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青藏高原北缘前寒武纪地质演化:进展与讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
青藏高原北缘前寒武纪块体主要出露于塔里木盆地南缘的铁克里克和阿尔金、祁连山及柴达木盆地周缘等地区。这些古老块体分布于相对年轻的古生代秦祁昆造山带之中,大多经历了古生代造山事件的改造叠加。近10年来,对该地区前寒武纪地层时代格架、物质组成和构造属性研究取得了许多进展:1)揭示铁克里克、北阿尔金、全吉和阿拉善地块具有相似的2.5~2.2 Ga、2.1~1.7 Ga的基底演化和1.7 Ga之后的盖层沉积记录,反映塔里木克拉通、全吉地块和华北克拉通在Columbia 超大陆中具有相关和相似性。2)一系列地层时代被重新厘定,为建立新的前寒武纪地层划分方案提供了依据;3)厘定出铁克里克新元古代裂谷火山—沉积盆地,其可以与华北克拉通南缘1 000~830 Ma的裂解事件对比,它们在新元古代早期可能构成同一个克拉通裂解边缘;4)在南阿尔金与祁连、柴达木等地块识别出性质相似的新元古代岩浆作用和变质作用,它们可能共同代表一个新元古代早期活动大陆边缘的构造杂岩,为古生代汇聚、增生于塔里木克拉通或华北克拉通南缘的外来地块,存在于秦祁昆造山带之中。目前关于青藏高原北缘前寒武纪块体的物质组成、时代格架、构造属性和古环境变化研究还存在许多问题,仍需要开展进一步的大量工作。  相似文献   
碧口地块北缘下中泥盆统踏坡组的物源长期被认为来自碧口地块新元古界基底——碧口岩群,但一直缺少碎屑锆石物源数据的支持。本文对略阳地区泥盆系踏坡组不同层位的3个碎屑岩样品开展了系统的岩石学、锆石岩相学及其U-Pb定年和微量元素组成研究。锆石晶体特征对比分析显示,研究样品存在两种类型的锆石:普遍发育变质增生边的碎屑锆石(剖面北段样品)和不发育变质增生边的典型岩浆成因的碎屑锆石(剖面南、中段样品)。前者显示2个年龄峰值(~2.5 Ga主峰、~2.0 Ga次峰),还形成了2473±24 Ma的上交点年龄和359±84 Ma的下交点年龄,而后者两个样品有着一致的年龄峰值(~2.0 Ga主峰、~2.5 Ga次峰和~1.39 Ga微小峰值)。3个样品的谐和年龄均大于1.3 Ga,并不能限定踏坡组的沉积时代,且均不支持其物源主要来自碧口岩群的传统认识。碎屑锆石地球化学判别图解指示它们的源岩主要为形成于造山带环境中的花岗岩类(花岗闪长岩和英云闪长岩)、基性岩和钾镁煌斑岩。基于样品中的岩屑类型,结合区域地质、古流向、锆石年龄对比和源岩判别,认为踏坡组的原始物源来自位于扬子板块北缘的太古宙—古元古代基底(鱼洞子杂岩和崆岭杂岩),并且鱼洞子杂岩在踏坡组沉积后期曾大面积出露/抬升。同时表明碧口地块可能至少在早中泥盆世就与扬子板块拼合在一起了。  相似文献   
太子河流域西部竹蜓类动物群,以本溪—牛心台地区为最发育,一般可划分为一个共存延限带,一个组合带,后者又可进一步划分为3个组合亚带。ⅡFusulina-Fusulinela组合带3Fusulinacylindrica-F.quasicylindrica组合亚带2Fusulinelaprovectu-Fusulinapseudokonnoi组合亚带1Fusulinaschelwieni-F.mayiensis组合亚带ⅠProfusulinelaparva-Eostafelasubsolana共存延限带Profusulinelaparva系作者等研究辽南竹蜓类并建带的带分子,Eostuffelasubsolana为盛金章教授建立的辽东本溪群下部竹蜓带的带分子,时代为中石炭世早期。Fusulina-Fusulinela组合带代表本区及东北南部最发育的竹蜓类动物群。该带属于中石炭世中—晚期,也是太子河流域最大海侵期。以上二个竹蜓类生物带总体应属于Moscovian阶,时代为中石炭世。  相似文献   
Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is investigated in samples of Peralimala (PM) pluton (ca. 550 Ma) and adjacent gneiss, gabbro, mylonite and amphibolite from the Moyar Shear Zone (MSZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) with an aim to decipher the time-relationship between fabric development in the pluton and regional tectonics. Magnetic foliation recorded in the PM pluton is sub-parallel to the WNW-ESE striking MSZ. Magnetic foliation and lineation trajectories are sigmoidal and curve into the shear zone. A dextral sense of shear is deciphered from the trajectories, which is similar to that reported within the MSZ in some earlier studies. It is inferred that the PM pluton has developed post-emplacement deformation-fabric related to reactivation of the MSZ during Pan-African age. Based on the data and existing information about regional tectonics of the area, the possibility of the (a) PM pluton being a Deformed Alkali Rock and Carbonatite (DARC) and (b) MSZ marking an ancient suture zone, is discussed.  相似文献   
In the southern part of the French Armorican massif, the Ligerian domain is located along the boundary between Gondwana and Armorica. Lithological, geochemical and structural data on the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit, which is the northern part of the Ligerian domain, allow us to distinguish two sub-units. A southern sub-unit, formed by various blocks (chert, limestone, sandstone, rhyolite, mafic rocks) of Silurian to Middle Devonian age included as olistoliths in a Middle-Late Devonian terrigeneous matrix, overthrusts a