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‘Urban re-generations' is written as an afterword to the special issue of Australian Geographer on ‘The Politics of Urban Greening in Australian Cities'. The collection prompts a deep questioning of reparative and regenerative work associated with greening, green spaces and green infrastructures. The climate-driven 2019-2020 bushfire crisis and COVID-19 have amplified the visibility of the more-than-human connectivity of our cities and the deep underlying structures of social and environmental inequity underpinning a variety of urban green spaces and agendas. Inspired by the articles in this special issue, the afterword explores how we might call back the grammars and practices of regeneration from their service to the neo-liberal, settler-colonial city and instead nurture reparative de-colonial practices that aid in the collaborative work of re-composing, becoming into better relation with, and working in modes of situated historical and cultural difference, with green and just cities.  相似文献   
Natural hazards theory with its emphasis on understanding the human–hazard interaction has much to offer in better understanding how individuals respond to the wildfire hazard. Ironically, very few natural hazards studies have actually looked at wildfires, despite the insights the field might offer. This report is structured around four interrelated questions that are often heard from individuals involved with wildfire management. Examining these four items through the natural hazards lens can demonstrate just a few of the ways the field can help us think more clearly about individual response to risk and how to increase participation in fire mitigation and support for fire management practices.  相似文献   
This essay aims to strengthen our comprehension of the dynamic articulation between political and ecological processes within the contexts of human–environmental interactions. Utilizing the theoretical approach of political ecology, this study emphasizes the importance of recognizing the active role that nature plays in shaping human–environment relations and the need to see environmental change as the result of social action and ecological dynamics. In order to do justice to the constantly shifting relationships between nature and society, political-ecological analyses require an integrated understanding of the interconnections between political struggles over environmental resources, cultural meanings attached to the environment, and the ecological dynamics of environmental change.  相似文献   
This study used constructs from the theory of planned behavior and protection motivation theory, along with past experience, to predict wildland-interface homeowners' willingness to implement defensible space and their interest in a consultation program aimed at reducing their risk from wildfire. Self-administered surveys (n = 112) from four small Oregon Coast Range communities revealed neutral attitudes about defensible space as a whole. Regression analysis revealed that interest in the consultation program was a function of the perceived effectiveness of defensible space, past experience with fire, and perception of wildfire risk. Willingness to implement defensible space was predicted by the perceived effectiveness of and attitude toward defensible space. However, these two models left much of the variation in behavioral intention unexplained. Results demonstrate the value of integrating different cognitive constructs to predict behavioral intentions. They also highlight potential avenues for communication campaigns to increase homeowners' involvement in protecting themselves from wildfire.  相似文献   
Collaborative approaches have become increasingly evident in policies governing environmental management. However, realizing these approaches has proven to be challenging. In this article we discuss why this is the case by using a gender-theoretical lens. By attending to prevailing norms of masculinity and femininity within Swedish environmental agencies, we gain understanding about what implications these norms have for working collaboratively. Our findings suggest that these organizations are gendered, leaving women administrators with lower status tasks, not in line with the traditional scientific expert roles valued in these organizations. The gender of administrators are thus both a cause and effect: The status of collaborative projects is low in the natural resource management organization, which leads to administrators having low status getting appointed these projects, which in turn reproduces the view of these projects as less important. Our findings contribute to the discussion on problems of realizing collaborative environmental policies.  相似文献   
In response to growing wildfire concerns in the U.S. West and elsewhere, public land management agencies are promoting a variety of programs to reduce the risk exposure of homeowners to catastrophic wildfires. Experimental economics, using laboratory markets with real payoffs, provides a unique, low-cost tool for examining how changes in various policies or institutional arrangements may affect complex decision making. In this article we present the initial results of our ongoing efforts to explore the factors that influence the willingness to pay for insurance and risk-averting activities. Using significant dollar payoffs and recruited subjects, the experimental setting mimics the decision processes faced by individual homeowners located in the wildland–urban interface (WUI) and is very context rich. To demonstrate the potential uses of market experiments as part of the larger social sciences toolkit to inform policy, we present preliminary results from a set of illustrative treatments.  相似文献   
This study tests the relationship between spatial scale and hazard perception, accounting for selected sociodemographic and property-related factors. Results reveal significant relationships between spatial scale and wildfire hazard perceptions of survey respondents from Arizona's White Mountains. Hazard perception increased across four ascending spatial scalar levels (from home structure to community levels). Relationships between two (of eight) variables (property landscape hazard exposure, ecological knowledge) and hazard perception were significant when ignoring spatial scale; when accounting for spatial scale, however, significant relationships registered at specific levels for seven variables (home ignitability, property landscape hazard exposure, mitigation, property value, housing tenure, full-time/part-time residency, ecological knowledge). Residents with lower (vs. higher) home ignitability, residents of higher (vs. lower) value properties, and owner-occupants (vs. renters) had significantly lower hazard perceptions at the home structure level and higher hazard perceptions at the community level. Findings are novel to risk perception research and have important implications.  相似文献   
Moving objects produce trajectories, which are typically observed in a finite sample of time‐stamped locations. Between sample points, we are uncertain about the moving objects's location. When we assume extra information about an object, for instance, a (possibly location‐dependent) speed limit, we can use space–time prisms to model the uncertainty of an object's location.

