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Mylonitic structures related to two orogenic events are described from the upper and lower contacts of the Combin zone and the immediately overlying upper Austroalpine Dent Blanche nappe/Mont Mary klippe and the directly underlying lower Austroalpine Etirol-Levaz slice. The first event, Late Eocene in age, commenced during blueschist facies P-T conditions, but pre-dated the peak of subsequent greenschist facies overprint. The second event, Early Oligocene in age, took place during retrograde greenschist facies conditions. Most sense of shear indicators associated with the retrograde mylonites indicate top SE shearing, but subordinate top NW displacing shear sense indicators have also been mapped. Mylonitic top SE shearing appears to be restricted to the Combin zone and its upper and lower contacts. Within the Dent Blanche nappe and Mont Mary klippe and at the base of the Etirol-Levaz slice, structures were observed which developed during blueschist/greenschist facies conditions and are, in conjunction with the P-T-t history of these rocks, inferred to be older. Associated kinematic data indicate a top NW shear sense. Comparable blueschist/greenschist facies shear sense indicators have not been observed in the Combin zone. Nonetheless, the foliation in the Combin zone shows a progressive evolution from blueschist facies to greenschist facies to retrograde greenschist facies conditions. This indicates that the Combin zone and the immediately over- and underlying Austroalpine units shared a common tectono-metamorphic evolution since the Late Eocene. Finite strain data reveal oblate strain fabrics, which are thought to result from a true flattening strain geometry. Flow path modelling reveals a general non-coaxial deformation régime and corroborates significant departures from a simple shear deformation. In the study area, mylonitic top SE shearing in the Combin zone is attributed to Early Oligocene backfolding and backthrusting of the Mischabel phase. Temperature-time curves suggest slight reheating in the Monte Rosa nappe underneath and cooling in the Dent Blanche nappe above the Combin zone, hence confirming a thrust interpretation for this event. The top NW displacing structures are thought to result from Late Eocene emplacement of the Dent Blanche nappe and the Combin zone onto the Middle Pennine Barrhorn series along the Combin fault. As related structures initiated during mildly blueschist facies conditions in the Dent Blanche nappe and the underlying Combin zone and both were emplaced together onto the greenschist facial Barrhorn series, it is concluded that the structures developed as the nappes moved upward relative to the earth's surface. Thus the Combin fault is regarded as a thrust. The geometry of this structure indicates that the Combin fault is an out of sequence thrust that locally cut down section. Hence, top NW out of sequence thrusting caused local thinning of the metamorphic/structural section in association with horizontal shortening. Out of sequence thrusts cutting down section, and back-thrusts, offer the possibility of explaining the pronounced break in the grade of metamorphism across the Combin fault, i.e. the contact between the eclogite facial Zermatt-Saas zone and the overlying lower grade Combin zone, by contractional deformation.  相似文献   
The evolution of an active continental margin is simulated in two dimensions, using a finite difference thermomechanical code with half-staggered grid and marker-in-cell technique. The effect of mechanical properties, changing as a function of P and T, assigned to different crustal layers and mantle materials in the simple starting structure is discussed for a set of numerical models. For each model, representative PT paths are displayed for selected markers. Both the intensity of subduction erosion and the size of the frontal accretionary wedge are strongly dependent on the rheology chosen for the overriding continental crust. Tectonically