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Raman microspectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM) from the eastern Tauern Window indicates contrasting peak‐temperature patterns in three different fabric domains, each of which underwent a poly‐metamorphic orogenic evolution: Domain 1 in the northeastern Tauern Window preserves oceanic units (Glockner Nappe System, Matrei Zone) that attained peak temperatures (Tp) of 350–480 °C following Late Cretaceous to Palaeogene nappe stacking in an accretionary wedge. Domain 2 in the central Tauern Window experienced Tp of 500–535 °C that was attained either within an exhumed Palaeogene subduction channel or during Oligocene Barrovian‐type thermal overprinting within the Alpine collisional orogen. Domain 3 in the Eastern Tauern Subdome has a peak‐temperature pattern that resulted from Eo‐Oligocene nappe stacking of continental units derived from the distal European margin. This pattern acquired its presently concentric pattern in Miocene time due to post‐nappe doming and extensional shearing along the Katschberg Shear Zone System (KSZS). Tp values in the largest (Hochalm) dome range from 612 °C in its core to 440 °C at its rim. The maximum peak‐temperature gradient (≤70 °C km?1) occurs along the eastern margin of this dome where mylonitic shearing of the Katschberg Normal Fault (KNF) significantly thinned the Subpenninic‐ and Penninic nappe pile, including the pre‐existing peak‐temperature gradient.  相似文献   
A petrogenetic grid for metapelites in the system NKFMASH is presented. The P–T range is investigated in three sections: (1) The high‐ and ultrahigh‐pressure range is discussed in the system NFMASH because phengite is the only stable potassic phase. (2) The transition region is characterised by four NKFMASH‐invariant points that separate high‐pressure glaucophane‐bearing from medium‐pressure biotite‐bearing metapelites. (3) The medium‐pressure range contains the fifth NKFMASH‐invariant point. The univariant reactions of this point terminate the stability range of paragonite, which breaks down to form staurolite or kyanite and plagioclase during decompression and/or heating. As the growth of albitic plagioclase by decomposition of paragonite via continuous reactions may be conspicuous already before these staurolite‐ or kyanite‐producing reactions are reached, such albite porphyroblast schists are typical indicators of a former high‐pressure metamorphic history. Considering the preservation of high‐pressure metapelitic assemblages, those crossing the NKFMASH‐transition region during exhumation commonly dehydrate and preservation is unlikely. Three types of metapelites have a fairly good survival potential: (1) low‐temperature metapelites (up to c. 540 °C) with an exhumation path back into the chlorite + albite stability field, (2) assemblages with chloritoid + glaucophane, and (3) the relatively high‐temperature glaucophane + kyanite and jadeite + kyanite bearing parageneses, that are relatively dry at the onset of exhumation. A comparison with data from the literature shows that these rock types are the most abundant in nature.  相似文献   
Carbon isotope fractionations between calcite and graphite in the Panamint Mountains, California, USA, demonstrate the importance of mass balance on carbon isotope values in metamorphosed carbon-bearing minerals while recording the thermal conditions during peak regional metamorphism. Interbedded graphitic marbles and graphitic calcareous schists in the Kingston Peak Formation define distinct populations on a δ13C(gr)–δ13C(cc) diagram. The δ13C values of both graphite and calcite in the marbles are higher than the values of the respective minerals in the schists. δ13C values in both rock types were controlled by the relative proportions of the carbon-bearing minerals: calcite, the dominant carbon reservoir in the marble, largely controlled the δ13C values in this lithology, whereas the δ13C values in the schists were largely controlled by the dominant graphite. This is in contrast to graphite-poor calcsilicate systems where carbon isotope shifts in carbonate minerals are controlled by decarbonation reactions. The marbles record a peak temperature of 531±30 °C of a Jurassic low-pressure regional metamorphic event above the tremolite isograd. In the schists there is a much wider range of recorded temperatures. However, there is a mode of temperatures at c. 435 °C, which approximately corresponds to the temperatures of the principal decarbonation metamorphic reactions in the schists, suggesting that the carbon exchange was set by loss of calcite and armouring of graphite by newly formed silicate minerals. The armouring may explain the relatively large spread of apparent temperatures. Although the modal temperature also corresponds to the approximate temperature of the Cretaceous retrograde event, retrograde exchange is thought less likely due to very slow exchange rates involving well-crystallized graphite, armouring of graphite by silicates during the earlier event, and because of other barriers to retrograde carbon exchange. Thus, only the calcite–graphite carbon isotope fractionations recorded by the marbles demonstrate the high-temperature conditions of the low-pressure Jurassic metamorphic event that was associated with the emplacement of granitic plutons to the west of the Panamint Mountains.  相似文献   
