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塔里木盆地塔中Ⅰ号坡折带上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩灰岩发生了少量白云石化作用。白云石化主要发育在溶洞充填的钙质渗流粉砂,泥晶生物碎屑灰岩的泥晶基质,亮晶颗粒灰岩的钙藻屑、藻砂屑、藻泥屑等三种组构中。白云石化直接贡献了平均1%的孔隙度,同时产生的白云石晶间孔为进一步溶蚀提供了通道,对有效储层的形成起到了重要作用。高镁方解石生物是白云石化所需镁离子的重要来源。这套与生物白云石化相关的礁滩储层地质预测需要深入研究钙藻、海百合等生物的古生态、岩相环境及分布。  相似文献   
四川盆地东部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩储层特征   总被引:50,自引:1,他引:50  
四川盆地是中国西南部重要的含油气盆地,在东部和南部地区下志留统龙马溪组页岩广泛发育。在川东南、鄂西渝东地区的勘探井中志留系具有良好的气显示。研究区龙马溪组厚65~516m,底部为一套海侵沉积的富含笔石的黑色页岩,龙马溪组向上和向东砂质和钙质含量增加,演变为浅水陆棚沉积。龙马溪组主要由层状-非层状泥/页岩、白云质粉砂岩、层状钙质泥/页岩、泥质粉砂岩、层状-非层状粉砂质泥/页岩、粉-细粒砂岩、钙质结核、富含有机质非层状页岩8种岩相组成。总有机碳含量(TOC)为0.2%~6.7%。有机质以II型干酪根为主,Ro为2.4%~3.6%。页岩中石英矿物含量在2%~93%,主要呈纹层状或分散状分布,主要为陆源碎屑外源成因。龙马溪组页岩岩心孔隙度为0.58%~0.67%,渗透率为0.01×10-3μm2~0.93×10-3μm2。扫描电镜下龙马溪组页岩微孔隙度为2%左右,主要包括晶间孔和粒内孔,孔隙直径为100nm~50μm。页岩储层的形成机理主要为有利矿物组合、成岩作用和有机质热裂解作用。龙马溪组与美国Barnett页岩具有一定差异,主要表现在龙马溪组页岩埋藏较深、热演化程度较高、含气量较低、储层较致密、以陆源成因石英为主。对于评价下志留统龙马溪组页岩气勘探前景而言,今后须重点加强针对龙马溪组底部黑色硅质岩系石英成因、成熟度、埋藏史、含气量等方面的研究,以及进行详细的古地貌和古环境恢复。  相似文献   
鄂湘桂地区栖霞组古氧相分析与层序地层和海平面变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
颜佳新  陈北岳 《地质论评》1997,43(2):193-199
鄂湘桂地区,早二叠世栖霞组主要为贫氧沉积,通过恢复其形成时沉积环境水体中溶氧量特征及其变化,识别出6个古氧相和4种古氧相相序。古氧相类型、古氧相相序及相差分别反映了沉积环境海平面变化的相位,速度和幅度。古氧相分析从成因上刻画了地层层序的内部结构,成为本区栖霞组内关键性界面,副层序,体系域及层序识别和确定的基础,在对岩相组合单调,空间上岩相厚度变化不大,同时具缺氧成因特征的地层进行层序地层分析时,具  相似文献   
内蒙古二连盆地砂岩型铀矿目的层赛汉组分段与铀矿化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
近年在内蒙古二连盆地赛汉组中找到了可观的砂岩型铀矿资源。关于早白垩世赛汉组的分段没有统一的认识,严重影响了铀矿勘查工作的布置。利用石油、煤炭和核工业部门勘查钻孔岩性、测井曲线、综合编录、地震剖面等资料,结合古气候-颜色变化、沉积序列变化反映的沉积环境,将赛汉组划分为4段。赛汉组一段,主要为一套冲积扇(或扇三角洲)环境下的杂色粗碎屑岩组合。二段为一套凹陷中心灰色、黑色湖沼环境下的泥岩夹褐煤层,凹陷边缘为杂色扇三角洲粗碎屑岩,总体以黑色岩系组合为特征。三段为一套灰色、深灰色含砾粗砂岩、砂岩,侧向联通性较好的灰色岩系组合,形成于辫状河环境。四段为一套红色、黄色泥岩与砂岩互层的红色岩系或组合,沉积于曲流河环境。二连盆地马尼特坳陷中砂岩型铀矿形成于三段中,为侧向氧化成矿作用所致;而乌兰察布坳陷铀矿化定位于四段中,为垂向潜水氧化成矿作用所造成,一段和二段目前还没有找到有价值的铀矿化。  相似文献   
寒武纪高滩组广泛分布于赣南武功山-雩山地区,主体为一套浅变质砂岩夹板岩的复理石建造。为分析其物源,并对源区地壳生长和构造演化提供约束,本文对采自高滩组的变长石石英杂砂岩进行了LA-ICP-MS碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素研究。锆石U-Pb年龄数据显示2 500 Ma、1 100~900 Ma和900~700 Ma 3个主要年龄峰值。2 500 Ma的年龄峰值代表了新太古代末期—古元古代的古陆核生长事件。1 100~900 Ma和900~700 Ma两个峰最显著,表明Rodinia超大陆聚合裂解在华南地区的响应,为该区寒武纪地层提供了主要物源。此外,3 003 Ma锆石年龄的捕获说明,华夏地块可能存在太古宙地壳基底。Hf同位素数据表明,源区锆石结晶多为古老地壳组分部分熔融产生的岩浆。结合锆石年龄数据分析认为,华南地区存在强烈的新元古代岩浆活动,该时期岩浆活动主要是古老地壳物质的再循环。  相似文献   
The 2nd Member of Kongdian Formation has been made up of a large number of oil shale and mudstone in the Kongnan aera of Huanghua depression around the Bohai Bay. In the Kongnan area, the lake basins were very large and deep during the deposition of the 2nd Member of Kongdian Formation. During that period,the lakes were sealed, uncommunieated with the sea water and the paleoclimate was very warm and wet in Kongnan area. Analyzing the content of the trace element and the rare earth element, carbon and oxygen isotope in the disquisition, The authors prove the two views correct.  相似文献   
