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为了热烈庆祝中国科学院大气物理研究所成立80周年(1928~2008年),作者谨就五年来中国科学院大气物理研究所的科学家们完成的关于我国气候变异和气候预测方面的研究工作若干新成果作一些非常概要性的介绍,个中也包含一点所外科学家的工作。不周和不当之处只有请读者海涵和批评指正了。本文介绍的主要进展有三个方面:关于我国气候年际变异的研究、ENSO预测研究和数值气候预测研究。  相似文献   
Based on the daily reanalysis data of NCEP / NCAR and by using the method of phase space reconstruction, the point conditional probability density of the subtropical high ridge index are determined and then used, together with their power spectra, to seek the correlation between them and individual monsoon-affecting factors and their power spectra. Through diagnosis, six indexes are discovered that have the most important effects on the subtropical high index. The results of the diagnosis indicate that the technique can identify the factors which are dynamically correlated. It can offer the basis in determining and choosing dynamic conceptual factors.  相似文献   
Impacts of Coastal SST Variability on the East Asian Summer Monsoon   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The impacts of the seasonal and interannual SST variability in the East Asia coastal regions (EACRSST) on the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) have been examined using a regional climate model (PδRCM9) in this paper. The simulation results show that the correlation between the EACRSST and the EASM is strengthened after the mid-1970s and also the variability of the EACRSST forcing becomes much more important to the EASM interannual variability after the mid-1970s. The impacts of the EACRSST on the summer precipitation over each sub-region in the EASM region become weak gradually from south to north, and the temporal evolution features of the summer precipitation differences over North and Northeast China agree well with those of the index of EASM (IEASM) differences.
The mechanism analyses show that different EACRSST forcings result in the differences of sensible and latent heat flux exchanges at the air-sea interface, which alter the heating rate of the atmosphere. The heating rate differences induce low level air temperature differences over East Asia, resulting in the differences of the land-sea thermal contrast (LSTC) which lead to 850 hPa geopotential height changes. When the 850 hPa geopotential height increases over the East Asian continent and decreases over the coast of East China and the adjacent oceans during the weakening period of weakens consequently. On the contrary, the EASM enhances during the strengthening period of the LSTC.  相似文献   
In this paper,we use a two-dimensional primary equation model which contains (1) heating ofradiation,(2) heating of condensation,and (3) transfers of sensible and latent heat between air andthe underlying surface.To investigate the causes for the formation of the eastern North Pacific sum-mer monsoon,the data at 110°W are obtained and winds at underlying surface and at 200 hPa aremodified under the conditions (1) removing topography and (2) changing meridional sea surface tem-perature (SST) gradient.In the numerical modification,we find that by removing the topography,the center's location ofthe eastern North Pacific summer monsoon does not change,but the intensity of the summer monsoonis weakened.Also the onset of the summer monsoon is delayed to the end of May.The tropical east-erly jet is weakened obviously,even changes to westerly wind.On the other hand,we find that theSST gradient along 110°W influences the eastern North Pacific summer monsoon distinctly.If theSST gradient is decreased,the center of the southwest wind near 12°N does not exist any more.theintensity of the whole summer monsoon becomes very weak and the circulation pattern of the summermonsoon also changes a lot.Finally,we indicate that both topography and meridional SST gradient play important roles inthe occurrence of the eastern North Pacific summer monsoon.The meridional SST gradient is themost important factor that triggers the summer monsoon and the topography along 110°W influencesthe intensity and the onset time of the summer monsoon there mostly.  相似文献   