sandstone-pelite northern sub-unit. Both units experienced two deformation events. The first one is a top-to-the-NW thrusting and the second one is a left-lateral wrenching. The Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit is an accretionary prism formed during the Late Devonian closure of the Layon rift, coeval with the main phase of the Variscan orogeny. The Layon rift, which according to the mafic olistoliths was partly floored by oceanic crust, appears as a buffer structural zone that accounts for the lack in Central Brittany of any tectonic or sedimentary echo of the closure of the Medio-European Ocean. The tectonic evolution of the Saint-Georges-sur-Loire Unit supports a polyorogenic model for this part of the Variscan Belt.  相似文献   
辽西四合屯脊椎动物集群死亡事件:火山爆发的灾变记录   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
辽西北票以ConfuciusornisSinosauropteryxZhangheotherium为代表的四合屯脊椎动物组合发现于义县组下部湖相沉积中,时代为早白垩世Barremian中期(J—K界线144 Ma)或Valanginian晚期(J—K界线136 Ma)。化石包括鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类及无脊椎动物和被子植物,孔子鸟类群和具“羽毛”的小型兽脚类恐龙共生。野外发掘表明,化石完整地保存骨骼硬体及羽毛、食物、胃石、卵等软体及生理组织,确认多次非正常生物集群死亡事件。在四合屯发掘剖面上,含化石正常沉积的湖相页岩与火山喷发事件形成的沉凝灰岩互层,中酸性火山爆发形成的环境突变效应是导致脊椎动物集群死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   
刘发刚  刘星  彭程  曾庆荣 《云南地质》2005,24(4):414-420
将金平县龙脖河口一带原划二叠纪的玄武岩组,三叠纪的个旧组、火把冲组,更正为元古代,并命名为龙脖河岩群。为研究该区的地层展布、大地构造环境、古地理、构造活动等提供了新资料。  相似文献   
Yujiro  Nishimura  Philippa M.  Black  Tetsumaru  Itaya 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):416-431
Abstract A southwest dipping Mesozoic accretionary complex, which consists of tectonically imbricated turbiditic mudstone and sandstone, hemipelagic siliceous mudstone, and bedded cherts and basaltic rocks of pelagic origin, is exposed in northern North Island, New Zealand. Interpillow limestone is sometimes contained in the basaltic rocks. The grade of subduction‐related metamorphism increases from northeast to southwest, indicating an inverted metamorphic gradient dip. Three metamorphic facies are recognized largely on the basis of mineral parageneses in sedimentary and basaltic rocks: zeolite, prehnite‐pumpellyite and pumpellyite‐actinolite. From the apparent interplanar spacing d002 data for carbonaceous material, which range from 3.642 to 3.564 Å, the highest grade of metamorphism is considered to have attained only the lowermost grade of the pumpellyite‐actinolite facies for which the highest temperature may be approximately 300°C. Metamorphic white mica K–Ar ages are reported for magnetic separates and <2 µm hydraulic elutriation separates from 27 pelitic and semipelitic samples. The age data obtained from elutriation separates are approximately 8 m.y. younger, on average, than those from magnetic separates. The age difference is attributed to the possible admixture of nonequilibrated detrital white mica in the magnetic separates, and the age of the elutriation separates is considered to be the age of metamorphism. If the concept, based on fossil evidence, of the subdivision of the Northland accretionary complex into north and south units is accepted, then the peak age of metamorphism in the north unit is likely to be 180–130 Ma; that is, earliest Middle Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous, whereas that in the south unit is 150–130 Ma; that is, late Late Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous. The age cluster for the north unit correlates with that of the Chrystalls Beach–Taieri Mouth section (uncertain terrane), while the age cluster for the south unit is older than that of the Younger Torlesse Subterrane in the Wellington area, and may be comparable with that of the Nelson and Marlborough areas (Caples and Waipapa terranes).  相似文献   