西藏羊卓雍地区沙堆组超微化石新资料   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
1:5万琼果幅、曲德贡幅区域地质调查中,在西藏羊卓雍地区的沙堆组中新采集到Braarudosphaera-Prediscosphaera超微化石组合,为晚白垩世的生物组合面貌,从而证实了康马-隆子分区存在内部地层分区的现象。  相似文献   
Here we report the first 2obaichthyid gar from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) Codó Formation of the Parnaíba Basin, Northeastern Brazil. It shows the following obaichthyid characters: numerous odontods firmly attached to the outer surface of the dermal bones, free and mobile maxilla, presence of interopercle, lack of contact between the metapterygoid and ectopterygoid, absence of lacrimomaxillary bones, and a prominent spine at the posterior margin of the scales. Due to the presence of scales bearing a prominent ventral posterior spine and a number of additional posterior marginal spines, the fish from the Codó Formation is noticeably the same species found in the Albian Santana Formation of the Araripe Basin, Dentilepisosteus laevis. Although probably restricted to fresh or brackish water, the new discovery adds one more taxon to the assemblages found in the Parnaíba and the Araripe basins. The new record extends the temporal range of this species down into the Aptian (about ∼10 myr older than the previous occurrence).  相似文献   
The presence of volcaniclastic rocks related to the silicic magmatism within the Serra Geral Formation has been a matter of long-standing debate. In this paper, we present extensive documentation that supports the presence and abundance of these rocks in the Jacuí Group, a newly discovered volcaniclastic and epiclastic accumulation in southern Brazil. The Jacuí Group is composed of two interfingered stratigraphic units, the Volta Alegre and Tupanciretã formations, and it represents the uppermost stratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin. The Volta Alegre Formation is primarily composed of resedimented volcaniclastic tuffites, the pyroclasts which were sourced from the Santa Maria subgroup of the Palmas-type of the Serra Geral Formation. The Tupanciretã Formation is composed of fluvial and aeolian deposits transported towards the north–northwest. Deposition of the Jacuí Group began in the Early Cretaceous (∼132 Ma) and was coeval with the acidic volcanism of the Santa Maria subgroup. This group was deposited in a probable interior sag basin that represents either the beginning of the extension in the inner part of the continent that subsequently migrated to the east or the far-field impact of extensional processes that preceded the break-up of Gondwana and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
周娟  罗荣涛  陈杰 《江苏地质》2016,40(1):107-112
目前,东营凹陷南坡沙三段已钻遇到坡移扇这一新型的岩性油气藏类型,但是对坡移扇的地质认识较浅,且其识别特征尚不明确,从而制约了坡移扇勘探的进程。通过大量的岩芯精细观察和描述,统计分析了大量实验数据,在结合地震资料分析的基础上,系统总结坡移扇有别于浊积岩的沉积特征等识别标志。分析认为,坡移扇的形成受三角洲的规模和建设性、构造坡度或沉积坡度、构造运动及湖平面变化等因素所控制。  相似文献   
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