The variation of the Asian winter monsoonal strength has seriously affected the climate and environmental conditions in the Asian monsoonal region, and even in marginal islands and the ocean in the East Asian region. However, relevant understanding remains unclear due to the lack of suitable geological materials and effective proxies in the key study areas. Here, we present a grain-size record derived from the palaeo-aeolian sand dune in the southeastern Mu Us Desert, together with other proxies and OSL dating, which reflect a relatively detailed history of the winter monsoon and abrupt environmental events during the past 4.2 ka. Our grain-size standard deviation model indicated that >224 μm content can be considered as an indicator of the intensity of Asian winter monsoon, and it shows declined around 4.2-2.1 ka, enhanced but unstable in 2.1-0.9 ka, and obviously stronger since then. In addition, several typical climate events were also documented, forced by the periodic variation of winter monsoonal intensity. These include the cold intervals of 4.2, 2.8, 1.4 ka, and the Little Ice Age (LIA), and relatively warm sub-phases around 3.0, 2.1, 1.8 ka, and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), which were roughly accordant with the records of the aeolian materials, peat, stalagmites, ice cores, and sea sediments in various latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Combined with the previous progresses of the Asian summer monsoon, we preliminarily confirmed a millennial-scale anti-correlation of Asian winter and summer monsoons in the Late Holocene epoch. This study suggests that the evolution of the palaeo-aeolian sand dune has the potential for comprehending the history of Asian monsoon across the desert regions of the modern Asian monsoonal margin in northern China.  相似文献   
Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of meteoric water are known to correlate with surface air temperature, except in tropical areas. This relationship has been described using a number of terms corresponding to specific observations, such as latitude, altitude and seasonal effects. However, these temperature effects do not seem to apply to precipitation in monsoonal areas of Asia. Questions have been raised as to whether the isotopic composition of meteoric water can be used to reconstruct paleomonsoon intensity. Tree rings of two modern spruce trees (Picea meyeri) and a 10,000-yr-old timber (Picea jezoensis) were analyzed for hydrogen isotopic composition. On average, the older tree is depleted in deuterium by 45‰ compared to the modern trees. We attribute this isotopic depletion to the strength of summer monsoons, which were more intense in the early Holocene than at present. Although this study is not definitive, it suggests that paleomonsoon intensity can be reconstructed by direct or proxy methods that yield the oxygen or hydrogen isotopic composition of meteoric water.  相似文献   
利用重建的华南区域黑碳气溶胶(Black Carbon,BC)浓度资料,分析其与南海夏季风在年际尺度上的关系.结果 表明,华南区域BC浓度与南海夏季风的关系在2000年前后有明显的突变,由显著负相关变为显著正相关,即由高BC浓度弱季风变为高BC浓度强季风.通过合成对比分析,发现1988-1999年(第一时间段)的华南B...  相似文献   
SMIP2试验对亚洲夏季风的模拟能力及其可预报性的分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
利用参加第二次季节预测模式比较计划(Phase 2 of the Seasonal Prediction Model Intercomparison Project,简称SMIP2)的五个大气环流模式的输出结果,比较了这些模式对亚洲夏季降水的模拟能力,并讨论了大气环流模式在季节尺度上对亚洲夏季风的可预报性。结果表明,各模式能够较好地模拟亚洲夏季降水的大尺度分布特征。除了模拟的东亚夏季降水异常经验正交函数分解第一模态(EOF1)的时间系数与观测之间的相关系数较低之外,多数模式可以大致再现东亚、南亚和西太平洋夏季降水异常EOF1及其对应的时间系数。分析表明,热带地区有很好的可预报性,北半球副热带地区的可预报性尽管也较好,但比热带地区要低,南半球热带以外地区的可预报性较差,陆地上的可预报性比海洋上低。在热带和北半球副热带地区,由海温强迫所产生的较大外部方差对此地高可预报性有很大的贡献。与正常年份相比,模式在强El Ni?o年和强La Ni?a年表现出较高的可预报性,在南亚和印度洋地区大多数模式在El Ni?o年比La Ni?a年产生了更好的可预报性,在中西太平洋区域El Ni?o年可预报性的高值中心较La Ni?a年位置偏西。  相似文献   
华南季风降水对应的环流指数   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP再分析资料及台站和格点降水量资料分析了华南季风降水与周边大气环流的关系,并由此建立了反映6月华南降水强度的季风指数,这一季风指数利用菲律宾及其以东与华南850 hPa涡度差定义。华南季风指数具有很好的区域代表性,华南季风指数与亚洲格点日降水量的主要正相关区集中在华南。华南季风指数可以很好地描述华南降水的年际变化和极端年份,季风指数强 (弱) 的年份也是华南降水偏多 (少) 的年份,极端的华南季风指数年份对应极端的华南降水年份。华南季风指数高与低年份对应的华南降水量差值通过了0.01的显著性检验。在年代际尺度上,季风指数强 (弱) 的年代与华南降水偏多 (少) 的年代有很好的对应关系。华南季风指数包含了西南季风、副热带高压以及中高纬度西风槽等各影响系统的信息,可在业务上使用。  相似文献   
夏季南海上层环流动力机制的数值研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过利用一个分区性的正压-斜压衔接模式来探讨夏季南海的上层环流特征及其动力机制,结果表明:夏季期间,由于风生环流的不稳定性促使在东沙群岛附近的气旋涡的强度及位置发生变化,并间接导致黑潮侵入南海北部的程度变化以及气旋涡南侧的反气旋式环流、西沙群岛西南侧的气旋涡的强度和范围出现波动现象;在南海南部的北向西边界流由于离岸的西南季风所驱动在中南半岛中部沿岸脱离岸线往东北方向的流动,导致沿岸的水体大量流失而在沿岸形成一支南向补偿流并在西沙群岛西南侧诱生一气旋涡,而上述的离岸西边界流则作顺时针方向流动,从而在南海南部形成反气旋式大环流;在南沙海槽附近出现的局地气旋涡和万安滩附近的气旋涡分别受β效应、底形效应的作用而形成.  相似文献   
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