We present results and interpretation of a 72 km long deep seismic reflection profile acquired across the internal zone of the Hercynian belt of South Brittany. The profile is of excellent quality, most of the crust being highly reflective. The “ARMOR 2 South” profile, is correlated with the “ARMOR 2 North” profile that was published in 2003. Correlation of the main subsurface reflections with surface geological and structural data provides important information about the crustal structure that resulted from thickening during Late Devonian and regional-scale extension during Late Carboniferous. In particular, seismics image shows a very high reflectivity zone, lying flat over more than 40 km at about 10–12 km depth. This zone is interpreted as a major zone of ductile crustal thinning.  相似文献   
In the Cleaverville area of Western Australia, the Regal, Dixon Island, and Cleaverville Formations preserve a Mesoarchean lower‐greenschist‐facies volcano‐sedimentary succession in the coastal Pilbara Terrane. These formations are distributed in a rhomboidal‐shaped area and are unconformably overlain by two narrowly distributed shallow‐marine sedimentary sequences: the Sixty‐Six Hill and Forty‐Four Hill Members of the Lizard Hills Formation. The former member is preserved within the core of the Cleaverville Syncline and the latter formed along the northeast‐trending Eighty‐Seven Fault. Based on the metamorphic grade and structures, two deformation events are recognized: D1 resulted in folding caused by a collisional event, and D2 resulted in regional sinistral strike‐slip deformation. A previous study reported that the Cleaverville Formation was deposited at 3020 Ma, after the Prinsep Orogeny (3070–3050 Ma). Our SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages show that: (i) graded volcaniclastic–felsic tuff within the black shale sequence below the banded iron formation in the Cleaverville Formation yields an age of (3 114 ±14) Ma; (ii) the youngest zircons in sandstones of the Sixty‐Six Hill Member, which unconformably overlies pillow basalt of the Regal Formation, yield ages of 3090–3060 Ma; and (iii) zircons in sandstones of the Forty‐Four Hill Member show two age peaks at 3270 Ma and 3020 Ma. In this way, the Cleaverville Formation was deposited at 3114–3060 Ma and was deformed at 3070–3050 Ma (D1). Depositional age of the Cleaverville Formation is at least 40–90 Myr older than that proposed in previous studies and pre‐dates the Prinsep Orogeny (3070–3050 Ma). After 3020 Ma, D2 resulted in the formation of a regional strike‐slip pull‐apart basin in the Cleaverville area. The lower‐greenschist‐facies volcano‐sedimentary rocks are distributed only within this basin structure. This strike‐slip deformation was synchronous with crustal‐scale sinistral shear deformation (3000–2930 Ma) in the Pilbara region.  相似文献   
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