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古元古代达肯大坂岩群为柴北缘构造带的变质结晶基底,是柴北缘造山带的重要组成部分。前人在德令哈以西的鱼卡河—锡铁山—沙柳河一带和大柴旦等地对达肯大坂岩群做了较深入的研究,但对于柴北缘东段的研究还相对薄弱,缺乏东西段的对比研究。通过对布赫特山一带达肯大坂岩群中片麻岩和斜长角闪片岩的岩石学、岩石地球化学、年代学研究和区域对比,认为研究区的岩性、矿物组合、变质程度与德令哈以西鱼卡河—锡铁山—沙柳河一带达肯大坂岩群具有较高的相似性。布赫特山一带达肯大坂岩群主要为一套碎屑岩夹火山岩的岩石组合,变形强烈,其形成环境为岛弧与活动性陆缘的过渡环境,且岩浆来源为壳幔混染。由采集的2件Sm-Nd同位素样品得到了2组等时线年龄分别为2085±14Ma和2027±19Ma。由此可知达肯大坂岩群为古元古代柴北缘地区的变质结晶基底,是柴北缘古元古代造山带的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
The stratigraphy and radiolarian age of the Mizuyagadani Formation in the Fukuji area of the Hida‐gaien terrane, central Japan, represent those of Lower Permian clastic‐rock sequences of the Paleozoic non‐accretionary‐wedge terranes of Southwest Japan that formed in island arc–forearc/back‐arc basin settings. The Mizuyagadani Formation consists of calcareous clastic rocks, felsic tuff, tuffaceous sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone, sandstone, mudstone, conglomerate, and lenticular limestone. Two distinctive radiolarian faunas that are newly reported from the Lower Member correspond to the zonal faunas of the Pseudoalbaillella u‐forma morphotype I assemblage zone to the Pseudoalbaillella lomentaria range zone (Asselian to Sakmarian) and the Albaillella sinuata range zone (Kungurian). In spite of a previous interpretation that the Mizuyagadani Formation is of late Middle Permian age, it consists of Asselian to Kungurian tuffaceous clastic strata in its lower part and is conformably overlain by the Middle Permian Sorayama Formation. An inter‐terrane correlation of the Mizuyagadani Formation with Lower Permian tuffaceous clastic strata in the Kurosegawa terrane and the Nagato tectonic zone of Southwest Japan indicates the presence of an extensive Early Permian magmatic arc(s) that involved almost all of the Paleozoic non‐accretionary‐wedge terranes in Japan. These new biostratigraphic data provide the key to understanding the original relationships among highly disrupted Paleozoic terranes in Japan and northeast Asia.  相似文献   
In the Lake Léré region, southern Chad, Neoproterozoic terrains are distributed in four lithostructural groups that reveal the geotectonic evolution of a part of the Pan-African orogenic domain. The first group includes basaltic volcanic rocks and fine-grained detrital sedimentary rocks of pre-tectonic basins that were emplaced in an extensional regime, close to a volcanic arc. The second and third groups include calc-alkaline gabbroic intrusions emplaced at an upper crustal level and a midcrustal tonalite, respectively, that are interpreted to be the roots of an active margin volcanic arc. These first three groups experienced WNW to ESE compression, and may belong to a fore-arc basic—volcanic arc—back-arc basin system that was accreted eastward to the Palaeoproterozoic Adamaoua-Yadé Block. The fourth group includes post-tectonic granite plutons invading the older groups. This paper documents the accretion processes in the southern margin of the Saharan Metacraton.  相似文献   
H2O-undersaturated melting experiments of synthesized basalt (SiO2 = 50.7 wt.%, MgO = 8.3 wt.%, Mg# = 60) were conducted at fO2 corresponding to NNO+1 and NNO−1 to clarify the effects of pressure (2–7 kbar) and H2O on fractional crystallization in island arcs. H2O content was ranged from nominally anhydrous to 4.4 wt.%. Differentiation trends, namely the liquid lines of descent, change sensitively according to pressure-H2O relations. Tholeiitic differentiation trends are reproduced with H2O ≤ ∼2 wt.% in primary magma. With such quantities of H2O, fractional crystallization is controlled by olivine + plagioclase at 2 kbar. Increasing the pressure from 2 to ≥4 kbar induces early crystallization of orthopyroxene instead of olivine and therefore SiO2 enrichment in the residual melts is suppressed. Increasing H2O (≥ ∼2 wt.% in primary magma) stabilizes clinopyroxene relative to orthopyroxene and/or magnetite. Although the phase relations and proportions strongly depend on fO2 and H2O content, differentiation trends are always calc-alkaline.  相似文献   
How ophiolitic mèlanges can be defined as sutures is controversial with regard to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth.The Chinese Altay,East junggar,Tianshan,and Beishan belts of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in Northwest China,offer a special natural laboratory to resolve this puzzle.In the Chinese Altay,the Erqis unit consists of ophiolitic melanges and coherent assemblages,forming a Paleozoic accretionary complex.At least two ophiolitic melanges(Armantai,and Kelameili) in East Junggar,characterized by imbricated ophiolitic melanges,Nb-enriched basalts,adakitic rocks and volcanic rocks,belong to a Devonian-Carboniferous intra-oceanic island arc with some Paleozoic ophiolites,superimposed by Permian arc volcanism.In the Tianshan,ophiolitic melanges like Kanggurtag,North Tianshan,and South Tianshan occur as part of some Paleozoic accretionary complexes related to amalgamation of arc terranes.In the Beishan there are also several ophiolitic melanges,including the