eroded upper and lower continental crust is carried down to form a broad orogenic wedge, intermingling with detached oceanic crust and sediments from the subducted plate and hydrated mantle material from the overriding plate. A small portion of the continental crust and trench sediments is carried further down into a narrow subduction channel, intermingling with oceanic crust and hydrated mantle material, and to some extent extruded to the rear of the orogenic wedge underplating the overriding continental crust. The exhumation rates for (ultra)high pressure rocks can exceed subduction and burial rates by a factor of 1.5–3, when forced return flow in the hanging wall portion of the self-organizing subduction channel is focused. The simulations suggest that a minimum rate of subduction is required for the formation of a subduction channel, because buoyancy forces may outweigh drag forces for slow subduction. For a weak upper continental crust, simulated by a high pore pressure coefficient in the brittle regime, the orogenic wedge and megascale melange reach a mid- to upper-crustal position within 10–20 Myr (after 400–600 km of subduction). For a strong upper crust, a continental lid persists over the entire time span covered by the simulation. The structural pattern is similar in all cases, with four zones from trench toward arc: (a) an accretionary complex of low-grade metamorphic sedimentary material; (b) a wedge of mainly continental crust, with medium-grade HP metamorphic overprint, wound up and stretched in a marble cake fashion to appear as nappes with alternating upper and lower crustal provenance, and minor oceanic or hydrated mantle interleaved material; (c) a megascale melange composed of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic oceanic and continental crust, and hydrated mantle, all extruded from the subduction channel; (d) zone represents the upward tilted frontal part of the remaining upper plate lid in the case of a weak upper crust. The shape of the PT paths and the time scales correspond to those typically recorded in orogenic belts. Comparison of the numerical results with the European Alps reveals some similarities in their gross structural and metamorphic pattern exposed after collision. A similar structure may be developed at depth beneath the forearc of the Andes, where the importance of subduction erosion is well documented, and where a strong upper crust forms a stable lid.  相似文献   
吴珍汉  叶培盛  胡道功  陆露 《地质通报》2011,30(07):1009-1016
西藏羌塘地块南部古近纪发育肖茶卡-双湖逆冲推覆构造、多玛-其香错逆冲推覆构造、赛布错-扎加藏布逆冲推覆构造,构成古近纪大型逆冲推覆构造系统。沿逆冲推覆构造的前锋断层,二叠系白云岩与大理岩化灰岩、三叠系砂岩与页岩、侏罗系碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩和三叠纪—侏罗纪蛇绿岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古近纪红色砂砾岩之上,形成规模不等的构造岩片与飞来峰。羌塘盆地南部主要的逆冲断层和下伏的褶皱红层被中新世湖相沉积地层角度不整合覆盖,表明逆冲推覆构造运动自中新世以来基本停止活动。羌塘盆地南部古近纪逆冲推覆构造运动在近南北方向产生的最小位移为90km,指示新生代早期上地壳缩短率约为47%。古近纪逆冲推覆构造对羌塘盆地油气资源具有重要影响。  相似文献   
The Schlinig fault at the western border of theÖtztal nappe (Eastern Alps), previously interpreted as a west-directed thrust, actually represents a Late Cretaceous, top-SE to -ESE normal fault, as indicated by sense-of-shear criteria found within cataclasites and greenschist-facies mylonites. Normal faulting postdated and offset an earlier, Cretaceous-age, west-directed thrust at the base of theÖtztal nappe. Shape fabric and crystallographic preferred orientation in completely recrystallized quartz layers in a mylonite from the Schlinig fault record a combination of (1) top-east-southeast simple shear during Late Cretaceous normal faulting, and (2) later north-northeast-directed shortening during the Early Tertiary, also recorded by open folds on the outcrop and map scale. Offset of the basal thrust of theÖtztal nappe across the Schlinig fault indicates a normal displacement of 17 km. The fault was initiated with a dip angle of 10° to 15° (low-angle normal fault). Domino-style extension of the competent Late Triassic Hauptdolomit in the footwall was kinematically linked to normal faulting.

