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通过对塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK和AT-6藻株)、链状亚历山大藻(ACDH藻株)和微小亚历山大藻(AM-1藻株)的PSP毒素含量和组成以及它们分别对轮虫、黑褐新糠虾和鲈鱼存活影响的比较研究发现:塔玛亚历山大藻AT-6藻株不产生麻痹性贝毒毒素PSP,而塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK、链状亚历山大藻ACDH和微小亚历山大藻AM-1均产生PSP毒素,其总含量分别为19.74、5.395、5.57fmol/cell(2.60、0.36、1.61pgSTXeq/cell)。塔玛亚历山大藻AT-6对轮虫、黑褐新糠虾和鲈鱼这三种生物均没有不利影响;对于轮虫,塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK和链状亚历山大藻ACDH的96hLC50分别为:200和1200cells/ml,而微小亚历山大藻AM-1无不利影响;对于糠虾,塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK、链状亚历山大藻ACDH和微小亚历山大藻AM-1的96hLC50分别为7000、11000、16000cells/ml;对于鲈鱼,这三株藻的96hLC50分别为3700、4000、20000cells/ml。四株亚历山大藻对三种生物的毒性大小与其PSP毒素含量和组成无直接的相关关系,其毒性作用可能来自其他未知毒性物质。塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK不同组分分别对三种生物的毒性比较研究表明:藻细胞重悬液和藻液对三种生物的不利影响最为显著,去藻过滤液和细胞碎片对轮虫和鲈鱼没有明显影响,但糠虾的存活率有所下降;细胞内容物对轮虫和糠虾也无影响,但对鲈鱼的存活有一定影响。以上研究表明:不同亚历山大藻的毒性大小存在差别,其对不同生物的危害机制也不相同,除PSP毒素外,亚历山大藻可能还存在其他的毒性物质。 相似文献
由于有害赤潮的发生日趋频繁,对养殖业、自然生态系统和人类健康的危害越来越大,造成的经济损失也逐渐增加,因而有害赤潮问题成为人们关注的焦点。藻毒素是有害赤潮致害的重要因子之一,而麻痹性贝毒(Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning,PSP)毒素又是藻毒素中分布最广、危害最大的一类毒素。随着科学家们对PSP毒素的来源(Steidinger,1993)、结构和作用方式(Penzotti et al.,1998)的深入研究,PSP毒素在赤潮研究、分子生物学和神经生物学基础研究、医药、军事防化等的应用也逐渐受到重视。本文作者针对这些问题进行了综合评述,以期为深入开展PSP毒素应用研究提供参考依据。 相似文献
Dissected tissues of three shellfish species,the Chinese scallop,Chlamys farreri,Manila clam,Ruditapes philippinarum,and Razor shell,Solen strictu were evaluated for in vitro transformation of paralytic shellfish poisoning(PSP) toxins. Tissue homogenates were incubated with extraction from toxic algae Alexandrium minutum to determine toxin conversion. The effects of heating and addition of a natural reductant(glutathione) on toxin conversion were also assessed. The toxin profile was investigated through high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection(HPLC-FLD) . The evident variations in the toxin content were observed only in Chinese scallop viscera homogenates. The concentration of GTX4 was reduced by 45%(approximately 0.8 μmol/dm 3 ) and 25%(approximately 1 μmol/dm 3 ) for GTX1,while GTX2 and GTX3 increased by six times(approximately 1 μmol/dm 3 ) and 3 times(approximately 0.3 μmol/dm 3 ) respectively. Simultaneously,the total toxicity decreased by 38% during the 48 h incubation period,the final toxicity was 20.4 nmol STXeq/g. Furthermore,heated Chinese scallop viscera homogenates samples were compared with non-heated samples. The concentration of the GTX4 and GTX1 was clearly 28%(approximately 0.53 μmol/dm 3 ) and 17%(approximately 0.69 μmol/dm 3 ) higher in heated samples,GTX2 and GTX3 were four times(0.66 μmol/dm 3 ) and two times(0.187 μmol/dm 3 ) lower respectively. GSH(+) Chinese scallop viscera homogenates samples were compared with GSH(-) samples,the concentration in the GTX4 and GTX1 was 9%(approximately 0.12 μmol/dm 3 ) and 11%(approximately 0.36 μmol/dm 3 ) lower respectively,GTX2 and GTX3 was 17%(approximately 0.14 μmol/dm 3 ) and 19%(approximately 0.006 μmol/dm 3 ) higher respectively. In contrast,there was a little change in the concentration of PSP toxins of Manila clam and Razor shell tissue homogenates. These observations on three shellfish tissues confirmed that there were species-specific differences in PSP toxins transformation. PSP toxins transformation was more pronounced in viscera tissue than in muscle tissue. PSP toxins was possibly interfered by some carbamoylase enzyme,and the activity in Chinese scallop viscera tissue is more remarkable than in the other two species. 相似文献
