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Collision orogeny at arc-arc junctions in the Japanese Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaku  Kimura 《Island Arc》1996,5(3):262-275
Abstract In the Japanese Islands, collision tectonics are operating at arc-arc junctions in three regions: Hokkaido, Central Japan and Kyushu. Hokkaido is situated at the junction of the Kuril and Northeast Japan Arcs. The Kuril fore arc sliver collides with the Northeast Japan Arc, and the lower crust of the Kuril Arc thrusts upon the fore arc of the Northeast Japan Arc in Hokkaido. Outcrops of the lower crust are observed in the Hidaka Mountains in the fore arc of the junction area. Central Japan is in the juncture area among the Northeast Japan, Izu-Bonin, and Southwest Japan Arcs. The Izu-Bonin arc is colliding against the Honshu mainland, which has been bent by the collision. Kyushu is a juvenile collision area between the Southwest Japan and Ryukyu Arcs. The fore arc of the Southwest Japan Arc is starting to underthrust beneath the Kyushu islands along the Bungo Strait, where shallow seismicity within the crust is active in terms of the collision. Collision tectonics are observed at most of the arc-arc junctions in the circum-Pacific orogenic belts and may be an important process contributing to the relatively rapid growth of new continental crust in subduction zones.  相似文献   
大别山前寒武纪变质地体基本组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桑隆康  游振东 《地质论评》1994,40(3):265-273
本文以新城-圻春断裂为界将大别山前寒武纪变质地体划分为华北陆块南缘和场子陆块北缘两个次级变质地体,两个次级地体不仅在地球物理,构造变形方面明显不同,而且在物质成分上有显著差异,它们有各自独立的变质地层系统,遭受了不同类型的变质作用,有完全不同的岩浆活动图象,上述差异均可指示华北,扬子两古陆碰掸对接时扬子陆块北缘向北俯冲至华北陆块南缘之下,这可能包括两次合作用,从元古代开始至中生代最终结束的长期复杂  相似文献   
根据冀北-辽西-大兴安岭地区晚中生代具有相关沉积建造组合、火山-沉积建造组合、生物组合和构造类型组合特征,提出建立与造山运动"同期"的构造地层单位概念.认为这种构造地层单位的概念有利于以区域构造演化为主线,理解"同造山期"陆缘活化区陆相沉积以及火山-沉积盆地地层系统的复杂性,并从区域构造学角度提出该地区地层划分、对比的方案.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(13):1475-1496
We interpret the voluminous late Eocene–early Oligocene volcanic successions of the north-central Sierra Madre del Sur as the eruptive manifestation of a progressive thermomechanical maturation of the crust, driven by sustained igneous activity that affected the region since the early Eocene. Widespread Eocene magmatism and injection of mantle-derived melts into the crust beneath the Michoacán-Puebla area promoted the development of a hot zone extending to upper crustal levels, and the formation of a mature intracrustal magmatic system. Within this context, the intermediate siliceous compositions of the Tilzapotla, Muñeca, and Goleta explosive centres were generated through fractional crystallization, crustal contamination, and anatexis. In particular, decreasing bulk-rock Sr and Eu concentrations and Nd isotopes with increasing silica in the Tilzapotla and Muñeca suites document an evolution through low-pressure fractional crystallization of plagioclase-dominated assemblages, simultaneous with the assimilation of middle–upper crustal materials. In contrast, marked Eu, Sr, and Ba depletions coupled with high and variable Rb/Nd at constant 143Nd/144Nd in the Goleta