini of the Humboldt and Carson rivers in the Great Basin of the western United States indicates that lakes reached elevations of 1204 and 1198 m between 915 and 652 and between 1519 and 1308 cal yr B.P., respectively. These dates confirm Morrison's original interpretation (Lake Lahontan: Geology of the Southern Carson Desert, Professional Paper 40, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1964) that these shorelines are late Holocene features, rather than late Pleistocene as interpreted by later researchers. Paleohydrologic modeling suggests that discharge into the Carson Sink must have been increased by a factor of about four, and maintained for decades, to account for the 1204-m lake stand. The hydrologic effects of diversions of the Walker River to the Carson Sink were probably not sufficient, by themselves, to account for the late Holocene lake-level rises. The decadal-long period of increased runoff represented by the 1204-m lake is also reflected in other lake records and in tree ring records from the western United States.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与原型盆地   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11  
结合近几年来渤海湾盆地区深层地震勘探与解释的成果,重点论述了渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造特征与盆地原型,提出燕山期构造变形样式总体在纵向上可分为三个构造层,分别称为上部、中部和下部;横向上总体可分为三个构造带,西部为向西逆冲的薄皮逆冲带,中部为冲断—走滑带,东部为厚皮褶皱—冲断带,主体由两期挤压方向皆为NW—SE向的褶皱—逆冲变形形成;并将其演化分为三个阶段:燕山早期、燕山中期和燕山晚期。但是,渤海湾盆地区燕山期的构造变形特征和原型盆地有所变化,其空间上的差异是基底构造格局及其空间差异叠合的结果。综合其它研究结果还表明,渤海湾盆地区燕山期构造是在西太平洋大陆边缘弧的挤压构造背景下,陆内壳下拆沉和壳内挤出逃逸构造的综合动力作用下形成的。  相似文献   
宋方敏  俞维贤 《地震地质》1997,19(3):20-217
小江断裂带中段新生代发育的系列盆地,根据其发育阶段可分为始新世—渐新世、上新世—早更新世、中更新世—晚更新世和晚更新世—全新世4个阶段,并根据发育持续性可分为继承性、阶段性、复活性、新生性4种类型。由大比例尺填图所获资料及前人成果,介绍了各阶段盆地的分布特征和成因机制,讨论了盆地发育与区域构造运动、断裂活动的关系  相似文献   
I.IntroductionInextremelyaridareaswherearidityishigherthan16.0,themaintenanceanddevelopmentofregionaloasiseconomyhavebeenrestrictedbytheutilizationandallotmentofwaterresource.Thus,itissignificantlyimportanttoexplore,onthebasisofwaterresource,thedevelopmen…  相似文献   
Discovery process modeling has gained wide acceptance in the Chinese exploration community. In recent years, a variety of discovery process models have been applied to the prediction of undiscovered petroleum resources at the play level in sedimentary basins in China. However, challenging problems have been encountered, particularly when one method alone has been applied to small plays in nonmarine sedimentary basins or in plays with an unusual order of discovery wells. This paper presents results gotten by using the lognormal discovery process model of the Geological Survey of Canada and the geoanchored method for three petroleum plays in basins with different geologic settings. Although the predicted shapes of the parentsize distributions which use these two models, were not always similar, the expected values of the total resources and the number of fields (pools) to be discovered are comparable. The combined use of two discovery process models in the same play compensates for the weaknesses in one method compared with the other and vice versa. Thus, more reliable estimates are the result.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形演变   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
王建  刘泽纯 《地质论评》1996,42(2):166-173
从孢粉植物分异及演变,干旱碎屑及膏盐沉积分布等方面,对柴达木盆地西部新生代气候与地形的演变进行了探讨。结果表明,盆地西部新生代两个极端干燥气候期(膏盐发育期)分别出现在始新世至渐新世及上新世至第四纪。前者与老第三纪行星环流控制下的副热带干燥带有关,而后者与青藏高原的隆升有关。早第三纪盆地西部及周围地区的地势不象以前所认为的那么低平。在第三纪,昆仑山比祁连山低。晚新生代盆地向北推移了7-11个纬距。  相似文献   
露头剖面层序中的海平面变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于炳松 《矿物学报》1996,16(2):141-146
在以往的沉积研究中,常常用露头剖面中的相对水深变化来讨论海平面的变化规律,本文通过对塔里木盆地北部寒武纪反映相对海平面变化的上超点变化曲线与肖尔布拉克地区寒武系露头剖面中相对水深变化曲线的对比研究发现,上超点变化曲线与相对水深变化曲线具有明显的差异,前者在寒武纪呈持续上升趋势,而后者除早期有一快速上升外,总体呈持续下降趋势,这说明相对水深变化虽与海平面变化存在着本质的联系,但单凭露头剖面中相对水深  相似文献   
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