基于表层和柱状沉积物样品的理化分析和210Pb、137Cs测年,揭示了北部湾北部滨海湿地(0~6 m水深范围)沉积物中砷(As)、镉(Cd)和汞(Hg)元素的空间分布特征、近百年来的累积趋势及控制因素。结果表明研究区表层沉积物类型主要为砂,并且大风江口以东沉积物的粒度比以西的要粗;表层沉积物中As、Cd、Hg和有机质的含量分别是(8.11±5.80)、(0.08±0.11)、(0.034±0.028)μg/g和(0.73±0.74)%,铁山港顶部、南流江口东部、钦州湾和大风江口中部表层沉积物中3种元素含量相对较高;沉积物的粒度是控制元素空间分布的最主要因素,从钦江口、南周江(南流江)口和山口红树林保护区获得柱状样所处区域的平均沉积速率在20世纪20年代至今分别为0.93、1.75和1.35 cm/a;3个柱状样中As、Cd和Hg的含量在20世纪80年代中期至2000s中期呈现出明显增加的趋势,特别是钦江口和南周江(南流江)口区。河口区及上游沿岸人类活动对这些元素的输入是其近20年来含量增加的主要原因。 相似文献
Water plays a pivotal role in economic activity and in human well-being. Because of the prominence of water in production (primarily for irrigation) and in domestic use (drinking, washing, cooking), conflict over water and the effects of gender-influenced decisions about water may have far-reaching consequences on human well-being, economic growth, and social change. At the same time, social conflicts and social change are shaped and mediated, often in unexpected ways, by the natural conditions in which water occurs. The social relations of water are poorly understood. This article introduces a framework for disaggregating conditions of access to water and uses it to examine three pressing questions in Bangladesh. First, extraction of groundwater for irrigation has made many drinking-water hand pumps run dry. Second, increasing use of groundwater for drinking has been associated with the poisoning of at least 20 million people through naturally occurring arsenic in groundwater. Third, the article examines some of the ways access to water has been changed by the rise of shrimp aquaculture for export. This article highlights new directions for the analysis of interactions among water, class, and gender. The existing literature has tended to focus on the implications of gender analysis for government policy, especially development projects and water resources management, and for women's organization. In this article we begin to sketch some questions that arise from a concern to understand the broader context of social change. 相似文献
Arsenic and mercury contamination in 31 cores taken in 1965, St. Anna Trough, Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean
Several cores of 31 collected in 1965 in the St. Anna Trough, Kara Sea, have very high concentrations of Hg and As in surface/near-surface
samples. Mercury contents range from 94 to 3915 ppb with a mean of 444 ppb and a baseline value of 314 ppb. Arsenic contents
range from 5 to 710 ppm with a mean of 51 ppm and a baseline value of 23 ppm. The Hg and part of the As loading is likely
anthropogenic from industrial activities in Siberia via atmospheric emission and deposition onto catchments. This is followed
by mobilization into fluvial systems and is added to by industrial effluent discharge. Post-depositional diagenesis from depth
in the cores contributes to high As values. A north-flowing bottom current transports Hg- and As-bearing suspended material
from the Ob River sea discharge zone to depositional environments in the St. Anna Trough. Dumping of military materials and
other wastes into the Kara Sea from the late 1940s to 1991 has likely added to Hg and As loading in the trough sediments.
The bioavailability of mercury from suspended materials may be the reason why higher than normal levels of these potentially
toxic elements are found in European Arctic seabirds, ringed seal and polar bear.