The metapelitic rocks of the Sikkim Himalayas show an inverted metamorphic sequence (IMS) of the complete Barrovian zones from chlorite to sillimanite + K‐feldspar, with the higher grade rocks appearing at progressively higher structural levels. Within the IMS, four groups of major planar structures, S1, S2 and S3 were recognised. The S2 structures are pervasive throughout the Barrovian sequence, and are sub‐parallel to the metamorphic isograds. The mineral growth in all zones is dominantly syn‐S2. The disposition of the metamorphic zones and structural features show that the zones were folded as a northerly plunging antiform. Significant bulk compositional variation, with consequent changes of mineralogy, occurs even at the scale of a thin section in some garnet zone rocks. The results of detailed petrographic and thermobarometric studies of the metapelites along a roughly E–W transect show progressive increase of both pressure and temperature with increasing structural levels in the entire IMS. This is contrary to all models that call for thermal inversion as a possible reason for the origin of the IMS. Also, the observation of the temporal relation between crystallization and S2 structures is problematic for models of post‐/late‐metamorphic tectonic inversion by recumbent folding or thrusting. A successful model of the IMS should explain the petrological coherence of the Barrovian zones and the close relationship of crystallization in each zone with S2 planar structures along with the observed trend(s) of P–T variation in Sikkim and in other sections. A discussion is presented of some of the available models that, with some modifications, seem to be capable of explaining these observations.  相似文献   
The contact metamorphosed metapelitic and metapsammitic rocks surrounding the Stawell granite, western Victoria, Australia, are divided into three zones: the low-grade zone, the medium-grade zone and the high-grade zone. Detailed petrological study shows consistency of element distributions, implying that equilibrium was widely attained in the rocks, although equilibrium volumes are generally small (millimetre scale) and considerable mineral chemical variations exist between adjacent domains. The metamorphic mineral assemblages are generally of high variance (KFMASH variance ≤ 2). Consequently, the chemical evolution of assemblages is controlled largely by bulk composition and metamorphic temperature, the former factor being more important in most rocks. The chemographic relations of mineral assemblages in low- and medium- to high-grade zones are presented in compatibility diagrams projected from biotite, quartz and H2O, and biotite, K-feldspar and H2O, respectively. These compatibility diagrams have the advantage of showing both quartz-bearing and quartz-absent assemblages. The metamorphic reactions are modelled successfully by a calculated petrogenetic grid that combines both KFASH and KMASH equilibria. Based on petrographic observations and with constraints from the calculated petrogenetic grid, the following KFMASH reactions, in the order of increasing metamorphic grade, are responsible for producing the various mineral assemblages in the Stawell rocks: chl + mu + q = bi + cd + V, chl + q + cd = g + V, mu + bi + q = ksp + cd + V, mu + q = ksp + and + cd + V (or KASH mu + q = ksp + and + V), mu + cd = ksp + and + bi + V, mu + bi + and = ksp + sp + V, and + bi = ksp + sp + cd + V, mu + bi = ksp + cor + sp + V, mu = ksp + cor + and + sp + V (or KASH mu = ksp + cor + V), bi + cd + q = g + ksp + V. The combined KFASH and KMASH grid provides constraints on reaction coefficients in the above sequence of reactions and on temperature and pressure of metamorphism.  相似文献   
Abstract An inverted metamorphic gradient associated with the northern mylonite zone of the Cheyenne belt, a deeply eroded Precambrian suture in southern Wyoming, has been documented within metasedimentary rocks of the Early Proterozoic Snowy Pass Supergroup. Metamorphic grade in the steeply dipping supracrustal sequence increases from the chlorite through the biotite, garnet, and staurolite zones both stratigraphically and structurally upward toward the northern mylonite zone. A minimum temperature increase of approximately 100° C over a km-wide zone is required for this transition. Parallelism of inverted isograds with the trace of the northern mylonite zone implies a genetic relationship between deformation associated with that zone and the inverted metamorphic gradient within the Snowy Pass Supergroup. Field evidence together with microstructural and petrofabric analysis indicate northward thrusting of amphibolite-grade rocks over rocks of the Snowy Pass Supergroup along the northern mylonite zone. Mineral equilibria and garnet-biotite geothermometry on synkinematic mineral assemblages within the Snowy Pass metasedimentary rocks indicate deformation at minimum temperatures of 480° C and pressures of 350–400 MPa (3°5–4°0 kbar). This implies tectonic burial or upper plate thickness of 13–15 km. The narrow character of metamorphic zonation and microtextures within the Snowy Pass Supergroup which indicate late synkine-matic growth of garnet and staurolite, preclude rotation of pre-existing isograds by folding as a mechanism for development of the inverted gradient. Conductive transport of heat from the upper into the lower plate across the originally low-angle thrust is insufficient to produce the necessary temperatures in the lower plate. Shear heating is considered insufficient to produce the observed metamorphic transition unless high shear stresses are postulated. Up-dip advection of metamorphic fluids is a feasible, but unproven, mechanism for heat transport. The possibility that rapid uplift due to stacking of several thrust sheets may have played a role in preserving the inverted metamorphic gradient cannot be evaluated at present.  相似文献   