Hongshishan,Xingxingxia-Shibangjing,Hongliuhe-Xichangjing,and Liuyuan ophiolitic units.Most ophiolitic melanges in the study area are characterized by ultramafic,mafic and other components,which are juxtaposed,or even emplaced as lenses and knockers in a matrix of some coherent units.The tectonic settings of various components are different,and some adjacent units in the same melange show contrasting different tectonic settings.The formation ages of these various components are in a wide spectrum,varying from Neoproterozoic to Permian.Therefore we cannot assume that these ophiolitic melanges always form in linear sutures as a result of the closure of specific oceans.Often the ophiolitic components formed either as the substrate of intra-oceanic arcs,or were accreted as lenses or knockers in subduction-accretion complexes.Using published age and paleogeographic constraints,we propose the presence of (1) a major early Paleozoic tectonic boundary that separates the Chinese Altay-East Junggar multiple subduction system  相似文献   
阿尔金山中段清水泉—茫崖蛇绿构造混杂岩带地质特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
校培喜 《西北地质》2003,36(2):20-29
清水泉—茫崖蛇绿构造混杂岩带沿阿尔金山南坡分布,呈醒目的"绿色岩带",其主要由蛇绿岩、蛇绿岩上覆岩系和元古代外来岩片或岩块组成,现多为构造透镜体,蛇绿岩上覆岩系具远洋深海沉积特征;岩石地球化学资料研究证明,蛇绿岩中的玄武岩与洋内岛弧拉斑玄武岩相似;同位素测年结果显示蛇绿岩形成于早古生代,蛇绿岩源自亏损的软流圈地幔,同时有富集地幔物质加入,暗示早古生代研究区曾出现过小洋盆构造环境。  相似文献   
新疆东天山地区泥盆纪火山活动频繁,火山岩广泛发育。火山岩系由钙碱系列(占75%)石英安山岩、英安岩、玄武岩、碱长流纹岩以及大量的火山碎屑岩,和拉斑玄武系列(约占25%)的石英拉斑玄武岩,少量橄榄拉斑玄武岩组成。岩石普遍富含Na_2O,SiO_2,而贫MgO,K_2O,以CaO,属钠质型和普通型。稀有元素配分型式具“三隆起”特征,过渡族元素呈明显的“W”形态,稀土元素为铕平坦或略具亏损的轻稀土富集型。据研究,火山岩由南至北具明显的钾元素地球化学极性。反映其板块构造环境为一俯冲带倾向北的陆壳型岛弧。  相似文献   
We investigated the metamorphic cooling history of underplated magmatic rocks at midcrustal depth. Granulites and amphibolites occur within the Jurassic magmatic belt of the Coast Range south of Antofagasta in northern Chile between 23°25' and 24°20' S. The protoliths of the metamorphic rocks are basic intrusions of Early Mesozoic age. They are part of the magmatically formed crust, and the essentially dry magmas were emplaced in an extensional regime. The granulites (clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene–plagioclase) show all stages of fabric development from magmatic to granoblastic fabrics. Pyroxene compositions were reset at temperatures around 800°  C independent of the stage of textural equilibration. The granulites were partially amphibolitized at upper amphibolite facies temperatures of 600–700°  C. Following cooling, a possible reheating to greenschist facies temperatures around 500°  C is indicated by prograde zoning in magnetite–ilmenite pairs. Mineral assemblages are not suitable for barometry, but a conservative estimation of the garnet-in reaction at given whole-rock compositions suggests maximum pressures in the granulite facies of around 5 kbar, and similar pressures are indicated by phengite barometry for the greenschist facies. The P–T  path of granulite–amphibolite metamorphism is one of slow cooling from magmatic temperatures with heterogeneous deformation. The thinning of the pre-Andean (Precambrian–Triassic) crust was apparently compensated by the magmatic underplating and this special tectonomagmatic setting caused the prolonged residence of the accreted rocks at midcrustal levels.  相似文献   
广西构造实为一弧形构造,它由四个并排的北东—北西向的轭状弧带所组成。每个弧带的前部,为坚硬的岩块所组成,所产生的断裂及岩浆活动对寻找与火成岩有关的矿产有一定意义。每个弧带的后部,产生盆地型沉积,有利于沉积矿产的形成。  相似文献   
We applied our group's previously published multidimensional diagrams in 2006–2012 and corresponding probability estimates in 2011–2012 to geochemical data for Archaean rocks compiled from cratons in Australia, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, and India. Tectonic processes similar to present-day plate tectonics evidently were active at least since the Palaeoarchaean (?3570 Ma). This seems to be true in spite of a presumably hotter Earth at that time. For the eastern part of the Pilbara craton (Australia), a Palaeoarchaean (3570–3450 Ma) and Mesoarchaean (2900 Ma) continental arc setting apparently evolved to a collision (Col) setting during the Neoarchaean (2600 Ma). We infer an island arc (IA) environment for Kambalda (Australia) during the Neoarchaean (2700 Ma). For the Barberton belt (South Africa), a transition from a mid-ocean ridge regime during the older part of the Palaeoarchaean (3470 Ma) to an IA setting during the younger part (3300–3260 Ma) is likely. We inferred an arc environment for the São Francisco craton (Brazil) and the Rio Maria terrane (Brazil) during the Mesoarchaean (3085–2983 Ma and 2870 Ma, respectively), whereas a within-plate setting is clearly indicated for the Carajás metallogenic province (Brazil) during the Neoarchaean (2740–2700 Ma). We also recognize an IA regime for the Mesoarchaean (3000 Ma) North Caribou and Neoarchaean (2700 Ma) Abitibi greenstone belts (Canada), and for the Gadwal greenstone belt (India) during the Neoarchaean (2700–2500 Ma). A Col setting was inferred for the Archaean sanukitoid suite (Canada) and the Kolar suture zone (India) during the Neoarchaean (2700–2660 Ma and 2630–2520 Ma, respectively).  相似文献   
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