Received: 12 December 1999 · Accepted: 23 May 2000 相似文献
目的:探讨紫外分光光度法测定秋水仙碱中毒血清,为临床秋水仙碱中毒提供诊疗依据。方法取0.5 mL 血清加提取液(三氯甲烷∶甲醇=95∶5)4.0 mL。充分震荡萃取,高速离心,取有机层于另一试管中氮气吹干,取0.2 mL 甲醇溶解残渣,混匀,取50 mL 做紫外扫描。结果血清中秋水仙碱最大吸收峰(351±1)nm,浓度在5.0~40μg/mL 范围内呈线性,回归方程Y =0.0502X +0.0013,其相关系数为0.9995,回收率为83.8%~102.8%,相对标准差为3.3%~4.8%。日内、日间相对标准差分别为3.22%~4.74%和3.45%~4.66%,最低检出浓度为1.0μg/mL。结论该方法操作简便,分析快速,结果准确,为临床诊断秋水仙碱中毒提供了一个简便准确的检测方法。 相似文献
Characterization of sediments in an abandoned mining area; a case study of Mansfeld region,Germany 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rainer?WennrichEmail author Jürgen?Mattusch Peter?Morgenstern Klaus?Freyer Hanns-Christian?Treutler Hans-Joachim?St?rk Lutz?Brüggemann Albrecht?Paschke Birgit?Daus Holger?Weiss 《Environmental Geology》2004,45(6):818-833
The distribution of selected heavy metals, including some radionuclides, metalloids and non-metals was determined in stream sediments in a region influenced by abandoned copper mining and ore processing activities. A considerable amount of the ore processing waste with a very complex composition and highly elevated concentrations of zinc, sulfur, lead, copper, arsenic, and a lot of other elements in the range between 100 and 1,000 mg/kg (Sb, Mn, Ni, Cr, Cd, Hg, and Ag) was piled up on mine dumps. The dispersion of the pollutants originating from this source and their environmental impact were investigated. Both, sediments and original waste material were studied to indicate the pathways and the mobilization behavior of different pollutants. For this purpose, the process of the elution of pollutants by application of different fractionation schemes was studied. The capabilities of different analytical techniques are shown for the analysis of solid samples (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Gamma-spectrometry) and liquid ones (ICP-atomic emission spectrometry, ICP-mass spectrometry and different techniques of atomic absorption). Additionally, the coupling of ion chromatography and ICP-MS detection was used to study the distribution of arsenic species in the sediment cores of a lake which acts as a natural sink for the region. 相似文献
Regional hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow modeling in the arsenic-affected areas of the western Bengal basin, West Bengal, India 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
The first documented interpretation of the regional-scale hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow is presented for a ~21,000-km2 area of the arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal [Murshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas (including Calcutta)], India. A hydrostratigraphic model demonstrates the presence of a continuous, semi-confined sand aquifer underlain by a thick clay aquitard. The aquifer thickens toward the east and south. In the south, discontinuous clay layers locally divide the near-surface aquifer into several deeper, laterally connected, confined aquifers. Eight 22-layer model scenarios of regional groundwater flow were developed based on the observed topography, seasonal conditions, and inferred hydrostratigraphy. The models suggest the existence of seasonally variable, regional, north–south flow across the basin prior to the onset of extensive pumping in the 1970s. Pumping has severely distorted the flow pattern, inducing high vertical hydraulic gradients across wide cones of depression. Pumping has also increased total recharge (including irrigational return flow), inflow from rivers, and sea water intrusion. Consequently, downward flow of arsenic contaminated shallow groundwater appears to have resulted in contamination of previously safe aquifers by a combination of mechanical mixing and changes in chemical equilibrium. 相似文献
Geochemical signature of orogenic hydrothermal activity in an active tectonic intersection zone,Alpine Fault,New Zealand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J.?R.?Campbell D.?CrawEmail author R.?Frew T.?Horton C.?P.?Chamberlain 《Mineralium Deposita》2004,39(4):437-451
A highly faulted and fractured rock mass has developed at the intersection of the Alpine and Hope faults, two major active faults in the South Island, New Zealand. The Alpine Fault is an oblique dextral reverse fault at the late Cenozoic-Recent Pacific-Australian plate boundary. The Hope Fault is a strike-slip fault parallel to the plate convergence vector. Hydrothermal fluids driven by the active tectonic processes have passed through the fractured rock mass, causing localised rock alteration and vein formation. Mylonites in the Alpine Fault zone are crosscut by cm-scale veins of quartz and/or ankerite with minor sulphides, with cemented breccias in dilational jogs. Breccia clasts and immediate (cm-scale) host rocks have been variably impregnated with carbonates and quartz. This generation of veins, breccias and altered rocks is post-dated by cataclasite and fault gouge zones which have been cemented by calcite, illite, smectite and chamosite. Ankerite and calcite have 18O between +10 and +30, and 13C between 0 and –8. These minerals are inferred to have formed from water with variable components of both meteoric and crustally exchanged fluid. Rock alteration associated with ankerite–quartz veins has added arsenic (up to 200 ppm As), strontium, and some Y to the rocks. Host-rock mylonites (<2 ppm As) have been depleted in arsenic compared to their precursors (5–15 ppm As). This depletion of arsenic in the middle crust provides the source for arsenic in shallower-level vein systems.Editorial handling: N. White 相似文献