Porphyroblastic biotite and garnet in the Barrovian metapelites of the Imjingang belt, Korea, were investigated to unravel the sequence and mechanism of mineral growth. Poikiloblastic biotite contains straight inclusion trails (Si) discontinuous to the major foliation, and develops clear zones at the grain margin. These microstructures suggest an initial growth of biotite between two contractional deformations (Dn−1 and Dn) followed by an overgrowth during Dn. Although garnet poikiloblasts contain variable Si patterns, their major growth is likely to have occurred during Dn on the basis of compositional relationships among variable garnet types. Early poikiloblasts of both minerals were formed by chemical replacement of the matrix that consisted mainly of chlorite, muscovite and quartz. Subsequent growth of biotite was governed by a crack-filling mechanism, and was accompanied by the production of extensional cracks inside or around biotite, providing fluid pathways. The overgrowth of garnet was favoured at the biotite–garnet interface, and the consequence was a partial replacement of inclusion-poor garnet after biotite subsequent to Dn. In addition, clear zones and pressure shadows as well as the matrix around biotite porphyroblasts were replaced by garnet, suggesting an inheritance of various pre-existing microstructures in the Si pattern of garnet. Further attention is thus required for any attempt to delineate the microstructural interaction between deformation and metamorphism, particularly in a sample containing early-grown porphyroblasts. Microstructural evidence for the two-stage growth of biotite and garnet is present up to the kyanite zone, indicating that this growth mechanism is prevalent during progressive metamorphism of Barrovian metapelites.  相似文献   
吴浩博  仝来喜  刘兆  李超  杨文强 《岩石学报》2023,39(8):2279-2300


The paragenetic relationships between sillimanite, andalusite, kyanite, chlorite, cordierite, biotite, garnet and staurolite in the Early Proterozoic Puolankajärvi Formation (PjF), together with mineral compositions, are used to construct a partial petrogenetic grid for metapelites with significant Mn content (MnO = 0.1–0.5%) by adding a six-phase invariant point over the garnet-absent invariant point for Mn-free AMF-phases.
The grid and textural relations of the PjF are used to construct part of the P–T –deformation path for the PjF. Relatively short deformation pulses and associated flow of oxidizing fluid along shear zones were responsible for the paragenetic and compositional changes during cooling and decompression at 600–500°C and 6.0–2.5 kbar. Oxidation led to decreased Fe2+ and further stressed the importance of Mn (increased Mn/divalent cations).
A tectonothermal evolution of the Kainuu Schist Belt is presented which includes crustal thinning and steepening of a previously established thermal gradient. This was followed by thrusting and folding of the isotherms into a thermal antiform on the western side of the belt.  相似文献   
Abstract Oxygen and hydrogen isotope analyses have been made of coexisting quartz, ilmenite, muscovite, and biotite from Late Precambrian metapelitic rocks, staurolite-kyanite to K-feldspar-muscovite-sillimanite zones, from Mica Creek, British Columbia. The δ18O and †D values of these minerals are generally uniform and do not decrease significantly with increasing metamorphic grade. This implies that there has not been significant infiltration of deep crustal, possibly magmatic, fluids into the metapelites that has been suggested for other high-grade metamorphic terranes. The uniformity of oxygen isotope compositions of the Mica Creek metapelite rocks may reflect isotopic uniformity in the sedimentary protolith rather than widespread exchange with an isotopically homogeneous metamorphic pore fluid.
Temperature estimates based upon 18O exchange thermometry for samples below the sillimanite zone are in reasonable agreement with the results of garnet-biotite Fe–Mg exchange thermometry. In the higher grade rocks, the oxygen isotope and garnet-biotite thermometry yield results which disagree by about 100°C. The highest temperatures recorded by oxygen isotope thermometry, 595°C, are at least 60°C below the minimum temperatures required by phase equilibria. These discrepancies appear to result from pervasive equilibrium retrograde exchange of oxygen isotopes between coexisting minerals. In addition, there are problems with calibration of garnet-biotite thermometry at higher temperatures. Retrograde oxygen isotope exchange may be a general characteristic of high-grade metamorphic rocks and oxygen isotope thermometry may not usually record peak metamorphic temperatures if they significantly exceed 600°C.  相似文献   
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