Until now, space–time prisms have been studied for unconstrained movement in the 2D plane. In this paper, we study space–time prisms for objects that are constrained to travel on a road network. Movement on a road network can be viewed as essentially one‐dimensional. We describe the geometry of a space–time prism on a road network and give an algorithm to compute and visualize space–time prisms. For experiments and illustration, we have implemented this algorithm in MATHEMATICA.

Furthermore, we study the alibi query, which asks whether two moving objects could have possibly met or not. This comes down to deciding if the chains of space–time prisms produced by these moving objects intersect. We give an efficient algorithm to answer the alibi query for moving objects on a road network. This algorithm also determines where and when two moving objects may have met.  相似文献   
基于2010~2019年ERA5单层再分析资料,结合安徽省淮南森林观测站2016年5月1日至2017年4月30日的大气边界层塔(PBL塔)观测资料,驱动陆面模式CLM4.5(Community Land Model Version 4.5),模拟了淮南山地森林下垫面上的陆面过程,并比较分析了不同驱动场对其影响,同时设计了土壤质地对土壤湿度影响的三个模拟试验。结果表明,CLM4.5对淮南森林陆气交换过程表现了较好的模拟性能,PBL塔观测资料驱动的总体模拟效果优于ERA5再分析资料的。在辐射模拟方面,CLM4.5利用ERA5资料和PBL塔观测资料,都很好地模拟了辐射分量,特别是PBL塔观测资料驱动的全年模拟结果与观测相关系数达0.97以上,均方根误差在25.056 W m−2以下。ERA5再分析资料强迫模拟的相关系数略低,但也达到了0.92,均方根误差在29.939 W m−2以下。在土壤温度模拟方面,相关系数都达到0.98以上;土壤湿度模拟的相关系数都在0.86以上,但系统性偏高;对感热通量的模拟全年平均的相关系数分别为0.72和0.78。实测的三层土壤质地加上深层给定的土壤质地的数据对土壤湿度的模拟结果与观测最为接近,土壤质地的准确描述可以大幅提高土壤湿度的模拟。本研究发现ERA5单层再分析资料在淮南森林站精度较好,可以应用于该山地森林区域陆—气交换过程的模拟研究。  相似文献   
利用1998~2018年5~9月NCEP/NCAR全球分析数据、大气观测资料、青藏高原低涡切变线年鉴,采用伴随低涡活动的动态合成方法比较分析了准平直东移长、短路径暖季高影响高原涡的结构特征,进一步讨论了长、短路径涡的强度与其结构的关系,从而说明长、短路径涡的演变某种程度上是由低涡自身的结构决定的。其主要结论如下:(1)长、短路径涡相同的结构特征有:生成时是浅薄的天气系统、移出高原后发展为较深厚的天气系统;在不同的活动阶段低涡的涡度变化趋势一致。(2)长、短路径涡的结构特征明显差别表现在:加强时,长路径涡所伴的正涡度柱比短路径涡深厚,上升运动柱比短路径涡强;长路径涡所伴的正涡度柱随高度升高向北倾斜、涡度值上小下大,不同于短路径涡呈对称分布、涡度值上大下小;长路径涡所伴的南风中心位置比短路径涡偏东,东、西风交汇位置比短路径涡更偏南、更强;长路径涡加强时涡区上空正涡度平流中心位置比移出时下降、强度加强,且持续时间长、向东偏离低涡,短路径涡则相反。(3)长、短路径涡在不同演变中,低涡的强度变化是由输入涡区的正涡度平流支撑的。长、短路径涡加强时的结构特征差异体现了长路径涡蕰含涡度增加的垂直输送机制和正涡度平流强迫上升运动增强而使低涡加强的动力机制。  相似文献   
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