rhyolites suggest their derivation from partial melting of biotite-bearing quartz-feldspathic lithologies. Ascent of the thermal anomaly induced by magma emplacement and accumulation at shallow depths shifted the brittle–ductile crustal transition close to the surface, and produced an ignimbrite flare-up through caldera-forming eruptions. A different petrogenetic–volcanologic scenario developed in north-western Oaxaca, where less profuse early–middle Eocene igneous activity and an ancient lower crustal basement made up of refractory granulitic lithologies inhibited the expansion of the hot zone to shallow levels, and constrained magmatic evolution at depth. Here, composite and monogenetic volcanoes with intermediate compositions were produced through high-pressure fractional crystallization and crustal contamination. Specifically, increasing La/Yb and Sm/Yb with increasing silica in the Oaxaca suite, and negative correlations of Nd isotopes with SiO2 at low Rb/Nd, suggest garnet fractionation from parental basalts, coupled with the assimilation of Rb-depleted lower crustal materials.  相似文献   
古亚洲构造域侵入岩时——空演化框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,许多著名学者提出众多模型,讨论古亚洲构造域的构造演化和造山(带)结构样式。但是,认识上的分歧很大,特别是关于主洋盆的空间位置和闭合时间。本文主要基于中国侵入岩大地构造编图(1∶250万)和研究这个侧面,参与讨论。1侵入(岩)弧,碰撞和后造山岩石组合,随时间由西向东变新,同时,主构造带走向从近东西向转为近南北向,暗示古亚洲洋的闭合最终转化为太平洋构造域。2位于主洋盆北侧的是宽阔的西伯利亚克拉通南缘的沟——弧——盆系统;位于南侧的西面为南天山被动陆缘,中部为塔里木克拉通北缘的窄的沟——弧——盆系统,东面为华北克拉通北缘的活动陆缘。3主体侵入(岩)弧的内部分散地分布着从Pt3开始的残留弧和残留oφ,被看做是主体弧的基底。4传统上认为的构造相对稳定的"地块",本文基于它们的侵入(岩)组合归为残留弧,认为不是构造上相对稳定的性质,并未采用"地块"的术语,而把它们看作洋陆转换过程中早期残余岛弧处理。5提出主洋盆的识别有三个标志,(a)洋闭合最晚,(b)或为双向俯冲(当两侧均为活动大陆边缘时),或单向俯冲(当一侧为被动陆缘,另一侧为活动陆缘时),(c)长寿命的洋以及洋闭合带常常发育地中海式残余洋发育的陆——陆碰撞早阶段。6该构造域主要发育Pt3——T的侵入(岩)弧和oφ,支持S¨engor等关于大量新生陆壳的推测,亦与大量花岗岩类为εNd(t)"+"值符合。新生陆壳的形成又暗示,长时间的洋俯冲必导致地幔的冷却,以及大量榴辉岩进入地幔,最终导致高密度的地幔下降流形成,必导致洋的闭合与随后的陆——陆碰撞,形成最初的东亚大陆。  相似文献   
张抗 《地质通报》2018,37(1):1-6
安加拉-阿尔丹和华北-塔里木两大克拉通之间地壳相对活动性的地区,地质界多称为中亚陆间区,其南带大部分在中国境内。近年来,中国开始把其上古生界作为油气新区、新领域。多数人认为,其在晚古生代已形成过渡型地壳区,其中有许多地块已逐步拼合,在其上发育裂谷型沉积地质体,未受到区域变质,若干实体变形微弱并被上覆层掩盖而得到保存。源于上古生界的油气既可赋存在其内,也可运聚于中生界或基岩内,在其西段已发现了大中型油气田群。但其整体地质研究程度偏低,仍有许多重大区域地质、油气地质问题存在歧见。针对其近年来的进展、存在的问题和油气远景评价作了概括性的评论。  相似文献   
在科尔沁沙地南缘选取了两个典型的风成黄土-古土壤序列,对其记录的Rb-Sr地球化学特征进行了分析。结果表明,Rb-Sr含量变化与黄土高原黄土-古土壤序列相似,但Rb含量小于黄土高原,Sr含量则相反,可能是因为研究区距源区较近,粒径较粗,加之气候干冷,化学风化强度较弱造成的。总体而言,我国东北地区黄土Rb/Sr值作为反映东亚夏季风强弱变化的替代性指标是可行的。综合分析认为,晚第四纪科尔沁地区古气候存在多次明显的干湿变化,特别是在108~144、233±21和86±7 ka前后,气候较为暖湿;在261±32 ka前后,极为干冷,甚至出现沙漠化过程。晚第四纪科尔沁沙地的古气候变化,是东亚季风强弱变化的反映,也可能是全球气候变化在我国东北地区的体现。  相似文献   
费平 《地质与资源》2016,25(1):17-21
以板块构造学说为指导,以大陆动力学理论研究大陆块体离散、会聚、碰撞、造山的大陆动力学过程为主线,划分了陆块构造演化阶段.辽宁省由胶辽陆块、晋冀辽陆块2个Ⅰ级构造古地理单元组成;Ⅱ级构造古地理单元3个,即辽东陆内、燕辽裂谷、燕辽陆内;Ⅲ级构造古地理单元11个;Ⅳ级构造古地理单元14个.利用沉积岩建造组合与构造古地理单元时空结构演化关系,为研究辽宁省大地构造环境演化提供较系统的基础地质资料.  相似文献   
松辽白垩纪近海陆相盆地最大湖侵期的泉头组一嫩江组时期,可能发生了三次较大规模的海水入侵事件,时间分别为泉三、四段一青一段(阿尔布期),青二、三段顶部(土仑期)和嫩一、二段(晚桑托一早坎佩尼期)。海水注入使湖盆的水文地球化学和环境地球化学条件均发生改变,并在层序中留下沉积记录。海进期主要表现为:①重同位素组份增加,直至与同期海相层序的同位素组成相同;②介质的盐度指标(Sr/Ba)、碱度指标(Ca+Mg)/(Si+Al)、还原性指标(Zn+Ni)/Ga和硫通量指标(S归-化含量)均系统增加。相反,海退期则上述指标显著降低。根据沉积层序的同位素组成、同期海水的同位素组成和同位素分馏的质量平衡关系,可求出研究层段内同位素的海水来源与淡水来源的比例(混合度)为0-5。并由此恢复出海平面升降曲线。  相似文献   
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