The Schlinig fault belongs to a system of east- to southeast-dipping normal faults which accommodated severe stretching of the Alpine orogen during the Late Cretaceous. The slip direction of extensional faults often parallels the direction of earlier thrusting (top-W to top-NW), only the slip sense is reversed and the normal faults are slightly steeper than the thrusts. In the western Austroalpine nappes, extension started at about 80 Ma and was coeval with subduction of Piemont-Ligurian oceanic lithosphere and continental fragments farther west. The extensional episode led to the formation of Austroalpine Gosau basins with fluviatile to deep-marine sediments. West-directed rollback of an east-dipping Piemont-Ligurian subduction zone is proposed to have caused this stretching in the upper plate.  相似文献   

In the Chelif basin, the geochemical characterization reveals that the Upper Cretaceous and Messinian shales have a high generation potential. The former exhibits fair to good TOC values ranging from 0.5 to 1.2% with a max. of 7%. The Messinian series show TOC values comprised between 0.5 and 2.3% and a high hydrogen index (HI) with values up to 566 mg HC/g TOC. Based on petroleum geochemistry (CPLC and CPGC) technics, the oil-to source correlation shows that the oil of the Tliouanet field display the same signature as extracts from the Upper Cretaceous source rocks (Cenomanian to Campanian). In contrast, oil from the Ain Zeft field contains oleanane, and could thus have been sourced by the Messinian black shale or older Cenozoic series. Two petroleum systems are distinguished: Cretaceous (source rock) – middle to upper Miocene (reservoirs) and Messinian (source rock)/Messinian (reservoirs). Overall, the distribution of Cretaceous-sourced oil in the south, directly connected with the surface trace of the main border fault of the Neogene pull-apart basin, rather suggests a dismigration from deeper reservoirs located in the parautochthonous subthrust units or in the underthrust foreland, rather than from the Tellian allochthon itself (the latter being mainly made up of tectonic mélange at the base, reworking blocks and slivers of Upper Cretaceous black shale and Lower Miocene clastics). Conversely, the occurrence of Cenozoic-sourced oils in the north suggests that the Neogene depocenters of the Chelif thrust-top pull-apart basin reached locally the oil window, and therefore account for a local oil kitchen zone. In spite of their limited extension, allochthonous Upper cretaceous Tellian formations still conceal potential source rock layers, particularly around the Dahra Mountains and the Tliouanet field. Additionally they are also recognized by the W11 well in the western part of the basin (Tahamda). The results of the thermal modelling of the same well shows that there is generation and migration of oil from this source rock level even at recent times (since 8 Ma), coevally with the Plio-Quaternary traps formation. Therefore, there is a possibility of an in-situ oil migration and accumulation, even from Tellian Cretaceous units, to the recent structures, like in the Sedra structure. However, the oil remigration from deep early accumulations into the Miocene reservoirs is the most favourable case in terms of hydrocarbon potential of the Chelif basin.  相似文献   
We applied the zircon evaporation method and zircon typological and compositional studies to detrital-zircon populations of quartzphyllite complexes of the Eastern Alps, including the Southalpine (Vetriolo and Recoaro) and the Austroalpine (Goldeck, Gailtal, and Thurntaler) complexes. Combined zircon morphology and geochemical and geochronological analyses (single-zircon evaporation technique) provided significant constraints for the age of the studied protoliths. The morphological study points out that zircons from Austroalpine and Southalpine quartzphyllites show substantial differences in terms of shape, colour, size, type of inclusions, cracks, and turbidity. Electron microprobe analyses (Si, Zr, Hf, P: HREE) indicate homogeneous compositions, suggesting common source areas characterized by granitoid rocks, whereas typology indicates the existence of two distinct groups. Zircon ages from the quartzphyllites are rather different, those from Austroalpine samples being younger than Southalpine ones. Pb–Pb zircon ages define two principal evolutionary sequences. The Austroalpine complexes are characterized by an older evolution typical of subduction-related magmatism. This started by 598 Ma N-MORB-type, mainly involving depleted mantle sources, and finished with 379–341 Ma acid suites typical of a crustal source. Southalpine complexes zircon ages show an evolution characterized by tholeiitic and 473 Ma alkaline within-plate basalt-type suites in both pre- and post-Early Ordovician units. It involved intraplate mantle metasomatism and an enrichment trend along multicomponent sources. These magmatic evolution lines can be related to a plate-tectonic scenario that involved terrane accretion in a progressively mature Neoproterozoic to Ordovician active margin and a subsequent Palaeo-Tethys passive margin along the north Gondwanan periphery.  相似文献   
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